

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 散文精選 點擊:

  摘要[目的]研究打葉環(huán)節(jié)煙葉水分變化。[方法]通過調研3家卷煙工業(yè)企業(yè)2016年河南8個配打批次煙葉,了解了打葉過程中水分的變化情況,并通過河南X2F、B3F 2個等級煙葉在線試驗,研究了打葉環(huán)節(jié)各級打葉單元水分變化趨勢,分析了各級打葉單元水分變化對打葉質量的影響。[結果]隨著打葉進程的推進,煙葉水分逐漸散失,1、2級打葉單元級間水分散失率相對較小,而3、4級打葉單元級間水分散失率則較大;低等級煙葉比高等級煙葉水分損失量大,煙末水分散失量較煙片水分散失量大;水分損失大的煙葉,在3、4級打葉單元大中片率下降較為明顯。[結論]研究可為打葉環(huán)節(jié)煙葉的水分控制提供參考。
  Abstract[Objective] In order to control the moisture content in threshing of fluecured tobacco,the moisture content changing was studied. [Method] Eight batches of blending threshing fluecured tobacco of Henan in 2016 have been researched,and through the test of X2F, B3F tobacco of Henan on line, moisture changing trend of all levels threshing units were studied,the impacts of the changing moisture content of the all levels threshing units on threshing quality were analyzed.[Result]The results showed that: as the threshing on,the moisture content of the tobacco leaf had a loss gradually,the first and the second level of threshing unit had smaller loss in the moisture content than the loss in the moisture content of the third and the fourth level of threshing unit; the loss in the moisture content of the lower leaf grads were bigger than that of the higher leaf grads,the loss in the moisture content of fines were bigger than that of lamina。 the large and medium pieces rate of the lost moisture easily tobacco had distinct decline in the third and the fourth level of threshing unit.[Conclusion] The study can provide reference for the moisture control of leaf tobacco.
  Key wordsFluecured tobacco;Threshing;Moisture;Lamina structure
  1.1.1原料。A煙草集團:2016年河南烤煙配打B1F+B2F、C3F、 X2F、 C3L;
  B煙草集團:2016年河南烤煙配打B1F+B2F、C2F、 C3F、B3F、X2F;
  C中煙:2016年河南烤煙配打B2F+B3F、 C3F+C2L、 X2F+X3F。
  天昌國際煙草有限公司6 000 kg/h打葉復烤線(美國MacTavish):共4打11分,其中第1打葉單元包括1級打葉機和1~5級風分器;第2打葉單元包括2級打葉機和6~8級風分器;第3打葉單元包括3級打葉機和9~10級風分器;第4打葉單元包括4級打葉機和11級風分器。
  AL204-TC型電子天平(感量0.001 g),梅特勒-托利多儀器上海有限公司;QCDS-43型葉片檢測機,美國MacTavish;RX-29-10型旋振分選篩,美國羅太普公司;QCST-33型葉中含梗測定儀,美國MacTavish;MT-C型快速水分測定儀,德國布拉本德。

相關熱詞搜索:煙葉 水分 環(huán)節(jié) 變化趨勢 分析

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