發(fā)布時間:2020-07-23 來源: 述職報告 點擊:
Why Customers Intend to Use Express Delivery Services(客戶為何打算使用快遞服務(wù))
文獻(xiàn)作者:S Setiyawati,B Haryanto
文獻(xiàn)出處:《Social Science Electronic Publishing》,2016,3(2):56- 81
字?jǐn)?shù)統(tǒng)計:英文 2718 單詞,15832 字符;中文 4805 漢字
Why Customers Intend to Use Express Delivery Services
Abstract The aim of this research was to better understand the effects of products quality, price reasonableness, brand image, and attitude towards customer’s intention. This research was guided by four research questions: What product quality has a positive influence on express delivery services a positive attitude? What price reasonableness positive influence on attitude to use express delivery services? What positive effect on brand image expresses delivery services? What positive attitude influence on intention to use express delivery services? The methodology employed was survey of 100 customers plus in-depth interviews with courier service operators. Interviews and survey were conducted from August to October 2015. This research was used SEM techniques for data analyze. The results confirmed there was no relationship between products quality, price reasonableness and attitude. Furthermore, brand image has influence attitude. The mediating role effects of costumer’s attitude for product quality, price reasonableness and brand image towards customer’s intention offer new insight into antecedents on costumer’s intention in a high
influence. This study presents an original contribution to understanding brand image effect and its attributes either directly or through attitude towards customer’s intention is determine. Keywords: Product Quality, Price Reasonableness, Brand Image, Attitude, Customer’s Intention 1.Introduction
Competitive advantage is likely to depend on market orientation, which means fosters behaviors that lead to customer’s perception of superior value. Market orientation implies to customer’s needs and delivering solutions and services that meet customer’s needs, which indicates customer orientation. The phenomenon of attitude and intention to use express delivery service part of orientation to the customers is an interesting issue to be studied. Previous studies show inconsistency attitudes and intentions models relating to express delivery services (Li & Petrick, 2008). This is due each study is based on the object and different settings. These conditions provide opportunities to design an alternative model capable of elaborating phenomenon to be observed. The alternative model is built based on five variables: products quality, price reasonableness, brand image, and attitudes which explain its influence on intention to use express delivery services. Thus, prediction models of individual behavior intention can be explained as follows: Product quality needs to be examined because these variables effectively to influence customer attitude (Stank et al., 2003; Richey et al., 2007; Rafid & Jaafar, 2007). However, different findings on influence customer behavior and product quality services performed by Mentzer et al.(2001) indicating customer perceptions about product quality is very relative and changeable nature because of individual psychological influence. 1.1.Problem Statement
Conceptualization of variables to be studied, namely: product quality, price
reasonableness, brand image and attitude influence intention to use express delivery services. To encourage practices this study addresses the following questions: Is product quality has a positive influence on express delivery services a positive attitude? What price reasonableness positive influence on attitude to use express delivery services? What positive effects on brand image express delivery services? What positive attitude influence on intention to use express delivery services? 1.2.Research Objectives
The general purpose of this study is to look at the effect of product quality, price reasonableness, brand image and attitude influence on intention. Especially, this study aims to figure product quality has a positive influence on attitude; price reasonableness positive influence attitude; brand image positive influence attitude; and attitude positive effect on the customers’ intent to use express delivery services. 1.3.Research Contributions
The contribution of this study is to offer a new approach that is more comprehensive, namely elaborate dimensions of product quality, brand image, price reasonableness, and attitude to assess the extent of its significance to customer’s
intent to use express delivery services; contribute to the science of management. Especially to understand the effect of product quality, price reasonableness, brand image, attitude to assess the extent its significance to customer’s intent on express delivery services. Then, show main factors that explain highest variation in customer’s intent on express delivery services company will help policymakers to reform corporate marketing service significantly and qualified; a pioneer in customer’s intent perspective to use express delivery services. The findings of study will fill chasms theoretical to explore role of attitudes that decide customer’s intent to use express delivery services and mainstreaming for further studies in marketing services.
