

發(fā)布時間:2020-07-17 來源: 心得體會 點擊:


 1 完成信息匹配題 Di r ectio n:R eading

  the followi n g statem e nts t h at

  contain the i nf ormat i on o f

。 ne of t h e pa ra g ra phs 、

 Id en t i fy the p a ragr ap h

。妫 om w h i c h the i n for m a t ion

  is de r i v ed 、

。 ou may

  choo s e on e

 or more than on e

  p ar agraph 、

 You may c hoose

  one par ag ra p h fo r

 m ore tha n

 once 、

  A、 Todd believes it

。椋 n ot just the recess ion that(yī)

。 makes

 people e

 i into o

。 DIY bec ause it c an add

。鐁eat val ue t o o ou ur

 ho me a nd be easy

 to get infor mat(yī)io n and advice 、 B、 Pa ter son f inds s

。 53%

 o f

 pe opl e are

 afrai d of DIY Y owing

。鬿 the la ck of c onf iden ce 、

 C、 Ch ris

 Ti dy

 a dvises people sh ould as sure th e right tools s

 for DIY j ob 、

 D、 、 A DIY web sit e spokesp erso n

 a dv ises s

。簦鑑t pe ople should preve nt DIY fr om


 and e lect ri cs

 if th ey d on"t

。 ha ve any traini ng、、


。 Sylvia

 Marsha ll belie ves we should t rust our gut inst inc ct and don"t blam e o urs el ves w hen

 t hings go w rong 、 F、

 Pater son a dvises

 peo ple sh ou ld be awar e of the ti me

 the y nee d for t he D IY jo b、 G、 、 On e of the big ge st obsta cl es to

 D IY is the potent ia l f for damag e、

 key s:

 A-4 ,

 B-5, C—7 , D-9 , E -12, F-6 , G-8 Unit t

。 2 完 成信息匹配題

  D i r e ctions :



  sect i on ,

 you ar e

。纾 ing

  t o

 rea d a

 pas sag e w ith

  seven s ta teme n ts atta ch ed to it 、


 s t at e men t

 c o ntai n s i n f orm a t i on gi ven in

 on e

 o f

。 h e

 par a gra phs、

 I d entify t h e pa ra g raph fr o m w h ic h the i nforma t i o n is

  d e rived 、


  ma y

 choose a

 para g ra ph mor e

 t h an once 、

  A:The prevalence of privacy intrusion makes me think about the necessity of privacy、 B:People in Breughel’s picture do not seem to need privacy、

  C:No matter where a person may go these days, his privacy seems to be invaded all the time、

 D:I find a method to solve the problems of modern city life、

 E:I value privacy and we need to strive for the balance between private life and public life、

 F:There are differences in privacy behavior between my children and me、

 G:I look back on the development of privacy and learn something、

 H:I cannot blind myself to the incredibly successful control of anti—social behavior in an Israel agricultural settlement、

  I:Only in this way can I focus on myself and my work without thinking of anything else、

  J: The answer might be that(yī) we can do our best when we are in closest connection with something we value most、

  K:People cannot hide any secrets which would embarrass them if they became known、




 B -2

  C — 1

  D -11


 – 13


 – 4 G –

 6 6

  H – 10

 I –


 J – 4


。 Uni t

 3 完成信息匹配題 D irec t ion s :

  In th i s se c ti o n, y ou

 are g oin g

 to read a

 passage wit h

 seve n

 s ta t eme n ts attach e d

  t o it 、

 Ea c h stateme n t

 con t a i n s

 i n fo r m at ion given i n one of

 t he

 paragraphs 、

。 d en tify th e p ar a graph from wh ich th e

 informa t ion

  is derived 、

 Y o u

  may c ho os e


。穑幔 agr a ph more

  than once 、

  A、 When Mrs、 Svoboda was admitted she often made Helen feel depressed、 B、 、 Sheila was annoyed because Mrs、 Svoboda threw her tray at her、 C 、 Helen decided to tell Sheila the story of the Svobodas、 D 、 The exhausted man told Helen the reason why he insisted on doing so much for her wife、

 E、 、 Sheila was moved by the couple’s story and changed her mind、 F、 One day during their hardest times, Mr、 Svoboda lost his temper because of a dish of rice pudding、 G 、 The couple smiled at each other when they ate rice pudding, which was one of the precious memories、 keys:


 B -1 , C-3, D—10, E- 16,


。牵15 Unit


 完成信息匹配題 Dir e cti o n:Re a din g


  f ol l o w in g

  s t at e me nt s

  t h at

  cont a i n

 the i nfor mati o n of one of

  th e

 para g ra p hs 、

 Identify t h e p a ragra p h from w hi c h

  the information is derived 、


  may c hoos e

。 ne para g raph f o r

 mo r e

  t h an on ce 、


 No matter when Edison was working on one thing and found something interesting, he would drop everything else and explore it、 B

 If you wanted to be an artist, you would begin acting as an artist、 C

 Edison felt that in some ways too much education corrupted people, prompting them to make so many assumptions that they were unable to see many of nature’s great possibilities、 D

 He studied all his inventions and ideas as springboards for other inventions and ideas in their own right、 E

 In order to increase your creativity, start acting as Thomas Edison、 You will bee more creative than someone who has never tried、


 The conventional wisdom has been considered as an inherent gift by many Americans、 G

