

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 幽默笑話 點擊:

  [摘要]該研究采用UPLCTQMS聯(lián)用技術,對百合中8種成分進行分析測定。35個批次百合藥材中王百合苷E、王百合苷F、王百合苷C及王百合苷B的質(zhì)量分數(shù)分別在0604 0×10-1~1862×10-1,0680 0×10-2~4475×10-2,0700 0×10-3~2965×10-1,0170 0×10-1~4724 mg·g-1;綠原酸、咖啡酸、原兒茶醛及阿魏酸的質(zhì)量分數(shù)分別在6827×10-3~1607×10-3,0111 0×104~7971×10-3,0593 7×10-3~2962×10-3,2606×10-2~4589×10-2 mg·g-1。進行主成分分析,繪制PCA(principal components analysis)得分圖及VIP圖,35批百合藥材被分成以產(chǎn)地為區(qū)分的2組,2個主產(chǎn)地百合樣品中,阿魏酸和咖啡酸在2個產(chǎn)地的百合中含量差異較大,其他6種成分含量在兩產(chǎn)地間相差較小。通過主成分分析的F綜合評分,可將樣品進行排序,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),在綜合排名的前10位,有8種百合為安徽霍山百合。建立基于的UPLCTQMS用于百合多指標的質(zhì)量評價方法,具有準確、高效、便捷等優(yōu)點,為百合藥材質(zhì)量控制提供依據(jù)。
  [關鍵詞]百合; 含量測定; UPLCTQMS; 主成分分析; 相關性分析
  Analysis and evaluation of eight active ingredients in
  Lilium lancifolium from different regions
  ZHANG Huangqin1, YAN Hui1, QIAN Dawei1*, ZHU Zhenhua1, GUO Sheng1,
  GUO Lanping2, TANG Zhishu3, DUAN Jinao1
 。1Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization, National and Local Collaborative
  Engineering Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization and Formulae Innovative Medicine, Nanjing University of
  Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China;
  2State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Daodi Herbs, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;
  3Shanxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine,
  Xianyang 712083, China)
  [Abstract]This study established a rapid UPLCTQMS/MS method for determination of eight active ingredients in Lilium lancifolium The contents range of regaloside E, F, C and B are as follows: 0604 0×10-11862×10-1, 0680 0×10-24475×10-2, 0700 0×10-32965×10-1, 0170 0×10-14724 mg·g-1; the contents of chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, protocatechualdehyde and ferulic acid, within the range of 6827×10-31607×10-3, 0011 1×10-37971×10-3, 0593 7×10-32962×10-3, 2606×10-24589×10-2 mg·g-1, respectively According to PCA (principal components analysis) plotting, 35 batches can be divided into two categories, namely Anhui Huoshan and Hunan Longshan The main different elements between these two categories are caffeic acid and ferulic acid according to the VIP (variable importance in the projection) points figure Based on comprehensive principal component values, there are eight batches of L lancifolium from Huoshan among the comprehensive ranking of ten The UPLCTQMS method for simultaneous analysis of eight active ingredients is accurate, efficient and convenient. This result can provide scientific basis for quality control of L lancifolium

相關熱詞搜索:藥材 活性 產(chǎn)地 百合 成分

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