

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-27 來源: 述職報告 點擊:



  1 David Copperfield"s childhood I wasborn at Blunderstone , in Suffolk , in the east of England , and was given my poor father"s name , David Copperfield . Sadly , he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married , and died six months before I was born . My father"s death made my beautiful young mother very unhappy and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was myfather"s aunt , Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once , to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded money from her , and sometimes beat her she decided they should separate He went abroad and soon news came of his death.Miss Trotwood bought a small house by the sea , and lived there alone , with only one servant . She had not spoken to myfather since his marriage , because she considered he had made a mistake in marrying a very young girl But just before I was born , when she heard that my mother was expecting a baby , she came to visit Blunderstone. 特拉伍德小姐在海邊買了一所小房子,獨自 生活在那里,身邊只隨了一位用人。自從我父親結(jié)婚 后她就不理睬我父親了,因為她認(rèn)為我父親娶這么年 輕的小姐做妻子是個錯誤。然而,在我出生前,當(dāng)她 聽說我母親臨產(chǎn)時,就來到布蘭德斯通拜訪我們。It was a cold , windy Friday afternoon in March . My mother was sitting by the fire , feeling 那是在三月份的一個寒冷、多風(fēng)的星期五下 very lonely and unhappy , and crying a little. 午,我母親正獨自坐在火爐旁,因感到孤單和不幸而 Suddenly a stern , strange-looking face appeared at 輕聲抽泣著。突然一張嚴(yán)肅、陌生的臉出現(xiàn)在窗外。

 the window.‘ Open the door !" ordered the sternfaced lady . My mother was shocked , but obeyed at once . ‘ You must be David Copper field"s wife , " said the lady as she entered . ‘ I"m Betsey Trotwood . You"ve heard of me ?" ‘ Yes ," whispered mother , trembling . ‘ How young you are !" cried Miss Betsey .‘ Just a baby !" Mymother started sobbing again .‘ I know I look like a child !

 I know I was young to be a wife , and I"m young to be a mother !

 But perhaps I"ll die before I become a mother !" ‘ Come , come !

 answered Miss Betsey. ‘ Have some tea . Then you"ll feel better . What do you call your ‚開門!

 ?這位滿臉嚴(yán)肅的女人命令道。我 母親嚇了一跳,但還是很快開了門。

 ‚你就是大衛(wèi) “科 波菲爾的妻子吧, ?她邊進門邊說, ‚我叫貝茜 “特 拉伍德,你聽說過吧? ?‚聽說過, ?母親輕聲答道, 聲音發(fā)顫。

 ‚你真年輕呀, ?貝茜小姐叫道, ‚簡直 還是個孩子!

 ? 母親開始抽泣, ‚我知道我看著像個孩子!

 我知道我年紀(jì)還小,不該為人妻,不該為人母!但也 許我會在成為一個母親之前死去!

 ?‚行了,行了!? 貝茜小姐回答說, ‚喝口茶水吧,這樣你會好受些。

 你叫你的女孩什么? ?‚我的女孩?我還不知道是不 是女孩, ?我母親疑惑地答道。

 ‚不,我不是指小孩, 我是說你的女用人!

 ?我出生在英國東部薩?丝さ牟继m德斯通, 并沿用了我不幸的父親之名

 大衛(wèi)„科波菲爾? 悲的是,他從未見過我的面。他同我母親結(jié)婚時比我 母親大許多,在我出生前 6 個月就謝世了。他的死使 我年輕美貌的母親感到極為痛苦,因為她知道沒有丈 夫獨自帶嬰兒的日子將會異常艱難。在我們家族中最 富有、最重要的人物要數(shù)我父親的姨媽 一一貝茜„特 拉伍德小姐。其實她結(jié)過一次婚,嫁的是一個英俊的 青年。但是,由于這位丈夫總找她要錢,有時還動手 , 打她,她便決定與他分手。他出了國,不久就有消息 , 說他已去世了。

 1 大衛(wèi)„科波菲爾的童年



  girl ? " ‘ My girl ? I don"t know yet that it will be a girl , " replied my mother miserably . ‘ No , I don"t mean the baby , I mean your servant !" ‘ Her name"s Peggotty . Her first name"s Clara , the sameas mine , so I call her by her family name , you see ." ‘ What a terrible name !

 However , never mind . Peggotty !" she called , going to the door . ‘ Bring Mrs Copperfield some tea at once !" She sat down again and continued speaking . ‘ You were talking about the baby . I"m sure it"ll be a girl . Now , as soon as she " s born …" ‘ He , perhaps ," said my mother bravely . ‘ Don " t be stupid , of course it " ll be a she . I"m going to send her to school , and educate her well . I want to prevent her from making the mistakes I"ve made in life ." Miss Betsey looked quite angry as she said this . My mother said nothing , as she was not feeling at all well. ‘ But tell me , were you and your husband happy ?" asked Miss Betsey . This made my poor mother feel worse than I know I wasn"t very sensible — about !

 " she But we loved each other — and he was meto learn — and then he died !

 Oh !

