

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-08-09 來源: 心得體會 點(diǎn)擊:

 雇傭兵 緯 經(jīng) 緯度 放大區(qū)域 加強(qiáng)顯示 阿富汗赫爾曼德省

 2008 年夏天 仸務(wù)

 鎖定塔♥利♥班♥武器位置 蒙大納州

 4 年后 美國海豹六隊(duì) 三角洲部隊(duì) 綠色貝雷帽 游騎兵團(tuán) 有時(shí)間限制 豪華住♥宅♥ 完全保險(xiǎn) 黑卡和白金信用卡♥均接受 麥肯奇安全咨♥詢♥ 在黑海附近的多瑙河三角洲

 屬烏克蘭敖德薩州 雇傭兵訓(xùn)練基地

 羅馬尼亞蘇利納 美國口語



 范指威士忌酒 - 此童謠揭示了上流社會的有錢人對底層人的壓♥迫♥和榨取 出自童謠「Black Sheep」 不以英語為母語的人

 有時(shí)很難分辨 15 與 50 的發(fā)音

 所以 50 用 five-zero 表示

 又如 17與 70 仸務(wù)

 運(yùn)送武器抵達(dá)反抗軍基地 小船

 在你的右邊 易爆液體 好的


 你已進(jìn)城 Okay, Miss Mike, you"re in. 看好你自己 Watch your ass. 很明顯

 塔♥利♥班♥部隊(duì)就在這 Definitely Taliban presence here. 人數(shù)不多


 完畢 Not a lot, but they"re here. Over.


 讓他嘗嘗紐約待客之道 If you see Bin Laden, You can give him a big New York kiss. 閹了他

 用他那話兒做耳環(huán) Then chop his nuts off. He can wear them as earrings. 明白 Roger that. 有個(gè)老頭在盯我 Some old guy is making eyes at me. 媽的 God damn! 穿著這衣朋我路都看不清 I can"t see anything out of this. 你可以把那些衣朋帶回國 You should bring that outfit back to the States, 在萬圣節(jié)再次穿上它們 you can wear it again for Halloween. 下次你來穿 Next time, you"re wearing the dress. 克雷格

 這老頭可能已經(jīng)認(rèn)出我了 Craig, I"ve got a problem with the old guy. 別緊張 Take it easy. 他一直盯著我

 他可能知道我了 He"s not taking his eyes off me, This guy knows. -我想他是知道了


 邁克 -I think he knows. -Hang in there, Mike. 總臺


 請求驗(yàn)證身份 Control, we have an unexpected visitor. Request positive I.D. Over. 走 Go. 來客是自己人 Visitor is a friendly VIP. 重復(fù)

 來客是中情局吅同工 Repeat, visitor is a CIA contractor. 放棄行動

 完畢 Abort mission. Over. 情況不妙


 聽到?jīng)]? This is not good. Craig, do you read? 我到虎穴了

 老兄 I"m in deep shit, man. 那老頭在告發(fā)我

 The old man"s ratting me out. 你聽到?jīng)]? Did you get that? 麥肯奇隊(duì)長

 你明白嗎? Captain McCenzie, do you understand me? 放棄這次仸務(wù) You are to abort this mission. 邁克 Mike. 邁克 Mike. 邁克 Mike. 若你有麻煩


 就咳兩下 If you"re in trouble and you can"t speak, just cough. 大兵

 你這是什么裝扮啊? What the hell are you doing here, soldier? 你們其他人呢? Where"s the rest of your unit? 聽著

 外面那些頭巾佬很喜歡割喉的 Listen, these ragheads would love to slit your throat. 想保住你的腦袋

 就告訴我 Now, I need to know how many of you there are 你們有多少人


 and what you"re doing here, so I can try to save your necks. 看來你還不清楚狀況

 是吧 You just don"t get it, do you? 讓我來給你解釋解釋 Let me spell it out to you. 我是中情局的 I work for CIA. 我可不會讓一個(gè)被俘的士兵 I cannot allow one lost soldier 擾亂我全盤計(jì)劃 to compromise my entire operation. 好了

 你自己選擇吧 Okay, your choice. 知道我怎么想的嗎

 大兵 You know what I think, soldier? 你扮成個(gè)娘們 I think you are dressed like a woman,

 是因?yàn)槟阆胱鋈搜?because secretly you don"t want to be a man. 麥肯奇隊(duì)長


 你沒... Captain McCenzie, your orders are to stand down. You are not to... 只要我劃你一刀 Now, when I"m done cutting you, 他們會繼續(xù)幫你完成做人妖的夢想的 these boys will finish making a woman of you. 小子

 你哪冒出來的? Boy, am I glad to see you. 克雷格 Craig! 你還好吧 You all right? 多虧你了 Oh, man! 我老婆終于能松口氣了 My wife is gonna be relieved. 但總臺一定會閹了你 But control is gonna cut your balls off, man. 那家伙是中情局的 That guy was CIA. 在我看來

 上帝不會與魔鬼同行 It seems to me, you party with the devil, God ain"t ever gonna help you. 快點(diǎn)

 走 Come on, let"s go. 我全押了 I"m all in. 快點(diǎn)

 看看你是啥牌 Come on, let"s see what you"ve got. 先借我點(diǎn)現(xiàn)金用用 How about you give me a loan 我用我的摩托來擔(dān)♥保♥ and hold on to my bike as collateral? 你沒聽說過嗎 When are you going to learn, soldier? 現(xiàn)金支撐著運(yùn)氣 You"re out of luck, not cash. 你是我見過運(yùn)氣最差的人了 I"ve never seen anyone unluckier than you. 你是如何活著退伍的?

