

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-23 來源: 主持詞 點擊:

  魔戒首部曲之魔戒現(xiàn)身 HDrip-加長版 這世界改變了 The world is changed. 我從水中觸摸到 I feel it in the water. 我從地上感覺到 I feel it in the earth. 我從空氣中嗅到 I smell it in the air. 過去的一切 Much that once was... 都已失落...is lost. 現(xiàn)在沒有人記得了 For none now live who rember it. 這一切都從鑄造魔戒開始 It began with the forging of the Great Rings. 精靈族得到三只戒指 Three were given to the Elves." 他們能夠長生不老也是最有智慧、最公平的種族 Immortal, wisest and fairest of allbeings. 矮人族分到七只戒指 Seven to the Dwarf-lords." 他們很會挖掘礦坑是山洞的巧心工匠 Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.而人類…And nine... 則分到九只戒指...nine rings were gifted to the race of Men... 他們比別人更貪圖權(quán)力...who, above all else, desire power. 中土世界 每只戒指都擁有統(tǒng)治每個種族的力量 For within these rings was bound the strength andwill to govern each race. 但他們都受到欺騙 But they were all of them deceived. 因為還鑄造了另一只 For another ring was made.

  魔多 在魔多末日火山的烈焰中 In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom...黑暗魔君索倫暗中鑄造了可以奴役世界的…...the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret aMaster Ring... 至尊魔戒...to control all others. 他在至尊魔戒中注入他的邪惡、殘酷 And into this Ring he poured his cruelty, hismalice... 以及統(tǒng)治天下的可怕欲望...and his will to dominate all life. 一只駕馭一切的至尊魔戒 One Ring to rule them all. 一個接一個 One by one... 中土世界的自由之土感受到至尊魔戒的力量...theFreeLandsofMiddle-earthfelltothepower of the Ring. 但是有些人群起反抗 But there were some who resisted. 組成了精靈和人類的最后同盟對抗魔多的邪惡兵團 A Last Alliance of Men and Elvesmarched against the armies of Mordor. 他們在險惡的末日火山為中土世界的自由奮戰(zhàn) And on the slopes of Mount Doom, theyfought for the freedom of Middle-earth. 勝利終于在望 Victory was near. 但是至尊魔戒的力量 But the power of the Ring... 無人能敵...could not be undone. 就在這時候 It was in this moment... 當大家都失去希望之際...when all hope had faded...

  人皇之子埃西鐸拾起他父親的寶劍...thatIsildur,sonoftheking,tookuphisfather"ssword. 黑暗魔君索倫,中土世界自由人民之敵終于被擊敗Sauron,theenemyoftheFreePeoplesof Middle-earth, was defeated. 至尊魔戒落入埃西鐸手中 The Ring passed to Isildur... 他只有一次機會永遠摧毀邪惡...who had this one chance to destroy evil forever.但是人心 But the hearts of Men... 很容易受到蠱惑...are easily corrupted. 而且至尊魔戒力量不受到控制 And the Ring of Power has a will of its own.它背叛了埃西鐸 It betrayed Isildur... 最后害死了他...to his death. 不該被遺忘的東西 And some things that should not have been forgotten...也遺失了...were lost. 歷史成為傳說 History became legend... 傳說成為神話...legend became myth. 兩千五百年來 And for two and a half thousand years... 至尊魔戒的下落無人得知...the Ring passed out of all knowledge. 命運巧妙的安排 Until, when chance came... 讓它蠱惑一個新的持有者...it ensnared a new bearer. 我的 xxMy precious. 至尊魔戒落入咕魯手中 The Ring came to the creature Gollum... 他把它帶到迷霧山脈的洞穴中...who took it deep into the tunnels of the MistyMountains.

  他的身心完全被魔戒占據(jù) And there it consumed him. 它落到我手中 It came to me. 這是我的,我的愛,是我的 My own. My love. My own. 我的 xxMy precious. 它讓咕魯?shù)玫竭`反自然的長壽 The Ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life.五百年來它扭曲他的心智 For

 years it poisoned his mind. 它在咕魯陰暗的洞穴中靜靜地等待 And in the gloom of Gollum"s cave, it waited.黑暗再度籠罩大地 Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. 謠傳東方升起邪惡力量 Rumor grew of a shadow in the East... 人們心中產(chǎn)生無比的恐懼...whispers of a nameless fear. 于是至尊魔戒知道 And the Ring of Power perceived...

 它舍棄了咕魯 It abandoned Gollum. 但是出乎至尊魔戒的意料之外 But something happened then the Ring did not intend.它被一個料想不到的人撿到Itwaspickedupbythemostunlikelycreatureimaginable.這是什么?What"s this? 一個哈比人 A Hobbit. 夏爾的比爾博巴金斯 Bilbo Baggins of the Shire. 一只戒指 A ring. 不見了!Lost! 我的寶貝不見了!My precious is lost!

 哈比人將決定世界的命運...when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.戴爾 年 The nd day of September...

