

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-02-08 來源: 日記大全 點(diǎn)擊:


【看電影學(xué)英語】關(guān)于《查莉成長(zhǎng)日記》之“你騙不了我的“劇情對(duì)話Wait, I don't believe it.

等等 真是不敢相信

That's Emma. So that's Charlie.

那是Emma 那么那個(gè)就是Charlie了

Yes! Oh, we're saved.

真棒 哦 我們得救了

Not quite. Hey, kids.

還不一定呢 嘿 孩子們

What now? I'll let you know when I think of it.

現(xiàn)在怎么辦 等我想出辦法來了再通知你

Mom, dad, hi.

媽媽 爸爸 嗨

Hi. What are you doing here?

嗨 你們幾個(gè)來這兒干嘛

We just realized you must be missing Charlie,


So we brought her.


Oh, Teddy, you're not fooling me.

噢 Teddy 你騙不了我的

I'm not? Nope.

我露餡了 沒錯(cuò)

You spent a little too much time with Charlie


And you're ready to hand her over early.


Well, I wouldn't say too much time.

這個(gè) 其實(shí)也不能算是時(shí)間太長(zhǎng)了吧

Well, I am ready too, so let me at her.

不過 我也想接手了 所以還是我來照看她吧

Gimme Gimme Gimme. Mom, Mom, Mom.

給我吧 給我吧 給我吧 媽 媽 媽

You're on a date. Let me bring her to you.

你正在約會(huì)呢 還是我把她給你抱過來吧

Here? Wait, now?

這里嗎 等等 現(xiàn)在嗎

Well, all right.

那 好吧

Hey, mom. Hi, baby.

嘿 媽媽 嘿 寶貝

Hey. Hey, dad.

嘿 嘿 爸爸

Something I want to show you. What is it, honey?

我想給你們表演個(gè)節(jié)目 什么節(jié)目 親愛的

And now for my next trick,


I'm gonna make a boy disappear.


You know, you should be ashamed of yourself.

知道嗎 你應(yīng)該為你自己感到羞恥

You lead a guy on, make him think you have a connection,

你勾引了一個(gè)男孩 讓他以為你們之間心有靈犀

And you give him a fake phone number.


You put it in wrong. that three is supposed to be a two.

你自己輸錯(cuò)了 那一位本該是2而不是3的

Oh, my bad.

噢 我的錯(cuò)



You wanna get a table?


My widdle baby, did you miss your mommy and daddy?

我的尿床寶寶 你有沒有想你的爸爸媽媽啊

Yes, she did. yes, she did.

是的 她想了 是的 她想了

Oh, I never thought I'd be so happy to hear baby talk.

噢 我從來沒想到我聽到兒語居然還這么開心

Teddy, this isn't Charlie's binky. where did you get this?

Teddy 這個(gè)不是Charlie的奶嘴 你從哪弄來的這個(gè)

Oh, well, that's actually a really funny story.

噢 那個(gè) 說起來其實(shí)是次很好玩的經(jīng)歷

See, what happened was…

聽好了 其實(shí)就是

Too loud. Tell you later.

太吵了 以后再跟你說吧

原文來自 必克英語http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-11762.html


Teddy: Hi, Charlie, It's Teddy here. So right now you're nine months old and everything is going great. Well, almost everything. Now what I'm about to show you is kind of disturbing. So brace yourself.

Mom: Mmm, these sandwiches will be yummy wummy.

Dad: Yes, they will, yes, they will.

Teddy: Mom and dad have been talking like that ever since you arrived and if it's not over soon, I'm gonna go crazy wazy.

Gabe: PJ!

PJ: What?

Gabe: What are you listening to?

PJ: I dow


nloaded a podcast on the history of ballet.

Gabe: You like that?

PJ: More than baby talk.

Mom: Would you like some fishy wishies with your cookie wookie?

Dad: Yes, I would, yes, I would.

Teddy: Wait, guys, Charlie isn't even here.

Mom: No, widdle baby take a nappy wappy upstairs.

Teddy: So why are you guys still talking like that?

Dad: I don't "weawy" know.

Mom: I guess we're just kinda fried.

