

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-11 來源: 日記大全 點(diǎn)擊:

  It is self evident that Jinan is a city of springs. The Baotu Spring is not only the head of the Seventy-two Springs, but also the source of the Luoshui River. Many springs become the water supply of the City Moat, Yuzi River and Xiaoqing River. It is rarely seen that many springs originate from one large city, which is also absent in Lijiang River and Suzhou. Characterized by the features of ‘A lake surrounded by lovely lotuses and weeping willows; A city embraced by picturesque mountains and enchanting lake’ and the city style of ‘Springs and weeping willows in every family’, Jinan--the ancient city, has become a North Jiangnan with Spirit rarely seen in northern China.
  Like Suzhou, although weathered the winds and rains of modernization, the 2.6 kilometer-city pattern of Jinan formed in Song Dynasty when the city was founded, has not changed so much. Accompanied by the two-year Shanty Town Renovation, many historical blocks were disappearing and the ancient city style was broken up. But the ancient blocks and alleys represented by the Lotus Street, Golden Aster Alley, Pingquan Lane, Wangfu Pool Street, Qifengqiao Street, Lulubazi Street, Qushui Pavilion Street, Xiangmenli Street, Donghuaqiangzi Street, General Temple Street, Shoukanglou Street, Shuangzhongci Street and the Xigongjie Street are still there. And the old buildings such as the the Zhuangyuan Mansion, the Tibitang Drama Building, the Duchenghuang Temple and so on are still in existence.
  They doggedly prop up the ridgepole of the capital city and become one of the few landmarks for this Chinese historical and cultural city. What is more commendable is that the presently existing ancient streets and alleys including some water streets built up besides rivers can mostly embody the unique feature and the cultural genes of Jinan. The completion of the New Area of Daming Lake and the opening of the City Moat make the ancient city―Jinan wear an increasingly charming and appealing look as the Water Town in Northern China.
  A lovely city owns its distinguishing feature and foothold. Here I don’t want to compare Jinan with Lijiang River and Suzhou, nor advocate the action of blind imitation with ludicrous effection. However, during the coming renovation of the so-called Mingfu City, we should take fashion and tradition into consideration with international vision and view; boldly borrow the ideas and experience of Lijiang River and Suzhou in their city renovation projects. And we also need to attentively build up a completely new world unique to Jinan with scientific preparation and elaborate plan, try our best to reserve the essence of traditional culture as much as possible, and create no fake ones. By reserving more classic works and less regrets, we will create a bright future for our lovely hometown.

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