

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-28 來源: 散文精選 點擊:

  Yan’an, a cradle of Chinese revolution, continues to inspire new generations of Communist Party of China members
  On June 17, a group of middle-agedpeople carrying small portablestools circled around a lecturerat Yangjialing Village in Yan’an,Shaanxi Province.
   In Yan’an, the city famed as a cradle ofChinese revolution, such scenes are common.This group of people consists mainly of studentsfrom the China Executive LeadershipAcademy Yan’an (CELAY), a key trainingschool established by the Communist Partyof China (CPC) six years ago. They aremostly middle-ranking officials who visitedthe city to attend the academy’s 10-day trainingsessions. Visits to revolutionary sites inYan’an were an integral part of the training.

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