Dad: Well, we work all day, take care of a baby all night. Work shift, baby shift. I've barely got time to make doo-doo.

Teddy: Well, when was the last time you guys had a night out? You know, like just the two of you-- like a date?

Dad: Teddy made a funny.

Mom: A funny wunny.

Teddy: Seriously! You know what? It’s Saturday night. You two, you go out, have fun, and do something besides work, take care of the baby and make doo-doo.

Mom: Well, it's nice to dream, but who's gonna take of Charlie

Teddy: Hello! You’ve got three great babysitters right here.

PJ: I'm glad I didn't hear that.

Mom: I don't know, Teddy. It's a really nice thought, but we're really not ready to go out without Charlie just yet

Gabe: You guys want to see a magic trick?

Mom: Sure!

Dad: Okay.

Gabe: Prepare to be amazed.

Mom: I could use a night out.

Teddy: All right, you guys have fun. Stay out as late as you want. But not too much fun-- We have enough kids already.

Dad: I'm serious.

Mom: Okay, everyone, be good, have fun, love you.

PJ/Gabe: Yeah yeah.

Mom: All right.

Dad: Hey, Teddy, thanks for doing this. It's gonna be nice for your mom and I to have some special time together.

Mom: Bob, move your butt!

Dad: I'm coming!

Teddy: All right, so we divide it up evenly, we each get to spend an hour with Charlie. Who wants to go first?

Gabe: I think you should go first.

PJ: And second and third, since this was your idea.

Teddy: Hey, I'm not doing this all by myself. You guys have to help out.

PJ: Fine. I'll go fourth.

Teddy: There is no fourth.

PJ: I meant I shall go forth to the park to shoot some hoop.

Teddy: You want to go to the park so badly, then why don't you just take Charlie? PJ: What's a baby supposed to do at the park?

Teddy: Babies love parks. You can show her the duck pond, the blue sky, clouds. PJ: We're just gonna look at stuff? That’s what TV is for.

PJ: Yeah heh hah, all right! This is great. Whee! Yes, whoo! What are you looking at? I was here first. Hey, you can ride that duck. I couldn't ride the duck. I'd look silly on the duck. Fine. Hey there, Charlie. Are we having fun yet? All right.

M: Man, you seen a kid's birthday party around here anywhere? I'm the entertainment. PJ: I saw a bounce house of the other end of the park.

M: A bouncy house, eh? Great. Another trip to the E.R.

PJ: Who are you supposed to be anyway? Plastic man, rubber man?

M: No, those are all registered trademarks. I'm Captain Stretchy. There used to be a "CS" here, but it came off in the wash.

PJ: So what's your super power?

M: Super elasticity. Hey, look, there's a quarter. Ah, forget it. Not like it's a dollar, right?

PJ: Hi.

Emma: Hi.

PJ: Oh, yeah, I like your taste in strollers.

Emma: Thanks, you too. That baby's so cute.

PJ: You too. Oh, I mean yours too.

Emma: I'm Emma.

PJ: I'm PJ. Who's this little guy?

Emma: My brother. We're just out for our stroll. We do this every day.

PJ: Us too. Like I always say, babies love parks. Would you like to sit for a bit? Emma: Sure. So I saw you talking to Captain Stretchy earlier.

PJ: Oh, yeah, he was lost. Not much of a superhero, right?

Emma: Oh, he's the worst. We hired him for my brother's birthday party and he sat on the cake.

PJ: That sounds awful.

Emma: Oh, it gets worse. The candles was lit, so he sat in the punch

PJ: That's so weird. I mean he looks like such a quality entertainer.

Emma: You know, PJ, I'm really impressed that you take your baby sister to the park. My brothers would never do anything like that.

PJ: I hope not. She is my sister.

Gabe: Now watch closely. In this hand I have a quarter and in the other, an ordinary egg. Now I put them in this hat, spin them around a little and presto.

Teddy: Just out of curiosity, what was supposed to happen?

PJ: I love this baby. Anytime she wants to go to the park, sign me up.

Teddy: What happened to you?

PJ: Let's just say Charlie made a friend, PJ made a friend.

Teddy: Oh-- and did either you or your friend bother to change a dipper?