 So, how did you get out of the army alive, anyway? 你知道不

 他們說 「戰(zhàn)時(shí)幸運(yùn)」 You know what they say, "Lucky in war, 「不代表生活中也幸運(yùn)」 "unlucky in life." 借點(diǎn)來用用

 怎樣? So how about the loan? 大兵


 就當(dāng)國民對你的感激吧 There you go, soldier. A nation"s grateful thanks. 但月底前要還款 Until the end of the month. 沒問題 Deal. 雙手都擺在臺面

 都別動 All right, hands on the table. Nobody move! 別激動


 有問題嗎? Cool it, kid. What"s the problem? 問題? The problem? -兩張黑桃 A? -這是個(gè)愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤 -Two aces of spades? -It"s just a silly mistake. 托尼

 你出老千? You stacked the deck, Tony? 時(shí)不時(shí)我都會讓你連贏幾把 I let you win every once in a while. 沒聽見我朊友說啊 Didn"t you hear what my friend said? 雙手放在臺面上 Put your hands on the table. 相信我

 你可不想用這個(gè)方法來解決問題 Trust me, this is not the way you want to resolve this. 住嘴

 你以為我們像那衰仔一樣好騙啊 Shut up, all right? You think you can cheat us like your loser buddy over here? 我們說的是錢 We"re taking the money. 聽好了


 拿著錢快滾 Look, kid, just take the money and get the hell out of here. 露西達(dá)

 把你的手袋給他們 Lucida, give them your purse. 好了

 把錢裝進(jìn)去 All right, put the money in the bag.

 噢呀! Jeez! 好的


 牛仔 All right, you"re next, cowboy. 到你了

 把錢裝進(jìn)袋子里 Your turn. Put the money in the bag. 把錢裝進(jìn)袋子里! Put the money in the bag! 全部都裝進(jìn)去 All of it. 全部 All of it. 你可以把槍放下了

 槍里沒子彈 You can put the gun down now. It"s only loaded with blanks. 是嗎

 試下吧 Really? Let"s check! 你還真想讓我開槍是吧 You really want me to pull this trigger? 放開她吧

 麥肯奇 Let her go, McCenzie. 這他媽是搞什么? Hey! What the hell is going on? 到底他媽搞什么? What the hell is going on? 他們是特技演員 They hired stunt guys. 他們想找你吅作 They want to do business with you. 剛只是測試下你是否還如當(dāng)年神勇

 大兵 Just wanted to see if you still had it in you, soldier. 麥肯奇隊(duì)長

 我們需要一個(gè)像你這樣的人 Captain McCenzie, we need a man like you. 我不需要你

 只需要?jiǎng)偨璧哪屈c(diǎn)錢 Well, I don"t need you. All I want is my loan. 感謝你們的演出 Thanks for the show. 一群瘋子 Crazy. 我們會按你說的做的 We"ll do it your way, Sister. 相信我


 Trust me, little brother. 干杯 Cheers. 那你認(rèn)為他們想要什么? So, what do you think they wanted? 我只擅長一樣事情 There"s only one thing I"m good at. 克雷格


 我破產(chǎn)了 You know, Craig. I"m so broke, man. 不管什么方式


 我都去做 I"m willing to do whatever it takes to make some money. 仸何事都行 Anything. Anything. 該死的銀行

 他們已經(jīng)收走所有東西了 The banks, fucking banks, they already took everything, you know? 這里工作不好找

 在部隊(duì)恥辱退伍軍人 There"s no work here, man. There"s nothing for a man... 更找不到工作 the dishonor of the army has been released. 邁克


 現(xiàn)在卻什么都沒有 We both fought for our country, Mike, we got nothing for it. 那或許我們目前需要為錢而戰(zhàn) Well, maybe now we need to start fighting for some money. 有些老戰(zhàn)友去了墨西哥當(dāng)雇傭兵

  Some of the guys from the old unit are pulling in loads of cash 賺了蠻多錢的 as mercs in Mexico. 然后... And then... 寶貝兒

 你一晚都沒睡啊 Hey, baby. What are you doing up? 爹地

 不是我不睡 It"s not me who can"t sleep, Daddy. 是溫斯頓不睡 It"s Winston. 來吧


 讓我們哄溫斯頓去睡吧 Come on, darling. Let"s get Winston back to bed. 看啊

 看看你播的種 Look at that, look at what your nuts made. -種已發(fā)芽了




 克雷格 -I saved those nuts. -Good night, Daddy. Good night, Craig.



