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 朱光磊認(rèn)為“職責(zé)同構(gòu)”長期存在是導(dǎo)致條塊矛盾產(chǎn)生的主要制度根源 而周振超進(jìn)一步深挖條塊體制產(chǎn)生的根源,認(rèn)為“軸心輻射模式”為特征的國家整合方式導(dǎo)致了職責(zé)同構(gòu),而職責(zé)同構(gòu)又導(dǎo)致條塊矛盾的產(chǎn)生。



 政府間關(guān)系沖突和尼日利亞第四共和國 的資源控制 Ojo,John Sunday M.A.英國利茲大學(xué)政治與國際研究學(xué)院。

 2013 年 9 月 21 日收到,2014 年 3 月 14 日接受,2014 年 3 月出版

 1 政府間關(guān)系概念化 政府間關(guān)系的起源植根于美國聯(lián)邦制。它出現(xiàn)在 19 世紀(jì),當(dāng)時各級政府之間存在著許多需要合作的問題。政府間關(guān)系是解決政治體制內(nèi)問題的政治協(xié)同作用。政府間關(guān)系的概念吸引了許多政治學(xué)者。政府間關(guān)系包括各級政府在政策和方案上的統(tǒng)一。然而,政府間關(guān)系沒有普遍的定義。不同的學(xué)者根據(jù)他們不同的看法和各自領(lǐng)域中現(xiàn)有的政治制度來界定。政府間關(guān)系必須被視為一個國家政治單位之間相互作用的媒介。它可以定義為實現(xiàn)共同目標(biāo)的多層次政府之間的關(guān)系。政府間關(guān)系原則必須被視為一種政治協(xié)同作用,以補(bǔ)充各級政府為國家政治制度生存所作的努力。其目的本質(zhì)上是互補(bǔ)的,因為其相互聯(lián)系的目的是在規(guī)定的政治和憲法安排框架內(nèi)相互幫助。根據(jù) Lawson(2011)引用的 Ogunna(1996:350),政府間關(guān)系(IGR)指的是“兩個或多個政府層面之間相互作用、合作和相互依賴的復(fù)雜模式”,從這些定義可以推斷,IGR 指的是在兩個或多個政府層面之間發(fā)生的各種活動或相互作用。他是一個國家內(nèi)不同級別的政府。政府間關(guān)系的組合和排列也是政府間關(guān)系的一個國家。重要的是要指出,在政府間關(guān)系中,各級政府都有獨立和獨特的作用要發(fā)揮;例如,地方政府有獨立的作用要發(fā)揮,以期實現(xiàn)共同的目標(biāo),造福于整個國家。Abdullahi(2009:75)認(rèn)為,語言起源以及政府間關(guān)系(IGR)的精確定義仍然很難確定。然而,我們今天所接受的政府間關(guān)系的最充分描述歸功于威廉·安德森·迪爾·賴特。IGR 這個術(shù)語已經(jīng)成為學(xué)者、公職人員和普通公民的基本詞匯,特別是在美國,它強(qiáng)調(diào)了“穿辦公室衣服”的人之間的互動。雖然人們普遍認(rèn)為人類是負(fù)責(zé)任的,事實上,他們執(zhí)行政府之

 間的關(guān)系,但金融已成為這些互動中最關(guān)鍵的要素。IGR 的這一重要特征,即財政關(guān)系在美國和大多數(shù)其他聯(lián)邦制度中都占有非常重要的地位。


 2 以下系統(tǒng)被歸類為垂直關(guān)系 聯(lián)邦-州關(guān)系:這可以定義為州政府和聯(lián)邦政府在政策實施方面的相互作用。





  3 它們的特征是水平關(guān)系 狀態(tài)-狀態(tài)關(guān)系:這需要一個狀態(tài)和另一個狀態(tài)之間的相互作用。當(dāng)兩個國家屬于一個政黨時,有時是可能的。

 這一關(guān)系的主要目的是聯(lián)合資源以實現(xiàn)發(fā)展目標(biāo)。一個典型的例子是尼日利亞拉多克 Akintola 大學(xué)的聯(lián)合所有權(quán),該大學(xué)由奧森州政府和奧約州政府建立。



