

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 日記大全 點擊:

  文章編號:1008-0457(2017)04-0076-04 國際DOI編碼:10.15958/j.cnki.sdnyswxb.2017.04.014
  Abstract:The effects of extracts of four Chinese herbal medicines, namely Sargentodoxa cuneata、Tetradium ruticarpum、Siegesbeckia orientalisL and Cyathula officinalis Kuan, on the proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells were studied by culturing rabbit primary renal tubular epithelial cells in vitro. The effects of 3mg/L, 30 mg / L and 300 mg / L of water extraction and alcohol extraction of the four herbal medicines on tubule epithelial cell proliferation were studied by MTT method. The results showed that 300 mg / L of the alcohol extract of T. ruticarpum and S. orientalis and the water extract of 300 mg / L of S. cuneata significantly inhibited the proliferation of primary renal tubular epithelial cells by 24.04%, 16.03% and 30.84%, respectively. 3 mg / L of the alcohol extract of S. cuneata and 30 mg / L and 3 mg / L of alcohol extract of S. orientalis showed a proliferation effect on primary renal tubular epithelial cells, and the survival rate reached 107.91%, 114.95% and 111.45%. All of the four Chinese herbal medicines had some effects on the proliferation of primary renal tubular epithelial cells in rabbit.
  Key words:sargentodoxa cuneata; tetradium ruticarpum; siegesbeckia orientalisL; cyathula officinalis kuan; proliferation effect
  大血藤(Sargentodoxa cuneata),木通科大血藤屬植物,具有抗炎,活血,祛風止痛等藥理作用。吳茱萸(Tetradium ruticarpum),蕓香科吳茱萸屬植物,具有止瀉、散寒止痛等藥理作用。豨簽草(Siegesbeckia orientalis L.)為菊科草本植物,具有祛風濕,利關節(jié),抗炎等藥理作用。川牛膝(Cyathula officinalis Kuan),莧科杯莧屬植物,具有逐瘀通經(jīng),通利關節(jié),降血壓作用等藥理作用[1]。這4種中藥材均具有溫補腎陽、利水滲濕、益氣活血等功效,根據(jù)中醫(yī)藥理論中的性味歸經(jīng)之說,均可歸屬為腎經(jīng)。根據(jù)歸經(jīng)理論,能夠將藥物的作用與人體的臟腑經(jīng)脈之間的關系相結合,說明藥物能治療或作用的臟腑經(jīng)脈的病變,從而就能具體的認識到藥物的主要作用器官和藥物的特殊功效[2]。本文旨在利用原代分離的兔腎小管上皮細胞對大血藤、吳茱萸、豨薟草及川牛膝4種中藥材提取物對腎小管上皮細胞增殖作用的影響進行研究,為這4種中藥材的應用及腎毒性作用的研究提供參考。
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 材料

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