

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-24 來源: 事跡材料 點擊:

  《黨委書記抓基層黨建工作述職報告摘登.doc》 黨委書記抓基層黨建工作述職報告摘登 堅持不懈地進步 基層黨建工作科學化水平 履職工作的亮點體現(xiàn)在五個“牢固”:牢固建立大抓基層的鮮明導向,前后 7 次召開市委常委會,專題研究部署基層黨建工作和教育實踐活動,推動建立并帶頭落實了市級黨員領導干部聯(lián)系點制度;牢固建立服務群眾的鮮明導向,推動市委出臺加強基層服務型黨組織建設的實施意見,推動區(qū)鎮(zhèn)認真落實鎮(zhèn)干部駐村、村干部“坐班”等制度,推動展開大范圍“兼顧城鄉(xiāng)基層黨組織結對共建和聯(lián)手扶貧”活動;牢固建立全面過硬的鮮明導向,對全市 146 個軟弱散漫基層黨組織進行了整頓轉化;牢固建立嚴字當頭的鮮明導向,在全市43 個鎮(zhèn)街推行文建明工作法,在 248 個行政村推行“四議兩公然”工作法,建立村務監(jiān)視委員會制度;牢固建立夯實基礎的鮮明導向,加大基層黨建工作經(jīng)費投進,研究建立農(nóng)村基層干部補貼正常增長機制,推動人大出臺《?谑猩鐓^(qū)居民委員會服務場所建設保障辦法》。



 省委常委、三亞市委書記 張琦 堅持把基層黨建工作 擺上重要位置 在儋州工作期間的履職工作特點是:切實履行職責,集中精力抓好基層黨建。作為“第一責任人”,一年來,前后 14 次主持召開常委會專題研究黨建工作,調劑市委黨建工作領導小組,建立市委常委黨建聯(lián)系點制度;強化基層基礎,不斷進步陣地建設水平。加強組織覆蓋、組織整頓、民主管理、硬件建設;著眼服務群眾,強化基層黨組織服務功能。搭建城鄉(xiāng)互聯(lián)平臺,構建市、鎮(zhèn)、村、組四級聯(lián)開工作機制;加強管理培訓,打造專心干事的基層干部隊伍。共舉行各級各類黨員干部培訓班 33 期、各類講座 10 場次,特別是對



 作為三亞市委書記,我將切實履行“第一責任人”職責,全力進步基層黨組織的凝聚力和戰(zhàn)役力。要建立“抓好黨建是最大政績的導向”,使從嚴治黨的責任成為“硬束縛”。建立工作例會制度,每半年召開一次黨建工作領導小組會議,并把黨建實效作為考核各級黨組織負責人的重要根據(jù)。要突出作風建設,使教育實踐活動成果真正落地生根。深進推動專項整治,扭住中心確定的 21 項專項整治任務,要求各牽頭單位成立專門工作班仔細化分解任務,參與單位主動配合、抓好落實。要圍繞“六有”目標,使基層服務型黨組織建設全面推動。明年初出臺三亞市全面推動基層服務型黨組織建設的實施意見。依照一定比例倒排,XX 年底完成常態(tài)化整頓軟弱散漫黨組織工作,嚴格落實“四議兩公然”制度,全面提升“兩新”組織“兩覆蓋”工作。

 三沙市委書記、市長 肖杰 將政權建設延伸到 島礁基層 研究部署,當好第一責任人。主持制定出臺了《三沙市基層黨組織“三會一課”制度實施辦法》等 8 項黨建工作制度;

 抓組織建設,提出并實施組建了永樂群島、七連嶼和永興等三個工委、管委會。島礁黨支部由原來的 1 個增加到 4 個。島礁基層漁民黨員由設市時的 8 名發(fā)展到 23 名;將島礁黨支部辦公用房建設列進市重點工程,落實各島礁黨建工作經(jīng)費、“兩委”干部的報酬待遇等。兩年多來,3 次下南沙,10屢次登永樂各島礁,20 次赴七連嶼島礁調研,并主持制定《市領導掛鉤聯(lián)系島礁基層服務群眾辦法》。