 Oh !" And 死了,唉!唉!

 back in her chair , completely unconscious . Peggotty , who came in just then with the tea , realized how serious the situation was took my mother upstairs to bed. The doctor arrived soon afterwards , and stayed all evening to take care of his patient. At about midnight he camedownstairs to sitting - room where Miss Betsey was waiting impatiently . ‘ Well , doctor, what"s the news ? How is she ?" ever. money — or cooking — or things like that sobbed. helping she fell and the ‘ The young mother is quite comfortable madam ," replied the doctor politely . ‘ But she , the baby , how is she ? Miss Betsey . The doctor looked strangely at Miss Betsey. ‘ It"s a boy , madam ," he replied Miss Betsey said nothing , but walked cried 她叫辟果提。她的教名是克拉拉,因為和 我同名,所以我就以她的姓稱呼她,就這樣!

 ?‚ 多 難聽的名字!不過沒關(guān)系,辟果提!

 ?她走到門邊叫 道。‚馬上給科波菲爾太太上點茶水!

 ?她又坐下來, 繼續(xù)說道:


 那么,只要她一出生,……?‚他,或許是,?母親 勇敢地更正道。

 ‚別犯傻,當(dāng)然應(yīng)該是她,我會送她 上學(xué),讓她接受良好的教育。我要讓我生活中所犯的 錯誤避免在她身上重演。

 ?貝茜小姐說此話時顯得很 憤怒。母親沒吭聲,因為她感覺不太舒服。

 ‚好吧, 告訴我,你和你丈夫過得幸福嗎? ? 貝茜小姐問道。


 ‚我知道我很 不開竅 ——在錢方面,做飯方面,等等!

 ? 她抽泣著 說, ‚但我們彼此相愛 ——他幫助我慢慢學(xué) ——可他 ?她倒在椅子上,失去了知覺。

 辟果提正巧端著茶進來,意識到情況的嚴(yán)重 性,把我母親扶到樓上。醫(yī)生隨即叫到,并徹夜守護 著病人。

 大約午夜時分,醫(yī)生下樓來到客廳,貝茜小 姐已經(jīng)等得很不耐煩了。

 大夫,有什么消息嗎?她怎么樣了? ? ‚年輕的母親情況很好,小姐, ? 大夫很禮 貌地回答。

 她,孩子,她怎么樣? ?貝茜小姐追問。

 小姐 大夫很納悶地看著貝茜小姐, ‚是個男孩, ?他回答道。




  , and never came back . 再登門。That was how I was born. My early childhood was extremely happy , as my beautiful mother and kind Peggotty took care of me. But when I was about eight , a shadowpassed over myhappiness. Mymother often went out walking , in her best clothes , with a gentleman called Mr Murdstone . He had black hair , a big black moustache and an unpleasant smile , and seemedto be very fond of my mother. But I knew that Peggotty did not like him . 就這樣我來到了世上。

 孩提時的我非常幸福, 因為有我美麗的母親和善良的辟果提照顧我。然而, 在我 8 歲左右,我的幸福生活開始蒙上了陰影。我母 親經(jīng)常穿著最好的衣服,和一位叫摩德斯通的先生出 去散步。那人有一頭黑發(fā),留一大撇黑胡子,笑容陰 沉,似乎很喜歡我母親。但我知道辟果提不喜歡他。

  Whenwe got down from the cart in Yarmouth , after our journey , Peggotty said , ‘ That"s the house , Master David !" I looked all round , but could only see anold ship on the sand. ‘ Is that — that your brother"s house ?" I asked in delight. And whenwereached it , I saw it had doors and windows and a chimney , just like a real house . I could not imagine a nicer place to live. Everything was clean and tidy , and smelt of fish . Now I was introduced to the Peggotty family . There was Daniel Peggotty , a kind old sailor . Although he was not married , he had adopted two orphans , who lived with him and called him Uncle . Ham Peggotty was a large young man with a gentle smile , and Emily was a beautiful , blue-eyed little girl. They all welcomed Peggotty and me 我環(huán)顧四周,只看見沙灘上的一艘舊船,便 高興地問道:

 ‚那個—— 那個就是你兄弟的家? ?我 們走到近處一看,船上有門,有窗,有煙囪,儼然是 一所名符其實的住房。我再也想像不出比這更好的住 處了。屋內(nèi)一切陳設(shè)干凈、整齊,散發(fā)著魚味。這時, 我被介紹給辟果提一家。家里有丹尼爾“辟果提,一 位善良的老水手,他沒有結(jié)婚,但收養(yǎng)了兩個孤兒。

 孩子們和他生活在一起,管他叫叔叔。哈姆 “ 辟果提 是一位壯小伙子,臉上總是現(xiàn)出親切的笑容,埃米莉 是一位美麗的姑娘,長著一對藍眼睛。他們都熱情地 歡迎我和辟果提的到來。warmly .I spent a wonderfully happy two weeks there , playing all day on the beach with Emily and sleeping in my own little bed on the ship. I am sure I was in love with little Emily in my childish 在這兒的兩個星期我過得相當(dāng)愉快,整天和 埃米莉在海灘上玩,夜里就睡在船屋里我的小床上。

