

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-10 來源: 幽默笑話 點(diǎn)擊:

  陳偉(共青團(tuán)山東省委書記)      山東有著深厚的民族文化底蘊(yùn)和光榮的革命傳統(tǒng),青少年德育資源十分豐富,利用這些資源加大對未成年人的教育力度是目前的一項(xiàng)重要工作。
  Message from Chen Wei (Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist League of China)
  Strengthening and improving the construction of ideology and morality of minors is the largest ideological project concerning the will of the public that has relations with the interests of millions upon millions of families. It is also a hope project that has a great deal of importance for the future of our country and the fate of our nation.
  Extensive activities and programs exemplifying ideal moral practices should be developed to vigorously promote the cultural construction among youngsters. Continuous efforts should be made on the implementation of Chinese Youngsters’ Reading Plan in the New Century and Reciting Classical Poems Project of the Qilu (i.e., Shandong) Youth. Some theme reading activities, such as “Youth China” culture week and Youngsters’ Cultural Festival, should be developed. Great efforts should be made on construction of a front of culture, edition of outstanding cultural products, and creating good cultural environment.
  Message from Chen Guanghua (Vice Head of the Department of Education of Shandong Province)
  The administrative departments concerning education have unshirkable responsibility for the ideological and moral education of primary and secondary school students. In creating the ideology and morality of minors, the departments concerning education should base themselves on the status to develop the ideological and moral education with a view to training talents with full-fledged qualities.
  First of all, the patriotic sense should be strengthened to carry forward and cultivate the great national spirit among primary and secondary school students to make them inherit the traditional national merits and form a sincere and honest character. Second, habit-forming education should be developed to promote the primary and secondary school students to develop good behaviors and habits.
  While strengthening ideological and moral education for primary and secondary school students, education concerning teachers’ professional ethics and professional spirit should also be strengthened. Series theme education activities for teachers’ professional ethics should be extensively developed among the teachers. A commending system should be set up to choose outstanding teachers involved in moral education work. The teachers should be directed to love their students and teach the students by personal example and practical exercises as well as verbal instructions. The teachers should direct the full-fledged development of the students in the aspect of morality, knowledge, sports, and art.
  Message from Meng Hailan (Professor of psychology at Shandong Teachers’ University)
  The education of ideology and morality, in fact, does not contradict the education of culture and knowledge. Starting with proper moral education, students can realize that the ultimate purpose of their study is to adapt themselves to society and promote overall social development. Only by understanding this can the students have a more powerful motive to study, and the knowledge they acquire will be useful for society. This kind of education will benefit them all their lives. Ideological and moral education should begin with the children themselves. First of all, they should learn to love themselves and love others. Then they can develop a healthy optimism, have confidence in their daily living. They can enjoy life and help others enjoy life.
  Message from Yang Xiaoyang (A teacher of Jinan Yuying Secondary School)
  During secondary school, the psychology of the children is more complicated than at any other time in their life. During this period, they start to independently get to understand society. Some social conflicts and problems will have impacts on their ideology with different levels. Moreover, there are many influences from outside the schools. The seamy side of society, some bad habits seen in the behavior of adults, pornography, and online games all lead them to imitate bad examples, thus forming an incorrect sense of living and ethics in their mind. Therefore, the ideological and moral education of children during this period is especially important.
  In the ideological and moral education of the minors, parents should cooperate with schools and teachers to develop effective psychological regulations for the students and direct them to develop the orientation that can benefit their growth.
  Teachers should increase feeling exchanges with them through extra-curricular activities. What merits attention is that these kinds of activities should not be limited to just one course, because this only allows a few of the students to participate. All of the students should be encouraged to participate in the activities to exchange feeling with the teachers. In this way, the ideological and feeling exchanges between the teachers and the students can be strengthened. At the same time, the sense of equality, consciousness of team spirit, and self-confidence of the students can be set up.
  Message from Liu Zhiheng (A clerk at the China Construction Bank)
  The ideological and moral education of minors should not be limited to the responsibility of schools and teachers. Family education and social education are also very important. Recently, when Mr. Ji Xianlin, a famous senior professor of Beijing University, talked about strengthening the ideological and moral construction of minors, he also wrote four maxims in Chinese calligraphy for the primary and secondary school students: “(1) Have ardent love for motherland, (2) Show filial obedience to parents, (3) Respect teachers, and (4) Be peaceful with companions.” I think this is a full-fledged and practical requirement for the ideology, morality, and behavior of young people.

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