 下一步,要認真履行黨建主體責任,帶頭深進基層展開調研。要加大力度夯實基層黨建工作基礎。爭取在兩年內,實現(xiàn)還沒有單獨設立黨支部的 5 個島礁社區(qū)全部單獨設立黨支部。要落實和完善黨員教育管理制度。要在漁民中展開黨的知識教育。要培養(yǎng)有三沙特點的黨務干部隊伍,繼續(xù)完善黨支部書記、委員輪訓機制,幫助基層黨支部書記強化基本功。

 儋州市委書記 嚴朝君 深進推動基層服務型 黨組織建設 在昌江工作期間的履職工作亮點:前后深進全縣 80 多個村展開調研,主持召開 12 次縣委常委會,解決“兩委”無錢辦事等題目 22 件。健全縣委黨建工作例會制度,前后召開基層黨建工作例會 7 次。建立黨員領導干部直接聯(lián)系服務群眾機制。

 出臺《農(nóng)村“十星兩委”創(chuàng) 建活動實施方案》,展開創(chuàng)建和評定工作。在“兩委”干部輪番坐班的基礎上,建立定期家訪制和連心簿。往年以來,投進 5200 多萬元,加強村“兩委”陣地建設,新建村級活動場所 11 個,維修改造 71 個。


 文昌市委書記 裴成敏 全面提升 基層組織建設水平 在黨的群眾線路教育實踐活動中,我前后主持召開了 9 次市委中心組學習會進行專題學習,深進 31 個邊遠農(nóng)村針對班子建設、農(nóng)民增收、美麗鄉(xiāng)村建設等題目作調研。

 市委成立 8 個專項督查組,深進到各黨委督查黨風廉政建設主體責任、“一崗雙責”、市委市政府重大決策和其他黨建工作的貫徹落實。最近幾年來,市財政投進 1107 萬元新建改建村活動場所 224 間。調劑進步村級組織工作經(jīng)費和村兩委干部生活補貼,工作經(jīng)費均勻每村每一年 2 萬元。每一年投

 進 50 多萬元慰問幫扶老黨員、困難黨員和村“兩委”困難干部。主持召開了 2 次專題會議推動整頓工作,帶頭負責聯(lián)系 1 個軟弱散漫村黨組織。全市共配齊不健全的班子 5 個,選配空缺的黨組織書記 6 名,調劑不能勝任現(xiàn)職的黨組織書記 2 名,撤消黨支部 11 個。投進資金 500 多萬元,為軟弱散漫黨組織辦實事 80 多件。


 瓊海市委書記 符宣朝 在為民辦實事中 建立形象和威望 始終把基層黨建工作放在心上、扛在肩上,19 次主持召開市委常委會、黨建領導小組會議,研究解決教育實踐活動和基層黨建工作重大題目。年內調劑選配黨委書記 11 名。針對整頓軟弱散漫基層黨組織困難多難度大等情況,集中人力物力財力展開“百日攻堅”,全市軟弱散漫黨支部整改完成率到達 96%。

 指導全市建起 13 個政務服務中心和 53 個基層便民服務窗口,構建起四級便民服務網(wǎng)絡;兼顧民政、農(nóng)林、衛(wèi)生等部分下放 45 項行政審批權和代辦事項。

 今年投進 1870 多萬元新建改建村級活動場所 30 個。今年再次進步了村兩委干部補貼標準;建立起“兩新”黨組織書記誤工補貼發(fā)放、基層黨建工作年度嘉獎、困難黨員救助幫扶基金等制度。建立潭門南海漁業(yè)黨支部等黨員教育基地 7 個。



 萬寧市委書記 張美文 深化“三聯(lián)三問三解” 更緊密聯(lián)系服務群眾 針對萬寧基層黨建工作存在的題目,我將與市委班子同道一道,履行好“第一責任人”職責的要求:一是從嚴落實管黨治黨主體責任。


 三是推動基層服務型黨組織建設。圍繞“班子建設好、隊伍管理好、工作機制好、陣地建設好、工作業(yè)績好”的要求,力爭每一年創(chuàng)建 20 個左右的“五好黨支部”;建立基層黨組