 我相信當(dāng)時我的確以孩童的方式愛上了小埃米莉。當(dāng)way , and I cried bitterly whenwehad to say goodbye 假日結(jié)束我倆不得不道別時我哭得很傷心。

 at the end of the holiday A few months later Peggotty told me that my mother was going to have a short holiday with some friends. Meanwhile Peggotty and I would go to stay with her brother Daniel in Yarmouth , on the east coast , for two weeks . I was very excited when we climbed into the cart , although it was sad saying goodbye to my mother . Mr Murdstone was at her shoulder , waving goodbye , as the driver called his horse , and we drove out of the village . to 幾個月后,辟果提告訴我,母親要和幾位朋 友出去度短假。辟果提可以趁此機會帶我去東海岸的 雅茅斯鎮(zhèn)和她兄弟丹尼爾生活兩個星期 我興奮不已,雖然與母親分手有些傷感 生和我母親并肩站著,向我們揮手道別 夫吆喝一聲,把我們拉出村去。

 登上馬車時 摩德斯通先 這時,馬車 straight out of the house 當(dāng)我們結(jié)束旅程,在雅茅斯下車時,辟果提 到家了,大衛(wèi)少爺。

 ” But on the way home to Blunderstone 在我們回布蘭德斯通的路上,辟果提很憂郁



 Peggotty looked at me very worriedly. ‘ Master 地看著我。

 ‚ 大衛(wèi)少爺,親愛的, ? 她突然說道,聲 David , my dear , " she said suddenly in a trembling 音顫抖,‚我必須告訴你 ------------- 你現(xiàn)在該知道了

 ...... 在voice. ‘ I must tell you — you"ll have to know now While we"ve been away , your dear mother — has married Mr Murdstone !

 He"s your stepfather now !

 …我們離家的這段時間,你親愛的母親嫁給了摩德斯通 先生!他如今已是你的繼父了!

 ?I was deeply shocked . I could notunderstand how my mother could have married that man . And when we arrived home , I could not help showing my mother how very miserable I was . I went straight to my room and lay sobbing on mybed , which made my poor mother very unhappy too . As she sat beside me , holding myhand , Mr Murdstone suddenly 我非常震驚, 不明白母親怎么會嫁給那個人 我們回到家后,我控制不住自己,讓母親看出了我有 多痛苦。我徑直走進我的臥室,倒在床上哭泣,弄得 我可憐的母親也傷心起來。正當(dāng)她坐在我床邊,拉著 我的手時,摩德斯通先生突然走了進來。came in . ‘ What"s this , Chara , my love ?" he asked ‚怎么了,克拉拉,我親愛的? ?他嚴(yán)肅地 sternly . ‘ Remember you must be firm with the boy !說道,‚記住,對孩子應(yīng)該嚴(yán)厲點!我已經(jīng)跟你說過, I"ve told you before , you"re too weak with him !" 你太嬌慣他了!

 ? ‘ Oh yes , Edward , I"m afraid you"re right ," my mother replied quickly .‘ I"m very sorry . I"ll try to be firmer with him ." And when ‚哦,是的,愛德華,恐怕你是對的, ?母she left the room , Mr Murdstone whispered angrily to me , ‘ David , do you knowwhat I"ll do if you don"t obey me ? I"ll beat you like a dog !

 " I was still very young , and I was very frightened of him . If he had said one kind word to me , perhaps I would have liked and trusted him , and my life would have been different. Instead , I hated him for the influence he had over my dear mother , who wanted to be kind to me , but also wanted to please her new husband . 親趕緊答道, ‚我很抱歉,我會盡量對他嚴(yán)厲些。

 她離開房間后,摩德斯通先生壓低聲音,憤憤地說道, ‚大衛(wèi),你知道你要是不聽話我會怎么對待你嗎?我 會像揍一條狗一樣揍你!

 ?我當(dāng)時還小,很怕他。當(dāng) 時他要是跟我說上一句和藹的話,或許我會喜歡他, 信任他,我后來的生活也就會完全不同。然而,我恨 他給我親愛的母親施加壓力,她總想好好待我,可還 得討好她的新丈夫。That evening Mr Murdstone"s sister arrived to ‘ help " mymother in the house . A tall dark lady , 當(dāng)天晚上,摩德斯通先生的姐姐來到家中 with a stern , frowning face , she looked and sounded ‚幫助 ?我母親料理家務(wù)。她又高又黑,眉頭緊鎖, very much like her brother . I thought she was 板著面孔,神態(tài)和說話聲音和她兄弟別無兩樣。我想 planning to stay with us for a long time , and I was 她可能要長期和我們呆在一起了,果不出所料,她準(zhǔn) right . In fact , she intended to stay for ever . She 備永遠住下去。第二天一早她就開始行動起來了。

 started work the next morning. ‘ Now , Clara , " she said firmly to my ‚現(xiàn)在,克拉拉, ?早餐時她嚴(yán)肅地告訴我 mother at breakfast ,‘ I amhere to help you. You " 母親, ‚我到這兒是來幫助你的。你在安排用人、食 re much too pretty and thoughtless to worry about 品等方面顯得太幼稚,太沒主意。所以你把所有櫥子、 the serva nts , the food and so on . So just ha nd me 柜子的鑰匙交給我,我來為你照料一切。

