

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-23 來源: 日記大全 點擊:

  摘   要:目的  分析不同治療方法中重度慢性牙周炎所取得的臨床效果。方法  選取2017 年1月~5月寧夏醫(yī)科大學總醫(yī)院口腔醫(yī)院收治的50例中重度慢性牙周炎患者為本次研究對象,隨機分成單純組和激光組,每組25例,單純組患者給予常規(guī)潔刮治及根面平整治療,而激光組患者給予了水激光輔助根面平整治療,然后對兩組患者的牙齦出血指數(shù)及牙周袋探診深度進行記錄和比較。結(jié)果  治療兩個月后,兩組牙齦出血指數(shù)及牙周袋探診深度明顯降低,激光組患者各指標降低程度均高于單純組(P<0.001)。結(jié)論  應用水激光輔助根面平整治療,中重度慢性牙周炎得到更好的治療效果,這種治療方法需要廣泛應用于臨床。
  中圖分類號:R780.1                                  文獻標識碼:A                                DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.05.030
  Clinical Evaluation of Laser Treatment for Moderate and Severe Chronic Periodontitis
  ZHAO Min,YANG Chang-yi,GUO Xiao-qian,WANG Li,WANG Jing-jiao,ZHANG Ying
 。―epartment of Periodontitis,Stomatology Hospital,General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan 750004,Ningxia,China)
  Abstract:Objective  To analyze the clinical effects of severe chronic periodontitis in different treatment methods.Methods  From January to May in 2017,50 patients with moderate and severe chronic periodontitis were selected from stomatology hospital,Ningxia Medical University general hospital.The patients were randomly divided into simple group and laser group with 25 cases in each group.The patients in the simple group were treated with conventional curettage and root surface leveling while the patients in the laser group were treated with water laser assisted root surface leveling.The gingival bleeding index and the probing depth of periodoatal pus pocket were recorded and compared between the two groups.Results  After two months of treatment,the gingival bleeding index and periodontal pocket depth of the two groups were significantly decreased,and the reduction degree of each index in the laser group was higher than that in the simple group(P<0.001).Conclusion  Water laser assisted root planing is effective in treating moderate and severe chronic periodontitis.This treatment method needs to be widely applied in clinic.
  Key words:Periodontitis;Chronic periodontitis;Water laser
  牙周炎常累及牙周支持組織,患者容易忽視病情,治療不及時,也是造成成人牙齒缺失的主要原因之一,若不及時診治,嚴重影響患者的生活質(zhì)量及身心健康[1]。慢性牙周炎約占牙周炎患者的95%,臨床主要表現(xiàn)為牙齦炎癥、牙周袋形成、牙周附著喪失、牙槽骨吸收[2-4]。牙周炎傳統(tǒng)的治療方法為潔治、刮治及根面平整(SRP),這種治療方法被牙科醫(yī)生廣泛使用,并取得良好的治療效果,近些年水激光(Er,Cr:YSGG)輔助SRP 在牙周炎治療中逐漸應用,它具有微創(chuàng)、低痛、安全、出血少、殺菌效應強、治療時間短等優(yōu)點[5]。為了探討中重度慢性牙周炎患者在經(jīng)過常規(guī)基礎(chǔ)治療及水激光輔助治療后的臨床療效,報告結(jié)果如下。

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