 四是加大基層經(jīng)費保障的力度。完善財政投進為主、黨費投進和項目整合為輔的黨組織活動經(jīng)費保障機制,確保農(nóng)村“兩委”每一年工作經(jīng)費不低于 3 萬元,每一個“兩新”黨組織每一年工作經(jīng)費很多于 5000 元;認真落實“一定三有”要求,建立村干部補貼動態(tài)增長機制;計劃投進 1500 萬元抓好 24 個村級組織活動場所的修繕擴建,強化活動場所規(guī)范使用管理。

 五指山市委書記 宋少華 以創(chuàng)新破解 基層黨建工作困難 今年以來,我 11 次主持召開市委常委會學習貫徹研究基層黨建題目,深進到 30 多個村莊展開基層黨建調研,提出 23項創(chuàng)建標準、20 項創(chuàng)建措施;對村級黨組織實施星級目標管理;實行黨員聯(lián)系群眾“雙聯(lián)制”,買通聯(lián)系服務群眾“最后一千米”。

 完玉成市 32 個軟弱散漫基層黨組織整頓,確定 12 名市黨政領導聯(lián)系幫扶指導,派駐整頓工作組 10 個,成立結對幫扶對子 59 對。撤并改制國企黨支部 21 個。暢好農(nóng)場移交我市后設立社會事務管理辦事處黨委,順利完成了 5 個社區(qū)黨支


 重新增財力中投進 350 多萬元進步基層黨組織的工作經(jīng)費和基層干部的生活待遇。


 東方市委書記 吉明江 堅持題目導向 夯實基礎建強基層 一年來,我牢記從嚴治黨之責,屢次主持召開市委常委會研究部署基層黨建工作,帶頭落實聯(lián)系點制度,深進到 10 個鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)和部份村莊專題調研,提出“抓基礎、促建設,抓規(guī)范、促服務,抓保障、促發(fā)展”的“三抓三促”黨建工作思路,建立“述職述黨建、評議評黨建、考核考黨建,任用干部看黨建”的機制。

 全市 192 個村級組織活動場所均已達標。選派 145 名黨員擔負黨建指導員,共組建“兩新”組織黨支部 41 個,應建組建率到達 100%。對 62 個軟弱散漫黨支部份級制定整頓方案,


 完善農(nóng)村“四議兩公然”等制度,推行鄉(xiāng)村干部“駐村、坐班”;設立鄉(xiāng)村便民服務站點 144 個;嚴厲查處 36 名“不作為、慢作為、亂作為”的村干部。

 常態(tài)化展開“亮身份、亮崗位、亮職責、亮承諾、亮服務、組織評比”的“五亮一評”活動,取消不符合發(fā)展條件的對象 26 人。


 定安縣委書記 *** 加大黨建投進 推動資源下沉 一年多來,我堅持從“進步黨員素質、增強組織活力、密切干群關系”等三方面進手,建立抓基層黨建工作長效機制。前后主持召開黨建專題工作會議 10 余次,主持制定《定安縣縣直單位領導班子重大題目議事規(guī)則》等制度并嚴格督導落實,帶頭建立黨建工作聯(lián)系點,每半個月到聯(lián)系點調研。前后整頓了 34 個軟弱散漫基層黨組織班子,選派 12 名機關黨員干部駐村擔負“第一書記”,幫扶教育 8 個落后村、社區(qū)黨支部班子,調劑落后村支部書記 6 名。

 整合資金 566 萬元新建 10 個村級組織活動場所, 400 多萬元建設 10 間便民服務中心。每一年安排 2 萬元工作經(jīng)費給每一個農(nóng)村基層組織。今年來已嚴厲處理了違規(guī)違紀的 12 名村干部。農(nóng)村“兩委”干部納進全縣干部培訓規(guī)劃,每一年輪訓了村、社區(qū)“兩委”干部一遍。

