


發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 散文精選 點(diǎn)擊:

  摘 要:東北煙區(qū)作為我國最大的填充型低焦油煙葉產(chǎn)區(qū),研究其低焦油煙葉關(guān)鍵生產(chǎn)技術(shù)具有重要意義。在遼寧、吉林通過施氮量、施鉀量、留葉數(shù)和株距4因素二次回歸正交組合試驗,研究其對烤煙焦油釋放量及內(nèi)在理化指標(biāo)的影響。在施氮量、施鉀量、留葉數(shù)和株距4個處理的單因素效應(yīng)中,對焦油釋放量的影響均表現(xiàn)為株距>留葉數(shù)>施氮量≈施鉀量,焦油釋放量穩(wěn)定最低較理想的處理組合為(1)遼寧寬甸點(diǎn):施氮量4.50 kg/667m2、施鉀量20.08 kg/667m2、留葉15片,株距0.40 m。(2)吉林汪清點(diǎn):施氮量3.99 kg/667m2、施鉀量18.10 kg/667m2、留葉20片,株距0.33 m。與當(dāng)前生產(chǎn)對照比較,較理想的處理組合為施氮量均降低0.5 kg/667m2,鉀氮比均上調(diào)0.5,留葉均增加2片,株距減少0.15 m左右。在遼寧寬甸點(diǎn),施氮量對總植物堿的影響最大,施鉀量和留葉數(shù)對K2O的影響最大。在吉林汪清點(diǎn),株距對葉寬的影響最大。東北低焦油煙葉生產(chǎn)應(yīng)以群體質(zhì)量控制為主,其次是養(yǎng)分運(yùn)籌調(diào)控。遼寧低堿高鉀、吉林較低的葉寬可作為東北低焦油煙葉的理化特征參考指標(biāo),建議在東北煙區(qū)進(jìn)一步對優(yōu)選組合技術(shù)驗證后推廣,并深入研究低焦油煙葉形成的生理機(jī)制。
  中圖分類號:S572.062 文章編號:1007-5119(2017)02-0025-08 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2017.02.005
  The Key Cultivation Techniques of Low Tar Content Flue-cured Tobacco in Northeast China
  CHEN Aiguo1, HUANG He2, CUI Yuanhao3, PIAO Zhehao3, HUANG Cheng2,
  SONG Bangpeng2, LIU Guangliang1, XU Na1, LIANG Hongbo1*
 。1. Tobacco Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory of Tobacco Biology and Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Qingdao 266101, China; 2. Dandong Branch of Liaoning Tobacco Company, Dandong, Liaoning 118000, China; 3. Yanbian Branch of Jilin Tobacco Company, Yanji, Jilin 133000, China)
  Abstract: Low tar content tobacco production is one of the important directions in the development of flue-cured tobacco. It is of significance to research the appropriate key cultivation techniques of low tar content tobacco in Northeast China, which is the biggest planting areas of filling type low tar content tobacco in China. In this study the influences of nitrogen application, potassium application, remained leaf number and spacing in the rows on tar content and intrinsic physical and chemical indexes were investigated with quadratic orthogonal regression design in Liaoning and Jilin provinces. The results showed that the effects of the four factors on tar content were in the order of spacing in the rows> remained leaf number> nitrogen application≈ potassium application. The optimal treatments for low tar were nitrogen application, potassium application, remained leaf number and spacing in the rows being 4.50, 20.08 kg/667m2, 15 leaves and 0.40 m in Liaoning, and 3.99, 18.10 kg/667m2, 20 leaves and 0.33 m in Jilin respectively. Comparing with current production control, the better treatment combinations were that nitrogen application was decreased by 0.5 kg/667m2, potassium and nitrogen ratio was up 0.5, remained leaf number was increased by 2, and spacing in the rows was reduced about 0.15 m. Furthermore, the main effect on total alkaloid content and K2O content were from nitrogen application and potassium application respectively in Liaoning, and the average leaf width was impacted mainly by the spacing in the rows. In Northeast China, low tar tobacco production should be based on population quality control, and the second was the regulation of nutrient management. In addition, the lower total alkaloid content and the higher potassium content in Liaoning and the smaller leaf width in Jilin could be used as the reference index for low tar content tobacco. It is suggested that the combinatorial techniques should be further validated and then to be utilized in Northeast China. The physiological mechanism of low tar content tobacco formation should be also further studied.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:焦油 煙葉 栽培 技術(shù)研究 關(guān)鍵

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