

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-08-25 來源: 幽默笑話 點(diǎn)擊:

  摘 要:研究了增施顆粒鎂肥、顆粒鋅肥和硼肥等中微量元素肥料對烤煙生長發(fā)育和煙葉品質(zhì)的影響。結(jié)果表明,采用“基肥(N∶P2O5∶K2O=15∶15∶15)、顆粒鎂肥(75 kg/hm2)+追肥(N∶P2O5∶K2O=12.5∶0∶33.5粉狀)+硫酸鉀+葉面噴施硼肥和鋅肥”的肥料搭配方式,烤煙的產(chǎn)量、產(chǎn)值分別為3 625.05 kg/667m2和78 897.60元/667m2,分別比對照高347.85 kg/667m2和12 552.00元/667m2,其煙葉化學(xué)成分較為協(xié)調(diào),成熟度較好。因此,該肥料搭配方式可提高楚雄州煙葉的產(chǎn)量,并改善煙葉品質(zhì),建議廣泛推廣。
  中圖分類號:S572.062 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼:A 文章編號:1006-060X(2016)01-0027-03
  Effects of Additional Medium and Trace Element Fertilizers on Growth and Leaf Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco
  CHAI Yun-xia1,GENG Shao-wu1,ZOU Yang1,HU Xiao-dong1,WANG Yue-jin1,
  LI Qing-wu1,MA Chun-li2,LIU Shi-ming2
 。1.Chuxiong Tobacco Company, Yunnan Tobacco Corporation, Chuxiong 675000, PRC; 2.Yunnan Chuxiong Renheng Chemical Co., Ltd., Chuxiong 675000, PRC)
  Abstract:This study was to determine effects of increased application of medium and trace elements such as granular magnesium fertilizer, zinc fertilizer and boron fertilizer on the growth and development and leaf quality of flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that with the fertilizer collocation of basic fertilizer(15∶15∶15), granular magnesium fertilizer (75 kg/hm2) + topdressing 12.5∶0∶33.5(powder) + potassium sulfate + foliage spray with boron and zinc fertilizer in the study, the tobacco yield and output value were 54.38 t/hm2 and 1 183 464.00 RMB Yuan/hm2, 5.22 t/hm2 and 188 280.00 RMB Yuan/hm2 higher than the control group, respectively; and the chemical components were also relatively balanced and the maturity was better in the tobacco leaf. So the above collocation of fertilizers could improve the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco in Chuxiong, and should be recommended for demonstration and application in wider areas there.
  Key words: medium and trace element; fertilizer; flue cured tobacco; yield; quality
  植株生長需要大量的礦質(zhì)元素,烤煙也不例外?緹煴匦璧臓I養(yǎng)元素需要根據(jù)土壤養(yǎng)分含量及其煙株生長吸收情況通過合理施用不同肥料進(jìn)行調(diào)節(jié)[1]。適當(dāng)增施鎂、鋅、硼肥可促進(jìn)煙草的生長發(fā)育,改善煙株農(nóng)藝性狀,促進(jìn)干物質(zhì)積累,改善煙葉品質(zhì)[2-4]。近年來,煙農(nóng)過分重視烤煙肥料中大量元素氮、磷、鉀養(yǎng)分的配比,而忽視了烤煙中微量元素的供給,造成肥料施用不平衡,同時(shí)也導(dǎo)致土壤養(yǎng)分矛盾日益突出[5],部分地區(qū)出現(xiàn)缺中微量元素的癥狀[6-7] 。因此,筆者以鎂肥、鋅肥和硼肥為材料,研究增施中微量元素肥料對烤煙生長發(fā)育和煙葉品質(zhì)的影響,以期為楚雄州優(yōu)質(zhì)煙葉提供有效合理的施肥依據(jù)。
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 試驗(yàn)地點(diǎn)基本情況
  試驗(yàn)于2014年在楚雄市東華鎮(zhèn)小波巖村進(jìn)行。試驗(yàn)地地勢平坦,紫色土,肥力中等,耕層土壤基本理化性質(zhì):土壤ph值為5.64,有機(jī)質(zhì)23.3 g/kg,水解氮168.6 mg/kg,有效磷24.6 mg/kg,速效鉀133.00 mg/kg;前茬作物為蠶豆。
  1.2 試驗(yàn)材料

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:烤煙 煙葉 生長發(fā)育 微量元素 肥料

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