2.Research Framework and Hypotheses
The approach used in assessing the influence of attitudes and intentions of customers are TRA of Fishbein & Ajzen (2010) and TPB developed by Ajzen (2001) with adding the perceived behavioral control as a determinant of behavioral intention. Dimensions intention to behave customers essentially determined by three factors: a person’s attitude toward behavior, the degree of social pressure one feels about the behavior and the degree of acceptance of control perceived in behavior. The third component of this belief interacts and be a decisive intention that determines a person’s behavior. In a study of the influence of the attitudes and intentions of customers in using express delivery services, the proposed research model as follows: 2.1.Product Quality Positively Influence on Attitude
Customers use express delivery services for reasons of timeliness submissions (Kannan & Tan, 2002; Cakravastia & Takahashi, 2004), at competitive prices (Bienstock & Royne, 2010; Rahman, 2006; Mentzer et al., 2007) reliable, safety and shipment security (Oxford Economic Forecasting, 2009). Parasuraman et al. (2005); Goode & Harris (2004) said that service quality is a significant predictor of attitudes (Cronin & Taylor, 1992) affects intention to behave. Indicate that intentions better than customer’s attitude towards products / services quality. The degree of intent describes customer state while attitude is perceived by degree assessment of products / services quality provided by providers. In accordance opinions by Fawcett et al. (1996); Colonna (1997) about product quality attributes this study used the Global Express Association Standard (2015), namely: Global Reach; Reliability; Transparency; Speed and Security are predicted to affect positive attitude. Based on these results, products / services quality included in model and proposed the first hypothesis as follows: H1: Product quality positively influence attitude to use express delivery services.
2.2.Price Reasonableness Positively Influence on Attitude
Price is an important variable for positive attitudes toward express delivery services formation. Prices give positive or negative consumer perception (Zeithaml, 1988; Gerrard & Cunningham, 2004) to assess a product, both products services, and goods. Colgate & Hedge (2001) conclude behavioral effect on the price of customer attitudes about products / services (Peng & Wang, 2006) price (expensive) and pricing policy cannot be trusted. Based on Imran et al. (2010) studied price reasonableness will be assessed by a customer in accordance with service quality, both significantly with a positive attitude. Different studies Chitty et al. (2007) high-quality services would be considered good even pay more expensive than low-quality services so that services (Rahman, 2006; Mentzer et al., 2007) is difficult to reposition price. Based
on the research above, following hypothesis is advanced: H2: Price reasonableness positively influence attitude to use express delivery services. 2.3.Brand Image Positively Influence on Attitude
Based on research Aaker (2004); Anisimova (2007); Blomback & Axelsson (2007); Martenson (2007); Da Silva & Syed Alwi (2008) explained that brand image is customer attitudes perception when considering a particular brand, an image can be brand assured. The brand image role elaborating memories, belief and preference of customer’s attitude toward a brand (Hsieh et al., 2004; Karampour & Ahmadinejad, 2014). Keller & Lehmann (2003) explain that brand image and attitude affect customer’s intention. Nguyen & LeBlanc (1998) indicated attitude is more influential than a brand image on intention. Hsieh et al. (2004) indicate the company’s brand perception big influence on buying behavior. Noted that brand image positively influence attitude and intention to use a particular product. Vahid & Aidin (2012) indicating that it cannot predict actual behavior of products / services selection, due to various reasons, particularly situational reasons. Based on research above, following hypothesis is advanced: H3: Brand image positively influence attitude to use express delivery services.
2.4.Attitudes Influence on Intentions
Attitude consistently affect on intentions (Tarkianen & Sundqvist, 2005). Customers’ positive attitude tends to realize intention (Ajzen, 1991). Based on research (Rosenberg & Hovland, 1995; Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010) attitude predisposes behavior. A multi-dimensional as hierarchical sequence model of cognitive, affective and conative (Rosenberg & Hovland, 1995). Chang (2011) is used to determine attitude effect by intention. Focus of this study aims to describe the model predictions about attitudes and intentions on express delivery services are to explain individual’s desire degree to determine attitude on express delivery services customer. Based on research Anoraga (2000) indicate intention based on experience and motivational factors influence behavior (Ajzen, 2001). Intention described attitude directing behavior and subjective norms and refers to individual’s perception that benefits against certain behaviors (Werner, 2004) and increasing the intention to use the services. Results of research Webb & Sheeran (2006) indicate that the intention is the determinant of behavior, in addition to the PBC can predict directly to behavior or mediate relationship between intention and behavior. Based on these studies proposed hypothesis therefore is: H4: Attitude to use express delivery services mediates the relationship between product quality, price reasonableness, and brand image on customer’s intention to use express delivery services. Based on these descriptions, research model on attitudes and intentions customers using express delivery services in Jakarta this basic framework can be arranged as shown in Figure 1 as follows:
Figure 1. The conceptual model
The results are justified scientifically from source and truth, and then research methods are designed to provide a clear and structured basis instruments used to test a hypothesis. In order to achieve these objectives, this chapter will discuss scope, sampling techniques, operational definition and measurement of variables, and statistical methods. 3.1.The Scope of Research
This study was designed as an exploratory research to explain a phenomenon (Maholtra, 2007). The research was conducted in Jakarta using survey techniques and data collected are cross-sectional. 3.2.Sampling Techniques
The target population in this study is customers who intend to choose express delivery service for shipments / packages / documents in Jakarta chosen as study setting are expected to limit a scope of study so that results are relatively homogeneous. Non-probabilistic sample taken with following criteria: (1) sample must have knowledge of courier / courier service / mail / express delivery services intended use; (2) Sample never use a delivery service and intend to use express
delivery service at PT. Nugraha path Ekakurir (JNE) during August to October 2015. The determined number of samples of 100 respondents, thus meeting the minimum eligibility criteria for consideration data analysis aspects of Structural Equation Model / SEM (Hooper et al., 2008).
