
on The floor Marathon,on,The,Great,Wall

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-28 來(lái)源: 日記大全 點(diǎn)擊:

  WhenIcrossedthefinishlineafter five-and-a-halfgruelinghours ofrunning,thefirstwordsout ofmymouthwere,“I’mnever, everdoingthatagain.”But,tobehonest, allthetrainingandthepainwereworthit tobeabletoparticipateintheGreat Wall Marathon. Runningthis race was one ofthe mostchallenging,excitingandmemorable experiences of my life.
  The Great Wall Marathonis notjust any marathon. It’s 42 tough km (26.2 miles) filled with steep uphill grades,incredible and historic scenery,treksthrough nearby countryside, atourthrough a neighboring town and mostimportantly, over 5,000 stepsto climb. This year on May 21, about 2,000 athletes were uptothe challenge and met atthe wallforthis unique, adventurous event. Some ran 5 km or 10 km while oth-ers opted for the half-marathon but I decided that if I was going to come all the way from Changzhou, I wanted to push myself and run the whole distance.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Marathon Great Wall Marathon on The Great Wall distance race

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