

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-10 來源: 幽默笑話 點擊:

     山東省膠州市三里河遺址的發(fā)現(xiàn)是1961年。當時在山東大學歷史系教書的劉敦愿先生看到了一幅古畫,為高鳳翰作品的摹本,畫中一束鮮荷栽植在一件史前時期的陶里,其旁有一首小詩,其中兩句為“田夫掘出說前朝,老夫拾來插瓶供”。陶是遠古時代用作燒水或盛水的器具,造形似鳥。劉先生是山大考古專業(yè)的奠基人,對山東史前的歷史和文物知根知底,畫上的陶和題詩引起了他的思索: 高鳳翰出身于膠州,病退后回原籍三里河故居生活,田夫掘出的陶應在高鳳翰居處附近,莫非那里有一處古代遺址。帶著這個猜測,劉先生去膠州進行了考察,果真在那里找到了一處極為重要的史前時期文化遺址。這就是膠州三里河遺址。
  The Sanlihe Cultural Relics Site in Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province, was discovered in 1961. At that time, Liu Dunyuan, a professor of the History Department of Shandong University saw an ancient painting, which was a reproduction of Gao Fenghan’s works. In the painting, a fresh lotus was planted in a pre-historic pottery gui. Besides the gui was a poem, which explained that “The farmer who excavated this vessel said it was made during pre-historic times, so I use it to plant lotus.”
  The gui has a bird-like shape and is a kind of vessel with three legs used to hold water or cook food in ancient times. Professor Liu, father of the archaeology major at Shandong University, knew much about the pre-historic cultural relics of Shandong Province. So, the painting of the earthenware gui and the poem attracted his attention.
  Gao Fenghan was born in Jiaozhou. After he retired from his official post due to illness, he went back to his former residence in Sanlihe. So, the site where the farmer excavated the pottery gui must have been near the residence of Gao Fenghan and could well be a site containing many other cultural relics. Based on this speculation, Mr. Liu went to Jiaozhou for an on-the-spot investigation and thus became the first to discover the Sanlihe Cultural Relics Site.
  This SCRS covers an area of 50,000 square meters and is located in a rising earth stage in Sanlihe Village just to the south of the present day Jiaozhou City. In 1974 and 1975, various members from the Archaeology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Historic and Cultural Relics Department of Shandong Province undertook archaeological excavations twice at this site. By excavating an area of more than 1500 square meters, more than 1200 fragments of pre-historic cultural relics of the Dawenkou and Longshan periods were unearthed. From the five homes and 164 tombs discovered to date, much important information concerning the residential and burial habits of ancient people was gleaned.
  In several layers of excavated earth, traces of pigs were found in abundance. Among 66 tombs that belonged to the Daweniou Culture period, the lower jaw bones of pigs were found in 18 tombs. Among the 98 tombs that belonged to the Longshan Culture period, the lower jaw bones of pigs were found in 19 tombs. Altogether, 214 pieces of lower jaw bones of pigs were discovered. Moreover, in a pit with a width of only 80 centimeters, five entire pig skeletons were discovered.
  At this same site, an elegant “pottery sculpture” was also discovered, so it was dubbed the “Pig Gui” by local people. It has the same function as the pottery gui, the only difference being that the lower part of the “Pig Gui” is made in the shape of a pig. By shrinking the proportions of the four legs, the unknown potter enabled his “pig” to lie comfortably on the ground. His tail rises upward and his ears extend forward, slightly hiding the eyes, while the teeth of the “pig” are clearly visible. Thus, an ordinary “l(fā)iving utensil” reflects the Sanlihe people’s love of pigs.
  At the Sanlihe Cultural Relics Site, two rather unique constructions especially attracted attention from archaeologists and locals alike. One is a piece of rectangular land with length of 90 centimeters and width of 60 centimeters, the surface of which is covered with cobblestones. Discovered beside it was the buried body of a dog. Another site is a round pit with a diameter of 120 centimeters. Both the pit bottom and wall were carefully processed and lined with stones. The most probable explanation is that these two sites were constructed by ancient people as altars to offer sacrifices to their ancestors.

相關熱詞搜索:膠州 遺址 三里河 膠州三里河遺址 膠州三里河公園 膠州三里河公園地圖

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