

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 幽默笑話 點擊:

  ⊙作者簡介:芬德利?尼科爾,1997年來到濟南,在山東經濟學院教授課程   Findlay Nicol,arrived in the city to teach English in 1997 in Shandong Economic University
  The other day I had a wonderful experience for maybe the first time in my life I had a feeling of superiority. Let me explain. I was taking my first ever ride on the BRT number 2 heading south up Li Shan Lu and I felt infinitely superior to all the drivers stuck in yet another traffic jam and rapidly losing their cool as their frustrated monsters blasted yet more polluting exhaust fumes into the atmosphere. As a non-driver, happy pedestrian and committed public transport user, it gave me great cause for schadenfreude to appreciate that my journey was costing me 1 yuan and their non-journey was a far more expensive experience.
  BRT ? bus rapid transit is an innovation in Jinan but has been in use in large advanced cities in China for a few years now. The important part is the "rapid transit" concept: this implies that passengers can be moved as quickly and efficiently as possible across urban areas. In some places this can be achieved by a high-speed rail or monorail link but the most economical system to introduce is a dedicated bus route which allows the buses to move freely through the snarls created by too many cars. This is the BRT innovation which has now reached Jinan. The east-west link has been operation since April and is able to be moving 10,000 passengers per hour or 800 at any one time at peak times ? imagine all these in cars even four to a car! It runs for 10 km mainly under the viaduct and so has little impact on other traffic. The north-south link is the one that runs from the bus station (the busiest in China in terms of passengers) along a specially constructed central track to the intersection of Jing Shi Lu and Erhuan Dong Lu. It is this latter corridor that has caused a little bit of controversy and aroused the jealousy of my juggernaut driving friends. Drivers seem to imagine that every road in every city is there for their unique benefit, but actually that is not so. In China at least the mass of people are still non-drivers. They also have a justified claim to be able to enjoy the use of what are, after all, their roads built by their government and paid for by their taxes. If this means that they can now travel in comfort on BRT then surely this is not only acceptable but desirable.
  There have recently been several major road construction projects in Jinan. All of these have caused a great deal of disruption and inconvenience both to drivers and to pedestrians and bus-users like myself. However at the end of the day all this suffering has been rewarded in every case by roads which are wider and safer and the chief beneficiaries have been the drivers. The provision of bus and cycle lanes has been a great help to many but only the BRT special tracks have put the non-driver in the fast lane. Everyone agrees that there are too many cars on the streets of Jinan. Only efficient and inexpensive public transport which can equal the speed and convenience of the car will encourage car owners to leave them at home on non-essential travel. BRT has the promise of going a long way to providing that solution.
  Experience in other cities around the world has shown that as awareness of the system grows an increasing number of passengers use it. Because it is something new people need time to discover its attractions. The buses Ihave travelled on so far have been less than full, mainly I think because the majority of people don"t know very much about the system or its convenience. As
   the news spreads this will undoubtedly become the most cost effective investment that the city has so far made in public transport. This should encourage the provision of several new BRT routes covering more or the city especially areas where many people use buses to travel to work. As an increasing number of people begin to commute to work rather than having accommodation in or near their work units the transport priorities have to be dealing with this rush-hour flow of commuters and further development of BRT would seem to me to be only feasible solution for Jinan, given the huge cost of providing alternatives.
  The air quality in Jinan is not ideal to say the least. The car has become a menace and not a convenience to cities all over the world. The provision of BRT will not solve all of Jinan"s traffic or pollutionproblems, but persuading more and more people to use this fast and efficient method of moving across the city wouldmake a major contribution. Imagine a scenario where some 6000 people at any given moment are travelling in comfort at about 20 kph along six dedicated BRT lanes in low-emission technology vehicles instead of even 600 of them each in their own car sitting frustrated and polluting in yet another hopeless traffic jam. Imagine that and you can see why I am so happy to experience the arrival of BRT and so hopeful that it will make Jinan an even more delightful place in which to live. As car drivers sit there and watch us flashing past, my message to them is: don"t be jealous of us, just come and join us.

相關熱詞搜索:還給 街道 市民 BRT:將街道還給市民 將街道還給市民 brt將街道還給市民

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