
Family。停幔簦簦澹颍髚Family Matters安卓

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 日記大全 點擊:

  As an educator, I have found that work and education have priority vover personal happiness for my Chinese students, both in China and abroad. Chinese students work ex- tremely hard, keeping a serious mien, while American students are often casual and joy- ful, and sometimes rather cavalier regarding their studies. This contrast in academic atti- tudes is deeper than differences in textbooks, curriculum and teaching methodology. The core cultural values of how people per- ceive themselves are at stake. Chinese view themselves as members who are connected naturally to an extended network; Americans see themselves as free-willed individuals striving for personal success.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Family Matters Family Matters 介紹family matters 什么是family matters

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