  月日...in the year ... xx 以夏爾歷法計算...by Shire-reckoning. xx 哈比屯西區(qū),巴榭路,袋底洞 Bag End, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing...伊利雅德 xx...the Shire... 中土世界...Middle-earth. 世界第三紀元 The Third Age of this world. "去而復(fù)返: There and Back Again." 哈比人的故事"A Hobbit"s Tale. 比爾博巴金斯著 By Bilbo Baggins. "去而復(fù)返: 哈比人的故事"比爾 xxxxxx 現(xiàn)在…Now... 該從何說起呢?...where to begin? 是了 Ah, yes... "關(guān)于…"Concerning... 關(guān)于哈比人 …哈比人"...Hobbits."

  哈比人一直都在夏爾的四區(qū)開懇種植、安居樂業(yè)Hobbitshavebeenlivingandfarminginthe four Farthings of the Shire... 數(shù)百年來...for many hundreds of years... 都樂于受到世人遺忘...quite content to ignore and be ignored... 也就是世上的其他人種...by the world of the Big Folk. 畢竟中土世界充滿不計其數(shù)的奇怪生物 Middle-earth being, after all, full of strangecreatures beyond count... 哈比人的存在微不足道...Hobbits must seem of little importance... 他們并非驍勇善戰(zhàn)的武士...being neither renowned as great warriors... 也不算是聰明絕頂?shù)闹钦?..nor counted among the very wise. 佛羅多,有人在敲門 Frodo! Someone at the door. 老實說,有人說 In fact, it has been remarked by some... 哈比人唯一的熱愛就是食物...that Hobbits" only real passion is for food.但這是很不公平的說法 A rather unfair observation... 因為我們也很喜歡釀啤酒...as we have also developed a keen interest in the brewingof ales... 和抽煙草...and the smoking of pipe-weed. 但是我們真正的最愛 But where our hearts truly lie... 就是和平寧靜...is in peace and quiet... 還有肥沃的土地...and good, tilled earth. 每一個哈比人都熱愛從土里長出來的東西 For all Hobbits share a love of things thatgrow.

  別人一定會覺得我們的日子過得太悠閑 And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seemquaint. 但是今天更是印證了我的想法 But today of all days, it is brought home to me."能過樸實簡單的生活真的是一種幸福 It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.生日快樂比爾博巴金斯 佛羅多,快去開門 Frodo, the door! 討厭,那小子呢?Sticklebacks. Where is that boy? xxFrodo! 外面風景多美麗 Down from the door where it began 我要踏上這旅程 And I must follow if I can 眼前道路無止盡 The road goes ever on and on 蜿蜒崎嶇又漫長 Down from the door where it began 雖然路程尚遙遠 Now far ahead the road has gone -我必須繼續(xù)前進-你遲到了- And I must follow if I can - You"re late.巫師絕對不會遲到佛羅多巴金斯 A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. 也不會早到他一定是按照計劃準時到Norisheearly.Hearrivespreciselywhenhemeansto. 見到你真好,甘道夫 It"s wonderful to see you, Gandalf! 我怎么會錯過你比爾博叔叔的生日?You didn"t think I"d miss your Uncle Bilbo"sbirthday? 那老不死還好吧?How is the old rascal? 聽說生日宴會非常盛大 I hear it"s going to be a party of special magnificence.你也知道比爾博他把這兒搞得雞飛狗跳 You know Bilbo. He"s got the whole place in anuproar.

  這樣他應(yīng)該高興了 Well, that should please him. 夏爾有一半人都被邀請 Half the Shire"s been invited. 另外一半也不請自來 And the rest of them are turning up anyway. 夏爾的哈比人如往常一樣過著日子 And so life in the Shire goes on... 從古到今都一樣...very much as it has this past Age...

 因為夏爾的一切歷久彌新 For things are made to endure in the Shire... 一代地傳下去...passing from one generation to the next. 巴金斯家族一直都有成員住在山丘下的…There"salwaysbeenaBagginslivinghereunderthe Hill... 袋底洞...in Bag End. 以后也一定會有 And there always will be. 不過說實話最近比爾博有點怪 To tell you the truth, Bilbo"s been a bit odd lately.跟以前比起來更古怪 I mean, more than usual. 他成天把自己關(guān)在書房 He"s taken to locking himself in his study. 我每次趁他不注意偷看都看到他總是在研究地圖Hespendshoursporingoveroldmapswhenhe thinks I"m not looking. 它跑哪兒去了?Where"s it gone? 他一定在搞什么名堂 He"s up to something. -好吧,你不說拉倒-什么?- All right, then. Keep your secrets. - What?我知道你一定脫不了關(guān)系 But I know you have something to do with it. 真是的 Good gracious me.