3.3.Operational Definition and Measurement of Variables 3.3.1.Product Quality Product quality is defined as an individual’s perception of product superiority (Aaker, 1997). In this study variable product quality adopted from Global Express Association (2015). Product quality variable was measured with dimension (a) Global Reach (knowing its wide range) measured using five indications: (1) unlimited range; (2) reach to all corners; (3) a broad range; (4) reach to corner and (5) spread range; (b) Reliability (knowing of reliable service) were measured using five indications: (1) timely service; (2) reliable services; (3) consistent; (4) tested services; (5) ministry assured. ; (c) Transparency was measured using five indications: (1) service is transparent; (2) service is open; (3) services are easily tracked; (4) service is easily detected and (5) explicit service. (d) Speed (fast delivery) was measured using 5 indications (1) fast delivery; (2) timely delivery; (3) delivery smoothly; (4) delivery efficient and (5) delivery reliable. (e) Security was measured using five indications: (1) safe delivery; (2) delivery is guaranteed; (3) are not damaged; (4) shipment is not lost, and (5) shipments protected. Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. 3.3.2.Reasonableness Price
Price is defined as an individual’s quality perception. The price factor is a sacrifice that must be paid to get some product type (Zeithaml, 1988; Rahman, 2006; Mentzer et al., 2007). This variable was measured by using 5 price reasonableness indicators (Karampour & Ahmadinejad, 2014): (1) reasonable rates; (2) reasonable rates; (3) affordable rates; (4) reasonable rates, and (5) usual fare. Each item was
measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
3.3.3.Brand Image
Based on the earlier studies, the researcher determined that this variable was measured by using brand image attributes. Brand image is elaborating memories, beliefs and preferences of customer’s attitude toward a brand. So the brand image is measured using 5 indications (Hsieh et al. 2014): (1) popular brands image (2) superior brand image. (3) a good brand image. (4) brand image has a good reputation. (5) brand image has a good impression. Each item was measured using a 5-point scale Linkert from strongly disagree to strongly agree. 3.4.Positive Attitude towards Express Delivery Services
Attitude is defined as a degree of evaluation like or dislike of a person against an object or product (Ajzen, 1991). This means that if a customer has a positive attitude towards a product, the customer tends to manifest intention. Attitude measure multi- dimensional (Rosenberg & Hovland, 1995) as a construct in a hierarchical manner described through a cognitive, affective and conative sequence. In this study, express delivery services attitude is measured by using a 5 attitude indications, namely: (1) Glad to express delivery services; (2) Likes to express delivery services; (3) excited to express delivery services; (4) Happy on the existence of express delivery services, and (5) Think positive to express delivery services. Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. 3.5.Intention to use Express Delivery Services