 4 定義的沖突 在社會的每一種人際關(guān)系中,沖突都是不可避免的。沖突可以定義為兩個或多個當(dāng)事方之間的分歧、不一致。它涉及社會、經(jīng)濟(jì)或政治價值觀的多樣性觀點。根據(jù) Heitler(2012 年)的研究,在任何情況下,事實、愿望或恐懼都會相互吸引或推動參與者,或者在不同的方向上發(fā)生沖突。沖突可以被定義為具有相反需求、想法、信念、價值觀或目標(biāo)的人之間的斗爭或競爭(基金會聯(lián)盟)。它是一種開放的狀態(tài),經(jīng)常是持久的戰(zhàn)斗;戰(zhàn)爭。它也是不相容或?qū)α⒌娜、思想或興趣之間的不和諧狀態(tài)(自由辭典/沖突)。沖突是指當(dāng)一個群體中的一個或多個成員的信仰或行為在另一個群體中產(chǎn)生某種形式的摩擦、分歧或不和諧(維基百科,2013 年)。

 5 政府間關(guān)系的決定因素 在每一個政治制度中,無論是聯(lián)邦制、邦聯(lián)制還是單一制,政府部門之間的政府間關(guān)系都有政治上的必要性。在一個聯(lián)邦州,各級政府在憲法框架內(nèi)履行職能時存在平等的傾向。各級政府將自己視為政府事務(wù)管理和綜合管理的平等伙伴。在一個統(tǒng)一的政府體系中,存在著強(qiáng)大的中心和薄弱的組成單位。而權(quán)力通常被強(qiáng)加于人。然而,在一個邦聯(lián)國家,中央通常很弱,組成單位總是強(qiáng)于中央。在一個邦聯(lián)制度中,每個單位都被授予自治權(quán),他們決定是留在工會還是退出工會。聯(lián)邦政府間關(guān)系并不意味著每一次的合作,它可以是談判和沖突的形式。這種關(guān)系的性質(zhì)必須與該聯(lián)盟的政治條件相一致。聯(lián)邦有不同的類型,即集中式聯(lián)邦和合作式聯(lián)邦。





 6 尼日利亞第四共和國政府間關(guān)系沖突與資源控制問題研究 政府間關(guān)系(1GR)描述了一個國家內(nèi)各級政府之間或各級政府之間發(fā)生的活動或互動的范圍。它涵蓋了它們之間關(guān)系的組合和排列。尼日利亞聯(lián)邦多年來發(fā)生的事件表明,聯(lián)邦政府在政府間關(guān)系中對政府間關(guān)系的主導(dǎo)地位過高,這是不恰當(dāng)?shù),現(xiàn)有的政府間政策協(xié)調(diào)機(jī)制和機(jī)構(gòu)非常薄弱,需要改進(jìn)和加強(qiáng)(Lawson,2011 年)。尼日利亞政府間關(guān)系的性質(zhì)一直是一個矛盾的性質(zhì)。多年來,不同級別的政府出于某種原因一直在爭論不休。準(zhǔn)確地說,第四共和國的政治管理以尼日利亞政治聯(lián)盟內(nèi)部的政府間關(guān)系沖突為特征。許多州已將聯(lián)邦政府告上法庭,以挑戰(zhàn)其憲法管轄權(quán)。在第四共和國,法院對聯(lián)邦政府的行為或不作為提出了各種各樣的挑戰(zhàn),這在資源控制、地方政府創(chuàng)建和聯(lián)邦政府的管轄權(quán)方面是顯而易見的。各種人之間的突出沖突。


 An X-ray of Inter-governmental Relation conflicts and resource control in the fourth Republic in Nigeria Ojo, John Sunday M.A. School of Politics and International studies University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Received 21 st September, 2013, Accepted 14 th March, 2014, Published March 2014

