
[Crying。希酰簟。妫铮颉。茫铮睿妫酰悖椋酰骫 Out for delivery

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 日記大全 點擊:

  Iam worried about my home country,theUK.Whenever I read anews story fromthere.it reads as if Great Britain shouldbe renamed Malignant Britain.Thenews is dominated with horror stories froma Clockwork Orange-like world [note 1],where society has gone wild with disordercaused by knifle-wielding gangs of schoolchildren in hooded tops terrorizing the nationmaking“happy slap”[note 2]videos anddrinking alcopops[note 3].

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Crying Confucius Crying Out。妫铮颉。茫铮睿妫酰悖椋酰 crying+out crying out

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