 ?可憐的母 your keys to all the cupboards , and I"ll take care 親只是一陣陣臉紅,顯得很羞愧,最終還是同意了。

 of everything for you ." My poor mother just 從那以后,摩德斯通小姐完全掌管了家事,她把鑰匙 blushed , looked a little ashamed and obeyed. From 掛在手腕上,來回地穿梭在屋里屋外,檢查著每一件 then on , Miss Murdstone took complete control of 事是否照她的意思辦了。

 the house , keeping the keys hanging from her waist as she hurried through the house , checking that



 everything was being done just as she wished. 2 David is sent away to school 2 大衛(wèi)被送往學(xué)校 I was very unhappy during this time. Mr Murdstone insisted on mystudying , and so mymother 這段時期我很不愉快。摩德斯通先生堅持要 gave melessons . In the past she and I had enjoyed 我學(xué)習(xí),所以母親就教我功課。在過去,母親和我都 our studies together , and she had taught me a lot 可以從教和學(xué)當(dāng)中得到樂趣,她用她溫和的方式教給 in her gentle way. But now both Mr and Miss Murdstone 我許多知識。但如今,我們上課時摩德斯通先生和小 were present during mylessons , and somehowI could 姐都在場,這在很大程度上讓我不能集中精神,記住 not concentrate or remember what I had learnt. My 所學(xué)的內(nèi)容?蓱z的母親同情我,設(shè)法提示我,有時 poor mother was very sympathetic , and tried to 甚至悄聲告訴我答案,可摩德斯通先生和小姐的耳朵 encourage me , sometimes even whispering the answer 特別尖。

 to me. But the Murdstones had sharp ears . ‘ Clara , my love !

 " Mr Murdstone used to ‚克拉拉,親愛的!

 ?摩德斯通先生總是很 say crossly. ‘ Remembe !

 r Be firm !

 You " re making the 惱怒地說道, ‚記。∫獓(yán)厲!你這樣幫著孩子會把boy"s character worse by helping him like that !

 ‘ Oh , Edward, I"m sorry, " my mother replied, looking embarrassed and hanging her head like a guilty child . One morning when I arrived in the sittingroom as usual for my lesson , I saw that Mr Murd stone had a thin stick in his hand. I could not take my eyes off it. 他的脾氣慣得更糟!

 ? ‚哦,愛德華,很抱歉, ?母親答道,滿臉 尷尬,像一個認(rèn)錯的孩子似地低下了頭。

 一天早上,我像往常一樣來到客廳學(xué)功課, 看見摩德斯通先生手上拿著一根細木棍,我的眼睛直 鉤鉤地盯著它不放。‘ You must be very careful today , David, " he said with his unpleasant smile , holding the ‚你今天要非常小心,大衛(wèi), ?他冷笑道, stick in both hands . I knew what would happen then. 雙手握著那根木棍。我知道接下來要發(fā)生什么。一陣 A terrible fear took hold of me , and all that I had 強烈的恐懼占據(jù)了我的心頭,把我所學(xué)會的東西從我 learnt disappeared immediately from my memory , so 的記憶中一掃而光,以致于母親問我的問題我一個都 that I could not answer any of my mother"s 回答不上來。摩德斯通先生從座位上站起來。

 questions. Mr Murdstone got up from his chair.‘ Well David ," he said heavily, ‘ I think you"ve worried your mother enough today. We"ll go upstairs , boy. Come , " and he picked up the stick. I heard my mother crying as we went upstairs. ‘ Please , Mr Murdstone !

 " I cried. ‘ Don"t beat me !

 I"ve tried to learn , really I have, sir !" But he did not listen to me. In my bedroom , he held my arms and started hitting me with the stick. I managed to get hold of his hand , and bit ‚好了,大衛(wèi), ?他嚴(yán)厲地說, ‚ 我想你今 天夠難為你母親的了,我們上樓吧,孩子,來吧。

 ? 他拿起木棍。我們倆上樓時我聽見母親在哭泣。

 ‚求 您了,摩德斯通先生!

 ?我哭道, ‚別打我!學(xué)習(xí)我 盡了努力,我真的盡了努力,先生!

 ? 可他并不理睬。到了我的臥房,他抓住我的 雙臂,掄起木棍就打。我使勁抓住他的手,狠狠地咬 了他一口。他憤怒地叫了一聲,使出渾身的勁來打我。



  deep into it. He cried out angrily , and began to hit 在我一陣陣的尖叫聲背后,我聽見母親和辟果提在門 meas hard as he could . Above the noise of myscreams ,外哭泣的聲音。過了一會兒,他走了。我聽見他鎖了 I could hear my mother and Peggotty crying outside 門。我躺在地上,渾身疼痛,還流著血。整個屋子似 the door. Then the next momen , t he was gone. I heard 乎突然一下子變得寂靜了。

 him lock the door. And I was lying , sore and bleeding, on the floor. The whole house seemed suddenly very quiet. I stayed there for a time , without moving. In the evening Miss Murdstone brought mesome bread and milk , which she left on the floor beside me , frowning angrily at me as she went out. I was kept locked in that room for five days and nights , and saw nobody except Miss Murdstone , who brought me food but never spoke to me. To a small boy , the five days seemedlike years , and I can still rememberhow frightened and guilty I felt . But during the fifth night I heard a strange noise at the key-hole. It was Peggotty , trying to give me a message‘ Master David , my dear , " she whispered, sobbing ,‘ they are going to send you away to boarding school !

