

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 幽默笑話 點擊:

  摘要:目的 建立甘肅不同產(chǎn)地黃管秦艽藥材的灰色關聯(lián)度模型,并進行質(zhì)量評價。方法 以甘肅10個產(chǎn)地黃管秦艽為研究對象,測定龍膽苦苷、總環(huán)烯醚萜苷類、醇浸出物、總灰分、酸不溶性灰分含量,采用灰色關聯(lián)度法構建黃管秦艽質(zhì)量的灰色關聯(lián)度評價模型。結果 10個不同產(chǎn)地黃管秦艽樣品的相對關聯(lián)度在0.394~0.652之間。其中相對關聯(lián)度>0.50的樣品有6個產(chǎn)地,其樣品質(zhì)量評價較高,其余產(chǎn)地藥材質(zhì)量評價較低(相對關聯(lián)度<0.50)。卓尼縣柳林鄉(xiāng)觀景臺產(chǎn)地黃管秦艽的指標相對關聯(lián)度最大(0.652),質(zhì)量評價最優(yōu);漳縣三岔鎮(zhèn)狼王溝產(chǎn)地黃管秦艽的指標相對關聯(lián)度最。0.394),質(zhì)量評價最差。結論 灰色關聯(lián)度分析法及模型可應用于黃管秦艽藥材的質(zhì)量評價,本研究結果可為黃管秦艽的開發(fā)利用提供一定的試驗基礎。
  中圖分類號:R284.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1005-5304(2017)03-0069-06
  Quality Evaluation of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith. from Different Producing Areas of Gansu Province by Grey Incidence Degree Method WANG Jie1, ZHU Shun-juan1, FAN Qin2, YANG Li1, XIA Peng-fei3, WANG Yin-quan4, ZHAO Lei1,2,5 (1. Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Key Laboratory for Traditional Chinese (Tibetan) Medicine Chemistry and Quality Control of Gansu University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology of TCM of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China; 4. Northwest Collaborative Innovation Center for Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China; 5. Cultivation Base for Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Quality and Standard of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China)
  Abstract: Objective To establish the degree of gray incidence model of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith. from differenct producing areas of Gansu Province and conduct quality evaluation. Methods Ten samples of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith. from different producing areas in Gansu Province were collected and the gentiopicroside, total iridoid gycoside, extractives, total ash, acid-insoluble ash content of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith were tested. The quality evaluation of grey incidence model of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith. was established by grey incidence model. Results The relative correlation degrees of all evaluation items were in the range of 0.394–0.652. Among them, the relative correlation degree of samples from 6 producint areas were greater than 0.50, which had high quality evaluation. The relative correlation degrees of the rest samples from other producing areas were less than 0.50, which had low quality evaluation. The sample of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith. from Zhuoni County Liulin Township Observatory had the most highly correlated with the optimal reference sequence (0.652) and so the best in quality; The sample of Gentiana officinalis H.Smith. from Zhang County Sancha Town Langwang Ditch had the most lowly correlated with the optimal reference sequence (0.394) and so the worst in quality. Conclusion This method and quality evaluation model can be used for the quality evaluation for Gentiana officinalis H.Smith., which can provide a

相關熱詞搜索:秦艽 地黃 甘肅 藥材 關聯(lián)

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