 今后,我將嚴格履行黨委書記抓黨建“第一責任人”職責,層層落實抓黨建主體責任;加大黨建資源整合投進,推動縣直機關資源下沉;多措并舉提升基層組織服務質量,建立黨員幫扶基金 100 萬元幫扶困難黨員發(fā)展生產(chǎn);嚴格監(jiān)視考核問責制度。

 澄邁縣委書記 楊思濤 以“釘釘子”精神 落實基層黨建工作任務 認真履行“第一責任人”職責,16 次主持召開基層黨建專題會議,年初與各鎮(zhèn)委書記簽訂責任書,年底召開黨建述職會,直接約談抓黨建不力的鎮(zhèn)委書記。全年深進基層展開黨建專題調研 32 次,每到基層調研必到村黨支部調研黨建工作,解決難點題目 15 個。

 連續(xù)兩年進步村工作專項經(jīng)費。今年投進 384 萬元擴建改造12 間村級活動場所,進一步改善黨員群眾活動條件。

 舉行村干部培訓班 11 期。11 個鎮(zhèn)均成立評差黨員教育轉化

 工作小組,舉行評差黨員培訓班。果斷整治“吃拿卡要”等侵害群眾利益的題目,今年共查處農(nóng)村黨員干部違紀違法案件 14 件,處理黨員干部 18 人。

 推動 51 個軟弱散漫基層黨組織全面轉化。在非公經(jīng)濟組織、農(nóng)民合作社等產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈上建立黨組織 6 個,擴大黨組織覆蓋面。實行縣級領導干部“掛鎮(zhèn)聯(lián)村幫企扶戶”,科局級領導干部“聯(lián)村幫企扶戶”,其他領導干部“攀窮親、幫貧戶”制度。


 屯昌縣委書記 陳笑波 重視抓基層 打基礎促發(fā)展 我堅持把黨建工作作為全局“總抓手”來謀劃和推動,主持制定了《關于深進推動基層服務型黨組織建設的實施意見》等文件。建立縣、鎮(zhèn)、村三級黨組織書記抓黨建工作責任制,將黨建工作列為鎮(zhèn)村綜合考核重要內容,促使黨建工作落到實處。今年以來,組織縣級領導干部展開聯(lián)鎮(zhèn)、聯(lián)村、聯(lián)校、聯(lián)戶、聯(lián)項目等“五聯(lián)”活動,投進幫扶資金共萬元,幫助基層黨組織和群眾解決實際困難。

 換屆以來共提拔 22 名鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)中層干部進進鎮(zhèn)級班子。成立 8個鎮(zhèn)監(jiān)察室,在全省率先配齊村民監(jiān)視委員會,切實加強基層黨風廉政督查。

 結合“我為農(nóng)民增收辦實事”活動,謀劃和啟動 “聯(lián)村進戶脫貧致富”行動,從黨建、技術、教育等 7 個方面給予幫扶,全縣累計投進幫扶資金 4343 萬元。今年再投進 268 萬元,建設村級便民服務點,實現(xiàn)了縣、鎮(zhèn)、村三級便民服務聯(lián)網(wǎng)覆蓋等。


 the "research" make great efforts to provide more targeted

 for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of expanding. The sources

 of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the Communist Youth League and youth

 information dynamic information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the role

 of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect

 the municipal Party committee, municipal government, the Central Committee of the implementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and difficult issues

 of concern to the masses and some important emergencies, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable component of the following information.

 Continue to deepen the information research and information feedback system, information report system, information reporting system, information delivery system and information notification

 system, and constantly improve the information work of the assessment, incentive mechanism, improve the long-term mechanism to improve the information work of

 sustainable development.Two, pay close attention to contact and communication, efforts to improve the ability of comprehensive coordinationGive full play to a contact,

 pivotal role, coordination of the parties in accordance with the standard, efficient, high quality principles, firmly establish the principle of service, and

 effectively improve the level of policy theory, grasp the method of coordinating work, conscientiously do service leadership, service and Service Corps cadres.(a)

 do to actively carry out coordination. Upstream municipal Party committee, municipal government work report, and the central mission to understand, grasp the

 key ideas and working organs, targeted focus on reporting the work of mission, to focus on the city"s superior league, major activities,