Intention to use express delivery services (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010) is measure of confidence, motivation; attitudes to direct behavior, subjective norm; intention to act, and perception of behavioral control. This variable was measured by using 5 indications: (1) It will use express delivery services; (2) Want to use express delivery services; (3) Tendency to use express delivery services; (4) Willingness to use to use
express delivery services; (5) Regarding use of these services in the future. Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
Influence between variables in structural equation modeling, in general, does not support the results of previous studies, such as product quality and price reasonableness is not consistent with the study (Cronin & Taylor, 1992) that product quality perceived and services are predictors of positive attitudes and behavior intention antecendent subscribers. The findings further showed no consistent also with findings (Keaveney, 1995; Colgate & Hedge, 2001) that price reasonableness influence positive attitude customers. However, results of studies on price reasonableness in line with (Mittal et al., 1998; Karampour & Ahmadinejad, 2014) studies indicating price does not affect customer’s purchase intention. The findings indicate that brand image positively influences attitudes. These results support previous studies (Aaker, 2004) that quality perception shows superior differentiation of products or services and customers to the brand and think selectively used services. These results are consistent findings (Hsieh et al., 2004; Karampour & Ahmadinejad, 2014) that brand image elaborating memories, beliefs and preferences of customer’s attitude toward a brand, then brand image and perception of corporate image influence on intention and purchase behavior brand, in line with studies (Blomback & Axelsson, 2007; Ogba & Tan, 2009; Matthiesen & Phau, 2010) brand image influence positive customers attitude. Good customer perception will appear when the brand has a unique advantage / superior, good reputation, popular, nice and provide the best service (Aaker, 1997; Kotler & Keller, 2012). This shows brand image directly describes product quality. The study showed mediating role attitudes towards an intention to use express delivery services to sharpen study (Rosenberg & Hovland, 1995) that a construct of
cognitive, affective and conative able to explain desire individuals to determine a positive attitude. Construction positive attitude (Ehigie, 2006) is a critical factor closely related to customer expectations, perceived services quality. Similar findings (Donio et al., 2006; Brunner et al., 2008) which affect-laden of a brand that a positive attitude will enhance customer intention to use express delivery services.
