

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-11 來源: 日記大全 點(diǎn)擊:

  作者簡(jiǎn)介:   Findlay A. Nicol,來自蘇格蘭,過去十余年,一直在山東經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院教授英語并長(zhǎng)期擔(dān)任本刊英語顧問。      There has been a lot in the news recently about the moves that China is making to change into an urbanized society with half the population living in urban areas. When I read about this I think of one question and wonder where they are going to put all the people. I don’t mean where are they going to live ? I imagine that problem can be solved by the time they arrive ? but rather where are they going to walk? Being a pedestrian in the city is hard enough as it is without doubling the population. These new guys coming in from the countryside won’t be car owners (yet) and they will be so unskilled in the perils of urban life that they will fondly imagine that it is still possible to walk around this fine city. Well, I’m afraid that unless something remarkable happens in the next few years that will be not much more than a dream.
  At one time there must have been some planning provision made in the cities for those who naively try to navigate the streets on foot. There are traces of such a system in the provision of crossings with little green and red men which are designed to tell you when it is safe to cross the street. Unfortunately the system has not been updated to take account of the volume of traffic in the streets today. There is still a ludicrous right turn on red rule which allows a stream of traffic to come pouring across the line of foot-passengers who foolishly think that they have some right of way. I understand from my Chinese friends that technically the rule does not actually allow the driver to mow down anybody who gets in his way but most motorists seem to be unaware of this. I sometimes feel that crossing the road at lights just gives the driver a target to aim at. I really don’t see how twice the number of pedestrians are ever going to get across at any of the busy junctions.
  It will be even worse trying to negotiate the crowded pavements. It was a marvelous idea to incorporate a blind people’s strips in the sidewalks in cities. That, by the way, is what the yellow bit in the middle is intended for. The only trouble is it would be pretty well impossible for any blind person to walk along it. Have you ever tried it to see? I have. You will find that in places it is all uneven and broken ? usually because it has been lifted to get to the drains underneath and not properly replaced ? while you are also likely to crash into a tree planted handily in the middle, or an occasional carelessly parked car. Of course at night you would need some special sixth sense not to step on a street-vendor of some kind or even a whole portable barbecue restaurant. In the UK there is a wonderful catch-all law that the police randomly enforce against “obstructing the pavement”. I can’t imagine a situation in a Chinese city when the pavement is not obstructed. Double the number and what will happen.
  However, it is worse than that really. Now so many customers come to the restaurants and shops in their spanking new private cars that all the shopkeepers and restaurant owners have taken over two thirds or more of OUR pavement for parking. It’s not just that cars are parked there but there is always one less than skillful driver trying to reverse in or out just when you want to go past. Then again every former pedestrian who now has a scooter or even a motorbike thinks that they can still ride on the sidewalk when the street gets blocked by the inevitable traffic jam and that all the people who are so poor as to be walking should step aside for their convenience. Especially dangerous are the silent killers ? the electric bicycles that creep up stealthily behind you with never a horn or a bell to be heard.
  Once long ago ? well a few years ago anyway ? some cities experimented with the incredibly intelligent concept of a pedestrian shopping zone. It was at the time that the pedestrian avenues had just been rebuilt and there were all these lovely new stores to explore. For a few days (weeks maybe?) there were to be no cars on the streets. It was to be cities’ answer to Nanjing Nan Lu in Shanghai a genuine traffic free zone. It never had a chance. Go there now and you will find it full of cars ? on both pavements. True there are marked parking spaces and usually the drivers stick to them but they have to get into them by forcing their way through the shoppers on foot. The other day my heart filled with a wild Schadenfreude when I saw a policeman booking some arrogant burke who had decided to park right in the middle of the narrow passage left us outside the parking zone. I nearly went to shake his hand I was so happy!
  There is no doubt that the cities desperately need traffic free zones which will allow pedestrians to breathe. The experience of every city in the world that has introduced these is that the number of shoppers increases exponentially and that car owners adapt to the new situation quickly. New profits are garnered by the city authorities by providing proper car-parking where drivers pay an economic fee for the privilege of getting close to the shops or decide to reduce their carbon footprint by taking a bus instead. These zones should not only be for shopping but could have small gardens with seating in them so that a trip to the downtown area becomes a pleasure rather than a dance with death. As for the crossings, well I strongly recommend the installation of new traffic lights with right filters as well as left, that allow drivers and pedestrians both to know how long they have to wait (as those in most Chinese cities do) and best of all have a complete traffic stop phase that allows pedestrians to cross two streets at once.

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