PJ: There's no time for that. I was too busy talking to Emma.

Gabe: Who's Emma?

PJ: A vision, an angel, the girl who's moved into my heart.

Gabe: Did you tell her about the vacancy in your brain?

Teddy: PJ?

PJ: What?

Teddy: You brought home the wrong baby.

PJ: What? I did not.

Teddy: Take a look! Wrong parts.

Gabe: There's nothing wrong with those parts.

Teddy: How could you bring home the wrong baby?

PJ: I'm sorry. I got a little distracted. Emma is really cute.

Teddy: Yeah, well, so was our sister. Come on, let's go to the park and find her. PJ: Relax! I got her number.

Teddy: Then what are you waiting for? call her.

PJ: Wait a second. Is it too soon? If I call now, she'll think I'm desperate.

Teddy: Oh, you are desperate.

PJ: Good point. Hello, is Emma there? This is a Chinese restaurant? Sure, I'll hear the specials.

Teddy: She gave you the wrong number.

Gabe: Who couldn't see that one coming?

PJ: But I gave her gum and helped her change a poopy diaper. It was so romantic.

Teddy: Well, what do we do now? Oh no! Hi mom, what up? Yeah, everything's going great. Why wouldn't it be? We're just having a grand old time here with—Baby. Yeah, sure you can talk to him. her her! Talk to mommy. What do you mean that did't

sound like Charlie? What, do you just think I'm making baby noises into the phone? Mom, that's crazy. All right, bye. Say bye, Charlie.

PJ: Not that I'm in the position to criticize, but I was getting more monkey.

Teddy: Come on, let's go to the park.

Gabe: And meet the girl who blew off PJ? I'm there.

PJ: I don't see her.

Teddy: PJ, what did she look like?

PJ: She was hot, but what does it matter?

Gabe: Maybe we should call someone. Who do you call when you search a baby. PJ: Captain Stretchy!

Teddy: What is that?

PJ: You're still here?

M: Every Saturday and Sunday all day long. Stay in school, kids.

PJ: Just the guy we needed to see. I think you can help us.

M: Hey, kid, I'm just an entertainer. I can't get mommy and daddy back together.

PJ: No, you don't understand. I was talking to a girl here earlier, and she said that you worked a party for her brother.

M: So? I work lots of parties.

PJ: Where was the party where you fell on cake?

M: You got three hours?

Teddy: This is really important. We need to find her.

M: Interesting situation. You kids need info, and I need a mirdle. –

Teddy: What is a mirdle?

M: That's a man girdle. And they ain't cheap.

Teddy: Yeah, neither is dry cleaning, apparently.

PJ: Her name's Emma. Did she come back to the park?

M: Well, maybe she did and maybe she didn't.

PJ: Stop rubbing your fingers together and answer my question.

Gabe: He wants a bribe.

PJ: I can't believe it. Here.

M: Here is what I konw: Her name is Emma.

PJ: I just told you that.

M: I didn't say the information was fresh. Yeah, I know the girl. She comes from a big family-- seven, eight kids.For them I've been...Astronaut Pete, cowboy Bob... Gabe: Magic Marv?

M: Yeah! You're familiar with my work.

Gabe: Yeah, and it stinks. I'm just starting off and I'm a better magician than you are. M: Oh yeah? You think this is easy, huh? Here. Turn that into a schnauzer. You can't do it, huh? Maybe it's because you don't have the chops!

Teddy: Well, Stretchy, do you know where she lives?

M: Yeah, around here somewhere. I'd know it if I saw it. - Great!

Teddy: Now you help us tonight and we'll get you into that mirdle tomorrow. Oh, and you understand we're not actually gonna put you into it? That you have to do by yourself.

M: Yeah, I get it.

Teddy: All right, come on, guys, we have to go find her.

M: Uh, hey-- Captain Stretchy, away!

PJ: Truck's this way. –

M: Oh, okay.

Dad: Order whatever you want, honey. I get a discount here. This place is one of my best customers.

Mom: Not what you want to hear from an exterminator. Oh, look at that.

Dad: Oh, fajitas.

Mom: Not that, the baby. A little baby in a stroller just like ours.