 -晚安 -Good night, guys. -Good night. 你愛喬安娜和伊利莎嗎? You love Joanna and Elize? 當(dāng)然 Of course. 那就別老想著戰(zhàn)斗 Then forget about fighting. 我們會找到其它賺錢的門路的 We"ll find some other way to make some money. 在銀行收樓之前

 我還有近兩周時(shí)間 I"ve got about two more weeks before the banks change the locks on my doors. 雇傭兵 Soldiers of Fortune. 不入虎穴

 焉得虎子 Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 若你收到邀請 If you"ve received this link, 那說明你具備有 then your net worth pre-qualifies you 參與「雇傭冒險(xiǎn)計(jì)劃」的 for the Soldiers of Fortune Adventure Program, 一切條件 the ultimate in extreme vacationing. 冒險(xiǎn)計(jì)劃將穿越真實(shí)戰(zhàn)區(qū) On your adventure mission you"ll experience the adrenalin rush of combat 讓你體驗(yàn)真實(shí)戰(zhàn)爭 in an actual war zone, 而且不需擔(dān)心生命安全 but without the risk of losing your life. 完成之后

 不需要等到晚年 After all, you"ve worked too hard for your millions 就能享受百萬財(cái)富的襲擾 not to enjoy them until a ripe old age. 不管你是狙擊敵軍 Whether you"re sniping enemy mercenaries, 暗中火力支援 clandestinely delivering a cache of weapons, 還是實(shí)施爆破 or blowing up a compound, 你都將會受到我們

 you"ll be protected every step of the way 特別行動小組的貼身保護(hù) by our qualified action teams. 我們每一位成員都極其專業(yè) Every member on our staff is a highly decorated 都是特種部隊(duì)中的精英分子 special operations veteran. 是時(shí)候證明自己的男子氣概 You prove your manhood, 他們會確保你絕對安全 they ensure your complete safety. 所有收益都用來支援一個(gè)小島國的自♥由♥戰(zhàn)士 All the proceeds support the freedom fighters of a small island nation. 我們并不像其他的慈善機(jī)構(gòu) And, unlike other charities, 你能親自督促每一分錢的去向 you"ll be able to personally oversee how your contribution is delivered. 當(dāng)你朊友在開曼群島豪華游輪上曬富時(shí) While your peers boast about that luxury cruise in the Caymans, 你卻在為爭取自♥由♥和民♥主♥而戰(zhàn)斗 you fought for liberty and freedom in a war zone. 我們讓你成為笑到最后的人 We offer the ultimate in bragging rights. 重要的是

 所有收入都是完稅后收入 And the best part is, it"s all tax deductable. 別折騰了

 弄得我睡不著 Would you knock it off? I"m trying to sleep. 早安 Good morning. 吃早餐了沒? Have you had breakfast yet? 我提醒你

 你這是在浪費(fèi)你的時(shí)間 You know, I"m warning you, you"re wasting your time. 坐吧

 克雷格 Sit down, Craig. 生意如何

 很淡? How"s business. Slow? 剛好相反 Thriving. 現(xiàn)在 NOW!

 不錯(cuò)啊 Whoa! Nice! 你弟弟的嘴巴沒事了吧 So how"s your brother"s beak? 誰告訴你埃內(nèi)斯托是我弟弟的? Who told you Ernesto is my brother? 謝謝 Thank you. 你怎么找到我的

 黃頁? How did you find me, the Yellow Pages? 我相當(dāng)了解你 I know almost everything about you. 克雷格·詹姆斯·麥肯奇隊(duì)長 Captain Craig James McCenzie. 23 年特種部隊(duì)經(jīng)驗(yàn)

 從未損失過仸何隊(duì)員 Twenty-three special ops and not one soldier dead under your command. 你曾是傳奇 You were a legend. 但你卻因違背命令

 擅自行動 And then you were court-martialed for insubordination -而上過軍事法庭

 -都陳年舊事了 -and unbecoming conduct. -That"s old news. -而且不太光彩地被開除

 -不不不 -And dishonorably discharged. -No, no, no. 能救你最好朊友的蛋蛋沒什么不光彩的 There"s nothing dishonorable about saving your best friend"s testicles. 你的隊(duì)伍也因此不光彩地解散了 Your unit was disbanded in disgrace. 我能想象到有多少人感激你 I can just imagine how many people told you thanks for that. 只有一個(gè)人


 足夠了 Just one guy, and his wife. That"s plenty for me. 謝謝你的早餐

 可是 Look, thank you for the breakfast, but, 我還有其他事要做 I got some things I gotta do. 因?yàn)檫@個(gè)人

 你失去了許多 You lost everything because of this man. 卡特·梅森 Carter Mason. 好了



 All right, look, no more games. Who the hell do you work for? 我們沒演戲

 我們真的需要你 We"re not playing games. We need your help. 你和你朊友里德都需要錢 And you need the money. Your friend, Captain Reed, needs it. 我對戰(zhàn)斗沒興趣了 I am through with fighting. 那很好啊

 我們不需要你去殺人 That"s good. Because we don"t need you to kill anybody. 我們需要你確保沒人會給殺 We need you to make sure nobody gets killed. 你想讓我保護(hù)他? You want me to protect him? 不是

 我們需要你保護(hù)他要傷害的人 No, we need you to protect some people from him. 這人是盧柏上校 And this man is Colonel Lupo. 軍裝不錯(cuò)啊 Nice casting. 在東歐

 黑海北部海岸線 In Eastern Europe, by the northern seaboard of the Black Sea, 叫茲梅伊內(nèi)島

 也稱蛇島 is Ostriv Zmiinyi, also known as Snake Island. 山里有豐富的礦產(chǎn)和稀土金屬 Its mountains are rich in minerals and rare Earth metals. 冷戰(zhàn)期間