本研究的目的是更好地了解產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、價格合理性、品牌形象和態(tài)度對客戶意向的影響。本研究以四個研究問題為指導(dǎo):什么樣的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極的影響?什么樣的價格合理性對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極的影響?品牌形象對快遞服務(wù)有哪些積極影響?影響快遞服務(wù)使用意向的有哪些積極態(tài)度?采用的方法是對 100 位客戶進(jìn)行調(diào)查,并與快遞服務(wù)運營商進(jìn)行深入訪談。訪談和調(diào)查于 2015 年 8 月至 10 月進(jìn)行。本研究使用 SEM 技術(shù)進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)分析。結(jié)果表明,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、價格合理性與態(tài)度之間不存在相關(guān)關(guān)系。此外,品牌形象對態(tài)度具有影響力?蛻魧Ξa(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、價格合理性和品牌形象的態(tài)度對客戶意向具有中介作用,這為客戶意向的影響因素提供了新的視角。本研究為理解品牌形象效應(yīng)及其屬性提供了獨到的見解,無論是直接的還是通過態(tài)度來確定客戶意向。
1. 簡介
競爭優(yōu)勢可能取決于市場導(dǎo)向,這意味著需要培養(yǎng)導(dǎo)致客戶感知卓越價值 的行為。市場導(dǎo)向意味著客戶的需求,并提供滿足客戶需求的解決方案和服務(wù), 這就要以客戶為導(dǎo)向。將對快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度和意向作為客戶導(dǎo)向的一部分,是一個值得研究的問題。之前的研究表明,與快遞服務(wù)相關(guān)的態(tài)度和意向模型不一致(Li 和 Petrick,2008)。這是因為每項研究都是基于對象和不同的設(shè)置。這些條件為設(shè)計一個能夠詳細(xì)闡述有待觀察的現(xiàn)象的替代模型提供了機(jī)會。
解釋如下:需要檢查產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,因為這些變量有效地影響客戶態(tài)度(Stank 等, 2003;Richey 等,2007;Rafid 和 Jaafar,2007)。然而,Mentzer 等人 (2001)關(guān)于影響客戶行為和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量服務(wù)的不同研究結(jié)果表明,由于個體心理的影響,客戶對產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的感知具有很強的相對性和多變性。
1.1. 問題陳述
概念化的變量有待研究,即:產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、價格合理性、品牌形象和態(tài)度影響使用快遞服務(wù)的意向。為了鼓勵實踐,本研究提出了以下問題:產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量是否對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極的影響?什么樣的價格合理性對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極的影響?品牌形象對快遞服務(wù)有哪些積極影響?影響快遞服務(wù)使用意向的有哪些積極態(tài)度? 1.2. 研究目的
本研究的總體目的是考察產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、價格合理性、品牌形象和態(tài)度對意向 的影響。特別是,本研究旨在研究產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量積極影響態(tài)度;價格合理性積極影 響態(tài)度;品牌形象積極影響態(tài)度;以及態(tài)度積極影響客戶使用快遞服務(wù)的意向。
1.3. 研究貢獻(xiàn)
2. 研究框架和假設(shè)
用于評估客戶態(tài)度和意向影響的方法是 Fishbein 和 Ajzen 的理性行為理論 (2010)以及 Ajzen(2001)開發(fā)的計劃行為理論,其中將感知的行為控制作為行為意向的決定因素?蛻粜袨橐庀虻木S度主要由三個因素決定:一個人對行為的態(tài)度、對行為的社會壓力程度和對行為控制的接受程度。這種信念的三個組成部分相互作用,并成為決定一個人行為的決定性意向。在研究客戶對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度及意向的影響時,擬議的研究模式如下:
2.1. 產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量對態(tài)度的積極影響
客戶使用快遞服務(wù)是為了及時交貨(Kannan 和 Tan,2002;Cakravastia 和 Takahashi,2004),價格具有競爭力(Bienstock 和 Royne,2010;Rahman,2006;Mentzer 等,2007),可靠、安全和運輸保障 (牛津經(jīng)濟(jì)預(yù)測,2009)。Parasuraman 等(2005)、Goode 和 Harris(2004)表示,服務(wù)質(zhì)量是態(tài)度的重要預(yù)測因素(Cronin 和 Taylor,1992),影響行為 意向。表明意向優(yōu)于客戶對產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)質(zhì)量的態(tài)度。意向程度描述了客戶的狀態(tài), 而態(tài)度則通過對供應(yīng)商提供的產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)質(zhì)量的程度評估來感知。根據(jù) Fawcett 等(1996)、Colonna(1997)的觀點;關(guān)于產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量屬性的研究使用了全球快 遞協(xié)會標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(2015),即:全球范圍;可靠性;透明度;速度和安全性,預(yù)計會影響積極的態(tài)度。在此基礎(chǔ)上,將產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)質(zhì)量納入模型,并提出了第一個假設(shè):