 Tomorrow !" ‚大衛(wèi)少爺, 親愛的,?她低聲抽泣道, 們要把你送到寄宿學(xué)校去!明天!

 ? ‘ OhPeggotty !" I cried. ‘ Then I won"t see you and mother very often !" ‘ No , my love. But don"t forget , I"ll take care of your mother. She needs her cross old Peggotty !

 I"ll stay with her although I hate these Murdstones. And remember David, I love you as much as I love your mother and more. And I"ll Write to you. "‘ Thank you , dear Peggotty !" I whispered back, tears rolling down my face. ‘ Will you write to your brother too , and Ham , and little Emily, and tell them I"m not as bad as the Murdstones think ? And send my love to them , especially little Emily ?" ‚謝謝你,親愛的辟果提!

 ?我輕聲回答, 淚水滾落到臉頰。

 ‚請你也寫信給你的兄弟,還有哈 姆,小埃米莉,告訴他們我并不像摩德斯通姐弟認(rèn)為 的那么壞。帶給他們我的問候,特別是小埃米莉,好 嗎??Peggotty promised to do what I asked. The next morning Miss Murdstone told methat because of 辟果提答應(yīng)了我的請求。第二天一早,摩德 my wickedness I was going away to school . She had 斯通小姐告訴我,由于我的劣行,我要被送往學(xué)校。

 already packed my case for me. My mother was only 她已經(jīng)為我準(zhǔn)備好行裝。母親只被允許在馬車到達時 allowed to say a very quick goodbye to me , when the 說一句簡單的道別話。

 馬車夫把我的手提箱放到車上, horse and cart arrived The driver put my case on the 我們就慢慢地離開了布蘭德斯通。我一直不停地大聲 cart , and we drove slowly out of Blunderstone. I 哭喊著,突然看見辟果提從后面追來。馬車夫停下來 was still sobbing loudly when suddenly I saw 等她,她很吃力地爬上了車。

 Peggotty running after us on the road. The driver我一動不動地在地上躺了很長時間。晚上, 摩德斯通小姐給我拿來一些面包和牛奶,放在我身邊 的地上,出門時還生氣地沖我皺皺眉頭。我被鎖在房 間里五天五夜,其間除了摩德斯通小姐默不作聲地給 我送點食物,未見有其他任何人來。對一個孩子來說, 這五天時間簡直就像數(shù)年,我至今還記得當(dāng)時有多恐 懼、有多內(nèi)疚。第五天夜里,我聽到有一個奇怪的聲 音從鎖眼里傳來。那是辟果提,設(shè)法給我送口信來了。


 ”我哭道, “那我就不能常 見著你和媽媽了!

 ”“不能了,我親愛的。但你放心, , 我會照顧你母親,她需要我這位脾氣大的老辟果提!

 , 我會留下來陪她,盡管我討厭摩德斯通姐弟。記住, ,

 大衛(wèi),我愛你跟愛你母親一樣,只多不少。我會寫信 ,




 stopped and waited for her. With difficulty she climbed up onto the cart. ‘ Here , Master David !" she cried breathlessly. ‘ A little present from me and your dear mother !

 Take care of yourself , my dear !" She put a small purse and a paper bag into my hands , and held me so close to her fat body that I thought I would never breathe again. Then she jumped down and ran back along the road to the village . As we continued our journey , I dried my tears and looked at what she had given me. The bag was full of Peggotty " s special cakes , and in the purse were eight bright shilling coins. Thinking my mother and Peggotty made me start crying again but just then the driver, Mr Barkis, began to talk to me. He was a large ,red-faced man, who clearly found conversation difficult. 我們繼續(xù)往前趕路,我擦于淚水,打開她給 我的東西。

 紙袋里是辟果提做的拿手糕點, 錢包里有 8 先令閃亮的硬幣。一想到母親和辟果提我又一次哭起 來。這時,車夫巴克斯先生開始說話了。他是一位紅 臉壯漢,顯然很不擅長與人交談。

 ‘ Did she make those cakes ?" he asked slowly , having finished the one that I had offered him.‘ You mean Peggotty , sir ? Yes, she does all our cooking. " ‘ Does she ?" replied Mr Barkis with great interest. There was a long silence while he considered his next question . ‘ Does she have a young man ?" he asked .‘ Youknow , someonewhowants to marry her ?" ‘ Peggotty ? A young man ?" I repeated , surprised. ‘ Oh no,she"s never had any young men. " ‘ Ah !