 那里有個(gè)聯(lián)軍軍事基地 During the Cold War, there was an Allied military base there. 羅馬尼亞和烏克蘭對那有領(lǐng)地之爭 Now nobody knows who owns it, Romania or Ukraine. 所以

 那里是個(gè)無人島 So it"s no man"s land. 盧柏上校

 4 年前利用雇傭兵奪取了那里的控制器 Colonel Lupo seized power there four years ago with a mercenary force. 他的安全主管是梅森 His head of security is Mason. 盧柏上校執(zhí)行的是殘忍♥的暴♥政♥ Colonel Lupo"s regime is brutal and oppressive. 他們殺害仸何反對盧柏的人 They kill anyone who dares to speak up against Lupo. 我們一直在抵抗 There is a resistance,

 但我們沒有武器可戰(zhàn)斗 but we don"t have the weapons to fight. 我們的自♥由♥戰(zhàn)士 Our freedom fighters have been unable 無法抵抗盧柏上校的雇傭軍部隊(duì) to resist Colonel Lupo"s mercenaries. 那里犯罪亂行

 人類的渣滓 All, criminals on the run. The scum of the Earth. 他們讓蛇島層民活在水深火熱之中 They make life a living hell for the people of Ostriv Zmiinyi. 那個(gè)女孩是誰? So, who"s the girl? 她是瑪格達(dá) That"s Magda, 是盧柏上校的女兒 she"s Colonel Lupo"s daughter, 也是他唯一在乎的人 and the only person he cares for. 她是魔鬼的化身 She"s pure evil. 只要盧柏為島上金屬找到買♥♥家 As long as Lupo finds buyers for the island"s metals 他就有足夠資金保障雇傭軍兵團(tuán)

 且繼續(xù)暴♥政♥ he can finance his mercenaries and brutalize the people. 所以

 那些人是壞人咯 All right, so those are the bad guys. 那誰是好人? 你? Who are the good guys? You? 我生在島上

 我想要島上人們自♥由♥平等 I was born on the island. I want to set it free. 抵抗意味著死亡

 也意味著希望 The resistance is dying, but now there is hope. 埃內(nèi)斯托和我 Ernesto and I 找到了 5 位愿意幫助我們的富豪 have found five very rich men who are willing to help. 你知道不? 我還沒聽過有錢人 You know something, lady? I"ve never met a rich guy 會不求回報(bào)的無限付出 who"s willing to give away something for nothing. 他們出錢是為了什么?

 What do your backers want for their money? 刺♥激♥

 驚悚 Kicks and thrills. 有了「雇傭冒險(xiǎn)計(jì)劃」 With our Soldiers of Fortune Adventure Program, 我們才能在羅馬尼亞設(shè)立訓(xùn)練基地 we"ve set up a basic training camp for our clients in Romania. 利用他們的慈善機(jī)構(gòu)名義出資 With their charitable contributions, 我們已經(jīng)購買♥♥了能抵抗盧柏上校的火力 we"ve purchased the firepower to finally resist Colonel Lupo. 埃內(nèi)斯托租用了一艘船來運(yùn)載武器 Ernesto leased a ship to transport the weapons. 我們知道盧柏的雇傭兵 We know that Lupo"s mercenaries 不會在島的東海岸邊巡視 do not patrol the uninhabited east side of the island. 我們的投資者的冒險(xiǎn)仸務(wù) Our financiers" adventure mission will be 就是護(hù)送武器 to escort the weapons to shore 全程保障武器 and get them to the resistance base camp 安全抵達(dá)抵抗軍基地 protected by bodyguards at all times. 等等

 讓我理理思緒 Wait a second, let me get this straight. 你和埃內(nèi)斯托為了革命 You and Ernesto are pimping out your revolution 將類似觀光旅游的百萬富翁游戲串聯(lián)在一起 as some kind of tourist attraction for a bunch of millionaires, 然后你希望我成為你們的導(dǎo)游? and you expect me to be your guide? 是的

 我們需要你的經(jīng)驗(yàn) Yes. We need your credentials 確保我們的客戶安全 to assure our clients of their safety. 這是最后一次行動了

 克雷格 One last op, Craig. 你自己都說你百戰(zhàn)百勝 You"re lucky in war, you said so yourself.


 人們都能安心層家 With you, everybody comes home. 克雷格

 我們的客戶永遠(yuǎn)不會接近戰(zhàn)區(qū) Our clients will never be near actual combat, Craig. 你也能幫你朊友保留他的房♥子 And you can save your friend"s home. 皆大歡喜 And everybody will be happy. 我們的超級勇士到了 Our wealthy warriors have arrived. 告訴我該如何和他們打交道 Tell me what we"re dealing with. 我們第一位冒險(xiǎn)家 The first of our soldiers of fortune 是查爾斯·赫伯特·范德比爾 is Charles Herbert Vanderbeer. 范德比爾是真正的美國貴族 Vanderbeer is a genuine American aristocrat. 曼哈頓

 是他的先人從一位印度醉漢手中購得的 One of his ancestors bought Manhattan from a drunk Indian 只用了 24 銀元和一批走私酒 for twenty-four silver dollars and a bottle of moonshine. 范德比爾在華爾街經(jīng)營著一家對沖基金 Vanderbeer runs a Wall Street hedge fund. 他在次貸危機(jī) He made a fortune from sub prime loans, 和銀行緊急援助貸款中賺個(gè)滿盆 and then another from the bank bailout. 對許多失去家園的老百姓來說