假設(shè) 1:產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極影響。
2.2. 價格合理性對態(tài)度的積極影響
在對快遞服務(wù)態(tài)度的形成中,價格是一個重要變量。價格會給客戶造成積極或消極的認(rèn)知,客戶用價格來評估產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)和商品 (Zeithaml,1988;Gerrard 和 Cunningham,2004)。Colgate 和 Hedge(2001)總結(jié)了客戶對產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)態(tài)度的價格行為影響。價格(昂貴)和定價政策是不可信的(Peng 和 Wang,2006)。基于 Imran 等人(2010)所研究的價格合理性將由客戶根據(jù)服務(wù)質(zhì)量進(jìn)行評估,兩者都以積極的態(tài)度顯著。Chitty 等(2007)的不同的研究指出,高質(zhì)量的服務(wù)被認(rèn)為是好的,甚至比低
質(zhì)量的服務(wù)更貴,因此服務(wù)很難重新定位價格(Rahman,2006;Mentzer 等, 2007);谏鲜鲅芯,提出以下假設(shè):
假設(shè) 2:價格合理性對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極影響。
2.3. 品牌形象對態(tài)度的積極影響
根據(jù) Aaker(2004)、Anisimova(2007)、Blomback 和 Axelsson(2007)、 Martenson(2007)、DaSilva 和 SyedAlwi(2008)等人的研究,品牌形象是客戶在考慮特定品牌時的態(tài)度感知,形象可以是品牌保證。品牌形象的作用闡述了客戶對品牌態(tài)度的記憶、信念和偏好(Hsieh 等,2004;Karampour 和Ahmadinejad,2014)。Keller 和 Lehmann(2003)解釋說,品牌形象和態(tài)度會影響客戶的意向。Nguyen 和 LeBlanc(1998)指出,態(tài)度比品牌形象對意向的影響更大。Hsieh 等(2004)表明,公司的品牌認(rèn)知對購買行為影響很大。注意到品牌形象對使用某一特定產(chǎn)品的態(tài)度和意向有積極的影響,Vahid 和Aidin(2012)指出,由于各種原因,特別是情境原因,無法預(yù)測產(chǎn)品/服務(wù)選擇的實際行為;谏鲜鲅芯,提出以下假設(shè):
假設(shè) 3:品牌形象對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度有積極影響。
2.4. 態(tài)度對意向的影響
態(tài)度始終影響意向(Tarkianen 和 Sundqvist,2005)?蛻舻姆e極態(tài)度傾向于實現(xiàn)意向(Ajzen,1991)。根據(jù)研究(Rosenberg 和 Hovland,1995;Fishbein 和 Ajzen,2010),態(tài)度決定行為。Rosenberg 和 Hovland(1995)提出了一個認(rèn)知、情感和意向的多維層次序列模型。Chang(2011)用意向來確定態(tài)度效應(yīng)。
本研究的重點在于描述關(guān)于快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度和意向的模型預(yù)測,以解釋個 體對快遞服務(wù)客戶的期望程度,從而確定客戶對快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度。根據(jù)研究, Anoraga(2000)指出,基于經(jīng)驗和動機(jī)因素的意向影響行為(Ajzen,2001)。意 向描述了態(tài)度指導(dǎo)行為和主觀規(guī)范,指的是個體對某些行為有益的感知(Werner, 2004),并增加了使用服務(wù)的意向。Webb 和 Sheeran(2006)的研究結(jié)果表明, 意向是行為的決定因素,除了個人績效承諾外,還可以直接預(yù)測行為或調(diào)解意
假設(shè) 4:對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度,調(diào)解了產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、價格合理性和品牌形象與客戶使用快遞服務(wù)的意向之間的關(guān)系。
基于這些描述,客戶在雅加達(dá)使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度和意向的研究模型這個基本框架可以如圖 1 所示:
圖 1.概念模型
3. 方法
3.1. 研究范圍
3.2. 抽樣技術(shù)
本研究中的目標(biāo)人群是打算選擇雅加達(dá)貨運/包裹/文件的快遞服務(wù)的客戶, 他們被選定為研究背景,預(yù)計將限制研究范圍,使結(jié)果相對一致。非概率抽樣
的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)如下:(1)樣本必須了解速遞/速遞服務(wù)/郵件/快遞服務(wù)的預(yù)期用途;(2) 樣本從未使用過快遞服務(wù),并打算 2015 年 8 月至 10 月期間在 PT. Nugraha path Ekakurir (JNE)上使用快遞服務(wù)。確定了 100 名受訪者的樣本數(shù)量,從而滿足結(jié)構(gòu)方程模型/SEM 的考慮數(shù)據(jù)分析方面的最低資格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(Hooper 等, 2008)。
3.3 操作定義和變量測量
3.3.1 產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量