 attention, support and help.(two) do parallel coordination. To strengthen the contact and communication with the municipal departments, actively seek for the work

 of care, support, optimize the external environment. To strengthen the group work of the Communist Youth League and other provinces and cities,

 to grasp the work around the dynamic, active learning around the work experience, the effective integration of resources within the group, and

 the Communist Youth League career development.(three) earnestly grassroots coordination. Further increase communication efforts, strengthen the organizations at various levels to guide the

 work of the office and communication, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the


 inspired by the basic spirit of innovation, the formation of good ability of the league office work.Three, pay close attention to the

 quality of official documents, efforts to improve the ability to deal with textAdhere to high standards, strict requirements, careful attention to the

 drafting of the draft work, strict document drafting, audit clearance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to

 deal with the text, and the overall work of the service center.(a) earnestly. To further establish the draft document presentation system research,

 adhere to the practice, especially the drafting of important days and months multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the

 situation the situation, fully understand the intention of the leadership, to ensure the output, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript.

 A manuscript quality appraisal system, the implementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the comparison of office draft manuscript quality. Establish a reward

 system to reward the outstanding manuscript selection out, the wrong investigated persons responsible for the major errors.(two) strict master document quality. Strengthening

 document quality awareness, efforts in the drafting of documents, audit checks, printed all aspects of efforts, strict policy documents audit, content, format

 and procedures, adhere to the upper and lower check, and check before and after the check, ensure the document style format in

 the understanding of leadership intentions in place, ideas in the language in place, and strive to improve the quality of various documents.(three)

 a comprehensive specification document operation. To further standardize the document transfer procedures, emphasizing the precision in document processing, in strict accordance with

 the operating procedures document sign, registration, approval, distribution, handling, repaying, filing, ensure the document processing standard, accurate, and efficient. Especially to strict

 dispatch, strict audit document content. Strictly implement the document procedures step by step Shenqian, strict and unified file format, to ensure the

 normative document. Further the implementation of electronic document processing mode, the full implementation of OA office system, efforts to improve the work

 efficiency.Four, pay close attention to the work of supervision, efforts to improve the executive abilityThe city"s major issues and focus on the

 overall work of the Communist Youth League to carry out supervision and inspection, insist on the idea, the handling of the key,

 efforts to promote the implementation of decisions, to ensure that government decrees.(a) on the center of focus on supervision. In accordance with

 the "grasp the overall situation, focused, practical, quantitative refinement" principle, conscientiously fulfill the supervision function, focusing on the important deployment, major decisions

 of the party will, secretary"s office, department heads meeting agreed matters assigned by the leadership group, the book down and do the

 important matters and the regiment the key work to focus on supervision, to ensure that the inspection item piece is an echo,

 everything in the bag, to promote the work carried out smoothly.(two) grasp the key special supervision. According to different periods of work

 needs, focus on leadership, social concern, hot and difficult problem of youth reflects the implementation of regular and dynamic supervision of special

 work assigned by the leadership of the special work of tracking supervision, regularly held the Department responsible for the regular inspection work

 carried out inspection stage. Check or the implementation of the work, to the work of the special supervision and implementation.(three) innovative ways

 to promote the supervision. To further improve the effectiveness of supervision and inspection work, really play a role in promoting the implementation

 work. To further improve and perfect the supervision report system, inspection notification system, regularly carry out random checks of the supervision matters,

 to highlight the effectiveness of the inspection work, to effectively promote the work carried out.Five, pay close attention to daily management, efforts

 to improve logistical support capacityAccording to "do great things, do small things, start from the details; General requirements from the overall situation",

 pay close attention to daily management, enhance the foresight and initiative work, do the work of early preparation, program cost fine plan,

 artful arrangement, high quality services.(a) further strengthen the authority of hardware construction. Combined with the "three hit" work, to further promote the

 party organ culture construction, and actively carry out party building advanced units, units of civilization, to create the homes of the workers,

 further standardize internal office conditions, perfect decoration authorities canteen, strengthening the Office building management, further improve the authority office environment.(two) to further