  在你出現(xiàn)前巴金斯家族一向都很規(guī)矩Beforeyoucamealong,weBagginseswereverywellthought of. 這倒是真的 Indeed. 我們從不冒險或犯規(guī) Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected.如果你指的是那只惡龍那件事與我無關(guān) If you"re referring to the incident with thedragon, I was barely involved. 我只是推了你叔叔一把 All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door.不管怎樣你都正式被列為搗亂份子 Whatever you did, you"ve been officially labeled adisturber of the peace. 真的嗎?Oh, really? 甘道夫!甘道夫!Gandalf! Gandalf! 放煙火,甘道夫 Fireworks, Gandalf! -甘道夫-放煙火,甘道夫- Gandalf! - Fireworks, Gandalf! xx?Gandalf? -你回來了,我好高興-我也是,好孩子- I"m glad you"re back. - So am I, dear boy.我也是 So am I. 不要,多謝了 No, thank you! 我不歡迎訪客、祝壽者或遠親Wedon"twantanymorevisitors,well-wishersordistantrelations! 那么一個老朋友呢?And what about very old friends? xx?Gandalf? -比爾博巴金斯-甘道夫老友- Bilbo Baggins. - My dear Gandalf! 見到你真好歲大壽,誰會相信?Good to see you.

 years old! Who would believe it?你一點都沒老 You haven"t aged a day.

 來吧 Oh, here we are. 喝杯茶?或是小酌兩杯?Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger? 我還有幾瓶年的陳年好酒 I"ve got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. .很好的年份,幾乎跟我一樣老 Very good year. Almost as old as I am. 我老爸珍藏的,開一瓶如何?It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?我喝茶就好,謝謝 Just tea, thank you. 你上禮拜就該到了 I was expecting you sometime last week.

 只是我有點措手不及家里只有凍雞和腌黃瓜 You caught me a bit unprepared. We"ve onlygot cold chicken and a bit of pickle... 還有乳酪,不行,太寒酸了 There"s some cheese here. No, that won"t do. 我有覆盆子果醬、蘋果餡餅 We"ve got raspberry jam, an apple tart... 但是好像還不太夠哦,不,我沒問題 But not much for afters. Oh, no, we"re all right.我找到一些海綿蛋糕 I"ve just found some sponge cake. xx 我可以煮幾個蛋…I could make you some eggs if you"d... -茶就行了,謝謝-好吧- Just tea, thank you. - Oh, right. -你介意我吃嗎?-你盡管吃吧- You don"t mind if I eat, do you? - No, not at all.比爾博巴金斯 Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins! 說我不在家 I"m not at home! 塞克維爾巴金斯 It"s the Sackville-Bagginses. -我知道你在家-他們在打我房子的主意- I know you"re in there! - They"re after thehouse.

  我這么老不死他們一直都不原諒我 They"ve never forgiven me for living this long.我被這些像蒼蠅成天黏著我的親戚I"vegottogetawayfromtheseconfoundedrelatives,hanging on the bell all day... 吵得一刻不得安寧...never giving me a moment"s peace. 我好想再看到高聳的山脈 I want to see mountains again. Mountains, Gandalf!然后找一個安靜的地方寫書啊,茶滾了AndthenfindsomewherequietwhereIcanfinishmy book. Oh, tea. -你真的要實現(xiàn)你的計劃?-對,一切都在計劃中- So you mean to go through with yourplan? - Yes, yes. It"s all in hand. 我全都安排好了 All the arrangements are made. xx 你 Oh, thank you. 佛羅多起了疑心 Frodo suspects something. 當然了他可是巴金斯家的人 Of course he does. He"s a Baggins... 不是硬瓶家的笨小孩...not some blockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle.你會告訴他吧?You will tell him, won"t you? -你會告訴他吧?-他很喜歡你- Yes, yes. - He"s very fond of you. 我知道 I know.

 但他還是衷心深愛夏爾的家園Ithinkinhisheart,Frodo"sstillinlovewitheShire.綠油油的樹林和草地 The woods, the fields. 潺潺的溪流 Little rivers. 我老了,甘道夫 I am old, Gandalf. 雖然我看起來并不老但是我的心老了 I know I don"t look it, but I"m beginning to feelit in my heart. 我的意志變得很薄弱 I feel thin.

  一切都索然無味 Sort of stretched... 就像面包上的牛油涂得不夠多...like butter scraped over too much bread.我需要一個很長的假期 I need a holiday. A very long holiday. 我并不打算回來 And I don"t expect I shall return. 我打定主意不回來 In fact, I mean not to. 老托比種的南區(qū)最好的煙草 Old Toby. The finest weed in the Southfarthing.甘道夫老友 Gandalf, my old friend... 這將是令人難忘的一晚...this will be a night to rember. 你好 Hello, hello.

