

發(fā)布時間:2020-10-18 來源: 入黨申請 點(diǎn)擊:

 人大附中 2021 新高考高考英語外刊素材積累(閱讀寫作提升 5)

 看圖寫作 訓(xùn)練 Dark Cloud What is this image saying?

  What message do you think this animation is trying to convey? How does it relate to or comment on society or current events? Can you relate to it personally? What is your opinion of its message?


 Is Resilience Overrated? I want people to be proud of themselves for being resilient. I just don’t want it to be the only option.

 Friends, I’m afraid I’m not going to make it when the end times come. I’ve made a list of my skills, and “tough” and “capable” aren’t words that spring to mind. A sample: No. 5: Will pet any and all dogs No. 8: If pressed, can do dishes No. 13: Good taste in books No. 20: Has parking karma No. 23: Most of the time, doesn’t finish whole bottle of wine No. 36 Whatever you feel guilty about, I’ve done something worse, trust me It’s been more than four months of lockdown and I have taught myself nothing new — no recipes, no outdoorsmanship capabilities, no repair techniques. I often reflect on the skills that our frontline and essential workers have, which not only include how to save lives, but also the ability to have pleasant and professional exchanges with other people over an extended period of time. When I compare myself to them, I think: just suck me into the hell fires already, I give up. I am engaged in the status quo. I have not risen above the circumstances. I am not resilient. Although I am not even sure if I know what that word means anymore.

 Once, I thought I knew. I am the child of two hard-working, industrious people who opened a small business during the Reagan era. In order to not just merely survive but to thrive, I learned, one must not only do one’s basic job, but much, much more — no matter what is happening in the world. Work late, be creative and innovative, keep going, even if you’re tired. I might have even believed that’s when the magic really happens: when you’re exhausted. We are, after all, a nation that declares professional athletes instant heroes when they win the game in overtime. But my understanding of the word has certainly changed as I’ve aged. Here in New Orleans, for example, where I am a relative newcomer, my friends who are longtime residents and who survived Hurricane Katrina greet the word “resilience” with a fiery disdain. This is a city where people have been called resilient for years, and so many I talk to just seem exhausted by it. “It puts the onus on the person to fix the things that should be a civic priority,” said Anne Gisleson, a friend and a native New Orleanian. She was sitting on the front porch of her house while I rested on a chair at the edge of the sidewalk on her quiet neighborhood block. (No. 46: “Will show up briefly at your home to provide a nice, socially distanced change of pace.”) It was midmorning and already 90 degrees out.

 When the levees broke and the city flooded, she was one month pregnant, newly married and learning how to be a parent to a 6-year-old stepson. Suddenly she also had to figure out how to best participate in the rebuilding of the city alongside her neighbors, and reopen the school where she worked. So many people were working nonstop to fix things, she told me. Feeding each other, making street signs, clearing debris. “There’s an expectation that we’re supposed to bounce back and that’s the American way,” she said. “And it takes the power structures off the hook.” Or, as my friend Alison Fensterstock, who lives down the road, texted me: “‘You’re so resilient’ is just code for ‘You’re on your own, sorry.’” People are being asked to be exceptional to get something less than exceptional in return: a basic standard of living. What is resilience anyway but an unfair exchange of energy? But who has time to consider these matters when they’re working to exhaustion? Back up north in Washington, D.C., my friend Hannah Oliver Depp has been tireless in her efforts to keep her independent bookstore, Loyalty

 Bookstore, alive during the pandemic. “The average is 17-hour workdays,” she texted. Emails, inventory management and the like, but more physical labor than usual, too, as there are more requests for shipping in this new economy. “Being a Black woman is being tenacious and resilient from birth as you fight to prevent from being crushed,” she wrote, “and now the end times are here and I am already exhausted? Being asked to dig deeper is a joke. None of this should be our jobs.” Is the idea of resilience a scam? A con to get you to do more so others have to do less? My friend Sara Novi? joked in a message that “resilience is made up by our capitalist overlords,” and she added a “lol” but I didn’t even laugh — and I don’t think I was meant to. Even as psychologists have spent the past few decades studying and promoting “resilience theory” — which posits that you can build protective factors, particularly in children, as a way of offsetting risk factors that can hinder personal development — are we missing the bigger point? What about a focus on the risk factors themselves, the outcomes of systemic racism, poverty, and inadequate educational and social supports. Are we fixing the right problems when we are teaching the importance of resilience? I am not suggesting that we stop encouraging others to succeed or to surpass goals. But are we seeing the concept of resilience in its current incarnation for what it really is? What a horrible trick it is when language is used against us. Is it an act of subterfuge for those most powerful? Let those who are suffering take care of themselves. Let them play into overtime and see what happens. I want people to be proud of themselves for being resilient. It is an act of triumph to surpass challenges and traumas. I just don’t want it to have to be the only way of life. And I want everyone to make it. In my pandemic journal I make another list: skills for the moment. Even if I am not resilient, I am capable of accomplishing some basic tasks: can walk, talk, write checks. Washes hands. Wears masks. Registered to vote. I’ll worry about the end of the world when it gets here.