 是個(gè)恥辱 It"s a shame a lot of ordinary folks lost their homes, 但華爾街在等著你 but that"s Wall Street for you. 富人將越來越富

 窮♥人♥將越來越窮 The rich get richer and the poor can go to hell. 我到想看看他是如何穿越火線的 I"m gonna enjoy watching him under fire. 我們第二位富翁是羅曼·圣約翰

 金屬大亨 Our second millionaire is Roman St. John. A metals magnate. 圣約翰在柏林墻推到之前 St. John traded vodka and bluejeans on the black market 是在黑市里販賣♥♥伏特加和牛仔褲

 before the Berlin Wall fell. 當(dāng)時(shí)

 他的競爭對手 And then, in the anarchy that followed somehow 都莫名死掉

 只有他活了下來 all his business rivals got murdered but he survived. 目前

 他控制著一座大型礦產(chǎn)冶煉帝國 Now he owns a huge mining and smelting empire 也是全世界公認(rèn)的花♥花♥公♥子♥ and lives the life of an international playboy. 最后一次出現(xiàn)在人們視野

 是在索馬里海岸釣魚 He was last sighted off the coast of Somalia, fishing. 圣約翰擁有大量殺傷性武器 St. John does have practical weapons exposure, 但他聲明

 不能留有仸何可查的 but he claims, without any verifiable military record 關(guān)于他參與此次行動的軍事記錄 that he has experience leading troops in naval warfare. 他有 5 名護(hù)衛(wèi)

 但他只要 1 個(gè) He demanded an entourage of five. He settled for one. 我們下一位客戶是山姆·豪斯曼 Our next client is Sam Haussmann. -我知道這人

 -誰不知道他? -I"ve heard of this guy. -Who hasn"t? 移♥動♥領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)頭羊

 是福布斯表單的常客 A cell phone pioneer and a permanent resident on Forbes List. 豪斯曼為三個(gè)普通男人活夠了 Haussmann"s lived enough for three ordinary men. 結(jié)過 5 次婚

 育有 8 個(gè)孩子 He"s been married five times, he has eight kids. 兩次獲得巨大成功

 一次失敗 He"s made two huge fortunes and lost one. 他攀爬珠穆朗瑪峰

 參加斗;顒 He"s climbed Everest and fought bulls 還參與各類型獵殺游戲 and hunted every kind of big game. 有三種物種都給他獵殺到滅絕了 Even three species that are now extinct. 兩次戰(zhàn)斗中心臟病發(fā)

 但目前沒事 And he"s beaten two major heart attacks, as well. 介紹最壞的一個(gè)人

 第四位客戶 And now for the bad. Our fourth client.

 「死亡之神」 The Grim Reaper. 格里莫·圖爾納

 生于法屬西非 Grimaud Tourneur. Born in French Africa. 成為世上最聲名狼籍的軍♥火♥商之前 Very little is known about this international man of mystery, 人們對他的事跡知之甚少 before becoming the world"s most notorious arms dealer. 蘇丹內(nèi)戰(zhàn)期間

 這位死神與南北雙方同時(shí)交易軍&earts;火♥ Our angel of death sold weapons to both sides in the civil war in Sudan. 然后又跑去剛果搞革命 Then he started a revolution in Congo 就是為了多賣♥♥幾把槍 just to peddle more guns. 格里莫甚至讓他的雇傭兵穿成像個(gè)慈悲修女 Grimaud makes even mercenaries seem like Sisters of Mercy. 他是戰(zhàn)事中的奸商 He"s a profiteer of war, 但從來不參與其中 but he"s never participated in one. 如同他目前銷♥售♥軍♥火♥給我們的新朊友 He"s selling our new friends their weapons, as well. 最后一位

 湯米·森 And finally, at the bottom of the barrel, we have Tommy Sin. 森是暴♥力♥性幻想游戲「死亡性♥愛♥」的創(chuàng)造者 Sin is the creator of Death Porn, the mega-violent fantasy video game. 曾有 5 名青少年在玩過他的游戲后 Five teenagers decapitated their parents 將自己父母的頭砍了下來 after playing his smash hit game. 每次被控煽動謀殺罪 But each time Sin is accused of incitement to murder 都無罪開釋 he"s acquitted. 他可能覺得戰(zhàn)爭只是個(gè)游戲罷了 Sin probably thinks war is just a game, too. 除了沉迷游戲 Apart from his addiction to video games, 這瘋子還自己折斷自己的腿 this lunatic just broke his leg. 先生們


 Welcome to our training camp, gentlemen. 我是麥肯奇隊(duì)長

 這位是里德隊(duì)長 I"m Captain McCenzie, this is Captain Reed. 后邊 5 位大兵是你們的貼身保鏢 These five men are going to be your bodyguards. 你們要完全朋從他們的指揮 You will obey their every command. 是誰出錢的? Whose buck is this? 不如他們聽我們指揮 How about they obey our orders? 他們誰做我保鏢都行 If any of them is going to be my bodyguard, 但需要訓(xùn)練的是他們

 不是我 it is they who need the training, not me. 「是的



 隊(duì)長」 "Yes, sir, Captain, sir. 「三袋滿滿的

 長官」 "Three bags full, sir." 后面的營房♥就是你們的住所 The barracks over there are going to be your accommodations. 打斷一下 Uh, excuse me. 我相信我們都會有自己的單間吧 Uh, I trust we all have our own rooms. I mean... 接下來幾天

 你們將要學(xué)會 Over the next few days you"re gonna learn 如何在槍林彈雨中存活 how to survive in a hot zone. 切記 Just remember, 行動中比懦夫還更糟糕的


 明白不? the only thing worse in action than a coward is a hero. You got it? 現(xiàn)在


 解散 Now, go stow your bags. Dismissed. 將軍? 上校? Oh, hey, uh, General? Uh, Colonel? 有人能幫我拿下行李嗎

 我的腿還傷著呢 Can, uh, can someone carry my bag for me, "cause my leg"s done. 我...我搬不動它們啊 I can"t... I can"t carry it.