 strengthen the organization system construction. The implementation of the municipal Party committee of various rules and regulations, in accordance with the norms

 of management, efficient principle, perfect all kinds of meetings, document processing, logistics system, perfect a set of scientific and reasonable comprehensive coverage,

 the rules of the system. To strengthen the day-to-day management work, continuously enhance the rigor and the scientific management, according to the

 requirements of task decomposition, refinement of quantitative indicators, realize the work determination, work process standardization, work system, to promote the daily work

 efficient and orderly operation.(three) to further strengthen the fine financial management authority. Hold on to open source, to further increase funding for

 efforts, multi-channel for funding, strengthen the overall financial institutions. The authorities adhere to grasp the throttle, vehicle maintenance, major conference activities, network

 maintenance and other major expenditure to implement the budget control at the beginning of the year, authorities to strictly implement the financial

 management system, do a good job the pre final accounts, financial institutions, financial analysis and financial statements related. Adhere to the financial

 reporting system, improve the efficiency in the use of assets, and the Communist Youth League work continued to develop.(four) to further strengthen

 security work earnestly. Confidentiality of confidential confidential documents, strict implementation of the management system, security system, focus on the secret of the

 computer and network security management, strict management measures. Actively carry out regular security education, provided security awareness high cadres of workers, to

 prevent the loss occurred leak phenomenon. To strengthen the archives management work, conscientiously implement the archives, seal management system, actively carry out

 the relevant documents, materials, letters and pictures materials collection, registration and filing. The strict safety responsibility system, strictly holidays and night security

 duty system, strengthen the major work Moving safety work, to ensure safe and orderly.(five) to further strengthen the daily service work. To

 firmly establish the "rules as standard" point of view, whether do the text, do, act, or on duty, reception, security in strict

 accordance with the rules, according to the procedures, to ensure standardized operation. Take care of cadres of workers life, seriously deal with

 the party to do things for the project for the masses and actively improve the cadres of workers welfare. Strict management of

 vehicles, official vehicles. To ensure the implementation of office smile service system and first asked the first joint service system, the implementation

 of service complaints system, ensure the quality of service continues to increase.Six, pay close attention to team building, focus on improving the

 ability to open up innovationIn accordance with the "build a first-class team, with first-class team, a first-class performance, tree class image," the

 overall requirements, and vigorously strengthen the construction of cadres and workers, and promote the healthy growth of cadres and workers and all-round

 development.(a) establish the right work ethic. Firmly establish the concept of office work, have a brilliant future, strengthen the sense of innovation,

 enhance innovation and courage, to free from old ideas, actively respond to the development requirements of the new situation, actively adapt to

 the new leadership strictly from the high requirements, innovation and breakthrough, promote office work the steps in innovation.(two) to strengthen the ideological

 and political construction. Continue to consolidate communist education on Party members"advancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements,

 serious ideological and political work of office staff, carry out the "dedication in the post work, first-class theme contest activities, and guide

 the cadres and workers to firmly establish a correct outlook on life. And values, the firm high political consciousness, firm political position,

 strict political discipline, strengthen the cadres and workers of political awareness, overall awareness, sense of service, efforts to form a diligent, efficient,

 innovative,Rigorous working atmosphere.(three) to carry out the policy theory of learning. To improve the office of cadres and workers pay close attention

 to the quality of training and learning, strengthen business knowledge and comprehensive knowledge, constantly optimize the knowledge structure, improve the overall quality

 of the level of proficiency and more than one post to the "Office of the cadres and workers to deal with specific

 issues. Adhere to the new period of the focus group the overall work, in-depth analysis and exploration of the functions of the

 office development and the direction of development, and strive to improve the overall awareness and service level of the office of cadres

 and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen

 the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive

 to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work

 system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to

 provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and

 life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit

 of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the

 lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping

 theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, the "research" make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability

 and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of expanding. The sources of information, through

 the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the Communist Youth League and youth information dynamic information

 resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the role of information reference,

 to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect the municipal Party

 committee, municipal government, the Central Committee of the implementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and difficult issues of concern to

 the masses and some important emergencies, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable component of the following information. Continue to deepen