Dad: Yeah, okay, honey, this is supposed to be a night away from the baby. So let's come back.

Mom: Okay okay, I'm back. I'm back. Just gotta run to the ladies' room.

Dad: Oh oh, hey, listen, while you're in there, could you check the traps?

Mom: Hola. Adios. Bob, will you go over and look at that baby? I think it's Charlie. Dad: What?!

Mom: You heard me, that is Charlie!

Dad: Sweetheart, would you sit down, please?

Mom: I will not sit down. A mother knows her own baby and that is my baby.

Dad: Honey, seriously, what do you think happened here? In the last hour somebody went over to our house, borrowed our baby then brought her out for chips and guac? Mom: I don't know, it's a big family. Maybe that's how they get their babies.

Dad: Sweetheart, I think you're just missing Charlie, and you're having a little separation anxiety.

Mom: Oh, okay. You're right. Crazy wazy. I mean, that isn't possible, right? Dad: Exactly.

Mom: I'm just going to go to the ladies' room one more time.

Dad: Sit down. Now let's enjoy the rest of our night out at this very lovely restaurant. Okay?

Mom: Okay.

Dad: I'm needed in the kitchen.

Teddy: Charlie!

PJ: Emma!

Teddy: Charlie!

PJ: Emma!

Gabe: Marco!

M: Polo.




試卷緊扣教材和考試說明,從考生熟悉的基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)入手,多角度、多層次地考查了學(xué)生的數(shù)學(xué)理性思維能力及對(duì)數(shù)學(xué)本質(zhì)的理解能力,立足基礎(chǔ),先易后難,難易適中,強(qiáng)調(diào)應(yīng)用,不偏不怪,達(dá)到了“考基礎(chǔ)、考能力、考素質(zhì)”的目標(biāo)。試卷所涉及的知識(shí)內(nèi)容都在考試大綱的范圍內(nèi),幾乎覆蓋了高中所學(xué)知識(shí)的全部重要內(nèi)容,體現(xiàn)了“重點(diǎn)知識(shí)重點(diǎn)考查”的原則。 1.回歸教材,注重基礎(chǔ)

試卷遵循了考查基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)為主體的原則,尤其是考試說明中的大部分知識(shí)點(diǎn)均有涉及,其中應(yīng)用題與抗戰(zhàn)勝利70周年為背景,把愛國(guó)主義教育滲透到試題當(dāng)中,使學(xué)生感受到了數(shù)學(xué)的育才價(jià)值,所有這些題目的設(shè)計(jì)都回歸教材和中學(xué)教學(xué)實(shí)際,操作性強(qiáng)。 2.適當(dāng)設(shè)置題目難度與區(qū)分度

選擇題第12題和填空題第16題以及解答題的第21題,都是綜合性問題,難度較大,學(xué)生不僅要有較強(qiáng)的分析問題和解決問題的能力,以及扎實(shí)深厚的數(shù)學(xué)基本功,而且還要掌握必須的數(shù)學(xué)思想與方法,否則在有限的時(shí)間內(nèi),很難完成。 3.布局合理,考查全面,著重?cái)?shù)學(xué)方法和數(shù)學(xué)思想的考察



1.【試卷原題】11.已知A,B,C是單位圓上互不相同的三點(diǎn),且滿足AB?AC,則ABAC?的最小值為( )





































AB//DC,AB?2,BC?1,?ABC?60? ,動(dòng)點(diǎn)E和F分別在線段BC和DC上,且,????????????1????????????BE??BC,DF?DC,則AE?AF的最小值為.




現(xiàn)了數(shù)學(xué)定義的運(yùn)用,再利用基本不等式求最小值,體現(xiàn)了數(shù)學(xué)知識(shí)的綜合應(yīng)用能力.是思維能力與計(jì)算能力的綜合體現(xiàn). 【答案】






29 18







?????? ?4????2?1?




當(dāng)且僅當(dāng). ??即??時(shí)AE?AF的最小值為


2.【試卷原題】20. (本小題滿分12分)已知拋物線C的焦點(diǎn)F?1,0?,其準(zhǔn)線與x軸的


交點(diǎn)為K,過點(diǎn)K的直線l與C交于A,B兩點(diǎn),點(diǎn)A關(guān)于x軸的對(duì)稱點(diǎn)為D. (Ⅰ)證明:點(diǎn)F在直線BD上; (Ⅱ)設(shè)FA?FB?