。蚁朐俸纫槐【疲恍欣-IthinkI"lljusthaveanotherale.-Oh,no,youdon"t.去呀 Go on! 我站在那兒 So there I was... 面對三個可怕的食人妖...at the mercy of three monstrous trolls. 它們吵著…And they were all arguing amongst themselves... 要怎么把我們煮來吃...about how they were going to cook us. 是一口就把我們給吞了或是一個接著一個把我們壓扁 Whether it be turned on a spit, orto sit on us one by one, squash us into jelly. 他們喋喋不休吵個沒完沒了 They spent so much time arguing the whithertos and thewhyfors... 結(jié)果天亮的第一道曙光...thatthesun"sfirstlightcreptoverthetopofthetrees...把它們都變成石頭...and turned them all to stone! 快點 Quickly. 飛走了 Up they go!

  最大的那個啦 No, the big one.

 這都是你的小孩嗎?Are all these children yours? 老天爺,你還真能生呀 Good gracious, you have been productive. 比爾 xx?Bilbo? 塞克維爾巴金斯 Sackville-Bagginses! 快躲起來 Quickly, hide! 謝了,好侄子 Thank you, my boy. 你真是個好孩子,佛羅多 You"re a good lad, Frodo. 我一直都很自私 I"m very selfish, you know. 我真的很自私自利 Yes, I am. Very selfish. 你爸媽死后我收養(yǎng)了你不過并不是出于好心 I don"t know why I took you in after yourmother and father died...but it wasn"t out of charity. 我想是因為…I think it was because... 在這么多親戚里頭...of all my numerous relations... 只有你有一種冒險的精神...you were the one Baggins that showed real spirit.比爾博,你是不是偷喝了老爹自己釀的啤酒?Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer"s homebrew? 沒有 No. 但是這并不重要 Well, yes, but that"s not the point. 重要的是…The point is, Frodo... 你一定會過得很好...you"ll be all right.

  -插好了-你應(yīng)該把它插在地上- Done! - You"re supposed to stick it in the ground.-插好了呀-要插在外面啦- It is in the ground. - Outside! 這都是你的餿主意 This was your idea. 比爾 xxBilbo. 當心那只飛龍 Bilbo, watch out for the dragon! 這兒有一千年沒出現(xiàn)飛龍了 Nonse. There hasn"t been a dragon in these parts for athousand years. -這兒有一千年沒出現(xiàn)飛龍了-再來一次- That was good. - Let"s get another one.梅里亞達克.烈酒鹿和彼利堅.圖克 Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. 我就知道 I might"ve known. 致詞,比爾博 Speech, Bilbo! 致詞!Speech! 致詞!Speech! 親愛的巴金斯家和波芬家 My dear Bagginses and Boffins... 圖克家和烈酒鹿家...Tooks and Brandybucks... 葛盧伯家、丘伯家...Grubbs, Chubbs... 吹號者家...Hornblowers... xx 哲家...Bolgers... 抱腹家...Bracegirdles... -和傲腳家-是傲足啦...and Proudfoots. - Proudfeet! 今天是我歲生日 Today is my th birthday! 生日快樂 Happy birthday!

  但是年的時光太短了我真想多跟你們在一起B(yǎng)ut alas, eleventy-one years is far tooshort a time to live among... 這么杰出優(yōu)秀的哈比人...such excellent and admirable Hobbits. 我只認識你們一丁點 I don"t know half of you half as well as I should like...而你們一丁點也不值得我喜歡...and I like less than half of you half as well as youdeserve. 我要做一件事 I have things to do. 這件事我拖了太久 I"ve put this off far too long. 很遺憾我要宣布宴會結(jié)束了 I regret to announce this is the end! 我要走了 I"m going now. 我要向大家道別 I bid you all a very fond farewell. 再見 Goodbye. 你一定覺得這招很高明 I suppose you think that was terribly clever. 你沒看到他們的表情嗎?Come on, Gandalf. Did you see their faces? 世上有很多神奇戒指但是不該隨便亂用Therearemanymagicringsinthisworld,andnoneof them should be used lightly. 我只是開個玩笑 It was just a bit of fun. 不過就像平常一樣,你說的對 Oh, you"re probably right, as usual. -你會照顧佛羅多吧?-當然會- You will keep an eye on Frodo, won"t you? - Two eyes.我會好好照顧他 As often as I can spare them. -我要把一切都留給他-那只戒指呢?-I"mleavingeverythingtohim.-Whataboutthisring of yours? -那也要留下來嗎?-當然- Is that staying too? - Yes, yes.

  我用信封裝好放在壁爐上面 It"s in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece.不對,等一下…No. Wait, it"s... 它在我的口袋...here in my pocket. 真奇怪,不是嗎?Isn"t that...? Isn"t that odd, now? 是呀,有何不可呢?Yet, after all, why not? -我何不留著它?-你應(yīng)該把戒指留下來- Why shouldn"t I keep it? - I think you shouldleave the ring behind. 有這么困難嗎?Is that so hard? 沒有呀 Well, no. 當然有 And yes.