 " replied Mr Barkis , looking very pleased. Again he thought for a long time before speaking. ‘ Well ," he said at last, ‘ perhaps if you write to her — will you be writing to her ? You could give her a message from me. You could say ‚ Barkis is willing ?. Would you do that ?" ‚你是指辟果提吧,先生?是的,我們家的 飯菜全是由她做的。

 ? ‚是嗎? ?巴克斯先生饒有興趣地應(yīng)了一 句。沉默了好一會兒,他想好了另一個問題。

 ‚她有小伙子嗎? ?他問。

 ‚就是,有沒有 人想娶她? ? ‚辟果提?小伙子? ?我不解地重復(fù)道, ‚哦,沒有,她從未有過任何小伙子。

 ? ‚噢!

 ?巴克斯先生答道,面露喜色。他又 想了很長時間才開口說話。

 ‚那么, ?他最后說道, ‚或許你給她寫信 時—— 你會給她寫信吧?你可以替我捎個信,你寫上 ‘巴克斯很愿意 ",可以嗎? ?‘‚ Barkis is willing ?," I repeated innocently , wondering what the message meant. ‘ Yes ,of course. But you could tell her yourself , Mr Barkis, when you return to Blunderstone tomorrow . " ‚‘ 巴克斯很愿意 ",?我天真地重復(fù)道, 捉摸著這句話的意思。

 ‚可以,當(dāng)然?赡憧梢宰约 告訴她呀,巴克斯先生,等你明天回到布蘭德斯通的 時候。?No , no " he said, ‘ no,you just give her 不,不, ?他說, ‚不,你只管給她寫上“給你,大衛(wèi)少爺!

 ”她上氣不接下氣地說 道,“這是我和你親愛的母親留給你的小禮物!好好 照顧自己,親愛的!

 ” 她把一個小錢包和一個紙袋塞 給我,又把我緊緊地貼到她肥胖的懷里,當(dāng)時我覺得 可能再也喘不上氣了。然后,她跳下車,沿著馬路跑 回了村莊。

 of “是她做的這些點心? 塊蛋糕后,不緊不慢地問道。




 the message. Remember , ‚ Barkis is willing After this conversation Mr Barkis was completely silent for the rest of the journey. Whe we arrived in Yarmouth , I bought paper at the hotel and wrote this letter to Peggotty :

 My dear Peggotty , I have arrived safely in Yarmouth. Barkis is willing. Please give my love to mother. Yours , David P.S. He says it"s important — Barkis is willing. In Yarmouth I was put on the long - dista n ce coach to London , and travelled all through the 在雅茅斯我被送上一輛去倫敦的長途四輪馬 night. At the coach station in London I was 車,行駛了一整夜。在倫敦車站,有位叫梅爾先生的 collected by a teacher , Mr Mell, and taken to Salem 教師接待了我,并把我送到薩倫學(xué)校,那是摩德斯通 House , the school which the Murdstones had chosen 先生為我選定的學(xué)校。

 for me. The school was a large old building with a dusty playground , surrounded by a high brick wall. It looked strangely deserted. I was very surprised 學(xué)校由一幢很大的舊樓和一片雜亂的操場組 to find that none of the boys were there , and was 成,四周圍著很高的磚墻。我很奇怪,學(xué)校里空無一 told that they were all on holiday , and that I had 人,后被告知,學(xué)生們都放假了,而我卻在假期里被 been sent there during the holidays as a punishment 送到學(xué)校是對我的劣行的一種懲罰。校長和老師們也 for my wickedness. The headmaster and teachers were 都放假了,除了這位不得不照看我的梅爾先生以外on holiday too , all except for Mr Mell, who had to look after me. I spent a whole month in that miserable place , doing my lessons in the dirty , empty classroom, which smelt of old food and unwashed boys. Every evening I had to eat my supper with Mr Mell , and then go straight to bed. The worst thing was the sign I had to wear round my neck. It said BE CAREFU !

 L HEBITES. I was only allowed to take it off when I went to bed. 我在這個糟糕的地方呆了整整一個月,在骯 臟不堪的空教室里做功課,聞著食物霉?fàn)的氣味和那 種沒洗干凈的孩子身上的臭味。每天晚上我都得和梅 爾先生一起吃晚飯,然后直接上床睡覺。最糟糕的是 :

 我必須在脖子上掛塊牌子,牌子上寫有 ‚小心,他咬 :

 人?的字樣。只有在上床睡覺時這塊牌子才允許被摘 下來。Although I was extremely lonely and unhappy at this time , I was not looking forward to meeting 盡管這段時間我感到特別孤單,特別無聊, all the other boys. I felt sure they would laugh at 但我還是不期望見著其他孩子們。我覺得他們肯定會 meand especially at the sign I was forced to wear. 嘲笑我,尤其笑我不得不掛著的那塊牌子。然而有一But one day Mr Mell told me that the headmaster Mr Creakle, had returned, and wanted to see me. So I went , trembling , to his part of the house. I realized at once that Mr Creakle lived 天,梅爾先生告訴我,校長克里古爾先生回來了,并 要我去見他。于是我哆哆嗦嗦地來到他的房間。

