
IsleofMan 英語故事:A,Man,of,Song,Presents,a,Piece,of,Jade

發(fā)布時間:2018-09-21 來源: 幽默笑話 點擊:

英語資源網(wǎng)權(quán)威發(fā)布英語故事:A Man of Song Presents a Piece of Jade,更多英語故事:A Man of Song Presents a Piece of Jade相關(guān)信息請訪問英語資源網(wǎng)。

There are a man of the State of Song who liked to curry favour with others. 宋國有一個人,喜歡奉承別人。 One day, he got a piece of uncarved jade and went to present it to Zi Han, a minister of the State of Song, with the intention to ingratiate himself with the official. 有一天,他得到了一塊未經(jīng)雕琢的玉石,便去獻給宋國大臣子罕,想討好一番。 Zi Han adamantly refused to accept it. 子罕執(zhí)意不受。 Thereupon, this man said in honeyed words: “This is a piece of rare jade. I regard it as duanwenw.com a treasure suitable for a gentleman’s utensil. If it gets into the hands of an old gentleman like you, to be worn by you or put on your dining table, that would be most suitable and fitting. I am an unrefined man, not deserving such a valuable treasure.” 于是,那人便花言巧語地說:“這是一塊珍奇的玉石啊,我把它當作寶貝,適宜于做君子的器皿。要是落在老先生你的手中,掛在你的身上,放在你的餐桌上,是最相稱、最適合的。我是粗人,不配使用這種貴重的寶物! “You man regard this piece of jade as a treasure,” said Zi Han, “but I do not accept other’s fawning, nor do I regard this kind of conduct a treasure.” 子罕回答說:“你把這塊玉石當作寶貝,英語短文我卻不接受別人的巴結(jié)奉承,并且不把這種行為當作寶貝! The man of Song felt he had asked for a snub and sneaked away. 那個宋國人自討沒趣,溜了。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:英語故事:A Man of Song Presents a Piece of Jade a piece of cake a piece of furniture

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