,求?BDK內(nèi)切圓M的方程. 9



2.不能正確運(yùn)用韋達(dá)定理,設(shè)而不求,使得運(yùn)算繁瑣,最后得不到正確答案。 【解題思路】1.設(shè)出點(diǎn)的坐標(biāo),列出方程。 2.利用韋達(dá)定理,設(shè)而不求,簡(jiǎn)化運(yùn)算過程。 3.根據(jù)圓的性質(zhì),巧用點(diǎn)到直線的距離公式求解。


則可設(shè)直線l的方程為x?my?1,A?x1,y1?,B?x2,y2?,D?x1,?y1?, 故?


整理得,故 y?4my?4?0?2




















,?m??,故直線l的方程為3x?4y?3?0或3x?4y?3?0 93






?-------------10分 由




? 得t?或t?9(舍去).故圓M的半徑為r?







【相似較難試題】【2014高考全國(guó),22】 已知拋物線C:y2=2px(p>0)的焦點(diǎn)為F,直線5



【試題分析】本題主要考查求拋物線的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方程,直線和圓錐曲線的位置關(guān)系的應(yīng)用,韋達(dá)定理,弦長(zhǎng)公式的應(yīng)用,解法及所涉及的知識(shí)和上題基本相同. 【答案】(1)y2=4x.

(2)x-y-1=0或x+y-1=0. 【解析】(1)設(shè)Q(x0,4),代入











(2)依題意知l與坐標(biāo)軸不垂直,故可設(shè)l的方程為x=my+1(m≠0). 代入y2=4x,得y2-4my-4=0. 設(shè)A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2), 則y1+y2=4m,y1y2=-4.

故線段的AB的中點(diǎn)為D(2m2+1,2m), |AB|m2+1|y1-y2|=4(m2+1).


又直線l ′的斜率為-m,

所以l ′的方程為x+2m2+3.




















22從而+|DE|=2,即 444(m2+1)2+






化簡(jiǎn)得m2-1=0,解得m=1或m=-1, 故所求直線l的方程為x-y-1=0或x+y-1=0.


本試卷新課標(biāo)全國(guó)卷Ⅰ相比較,基本相似,具體表現(xiàn)在以下方面: 1. 對(duì)學(xué)生的考查要求上完全一致。

即在考查基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)的同時(shí),注重考查能力的原則,確立以能力立意命題的指導(dǎo)思想,將知識(shí)、能力和素質(zhì)融為一體,全面檢測(cè)考生的數(shù)學(xué)素養(yǎng),既考查了考生對(duì)中學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)的基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)、基本技能的掌握程度,又考查了對(duì)數(shù)學(xué)思想方法和數(shù)學(xué)本質(zhì)的理解水平,符合考試大綱所提倡的“高考應(yīng)有較高的信度、效度、必要的區(qū)分度和適當(dāng)?shù)碾y度”的原則. 2. 試題結(jié)構(gòu)形式大體相同,即選擇題12個(gè),每題5分,填空題4 個(gè),每題5分,解答題8個(gè)(必做題5個(gè)),其中第22,23,24題是三選一題。題型分值完全一樣。選擇題、填空題考查了復(fù)數(shù)、三角函數(shù)、簡(jiǎn)易邏輯、概率、解析幾何、向量、框圖、二項(xiàng)式定理、線性規(guī)劃等知識(shí)點(diǎn),大部分屬于常規(guī)題型,是學(xué)生在平時(shí)訓(xùn)練中常見的類型.解答題中仍涵蓋了數(shù)列,三角函數(shù),立體何,解析幾何,導(dǎo)數(shù)等重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容。

3. 在考查范圍上略有不同,如本試卷第3題,是一個(gè)積分題,盡管簡(jiǎn)單,但全國(guó)卷已經(jīng)不考查了。

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:成長(zhǎng)日記 查莉 查莉成長(zhǎng)日記3 好運(yùn)查理

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