ãϣ£ anotherotherą^(q)e
l(f)rg:2020-03-27 Դ: ӛȫ c(din)
If Hamas and Fatah achieve reconciliation, they willadvance the Palestinians" political developmentand ensure peace in the Middle East.
The two most influential Palestinianpolitical organizations-Fatah andHamas-signed an agreement onMarch 23 to resume their reconcili-ation negotiations in April. But they didnot reach a consensus on carrying out theYemen Initiative proposed by YemeniPresident Ali Abdullah Saleh that calls forthem to end their dispute and sign a peaceagreement. The reason that the two par-ties could sit together and talk was becauseArab countries, especially Yemen, mediatedthe discussions. Previously, at Saleh"s invi-tation, the two parties had negotiated forfive days in the Yemeni capital Sanaa andagreed to start the reconciliation processonce again.
P(gun)~Chance Olive Branch ãϣ£ an olive branch the trojan horse