 the information research and information feedback system, information report system, information reporting system, information delivery system and information notification system, and constantly

 improve the information work of the assessment, incentive mechanism, improve the long-term mechanism to improve the information work of sustainable development.Two, pay

 close attention to contact and communication, efforts to improve the ability of comprehensive coordinationGive full play to a contact, pivotal role, coordination

 of the parties in accordance with the standard, efficient, high quality principles, firmly establish the principle of service, and effectively improve the

 level of policy theory, grasp the method of coordinating work, conscientiously do service leadership, service and Service Corps cadres.(a) do to actively

 carry out coordination. Upstream municipal Party committee, municipal government work report, and the central mission to understand, grasp the key ideas and

 working organs, targeted focus on reporting the work of mission, to focus on the city"s superior league, major activities, attention, support and

 help.(two) do parallel coordination. To strengthen the contact and communication with the municipal departments, actively seek for the work of care, support,

 optimize the external environment. To strengthen the group work of the Communist Youth League and other provinces and cities, to grasp the

 work around the dynamic, active learning around the work experience, the effective integration of resources within the group, and the Communist Youth

 League career development.(three) earnestly grassroots coordination. Further increase communication efforts, strengthen the organizations at various levels to guide the work of the

 office and communication, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the grassroots, inspired by the basic spirit

 of innovation, the formation of good ability of the league office work.Three, pay close attention to the quality of official documents, efforts

 to improve the ability to deal with textAdhere to high standards, strict requirements, careful attention to the drafting of the draft work,

 strict document drafting, audit clearance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to deal with the text, and

 the overall work of the service center.(a) earnestly. To further establish the draft document presentation system research, adhere to the practice, especially

 the drafting of important days and months multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the situation the situation, fully understand

 the intention of the leadership, to ensure the output, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript. A manuscript quality appraisal system,

 the implementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the comparison of office draft manuscript quality. Establish a reward system to reward the outstanding

 manuscript selection out, the wrong investigated persons responsible for the major errors.(two) strict master document quality. Strengthening document quality awareness, efforts in

 the drafting of documents, audit checks, printed all aspects of efforts, strict policy documents audit, content, format and procedures, adhere to the

 upper and lower check, and check before and after the check, ensure the document style format in the understanding of leadership intentions

 in place, ideas in the language in place, and strive to improve the quality of various documents.(three) a comprehensive specification document operation.

 To further standardize the document transfer procedures, emphasizing the precision in document processing, in strict accordance with the operating procedures document sign,

 registration, approval, distribution, handling, repaying, filing, ensure the document processing standard, accurate, and efficient. Especially to strict dispatch, strict audit document content.

 Strictly implement the document procedures step by step Shenqian, strict and unified file format, to ensure the normative document. Further the implementation

 of electronic document processing mode, the full implementation of OA office system, efforts to improve the work efficiency.Four, pay close attention to

 the work of supervision, efforts to improve the executive abilityThe city"s major issues and focus on the overall work of the Communist

 Youth League to carry out supervision and inspection, insist on the idea, the handling of the key, efforts to promote the implementation

 of decisions, to ensure that government decrees.(a) on the center of focus on supervision. In accordance with the "grasp the overall situation,

 focused, practical, quantitative refinement" principle, conscientiously fulfill the supervision function, focusing on the important deployment, major decisions of the party will, secretary"s

 office, department heads meeting agreed matters assigned by the leadership group, the book down and do the important matters and the regiment

 the key work to focus on supervision, to ensure that the inspection item piece is an echo, everything in the bag, to

 promote the work carried out smoothly.(two) grasp the key special supervision. According to different periods of work needs, focus on leadership, social

 concern, hot and difficult problem of youth reflects the implementation of regular and dynamic supervision of special work assigned by the leadership

 of the special work of tracking supervision, regularly held the Department responsible for the regular inspection work carried out inspection stage. Check

 or the implementation of the work, to the work of the special supervision and implementation.(three) innovative ways to promote the supervision. To

 further improve the effectiveness of supervision and inspection work, really play a role in promoting the ...

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