 -你也沒必要動肝火吧-這全是你的錯- There"s no need to get angry. - Well, if I"mangry, it"s your fault! 它是我的 It"s mine. 我一個人的 My own. -我的寶貝-寶貝?- My precious. - Precious? 以前也有別人這么叫過它 It"s been called that before, but not by you. 這是我的戒指,與你無關(guān) What business is it of yours what I do with my own things?那只戒指你留著夠久了 I think you"ve had that ring quite long enough. -你只想獨吞它-比爾博巴金斯!- You want it for yourself! - Bilbo Baggins!別把我當成一個江湖術(shù)士 Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks.我并不想搶你的東西 I am not trying to rob you. 我只想幫助你 I"m trying to help you. 我們都認識這么久了 All your long years, we"ve been friends.

  請你像以前一樣相信我 Trust me as you once did. 放手吧 Let it go. 你說得對 You"re right, Gandalf. 戒指一定要留給佛羅多 The ring must go to Frodo. 天色晚了,路還很長 It"s late. The road is long. 是時候了 Yes, it is time. 比爾博 Bilbo, the ring is still in your pocket. 戒指還在你的口袋 我替我的書想到一個結(jié)尾 I"ve thought up an ending for my book: "他從此快樂地生活下去直到他壽終正寢""And he lived happilyeverafter to the end ofhis days." 你一定會的,老友 And I"m sure you will, my dear friend. 再見了,甘道夫 Goodbye, Gandalf. 再見了,比爾博 Goodbye, dear Bilbo. 眼前道路無止盡…The road goes ever on and on 后會有期了 Until our next meeting. 它是我的,我一個人的 It"s mine. My own. 我的 xxMy precious. 黑暗中的謎語 Riddles in the dark. 比爾 xxBilbo! 比爾 xxBilbo!

  我的 xxMy precious. xxPrecious. 他走了,對吧?He"s gone, hasn"t he? 他一直都說要離開這兒 He talked for so long about leaving... 沒想到他真的走了...I didn"t think he"d really do it. xx?Gandalf? 比爾 xx 的戒指 Bilbo"s ring. 他去和精靈住在一起 He"s gone to stay with the Elves. 他把袋底洞留給你 He"s left you Bag End. 還有他所有的財產(chǎn) Along with all his possessions. 戒指是你的了 The ring is yours now. -把它藏起來-你要去哪兒?- Put it somewhere out of sight. - Where are you going?-我一定要去辦些事-什么事?-TherearesomethingsthatImustseeto.-Whatthings?-我有一些疑問一定要得到解答-你才剛到- Questions. Questions that need answering.- You"ve only just arrived. 我不明白 I don"t understand. 我也不 xxNeither do I. 你要保密 Keep it secret. 把它藏起來 Keep it safe. xx!Shire! xxxx!Baggins!

  "第二紀元的年"The year

 of the Second Age. 以下是埃西鐸的記載剛鐸之王…Here follows the account of Isildur, High King ofGondor... 以及找到至尊魔戒的過程"...and the finding of the Ring of Power."

 這只至尊魔戒將是我的鎮(zhèn)國之寶 The One Ring. It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom.我的后代將永遠對它效忠 All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to itsfate... 我絕不容許魔戒受到任何損傷...for I will risk no hurt to the Ring. 這是我的寶貝 It is precious to me... 我經(jīng)過多少痛苦才得到它...though I buy it with great pain. 戒環(huán)的刻痕逐漸褪色 The markings upon the band begin to fade. 那些赤焰般的文字現(xiàn)在全部消失Thewriting,whichatfirstwasclearasredflame,has all but disappeared. 只有火焰能讓秘密顯現(xiàn)"A secret now that only fire can tell." xxShire. xxxxBaggins. 巴金斯家族都住在哈比屯There"snoBagginsesaroundhere.They"reallupinHobbiton.在那邊 That way. 我的身心已疲憊 To heal my heart and drown my woe 陣陣風雨不停歇 Rain may fall and wind may blow 但是我仍有…But there still be 好長的路要走 Many miles to go 雨滴聲音多美妙 Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain

  大珠小珠落玉盤 And the stream that falls From hill to plain 不管雨水或清泉 Better than rain or rippling brook 都比不上這兒的啤酒 Is a mug of beer inside this Took 最近有一些陌生人經(jīng)過夏爾 There"s been some strange folk crossing the Shire.包括矮人族和更可怕的壞人 Dwarves and others of a less than savory nature.一場大戰(zhàn)即將來臨 War is brewing. 山里頭來了一群妖魔鬼怪 The mountains are fair teeming with goblins. 這些只是謠傳或是小孩子的童言童語而已 Far-off tales and children"s stories, that"sall that is. 你越來越像比爾博巴斯金別跟他一樣瘋言瘋語 You"re beginning to sound like that oldBilbo Baggins. Cracked, he was. 佛羅多先生,你叔叔是有點瘋 Young Mr. Frodo here, he"s cracking. 我以他為榮 And proud of it. -干杯,老爹-干杯- Cheers, Gaffer. - Cheers.