產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量被定義為個人對產(chǎn)品優(yōu)勢的看法(Aaker,1997)。本研究采用全球快遞協(xié)會(2015)的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量變量。用以下五個指標(biāo)衡量產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量變量:(A) 全球范圍(知道其范圍很廣),有五個指標(biāo)衡量:(1)無限范圍;(2)覆蓋所有角 落;(3)范圍廣泛;(4)延伸到角落;(5)擴(kuò)展范圍。(B)可靠性(知道可靠的服務(wù)), 有五個指標(biāo)衡量:(1)及時服務(wù);(2)可靠服務(wù);(3)一致性;(4)測試服務(wù);(5) 政府擔(dān)保。(C)透明度,有五個指標(biāo)衡量:(1)服務(wù)透明;(2)服務(wù)開放;(3)服 務(wù)易于跟蹤;(4)服務(wù)易于檢測;(5)明確服務(wù)。(D)快速交付,有五個指標(biāo)衡量:
(1)快速交付;(2)及時交付;(3)交付順利;(4)交付高效;(5)交付可靠。(E) 安全性,有五個指標(biāo)衡量:(1)安全交付;(2)保證交貨;(3)貨物沒有損壞; (4)貨物沒有丟失;(5)貨物受到保護(hù)。每一項都用 5 點 Likert 量表來衡量,從強烈的不同意到強烈的同意。
3.3.2. 合理價格
價格被定義為個人對質(zhì)量的感知。價格因素是為了獲得某種產(chǎn)品類型而必須付出的代價(Zeithaml,1988;Rahman,2006;Mentzer 等,2007)。該變量通過使用 5 個價格合理性指標(biāo)來衡量(Karampour 和 Ahmadinejad,2014):
。1)價格合理;(2)費率合理;(3)價格實惠;(4)利率合理;(5)票價普通。每一項都用 5 點 Likert 量表來衡量,從強烈的不同意到強烈的同意。
3.3.3. 品牌形象
5 個指標(biāo)來衡量的(Hsiehetal.2014):(1)品牌形象流行;(2)品牌形象卓越;(3)品牌形象良好;(4)品牌形象有好口碑;(5)品牌形象有好感。每一項都用 5 點 Likert 量表來衡量,從強烈的不同意到強烈的同意。
3.4. 對快遞服務(wù)的積極態(tài)度
態(tài)度被定義為一個人對某個對象或產(chǎn)品的評價程度,喜歡或不喜歡 (Ajzen,1991)。這意味著,如果客戶對產(chǎn)品有積極的態(tài)度,客戶往往會表現(xiàn)出意向。態(tài)度測量多維是一種通過認(rèn)知、情感和意向的順序描述的層次結(jié)構(gòu) (Rosenberg 和 Hovland,1995)。
本研究以 5 種態(tài)度指標(biāo)衡量快遞服務(wù)態(tài)度,即:(1)樂于快遞服務(wù); (2)喜歡快遞服務(wù);(3)熱衷于快遞服務(wù);(4)對快遞服務(wù)的存在感到高興; (5)對快遞服務(wù)持積極態(tài)度。每一項都用 5 點 Likert 量表來衡量,從強烈的不同意到強烈的同意。
3.5. 使用快遞服務(wù)的意向
意向使用快遞服務(wù)是信心、動機(jī)的衡量(Fishbein 和 Ajzen,2010);是對直接行為的態(tài)度、主觀規(guī)范;是行為意向和行為控制的感知。該變量通過使用 5 個指標(biāo)來衡量:(1)將使用快遞服務(wù);(2)希望使用快遞服務(wù);(3)傾向使用快遞服務(wù);(4)愿意使用快遞服務(wù);(5)今后使用這些服務(wù)。每一項都用 5 點 Likert 量表來衡量,從強烈的不同意到強烈的同意。
4. 結(jié)論
結(jié)構(gòu)方程模型中各變量之間的影響一般不支持以往研究的結(jié)果,如產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和價格合理性與 Cronin 和 Taylor(1992)的“產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量感知和服務(wù)是積極態(tài)度和行為意向的預(yù)測因素”這一觀點不一致。關(guān)于價格合理性的調(diào)查結(jié)果與Keaveney(1995)、Colgate 和 Hedge(2001)的觀點“價格合理性影響客戶的積極態(tài)度”也不一致。然而,價格合理性研究的結(jié)果符合 Mittal 等(1998)、 arampour 和 Ahmadinejad(2014)的研究結(jié)果,即價格不影響客戶的購買意向。
研究結(jié)果表明,品牌形象對態(tài)度有積極影響。這些結(jié)果支持了之前的研究 (Aaker,2004),質(zhì)量感知表現(xiàn)為產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的卓越差異化和客戶對品牌的卓越差異化,并有選擇地思考使用的服務(wù)。這些結(jié)果與 Hsieh 等(2004)、 Karampour 和 Ahmadinejad(2014)的發(fā)現(xiàn)一致,即品牌形象闡述了客戶對品牌態(tài)度的記憶、信念和偏好,然后品牌形象與企業(yè)形象感知對品牌意向和購買行為的影響,與 Blomback 和 Axelsson(2007)、Ogba 和 Tan(2009)、 Matthiesen 和 Phau(2010)的研究一致,品牌形象影響積極的客戶態(tài)度。當(dāng)品牌具有獨特的優(yōu)勢/優(yōu)越、良好的聲譽、受歡迎、友好,并提供最佳服務(wù)時,將會出現(xiàn)良好的客戶感知(Aaker,1997;Kotler 和 Keller,2012)。這表明品牌形象直接描述了產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。
該研究表明,對使用快遞服務(wù)的態(tài)度對使用快遞服務(wù)的意向起到了中介作用,與 Rosenberg 和 Hovland(1995 的研究一致,即認(rèn)知、情感和意向的構(gòu)造能夠解釋欲望個體確定積極態(tài)度。保持積極態(tài)度(Ehigie,2006)是與客戶期望、感知服務(wù)質(zhì)量密切相關(guān)的關(guān)鍵因素。類似的調(diào)查結(jié)果(Donio 等, 2006;Brunner 等,2008)指出,影響了品牌的積極態(tài)度,這將增強客戶使用快遞服務(wù)的意向。
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