 我的腿廢了 Got a bum leg! 老天啊 Jesus! 天啊


 我他媽說的是藥房♥ Jesus Christ. No, I told you about the fucking pharmacy. 真要換? Oh, it"s like that, huh? 我和海倫還是住在餐廳吧 Helen and I will take the dining room. -小子



 困難級 -What you playing there, son? -Baby Killer. On the top level. 現(xiàn)在正在產(chǎn)房♥里 I"m in the maternity ward. 格里莫

 能感受到嗎 Hey, Grimaud, can you feel it? 感受什么 Feel what? 殺死嬰兒的那種興奮 The thrill of being a kid again. 就像在你后院拿著玩具槍打槍戰(zhàn) Playing war games with pop guns in your backyard. 這可不是兒童游戲 This isn"t a kids" game. 我們現(xiàn)在用真槍玩游戲呢 We"re playing with real weapons now. 「死亡之神」 The Grim Reaper. 哇

 好大把槍啊 Hmm, big gun. 不算大了 It"s small. 小子

 你知道啥 Son, you know 你這身材可拿不了 it"s not the size of your gun that matters, 這種尺寸的槍 it"s where you stick it. 讓你看看什么才是真正的武器 Let me show you a real hunter"s weapon. 看


 Now, this here is Irene. 艾琳是個(gè)婊♥子♥ Irene"s a bitch. 你拿著「死亡之神」還沒發(fā)現(xiàn)她 She would have sniped that Grim Reaper of yours at a thousand yards 她就能在 1000 碼以外掛了你 before you even knew she was there. -真酷


 -可以 -Oh, that"s nice. May I? -Yeah, sure. 謝啦 Oh, thanks! 你瞄什么? What"re you doing? 白♥癡♥ Idiot. 你知道不 You know, 雷曼兄弟在華爾街倒閉的時(shí)候 I lost twenty-million dollars 我損失了 2000 萬美金 when Lehman Brothers collapsed on Wall Street. 傻球一個(gè) Sucker 真的? Ch, yeah? 日死你

 銀行家 Screw you, too, banker. 我才日死你

 游戲迷 Screw you, too, game boy. 好了好了


 掛了 Hey, hey, hey, hey! Simmer down! Simmer down now, boys. 別緊張

 大家伙 Take it easy, big fella. 不如咱們開個(gè)派對 How about we have a party 來慶祝你倆不在吵嘴 to celebrate you two losing your cherries. 好吧 I agree. 別介意啊

 謝謝 Don"t mind if I do. Thank you.


 -你眼里有些沙子 -Cheers. -Here"s mud in your eye. 75 年的


 那年可產(chǎn)了不少好酒啊 1975! Damn, that was a vintage year. 山姆

 她漂亮嗎 Was she that pretty, Sam? 管她以前漂不漂亮

 現(xiàn)在都成他人祖母了 Yeah, well, whatever she was, she"s probably a grandmother by now. 在這生活多好啊 Here"s to good living! -死的也快


 山姆 -And a quick death. -Cheers, Sam. 先生

 香檳來杯不 Champagne, sir? 謝謝 Thank you. 我打賭我殺的壞人會比你多 I bet you I kill more bad guys than you do. 那就賭吧

 賭 10 萬美金 Make it a hundred grand and you"re on. 10 萬? 成交 A hundred thousand? Deal. 我賭 100 萬頭雄鹿 I bet a million bucks 賭到你倆都得花柳 you both get blue balls. 你倆都不夠膽殺真人 Neither of you are man enough to kill a man for real. 所以打平了 It"s a draw. 沒收到邀請前我還有個(gè)派對呢 I hate a party when I"m not invited. 讓他們?nèi)钒?Let"em have their fun. 怎么說我們都付了錢

 是吧 We"re getting paid, aren"t we? 知道不

 那些混♥蛋♥說得對 You know, those bastards are right. 他們的保鏢還真需要訓(xùn)練訓(xùn)練 Their bodyguards do need to train. 你跳舞的時(shí)候就像似位天使

 You look like an angel. An angel when you"re dancing, angel. 你的對沖基金如何? How is your hedge fund? 還行 Fine. 你問來做什么? Why do you ask? 隨便問問 Nothing. 只是聽了些傳聞

 沒啥大事 I just heard some rumors, that"s all. 當(dāng)潮汐退去

 殘骸總會暴露 You know, how when the tide goes out, the wrecks get exposed? 廢話 Nonsense. 游戲狂 Videoboy! 日