。戆擦,小伙子-晚安- Good night, lads. - Good night. 晚安了,美麗的姑娘 Good night, sweet maiden of the golden ale. 他最好別打她的主意 Mind who you"re sweet-talking. 放心啦,山姆蘿絲知道他是個渾人Don"tworry,Sam.Rosieknowsanidiotwhensheseesone. 真的嗎?Does she? -晚安,山姆-晚安,佛羅多先生- Good night, Sam. - Good night, Mister Frodo.你有守密嗎?它安全嗎?Is it secret? Is it safe? 你在做什么?What are you doing?

  把手伸出來 Hold out your hand, Frodo. 很冰涼 It"s quite cool. 你看到什么?What can you see? 你看到什么嗎?Can you see anything? 沒有 Nothing. 什么也沒有 There"s nothing. 等等 Wait. 上面有刻痕 There are markings. 好像是精靈文,我看不懂 It"s some form of Elvish. I can"t read it. 很少人看得懂 There are few who can. 這是魔多的古文字我現(xiàn)在不能念出來 The language is that of Mordor, which I will notutter here. 魔多!Mordor!

  "至尊戒,馭眾戒"One Ring to rule them all... 至尊戒,尋眾戒...One Ring to find them... 魔戒至尊引眾戒...One Ring to bring them all... 禁錮眾戒黑暗中"...and in the darkness bind them." 這只至尊魔戒 This is the One Ring... 是黑暗魔君索倫用末日火山的烈焰鑄成...forgedbytheDarkLordSauroninthefiresofMount Doom.

  埃西鐸從索倫手中奪過來 Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself.比爾博找到它 Bilbo found it. -在咕魯?shù)亩囱ㄖ校堑? In Gollum"s cave. - Yes. 比爾博六十年來不動聲色持有至尊魔戒 For

 years, the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo"skeeping... 他因此而延長了壽命延遲了老化...prolonging his life, delaying old age.但是狀況已經(jīng)改變了邪惡在魔多蠢蠢欲動 But no longer, Frodo. Evil is stirring inMordor. 至尊魔戒被喚醒了 The Ring has awoken. 它聽到主人的召喚 It"s heard its master"s call. 但是索倫已經(jīng)被消滅了 But he was destroyed. Sauron was destroyed. 不,xxNo, Frodo. 索倫的靈魂沒有死 The spirit of Sauron endured. 他的生命和至尊魔戒緊緊相系HislifeforceisboundtotheRing,andtheRingsurvived.至尊魔戒仍然幸存 Sauron has returned. 他的半獸人大軍與日俱增 His Orcs have multiplied. 他在魔多也重建了要塞巴拉多 His fortress at Barad-d? R is rebuilt in the land ofMordor. 索倫只要得到至尊魔戒就能讓黑暗再度籠罩大地SauronneedsonlythisRingtocoverallthe lands in a second darkness. 他在搜尋至尊魔戒 He is seeking it. 全心全意、不擇手段地搜尋 Seeking it. All his thought is bent on it. 同時至尊魔戒也渴望 For the Ring yearns above all else...

  回到它主人的手中...to return to the hand of its master. 他們本為一體 They are one... 至尊魔戒和黑暗魔君...the Ring and the Dark Lord. xxFrodo... 絕對不能讓他找到至尊魔戒...he must never find it. 好 All right. 那就把它藏起來再也不提Weputitaway.Wekeepithidden.Weneverspeakofitagain.沒人知道它在這兒,是吧?No one knows it"s here, do they? 是不是?甘道夫 Do they, Gandalf? 有一個人知道比爾博得到至尊魔戒ThereisoneotherwhoknewthatBilbohadtheRing.我到處在找咕魯I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum. 但是魔君先找到他 But the enemy found him first. 他不曉得被拷打了多久 I don"t know how long they tortured him. 但是在可怕的哀嚎和呻吟聲中他們聽出兩個名字: Butamidsttheendlessscreamsandinanebabble, they discerned two words." xxShire! xxxxBaggins! xxShire. 巴金斯他們會找到這里來 Baggins. But that would lead them here! 什么人?Who goes there?

  你拿去,甘道夫 Take it, Gandalf! -拿去-不行- Take it! - No, Frodo. -你一定要拿去-你不能把魔戒給我-Youmusttakeit!-Youcannotoffermethisring!-我要把它給你-別引誘我,佛羅多- I"m giving it to you! - Don"t tempt me, Frodo!我不敢拿 I dare not take it. 我更不能保護它 Not even to keep it safe. 你要了解 Understand, Frodo... 我只希望利用至尊魔戒行善事...I would use this Ring from a desire to do good.但是它透過我將釋放無法想像的邪惡力量Butthroughme,itwouldwieldapowertoogreatand terrible to imagine. -它不能留在這兒-沒錯- But it cannot stay in the Shire! - No. 的確不能 No, it can"t. 我該怎么做?What must I do? -你一定要盡快離開-我該去哪里?-You must leave. And leavequickly.-Where?Wheredo I go? 離開這兒,趕到布理村 Get out of the Shire. Make for the village of Bree.布理Bree. -那你呢?-我會等你- What about you? - I"ll be waiting for you... 在躍馬旅店...at the inn of the Prancing Pony. -魔戒在那兒安全嗎?-我不知道,佛羅多- And the Ring will be safe there? - I don"tknow, Frodo. 我無法回答你 I don"t have any answers. 我必須去見巫師長他有智慧及力量,相信我 I must see the head of my order. He is bothwise and powerful. Trust me, Frodo.

