

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 散文精選 點擊:

  摘要 [目的]優(yōu)化煙葉的醇化時間。[方法] 研究了翠碧1號復(fù)烤后煙葉B2F在自然醇化條件下常規(guī)化學(xué)成分和感官質(zhì)量的變化。[結(jié)果]不同常規(guī)化學(xué)成分在醇化過程中的變化趨勢均較為平緩,但變化程度略有差異;煙葉香氣特征和口感特征與總植物堿、水溶性還原糖含量呈顯著正相關(guān)關(guān)系,與鉀含量呈顯著負相關(guān)關(guān)系;煙葉的煙氣特性和感官質(zhì)量總分與氯含量呈顯著正相關(guān)關(guān)系;自然醇化12個月后,煙葉的煙氣特性和感官質(zhì)量總分最佳。[結(jié)論]該研究可為卷煙工業(yè)企業(yè)建立科學(xué)的煙葉原料倉儲、養(yǎng)護機制,提高卷煙產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量提供參考。
  關(guān)鍵詞 復(fù)烤煙葉; 醇化; 化學(xué)成分; 感官質(zhì)量
  中圖分類號 S572;TS41+1 文獻標識碼
  A 文章編號 0517-6611(2016)34-0070-03
  Change of Conventional Chemical Components and Smoking Quality of Redried Flue-cured Tobacco Cuibi No.1 during Alcoholization
  ZHONG Hong-xiang,ZHUANG Zhi-xiong,GUO Song-bin,CHEN Du-jian* (Technology Center of China Tobacco Fujian Industrial Co.Ltd.,Xiamen,F(xiàn)ujian 361012)
  Abstract [Objective] In order to optimize the natural aging process of tobacco.[Method] The change of conventional chemical components and smoking quality of the redried B2F leaves of flue-cured tobacco Cuibi No.1 during natural aging was studied.[Result] It was found that the chemical components not only had slight differences in the degree of change,but also showed a smooth changing trend.The aroma character and taste characteristics of tobacco leaves were significantly positively correlated with the content of nicotine,reducing sugar and significantly negatively correlated with the content of potassium.The smoking characteristics and quality of tobacco leaves were highly positively correlated with the content of chlorine and achieved best after 12 months of natural aging.[Conclusion] The study can provide reference for cigarette industry enterprises to establish scientific tobacco raw material storage,maintenance mechanism,improve product quality.
  Key words Redried flue-cured tobacco; Alcoholization; Chemical constituent; Sensory quality
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 材料
  取2013年福建南平地區(qū)種植的翠碧1號復(fù)烤后的B2F煙葉樣品為研究對象。將復(fù)烤煙葉密封儲存,在廈門卷煙廠煙葉倉庫進行自然醇化,年平均溫度為20~23 ℃,年平均相對濕度78%~80%。以密封時間為醇化起始,分別在醇化0、3、6、9、12、18 和24個月時取樣。每次在煙垛隨機取樣約3 kg,用小型切絲機進行切絲,取500 g進行常規(guī)化學(xué)成分檢測,剩余樣品制備成單料煙后進行感官評吸。
  1.2 方法
  1.2.1 化學(xué)成分含量測定。
  按YC/T 31—1996[10]的方法制備煙末樣品并測定含水率;按照YC/T 159—2002[11]、YC/T 160—2002[12]、YC/T 161—2002[13]和YC/T 162—2002[14]的方法測定煙葉水溶性總糖、還原糖、煙堿、總氮、氯含量,采用Skalar間隔流動分析儀分析;按照YC/T 217—2007[15] 測定鉀含量,采用火焰光度法分析。
  1.2.2 感官質(zhì)量評價方法。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:煙葉 感官 常規(guī) 化學(xué)成分 變化

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