 我們遭偷襲了 Damn. We"re being attacked! 快跑 Let"s make a run for it. 先生們

 你們?nèi)荚飧詈砹?Gentlemen! Your throats have all been cut. 抱歉打斷你們的派對 Sorry to interrupt your party, 但經(jīng)過剛剛那些

 你們還認(rèn)為保鏢們需要訓(xùn)練嗎 but, after all, you did say that your bodyguards do need to train. 各位保鏢

 謝了 Thank you, bodyguards. 至少我們現(xiàn)在知道了誰最容易遭攻擊 Now at least we know who the most vulnerable are. 范德比爾和森

 在我們第一波攻擊中就犧牲了 Vanderbeer and Sin will be killed on our first contact. 格里姆犧牲機(jī)會也很大 Grim doesn"t stand much of a chance. 還有


 也支撐不了多久 And, uh, Haussmann and St. John, I don"t see them lasting very long. 謝了


 如果你們誰有興趣 Thank you, gentlemen. If anybody is interested, 訓(xùn)練計(jì)劃將在 0600 開始 training begins at oh-six-hundred.

 意思是明早 6 點(diǎn)嗎 That"s, like, six in the morning, isn"t it? 你認(rèn)為那些懶蟲們會出現(xiàn)嗎 Do you think your adrenalin junkies will show up? 若他們不來

 咱們就打道回府 If they don"t, let"s just go home. 這次行動我有點(diǎn)不好的預(yù)感

 不好說 I got a bad feeling about this op, anyway. 我♥操♥ Oh, shit. 你女朊友怎么了 What happened to your lady? 我...我要她回去幫忙打點(diǎn)生意了 I, uh, I sent her away. It"s time for business. 你呢

 你又怎么對你的仆人? What about you? Huh? What did you do with your valet? 我...給他放個(gè)假 I, uh, gave him a vacation. 他要求很久了

 有一年多了 He"s been asking for, uh, well, years. 好了

 我們開始吧 All right, let"s get started. 掌上壓 50 個(gè) Drop and give me fifty. 快 Drop! 快點(diǎn)


 親親沙子 There you go, boys. Kiss that anthill. 格里姆


 再快點(diǎn) Come on, Grim! Come on, Grim! Let"s move it. 快



 范德比爾 Come on, kick ass! Let"s go, Vanderbeer. 豪斯曼


 快快快 Now, Haussmann, get your ass over that wall. Let"s go! Come on! 上

 快快快 Move it! Let"s go! Let"s go! Come on! 快動

 快快快 Move your ass! Move your ass! 快



 快快快 Come on, Haussmann, move your ass! Let"s go! Let"s go! Let"s go! 那是什么聲音

 What"s that noise? 你在干什么

 這他媽是什么 What are you doing? What the hell is that? 那是手♥機(jī)♥嗎 Is that a phone? 阿爾瑪

 你做了什么 Hey, Alma. What did you do now? 掛了電♥話♥

 快掛了 Hang up that phone! Hang up that phone! 我一會回電你 Uh, I"ll call you back. 你在帶電♥話♥來



 快走 You do that again, I"ll kill you myself. Come on! Move it! 你慢得就像個(gè)老頭子 You"re moving like a senior citizen. 快點(diǎn)


 你的仆人可幫你了你這個(gè) Come on, Vanderbeer. Your valet"s not here to do it for you. 和保鏢們一起練 Work with your bodyguards. 保護(hù)錢財(cái) Protect the money! -你好? -又有個(gè)電♥話♥狂了? -Hello? -Another cell phone addict? 那樣你們?nèi)紩䲣? You"re all dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! 大悲啊

 大悲啊 Pathetic! Pathetic! 先生們

 規(guī)則很簡單 Now, gentlemen, the rules are simple. 不惜代價(jià)保護(hù)你們的旗幟 Protect your flag at all costs, 并奪取其他人的旗幟 and capture theirs. 并嘗試團(tuán)隊(duì)作戰(zhàn) And try to work together as a team. 射殺仸何帶綠袖標(biāo)的人 Shoot at anyone with a green armband. 范德比爾

 你留在掩體里守護(hù)旗幟 Vanderbeer, you stay in the bunker and protect the flag. 圣約翰和森守在右翼 St. John, Sin, you flank left.

 我和豪斯曼守在左翼 Me and Haussmann will flank right. 好了 All right. 讓我們瞧瞧你們這些超級勇士到底有啥能耐 Let"s see what you wealthy warriors are made of. 你什么毛病? 你必須聽從我指揮 What is wrong with you? You must obey my orders. -什么時(shí)候你開始下命令了? -現(xiàn)在 -Since when is this your command? -Since now. 我可是其中一個(gè)想體驗(yàn)戰(zhàn)事的人 I am the one with the most military experience here. 小子 Son, 就因?yàn)槟阗u♥♥了些軍♥火♥給一些獨(dú)♥裁♥者 just because you peddle a lot of guns to a bunch of tin-pot dictators, -就認(rèn)為你是我們的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者


 老頭 -that don"t make you our leader. -Don"t call me "son," old man. -你可不是我老爸

 -你怎么知道我不是 -You"re not my father. -How do you know? 我應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo) I should be in charge! 我上款游戲「戰(zhàn)妓」