  他知道該怎么做 He"ll know what to do. 你不能用巴金斯這名字 You"ll have to leave the name of Baggins behind you.這名字在夏爾之外不安全 That name is not safe outside the Shire. 白天趕路,別走大道 Travel only by day. And stay off the road. 我可以穿過農(nóng)田 I can cut across country easily enough. 好孩子 My dear Frodo. 哈比人真不可思議 Hobbits really are amazing creatures. 只要一個月就能了解他們 You can learn all that there is to know about their ways ina month. 但一百年后 And yet, after a hundred years... 他們?nèi)匀蛔屇愠泽@不已...they can still surprise you. 趴下來 Get down. 可惡的山姆衛(wèi)斯詹吉你一直在偷聽嗎?Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee! Have you beeneavesdropping? 我才沒有偷聽什么我只是在窗外除草而已Ihaven"tbeendroppingnoeaves.Honest.Iwascutting the grass under the window. 現(xiàn)在除草未免太晚了 A little late for trimming the verge, don"t you think?-我聽到說話聲-你聽到什么?快說-Iheardraisedvoices.-Whatdidyouhear?Speak!沒什么啦 Nothing important. 我聽到戒指黑暗魔君和世界末日 That is, I heard a good deal about a ring, a Dark Lordand the end of the world but... 甘道夫大爺,別傷害我別把我變成死的東西 Please, Mr. Gandalf, sir, don"t hurt me.Don"t turn me into anything unnatural. 不要嗎?No?

  也許不會 Perhaps not. 你有更好的用處 I"ve thought of a better use for you. 快點,山姆,跟上來 Come along, Samwise. Keep up. 你們千萬要小心 Be careful, both of you. 敵人有很多眼線 The enemy has many spies in his service: 包括飛鳥野獸 Birds, beasts. 魔戒呢?Is it safe? 千萬別戴上它 Never put it on... 黑暗魔君的爪牙會被吸引來...fortheagentsoftheDarkLordwillbedrawntoitspower.你要記住 Always rember, Frodo... 至尊魔戒想要回到主人手上...the Ring is trying to get back to its master.它想要被找到就是這樣 It wants to be found. This is it. 這是什么?This is what? 我只要再跨一步 If I take one more step... 就是我離家最遠的一次...it"ll be the farthest away from home I"ve ever been.走吧,山姆 Come on, Sam. 我記得比爾 xx 總是說: Rember what Bilbo used to say: -"旅行很危險"-"一旦你出了門上了路- "It"s a dangerous business, Frodo." - "Goingout your door.

  如果你不專心看路 You step onto the road, and if you don"t keep your feet...誰曉得你會被帶到哪里去"...there"s no knowing where you might be swept off to."山姆 Sam. 木精靈 Wood-elves. 他們要去凈白塔以外的港口 They"re going to the harbor beyond the White Towers.他們要去灰港岸 To the Grey Havens. 他們要離開中土世界 They"re leaving Middle-earth. 永遠不再回來 Never to return. 我不知道為什么 I don"t know why... 我會感到這么悲傷...it makes me sad. 地上到處都是盤根錯節(jié)把我的背頂?shù)煤锰?Everywhere I lie there"s a dirty great rootsticking into my back. 閉上眼睛 Just shut your eyes... 想像你躺在自己的床上...and imagine you"re back in your own bed... 舒服的床墊和柔軟的羽毛枕頭...with a soft mattress and a lovely feather pillow.這沒有用,佛羅多 It"s not working, Mr. Frodo. 我在荒郊野外永遠都睡不著 I"m never going to be able to sleep out here.我也睡不著 Me neither, Sam. 末日火山再度升起煙硝 Smoke rises from the Mountain of Doom. 時間不多了 The hour grows late. 灰袍巫師甘道夫趕到艾辛格 And Gandalf the Grey rides to Isengard... 尋求我的建議...seeking my counsel.