 1 Intergovernmental relation conceptualized The origin of intergovernmental relation is rooted in American federalism. It emerged in the 19 th century when there were numerous problems among the various levels of government which necessitate cooperation. Inter-governmental relation is a political synergy to resolve problems within a political system. The concept of

 intergovernmental relation has attracted many scholars of politics. Intergovernmental relation embraces togetherness in policy and programme of different levels of government. However, there is no universal definition of intergovernmental relation; various scholars defined it in accordance with their varying perceptions and existing political systems in their domain. Intergovernmental relationship must be seen as a medium of interaction among the political units in a country. It could be defined as relationship between multi-level governments for the achievement of common goals. The principle of intergovernmental relation must be seen as a political synergy to complement the effort of each level of government for the survivability of the nation’s political system. Its purpose is complementary in nature because the purpose of its inter-connectedness is to assist each other within the framework of stipulated political and constitutional arrangements. According to Ogunna (1996:350) cited in Lawson (2011) intergovernmental relations(IGR) refer to ‘the complex pattern of interactions,cooperation and inter-dependence between two or more levels of government.’ From these definitions, it can be inferred that IGR refers to the gamut activities or interactions which takes place between and among the different levels of government within a country. Also covered by IGR are the combinations and permutations of relationships among these levels of government with in a country. It is important to state that in IGR, each level of government has an independent and unique role to play;for example, the local level has an independent role to play with the view to achieving common goals to the benefit and well-being of the entire country. Abdullahi,(2009:75) posited that philological origin as well as the precise definition of intergovernmental relations (IGR)has remained quite elusive. However, the fullest characterization of intergovernmental relations as we have accepted them today is credited to William Anderson Deil Wright. The term IGR, which has become an essential vocabulary of scholars, public officials, and ordinary citizens, particularly in America, lay emphasis on interactions among human beings ‘clothed with office’.While it is accepted that human beings are responsible and in fact they carry out the relations between governments, finance has emerged as the most critical

 element of these interactions. This important feature of IGR, viz. fiscal relations, has assumed a very important position in the American as in most other federal systems. The above view implies that the purpose of government cannot be achieved in isolation without political and economic interaction among the levels of government, it require mutual relationship to foster and promote governmental policies and programme for the sustenance of good governance. Therefore intergovernmental relation could be defined as interaction among the various levels of government within a political space. There must be interaction; otherwise there would be total failure of government policies and programmes. The federal-state and local government must interact with each other in order to achieve governmental goals and objectives. Nkwoji, (2013) opines that Intergovernmental relations is associated with states having a federal administrative system where the relationship between the federal, central or national government and major sub-national units (province, region or state) are formally spelt out in the constitution. This seek to promote peace and harmony among the levels of government which are the federal, state and local government, to enhance the emergence of co-operative rather than competitive federation and to solve the problem of rural and urban poverty. Iyi (2013) claims that the issue of interrelations between and among governments at international, national and local levels is an old one. Some of such interrelations come about in most informal ways while others are formal. In the formal sense, the interrelations are duly institutionalized through some forms of written treaties of differing magnitudes. In a federal state, there are various types of intergovernmental relation. These relationships are wider in scope in its entirety. These are the major types of intergovernmental relations that exist across federal unions.

 The following systems are categorized as vertical relations Federal-State relationships: This may be defined as interaction between the state government and the federal government in terms of policy implementations. Federal-local relationship: This type of relationship is not common in every

 federal political system, it could be referred to as interactions between the federal government and the local government. It’s always occur when local government is facing natural disasters which beyond the capacity of the state government to normalize. A typical example of this is recent federal government intervention in Oyo state when there was flood which affected larger populace in some local governments of Oyo state in Nigeria. As a result of this, the federal government allotted some funds through the political instrumentality of state government to address the problem.

 Federal-State-Local relationships: This is usually occurs in a country like Nigeria where the federal government decides to relate with the local government through the political channel of the state government. It becomes unusual for the federal government to directly relate to the local government without passing through the channel of state government. State-local relationships: This exists between the state-government and local government within its own jurisdiction. A good example of this is joint account between the local government and state government.

 These are characterized as horizontal relationship State-state relationship: This entails interactions between a state and another. It is occasionally possible when two states belong to a political party.

 The major aim of this relationship is to jointly pool resources together to achieve developmental goals. A typical example of this is joint ownership of Ladoke Akintola University in Nigeria which was established by Osun and Oyo state governments.

 Local-local relationship: This is applicable when two or more local government come together to embark on a particular project or programme.

 It is very necessary in order to combat dangerous environmental hazard that might not recognized jurisdictionally bounded. A good example of this is occurrence of epidemic disease which may not recognize boundary. It is therefore necessary for joint collaborations of the affected local governments to provide remedial measures in combating the menace. There is also an informal intergovernmental relationship

 within the federal political spectrum of a nation. This includes regional relationship among the geo-political zone of the country. A very good typical example of this is forum of governors of oil producing states in Nigeria. It might also come in form of political party such as forum of the governors of People Democratic Party (PDP) states. Importing from the foregoing analysis, intergovernmental relations is a political necessity in a federal system. Therefore, it becomes imperative for government collaborations for the smooth running and enhancement of the general welfare of the citizenry.

