
China,s [ãᡯƣԣ壺ȣ]

l(f)rg:2020-03-27 Դ: ɢľx c(din)

China"s foreign trade has been developing in tandem with the pulse of the country"s overall economic development. During the first three decades since the founding of the People"s Republic in 1949, foreign trade mainly served as minor lever-age for the nation"s economic development. The gross trade volumes over this period grew at a relatively sluggish pace, and its trade partners at best numbered merely 40 or so due to political and ideological reasons. With the country"s reform and opening-up policies implemented in 1978, and especially since its accession into the World Trade Organization in 2001, for-eign trade has turned into a major locomotive driving China"s economy forward at a much faster speed. In the process, it has contributed some 20 percent to the country"s GDP growth in recent years.

P(gun)~Foreign China History ãᡯƣԣ壺ȣ garments ashby


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