 我的老友 My old friend.

  xxSaruman. -你能確定嗎?-千真萬確- You are sure of this? - Beyond any doubt. 至尊魔戒被發(fā)現(xiàn)了?So the Ring of Power has been found. 它這么多年來一直在夏爾 All these long years, it was in the Shire. -就在我眼前-你卻沒有看到它- Under myvery nose. - Yet you did not have the wittosee it. 半身人的煙草熏壞了你的眼睛Yourloveofthehalfling"sleafhasclearlyslowedyourmind. 但是還來得及還有時間對抗索倫的勢力But we still have time. Time enough to counterSauron if we act quickly. 時間?Time? 我們哪來的時間?What time do you think we have? 索倫的力量幾乎完全恢復(fù) Sauron has regained much of his former strength.雖然他尚未完全轉(zhuǎn)生 He cannot yet take physical form... 但他的靈魂仍有強大魔力...but his spirit has lost none of its potency.雖然他被封在要塞中但是他卻無所不知Concealedwithinhisfortress,theLordofMordorsees all. 他的視線能穿透烏云、陰影土地甚至肉體 His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth andflesh. 你知道我在說什么嗎?You know of what I speak, Gandalf. 一個被烈焰包圍的巨大眼睛 A Great Eye, lidless, wreathed in flame. 就是索倫之眼 The Eye of Sauron. 他正在聚集邪惡力量 He is gathering all evil to him.

  很快就能召集大軍向中土世界展開攻擊 Very soon, he"ll have summoned an army...greatenough for an assault upon Middle-earth. 你知道這些?You know this? 怎么會?How? 我親眼看到 I have seen it. 真知晶球也是個危險的工具薩魯曼 A palantir is a dangerous too, Saruman.為什么?Why? 為什么要害怕使用它?Why should we fear to use it? 其它的真知之石下落不明 They are not all accounted for, the lost Seeing-stones.我們不知道有誰也在看 We do not know who else may be watching. 時間來不及了 The hour is later than you think. 索倫的行動已經(jīng)展開 Sauron"s forces are already moving. 那九個已經(jīng)離開米那斯魔窟 The Nine have left Minas Morgul. 那九個?The Nine? 他們在仲夏夜跨越艾辛河 They crossed the River Isen on Midsummer"s Eve...偽裝成黑騎士...disguised as riders in black. -他們已經(jīng)到了夏爾?-他們會找到至尊魔戒-They"vereachedtheShire?-Theywillfindthe Ring. 然后殺死它的持有者 And kill the one who carries it. xxFrodo! 你以為哈比人能對抗索倫嗎?YoudidnotseriouslythinkthataHobbitcouldcontendwithe will of Sauron? 誰都無法抗拒他 There are none who can.

  沒有人能對抗 Against the power of Mordor... 魔多的力量...there can be no victory. 我們必須加入他們 We must join with him, Gandalf. 我們必須投靠索倫 We must join with Sauron. 這么做才聰明,朋友 It would be wise, my friend. 告訴我…Tell me... 朋友...friend... 智者薩魯曼幾時發(fā)瘋了?...when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness?我給你機會 I gave you the chance... 自愿幫助我...of aiding me willingly... 但是你卻寧愿選擇受苦...but you have elected the way of pain! xx 先生 Mr. Frodo? xx?Frodo? Frodo! -我以為我把你跟丟了-你在說什么?- I thought I"d lost you. - What are you talkingabout? -甘道夫跟我說過-他說什么?- It"s just something Gandalf said. - What did he say?"緊跟著他,山姆衛(wèi)斯詹吉"我會緊跟著你不放"Don"t you lose him, Samwise Gamgee." AndI don"t mean to. 我們還在夏爾,會有什么事?Sam,we"restillintheShire.Whatcouldpossiblyhappen?佛羅多 Frodo. -梅里,是佛羅多巴金斯-哈啰,佛羅多- Merry, it"s Frodo Baggins. - Hello, Frodo.快起來 Get off him. 起來,佛羅多 Come on, Frodo.

  這算什么?What"s the meaning of this? 你們偷摘老農(nóng)夫馬嘎的菜 You"ve been into Farmer Maggot"s crop! 你們快給我滾 You get back here! 快滾,臭小子 Get out of my field! 你們最好小心點別讓我抓到 You"ll know the devil if I catch up with you!生什么氣嘛,只是兩根紅蘿卜 I don"t know why he"s so upset. It"s only a couple ofcarrots. 還有幾棵包心菜 And some cabbages. 和上禮拜偷的幾袋馬鈴薯 And those three bags of potatoes that we lifted last week.-還有上上禮拜偷的蘑菇-皮聘,重點是…- And then the mushrooms the week before. -Yes, Pippin. My point is... 他太小題大作了...he"s clearly overreacting. 快跑 Run! 好險哦 Oh, that was close. 我好像摔斷了什么 I think I"ve broken something. 烈酒鹿和圖克家最會惹麻煩 Trust a Brandybuck and a Took! 什么?這是一條捷徑耶 What? That was just a detour. A short cut. -去哪兒的捷徑?-蘑菇- Short cut to what? - Mushrooms! 那是我的 That"s mine. 好大一朵哦,梅里 That"s nice, Merry. 這里也有,山姆 Here"s a nice one, Sam. 我們最好躲起來 I think we should get off the road. 躲起來 Get off the road!

  快點 Quick! 別出聲 Be quiet! 那是什么東西?What was that? Title: 魔戒首部曲之魔戒現(xiàn)身

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