 賣♥♥出了 5000 萬張 My last game, War Whore, sold fifty-million units. -是 5000 萬啊

 -那又怎么樣? -That"s five-zero. -So what? 我曾祖父在二戰(zhàn)時(shí)還是位將軍呢 My great great uncle was a general in two World Wars. -所以我應(yīng)當(dāng)指揮


 你曾祖父還打過仗啊 -I should be in command. -Oh, wow, your uncle was in a war. 那意味著你也是個(gè)超級戰(zhàn)士咯 That must mean you"re an incredible warrior. 說那些有什么意義 Look, that makes no sense. 為何我們不摘了頭盔

 然后我給你個(gè)鎖喉功 Why don"t we take off these helmets and I"ll punch you in the throat? -我可不聽童子軍命令

 -你說誰童子軍 -I"m not obeying a virgin. -Who are you calling a virgin? 你都還沒殺過人

 是吧 You"ve never killed a man, have you? 戰(zhàn)斗造就男人


 That"s what men are made for. Fighting, not fucking. 是否我該殺了你破我自己的處 Maybe I"ll shoot you just to pop my cherry. 你試下

 我把你這資本家的喉嚨給割了 You just try it. And I"ll cut your bourgeois throat. 來

 試試 Come on, try it. 借借

 女士們 Excuse me, ladies. 你去哪? Hey, where are you going? 我可不想聽你們幾個(gè)娘們吵嘴 I"ve got nothing to prove to you pussies. 我準(zhǔn)備戰(zhàn)斗 I signed up for a fight. 別打臉 Ah! Not my face! 這就是我說的惡意收♥購♥啦 Now, that"s what I call a hostile takeover. 你知道生活中的規(guī)則

 你就能獲勝 You know the only rule in life? You"ve got to win. 我們贏了 We won! 雖然我們死了

 但我們贏了 We"re dead, but we won! 快快快

 穿過輪胎 Come on, come on! Through the tires. 快快快 Come on! Come on! Move it! 好了 All right. 快快快

 跟上 Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Keep moving! 不不

 那邊 No, no. Right in there. 我知道你那腿快廢了

 但我不在乎 I know you"ve got a bum leg. I don"t care! 我不在乎


 不是嗎 I don"t care. You signed up for this, didn"t you? 穿過去

 跳過去 Get through there. Hop over it.

 就這樣 There you go. 好的

 不錯(cuò) All right. Good. 格里姆


 跟上 Come on, Grim! Come on, Grim! Let"s move it! 讓我們知道你這位殺手的厲害

 快 Let"s see why they call you the killer. Let"s go! 掩護(hù)錢財(cái) Cover the money! 不錯(cuò)

 不錯(cuò) Good. Good. 游戲結(jié)束 Game over. 先生們 Gentlemen, 明天我們將去蛇島

 為了你的安全 tomorrow we leave for Snake Island. For your own safety, 你們所有私人財(cái)務(wù)都要收集起來 all of your personal possessions are now going to be collected. 放到這個(gè)袋子里 Place them in this bag. 你想到的仸何 Anything you can think of 能鑒別你身份的東西 hat can be used to positively identify you. 如手♥機(jī)&hear;



 這些都不能帶上 Cell phones, documents, wallets. You"re not taking anything with you. 直到仸務(wù)結(jié)束前

 你們都沒有名字 Until our mission is complete you will have no names. 快點(diǎn)


 把你手♥機(jī)♥放進(jìn)去 Come on, move it, Vanderbeer. Put your cell phone in there. 稍做休息

 5 點(diǎn)出發(fā) Now get some shut eye. We leave at oh-five-hundred. 我們要去多久

 隊(duì)長? How long until we take off, Captain? 武器一上岸我們就回來 As soon as we"re done loading the weapons. 好的


 繼續(xù)裝運(yùn)箱子 All right, guys, let"s keep loading up boxes. 快點(diǎn)


 Hurry up! Move it! Move it! 不是吧

 孩子 Aw! Come on, kid. -5 分鐘后抵達(dá)岸邊

 -收到 -Five minutes to landing. -Roger that. 我們遇到麻煩了

 兄弟 We"ve got a problem, buddy. 我聽到

 飛彈哪飛來的? I hear you. Where"s it coming from? 好的


 開火 Okay, take her out. Fire! 漂亮 Beautiful. 克雷格

 越來越嚴(yán)重了 Craig, it"s getting hot! 他媽的出什么事了

 隊(duì)長 What the hell is going on, Captain? 她說這海岸線是安全的

 媽的騙子 She said this shoreline was safe. Lying bitch! 給點(diǎn)驚喜他們

 開火 Give them a scare. Fire! 看看誰來了 Look who we have here. 開火 Again! 掉轉(zhuǎn)方向 Spin the wheel! 我知道如何對付這種武器 I know how we can beat the system. 你說什么呢? What are you talking about? 裝載炮彈需要 5 秒鐘 The shells take five seconds to arrive. 電腦鎖定目標(biāo)需要 5 秒鐘 The fire-control computer projects target movement five seconds ahead. 若你「Z」型行駛

 就能躲開電腦鎖定 If you zigzag fast enough you can beat the computer. 好的


 「Z」型行駛 All right, Mike. Zigzag. 「Z」型行駛

 開向岸邊 Zigzag. Head for the coast.

 開向岸邊 Head for the coast! 左舷有船

 開火 Port-side boat. Fire! 邁克 Mike! 邁克 Mike! 趴下

 趴下 Get down...

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