
The and the bank_The。樱铮酰睿洹。幔睿洹。簦瑁濉。疲酰颍

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 散文精選 點擊:

  An angry neighbor, complaining tome about making too much noiseat night, recently confronted me.It was 7:00 a.m. when this hap-pened. She was objecting to me stampingmy foot to trigger the automatic light switchin the pitch-black corridor outside my apart-ment. Perhaps you heard it yourself. She wasraising this point in a cacophony audible tomost of the other residents, I’m sure. Most ofthe other residents of Beijing, I mean. Unableto speak Chinese and half-asleep, I revertedto pig-ignorant foreigner role, even driftingback to bed halfway through the tirade.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Sound Fury The Sound。幔睿洹。簦瑁濉。疲酰颍 langstom hueges 美國文學(xué)the jazz age

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