
Africa。裕幔耄澹蟆。茫澹睿簦澹颉。樱簦幔纾 Center Stage

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 散文精選 點擊:

  As the first comprehensive worldexpo held in a developingcountry, the World Expo 2010Shanghai has paid special atten-tion to developing countries, especiallyAfrican participants. It will very possiblybecome the stage for Africa to display it-self to the world, Chen Jintian, Director ofthe Management Department of the Joint-Africa Pavilion of the Bureau of ShanghaiWorld Expo Coordination, told BeijingReview.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Takes Africa Stage Africa Takes。茫澹睿簦澹颉。樱簦幔纾 africa香煙 takes是什么意思

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