 Conflict defined Conflict is inevitable in every interpersonal relationship in the society. Conflict may be defined as disagreement, discordance between two or more parties. It entails diverse views about social, economic or political values in a society. According to Heitler (2012) conflict exists in any situation where facts, desires or fears pull or push participants against each other or in divergent directions. Conflict may be defined as a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values or goals (Foundation Coalition.org). It is a state of open often prolonged fighting; a battle of war. It is also a state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas or interest (the free dictionary.com/conflict). Conflict refers to some form of frictions disagreements or discords arising within a group when the beliefs or actions of one or more members of another group (Wikipedia, 2013).



 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATION In every political system be it federal, confederal or unitary there is a political necessity for intergovernmental relations among the sphere or units of government. In a federal state, there is tendency of equality among the levels of government to perform their functions within the constitutional framework. Each level of government sees itself as equal partner in the management and general administration of governmental affairs. In a unitary system of government, there is strong centre with

 weak constituent units. While the power is usually arrogated to the central authority. However, in a confederal state, the centre is usually very weak, the constituent units are always stronger than the centre. In a confederal system, every unit is granted autonomy, they decide whether to stay in the union or to back out. Intergovernmental relation in a federal state does not mean cooperation in every times, it can be in form of bargaining and conflict. The nature of the relationship must be in accordance with the political condition in that federation. There are different types of federation, namely; centralized federation and cooperative federation. A typical example of centralized federation is Nigeria. Consequently, intergovernmental relation in any federal state is usually determined by the dynamics of such society. There are various determinants of inter-governmental relations in every political system.

 These are the following; The political process in the federation: This is refers to the political party system in operation in the country. All over the world, there are two types, namely; one party system and multi-party system. In multi-party political system, there is tendency for opposition party to check the ruling party in all its dealings. This system justified Montesquieu ideology of check and balances because absolute power corrupt absolutely. The multi party system encourages opposition party to check the excesses of the ruling party. However, the single party system brings about despotic and monopolistic government. The character of the society: The character of the society implies the nature and social composition of that society. For instance, in a pluri-ethnic society where religious and cultural values abounds. In such society, the people perceive political situation in a different manner, therefore every group is suspicious of one another and such suspicious is always manifested in intergovernmental relation within the polity. The constitution of the society: Constitution is a series of fundamental law, rules and principles, written or unwritten, legal or extra-legal, concerning how a political community is to be governed. The constitutional arrangement always determines the management of intergovernmental relation. For instance in a federal constitution like Nigeria, autonomy of the different

 levels of government is usually uphold in the constitution. They see themselves as equal partner in the polity. While the unitary constitution embrace arrogation of power to the centre with very weak constituent units. The institutional structure in the federation: This involves structural arrangement of the country. Importantly, financial strength always determines the political strength of the unit. The resource allocation of different institution within the polity better explain the vibrancy and strength of such unit. The political behavior of the citizens: The political behavior emphasizes people perception towards political issues. The attitude of the people towards one another is also determining the intergovernmental relation.

 Examination of Intergovernmental Relation Conflicts and resource control in the fourth Republic in Nigeria Intergovernmental Relations (1GR) describes the gamut of activities or interactions that takes place between or among the different levels of government within a country. It covers the combinations and permutations of relationship among them. Events over the years in Nigeria"s federation have shown the over-dominance of the federal government in relation to IGR, which is not proper, the existing mechanisms and institutions for intergovernmental policy coordination are very weak and need to be improved and strengthened (Lawson, 2011). The nature of inter-governmental relation in Nigeria has been a conflictual one. Over the years, different levels of government have been at loggerheads for one reason or the other. To be precise, the political administration of fourth republic characterized with intergovernmental relation conflicts within Nigerian political union. Many states have taken federal government to court to challenge its constitutional jurisdiction. In the fourth republic, there were various instigation in the court of law to challenge the actions or omissions of federal government which were evident in resource control, local government creation and jurisdictional power of federal government. The prominent conflicts among the various.

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