 我一眼就發(fā)現(xiàn)克里古爾先生住得比孩子們和muchmore comfortably than the boys or the teachers. 老師們要舒服得多。他個子矮小,身材肥胖,長著一 He was a small , fat man with a purple nose , who 個酒糟鼻。他坐在扶手椅上,面前放著一瓶酒和一個 was sitting in an armchair with a bottle and a glass 酒杯。" 記。

 ‘巴克斯很愿意 n

 說完這些, 巴克斯先生一路上就完全沉默了 到了雅茅斯,我在客棧買了些信紙,給辟果提寄了這 樣一封信:

 親愛的辟果提:我已安全到達雅茅斯。巴克 斯很愿意。請代我問候我母親。你的大衛(wèi)。附:他說 此事很重要 —— 巴克斯很愿意。



 in front of him. ‘ So , this is the boy who bites, is it ?" he asked unpleasantly. ‘ I know your stepfather , boy. He"s a manof strong character , he is. He knows me,and I know him. Do you know me ? Answer me , boy !" He pulled violently at my ear . ‘ Not yet , sir, " I answered, tears of pain in my eyes. ‘ Ah , but you soon will !

 Oh yes, I have a strong character too , you"ll see !" He banged his hand hard on the table . I wasvery frightened , but I mademyself ask the question I had been considering for a whole month. ‘ Please , sir, I"m very sorry for what I did to Mr Murdstone. Could — could I take this sign off , before the other boys see it …" Mr Creakle gave a sudden , terrible jumped out of his chair. I did not wait to see whether he was going to hit me , but ran room and hid in my bed for the next hour. However , the boys were not as cruel to me as I had feared. I madea friend almost immediately , a boy called Tommy Traddles , who was known to be the unluckiest boy in the school. I was also noticed , and even smiled on, by the great James Steerforth , one of the oldest boys, at least six years older than me. He wasa handsome , intelligent, curly-haired young man , who had becomean important figure at the school , with great influence over the younger boys. ‘ How much money have you got , Copperfield ?" he asked me. ‚還不認(rèn)識,先生。


 ‚噢,你很快會認(rèn)識的!噢,對了,我也是 個脾氣倔強的人,你會知道的!

 ?他狠狠地捶了一下 桌子。

 我很害怕,但還是竭力穩(wěn)住自己,問了一個 困擾了我一整個月的問題, ‚求您了,先生,我非常 抱歉我對摩德斯通先生所做的一切。我能 —— 我能在 其他同學(xué)看到之前摘下這塊牌子嗎 …… ?? 從椅子上跳起來。我沒等看清他是否想揍我就跑回了 宿舍,并在床上呆了足足一個鐘頭。


 我很快就結(jié)識了一位叫湯米“特拉德的朋友,他被公 認(rèn)為學(xué)校里最不幸的孩子。我還引起了學(xué)校里最年長 的孩子之一的詹姆士 “ 斯提福茲的注意,甚至互相見 面致意。他至少比我大 6 歲,長得英俊、人很聰明, 留一頭卷發(fā),是學(xué)校里的出名人物,對年幼的孩子頗 具影響力。

 你有多少錢,科波菲爾? ?他問我‘ Eight shillings , Steerforth ," I answered , remembering the present my mother and Peggotty had given me. ‚ 8 先令,斯提福茲, ?我回答他說, 回想著 母親和辟果提送給我的禮物。

 ‘ You"d better give it to me. I"ll take care of it for you ," he offered in a friendly way. 提議。

 I opened Peggotty"s purse and turned it upside-down into his hand . 他手上。

 ‘ Perhaps you"d like to spend some of it now ?" he suggested , smiling. ‘ A bottle of wine, a 建議道, tin of biscuits, a few cakes , that sort of thing ? 我隨時可以外出,所以我可以幫你買回來。“這,就是那個咬人的孩子,對吧? ”他很 不高興地問道, “我認(rèn)識你繼父,孩子。他是個脾氣 特倔的人,他的確是。他認(rèn)識我,我也認(rèn)識他。你認(rèn) 識我嗎?回答我,小子!


 shout and out of his 克里古爾先生發(fā)出一聲突兀、可怕的叫聲, “你最好給我,我替你保管, ”他很友善地 我打開辟果提給的錢包,把錢一古腦全倒在 你現(xiàn)在大概想先花掉一部分吧? ”他笑著 可以買瓶酒, 買聽餅干, 買些糕點什么的?