 His lack of formal education enabled him to approach his work with far fewer assumptions than his more-educated petitors、 H

 He was granted 1093 patents for inventions ranging from the lightbulb, typewriter, and electric pen to the phonograph, motion—picture camera, and alkaline storage battery、 I

 Edison looked at(yī) creativity as simply good, honest, hard work、、 For every brilliant idea he had, there was a dud, like the perpetual cigar that consisted of a hollow tube with a spring clip that moved tobacco forward as it burned、 J

 Whenever Edison found something interesting, he would explore it intellectually, before he applied his emotions and prejudices、 A) Many Americans have bought into the conventional wisdom that(yī) creativity is an inherent gift, dividing us into two groups: “artistic” types-—- paint

。錼s, musicians, directors, actors, writers, mimes, edians——-and those deemed not especially creative, who usually wind up in business, accounting, law, or health care、、 B) Edison was granted 1093 patents for inventions ranging from the lightbulb, typewriter, and electric pen to the phonograph, motion—picture camera, and alkaline storage battery、 When he died in 1931, he left 3500 notebooks that are preserved in the laboratory archieves at the Edison Nat(yī)ional Historic Site、 C) Edison believed that to discover one good idea, you had to generate many、 Out of quantity es quality、 He set idea quotas for all his workers、 His own quota was one miner invention every 10 days and a major invention every six months、 It took more than 50,000 experiments to invent the alkaline storagecell batery and as many as 9,000 to perfect the lightbulb、 Edison liiked at creativity as simply good, honest, hard work、 For every brilliant idea he had, there was a dud, like the perpetual cigar that(yī) co

 nsisted of a hollow tube with a spring clip that moved tobacco forward as it burned、 Although the cigar was a marketing failure, its panion product, the cigar lighter, was a success、 D) Edison felt his lack of formal education was, in fact, a “blessing"、 This enabled him to approach his work with far fewer assumptions than his more-educated petitors, who included many theoretical scientists, ph、D、s, and engineers、 He approached any idea or experience with wild enthusiasm and would try anything out of the ordinary、 E) He felt that(yī) in some ways too much educat(yī)ion corrupted people, prompting them to make so many assumptions that they were unable to see many of nature’s great possibilities、 When Edison created a system of practical lighting, he conceived of wiring his circuits in parallel and of using high-resistance filaments in his bulbs, two things that wxperts considered impossible-—— totally inpatible—until Edison put them together、

 F) Edison believed that every new idea is actually an addition or modification to something that(yī) already exists、 He studied all his inventions and ideas as springboards for other invention and ideas in their own right、 He was tireless in his persistence to change a subject into somethine else through trial and error until he found the idea that worked、 In Edison’s laboratory, there’s a surprising number—--hundreds -——of phonograph horns of every shape, size, and material、 This collection of rejected ideas is a visual evidence to Edison’s approach to creativity---which was, in essence, to try out every possible design he could conceive of、 Once asked to describe the key to creativity, he reportedly said to never quit working on your subject until you get what you are after、 G) Whenever Edison was working on one thing and found something else “interesting”, he would drop everything else and explore it、 In developing the electric light, Edison absentmindedly rooled some lampblack in

 his fingers one day while working with a platinum filament、 He looked at the twisted poece of lampblack and his “Eureka" moment——-why not try to use carbon for the filament? His first bulb burned for 13 hours with the power of 30 candles; a few days later he got it up to 100 hours by twisting and shaping the filament like a horseshoe、 H) The interesting aspect of carbon to Edison was the fact that he could twist it like rope、 Edison wasn"t the first person in his lab to notice that you could twist carbon, but he was the first to pursue it、 Whenever Edison found something interesting, he would explore it intellectually, before he applied his emotions and prejudices、 I) If you want to bee more creative, start acting like you are creative、 Suppose that you wanted to be an artist, you would begin behaving like an artist by painting every day、 You may not bee another Vincent van Gogh, but you’ll bee more of an artist than someon

 e who has never tried、 Similarly, to increase your creativity, start acting like Thomas Edison、 You may not bee the next Edison, but you’ll bee much more creative than someone who has never tried、 Keys:









  9— C

  10— H U Uni t 5 完成信息匹配題 Di r ecti o n:R ea di n g th e f o llo w ing statem e nts

  that contain

  th e

 inf orm ation of o ne

 of the

 parag ra phs 、

 Identify the p ar agraph from

  w hich th e

 i n format i on i s

 deriv ed、

 You m ay c h o o s e

 one paragraph f o r mor e

 t ha n o nc e 、

  a. The credit card pany takes advantage of the students who do not know effect of high interest by giving them too much credit、

  b. My first account is from the pennies I put away every week、

 c. I came to aware the relationship between work and money on the road in raining days、

 d. Schools, especially colleges should teach students how to deal with earnings and spending、

 e. Most middle class student does not aware of the relation between earning and spending、

 f. It’s not unusual to find out a student with poor time management skills is short of money in the middle of a semester、

 g. The total amount in a student’s account should be divided by 14 to determine his weekly spending、

 h. Hard life and expensive fees for studies may not be enough to show you the mysteries of money、 i. Buying something can be as easy as a swift movement of the wrist if you had a credit card、


 A- 9,

 B -2, ,

 C—3, ,

 D—4, ,

 E-1, ,

 F- 6,G-8, , H-4,


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