 1. I think the animation is trying the convey how difficult it is to push negative and hurtful feelings, thoughts, and emotions. It is very relatable to recent events with the coronavirus, and how many people are suffering. Many people miss their friends, family, and their normal way of life. As a result many people are depressed and have poor mental health. I have had difficult moments where I question life, and many things involved in it during these times. I think the message is powerful, but I think it could be a little more po sitive. I feel that people need to know that the struggle won’t last forever, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

 2. When I look at this image, the first thing that comes to my mind is the amount of pressure that is put on teens during this ti me. The dark cloud represents a lot of things: Struggles in school, limited amounts of sleep, activities cancelled due to the pandemic, and depression. There is a lot of stress put on students and it can get to a point where they are incapable of completin g their tasks because the pressure gets to be too much. It can feel like you are holding on to so much because teens have a lot of pressure on them. Whether it"s school, sports, or friend situations - -

 all these circumstances add up and can sometimes be unb earable, and exhausting. This is what is represented in this image. One person holding onto all this stress, and if they let go then they could break. In this picture, the dark cloud is pushing the person back. This represents that your struggles can stop you from moving forward, and you feel alone while facing them. This image describes the challenges, and obstacles students have to face throughout their teen years.

 3. Immediately, this picture highlighted to me what kids, teens, and parents are all going through right now. I recognized two different views from looking at this Image. The first view I see the cloud featuring the pandemic. As more and more opportunities for people and regular day activities are getting canceled or altered from the virus, the cloud grows bigger and heavier, making it harder for the person to push the sadness away. The second idea that I recognized by looking at this image was how the cloud represents depression in our society today. People are missing opportunities, learning in

 an online environment, not being able to go out with friends, and overall, not living life how it should be lived. As time and time goes on, it’s harder not to let all of these sad thoughts build up in our minds. The cloud represents all of these sad and bad thoughts while the kid is trying to block them out and still have hope for the future, while struggling to push the dark, deep cloud away at the same time. This image is a great visual that could define our world right now in many ways, I just found tw o of them

 4. This animation can convey a lot of different meanings as people all around the world have been through many different yet difficult times. The way I see it, there’s a dark cloud, full or darkness, fear, sadness, and negative thoughts trying t o consume the person as he tries to push it back. The more you observe it though, you can begin to see that this image doesn’t just relate to that person in the image- -

 it can relate to all of us. Society has lately been tough due to COVID- -

 19 taking over, killing thousands of people, ruining jobs, and putting people in fear. This virus has its aftereffects as it keeps children from attending school, people unable to interact with friends and family, and not being able to do some things that we love. As all these terrible things happen though, the cloud grows larger and stronger. It slowly tries to consume us, seeping into our mind to remind us of our terrible mistakes. It will shut out the light and bring obstacles our way as we slowly break. It tries to con vince

 us that we should be sad and angry. Some people decided to give up fighting this cloud and let it take control of their body. Others hadn’t- - they allowed this challenge to make them grow, becoming stronger yet happier each day. With this new feeling o f energy, I believe they can overcome any obstacle headed their way. This dark cloud can represent any bad thing that happened in our lives, but it’s our choice to fight for happiness even when the darkest hours are among us.

 5. Right away, while it may n ot be obvious, I know that this image is all about perspective. I see two takes on this image of the billowing, dark cloud; the societal and the individual view. Pertaining to society, the cloud is representative of what currently taunts us: working or lea rning from home, being unable interact with friends and family in person, and the inability to experience concerts or sporting events. In a world where nothing is how it used to be just one year ago, the cloud has grown bigger than ever, threatening to tak e over everything. While this cloud is ever so enormous in society currently, we all have a personal dark cloud that is always trying to crowd out all the sunshine. Family situations, friend problems, school and work stress, high stakes of a sport, and so much more little and large things form the grey mass. Individually, we try and force it away. But it seems lately, due to the challenges we are facing as a whole, many of us have waved the white flag and let it take over. Interestingly enough, however, oth ers have finally been able to push it away, and only let it creep in a tiny bit. They may have viewed this time as a gift, a time where they can work on themselves or something they are passionate about. They have thrived. With that, I feel that this image

 highlights the negative effects that this pandemic has had on mental health, but fails to embrace that some have been successful during this time of uncertainty.

 6. The picture to me is a lot of bad, horrendous times that in this case this character is t rying to push them all away. A lot of bad happens in my life, and everyone else’s lives as well, and there needs to be strength and perseverance to get through the tough times:“This article is part of a series on resilience in troubled times“ (Attenberg). Reading further into the picture, I realized that especially this year and right now, everyone currently is and has struggled with this big pandemic that we have all been quarantined because of. There has to have been a lot of adaptation and resilience thr ough these tough times for all of us, just because we are not be able to come in contact we may have needed to, we were not be able to gather all the supplies we needed, and we were not be able to go through all of our norms that we all used to do, everyda y in our lives. This picture conveys it perfectly. There is this individual who is separated, all by themselves, and they need to get out of this deep dark time they are trapped in. There is light behind all of this darkness, and the individual represented

 in this picture knows that there is good if they can get through all the tough times. That individual represented is each and every one of us.

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