  I can go out whenever I like, so I can buy it for you. " ‘ Ye-es , that " s very kind of you, said, although I was a little worried that all my money would disappear. When we went upstairs to bed , I realizedthat all my money had been spent , as eight shillings " worth of food and drink was laid out my bed in the moonlight. Of course I did not want to eat and drink it all by myself , so I invited Steerforth and the others to help themselves. The boys were very willing , and we spent a pleasant evening, sitting on our beds , whispering to each other. I discovered that the boys all hated Salem House , which they considered one of the worst schools in the country. They especially hated Mr Creakle , who was in the habit of beating them regularly with a heavy stick which he carried with on 當(dāng)我們上樓睡覺時,我意識到我的錢已經(jīng)全 部被花光了,因為借著月光可以看見,價值 8 先令的 食品和飲料已經(jīng)堆在我的床上。我當(dāng)然不會一個人獨 享這些東西, 所以邀請斯提福茲和其他的同學(xué)一起吃, 隨便吃。孩子們都非常樂意,那晚過得很愉快。我們 坐在自己的床上,悄聲聊開了。我發(fā)現(xiàn)孩子們都討厭 薩倫學(xué)校,認(rèn)為這是全國最臭的學(xué)校之一。他們尤其 討厭克里古爾先生,說他有揍學(xué)生的癖好,用他那根 從不離身的粗木棍。還說他唯一不敢揍的學(xué)生就是斯 提福茲。我聽了后對斯提福茲更加肅然起敬。him at all times. The only boy he dared not beat was Steerforth. I admired Steerforth even more when I heard this.When we were all too tired to stay awake Steerforth got up to go. ‘ Goodnight , young Copperfield , " he said, putting a hand on my head. ‘ I"ll take care of you ." 當(dāng)我們都感覺沒勁再熬夜時,斯提福茲站起 來要走。

 ‚晚安,小科波菲爾, ?他把手放在我的頭 上,說道, ‚我會保護你的。


  I thought of him a lot that night , with his laughing, hand-some face , and his careless, confident manner. I could never have imagined what a dark shadowhe would throw over the lives of people who were dear to me. 那晚,他讓我捉摸不透,他的笑聲,他那英 俊的臉,他那不拘小節(jié)、桀驁不馴的氣度。而我怎么 也想像不到后來他會給我的親友們的生活蒙上一層沉 重的陰影。I stayed at Salem House for three more 我在薩倫學(xué)校又呆了三個月。雖然也有一兩 months. Although one or two of the teachers , like 個教師,如梅爾先生,對孩子們很和氣,也設(shè)法給我 Mr Mell, were kind to us boys , and tried to teach 們以正規(guī)的教育,但我們都害怕克里古爾先生和他的 us properly, we were too afraid of Mr Creakle and 棍子,所以根本沒法專心學(xué)習(xí)。不過,湯米 “特拉德 his stick to concentrate on our studies. But Tom-my 和我總是在挨打的時候互相安慰,而且我還很幸運與‘ It " s very kind of you , " I replied gratefully. ‘ You haven " t got a sister , have you ?" he asked sleepily. 你真是個好心人, ?我感激道。

 你沒有姐妹,是吧? ?他困倦地問道。

 ‘ No , I haven"t, pity !

 If you had one , bright-eyed little girl. her. " " I answered. ‘ What a I"m sure she"d be a pretty, I would have liked to meet ‚沒有,我沒有姐妹, ?我答道。


 要是你有的話,我敢肯定她是個漂亮的大眼睛姑娘, 我就可以有幸見見她啦。

 ? “那——好吧,你真是個熱心人。

 ”雖然我 有點擔(dān)心我的錢會分文不剩,但還是這么說了。



  Traddles and I cheered each other up if we were 大孩子斯提福茲保持友好, 雖然我們倆年齡相差很多。

 beaten , and I was lucky enough to be friendly with the great Steerforth , in spite of the difference in our ages. However , my home, even with the Murdstones there, seemed a much pleasanter place than school , and I was glad when the Christmas holidays arrived , and I was allowed to return to Blunderstone. I was a little surprised to find that mymother had a new baby , and I could see at once that she was not well. She looked tired and worried , and very thin. But she and Peggotty were delighted to see me , although they dared not show it if the Murdstones were present. Mystepfather and his sister seemedto hate me even more than before , if that were possible , and they mademy life quite miserable whenever they could. In fact , I was almost pleased when it was time to return to school , and see Traddles and Steerforth again. As the cart drove away , I remember my mother standing outside our house , with her baby in her arms, smiling sadly at me. That was the last time I saw her , and that is how I shall always remember her. 3 David the orphan

 Life went on as normal for me at school until my birthday two months later in March. I remember that day very well. It was cold , icy weather, and we boys had to blow on our fingers rub our hands to keep warm in the freezing 學(xué)校生活一切照常,直到兩個月后我三月份 and 生日的那天。我對那天的情景記憶猶新。那是個寒冷 冰冷的一天,孩子們坐在冰冷的教室里不得不哈著熱

 不管怎樣,我的家,雖然有摩德斯通姐弟在, 總顯得比學(xué)校親切。所以在圣誕來臨之際,我很高興, 我可以回到布蘭德斯通去了。我有些吃驚,母親已經(jīng) 又生了一個小孩,看得出來她身體欠佳。她看上去很 疲倦,憂心仲仲,而且瘦弱不堪。但她和辟果提見到 我時都很高興,盡管有摩德斯通姐弟在場時不敢表露 出來。繼父和他姐姐比以前更討厭我了,只要有可能, 他們就會抓住一切機會讓我生活在痛苦之中。所以, 當(dāng)返校的日子來臨,想著我又可以見到特拉德和斯提 福茲時,我反而感到欣喜。

 馬車開始啟動,我記得母親站在屋外,懷里 抱著小孩,苦澀地微笑著。這是我最后一次見著她, 這也是我至今依舊記得的她的模樣。

 3 孤兒大衛(wèi) classrooms. Whena messagecamefor m...

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