發(fā)布時間:2019-08-26 來源: 日記大全 點擊:
中圖分類號 R283;R284.1 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)志碼 A 文章編號 1001-0408(2019)05-0661-04
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2019.05.17
摘 要 目的:研究黃芪建中湯(由黃芪、桂枝、白芍、炙甘草、生姜、大棗6味中藥材組成)單味藥材水煎液(簡稱“單煎液”)與各藥材合煎液(簡稱“合煎液”)中銅、鉛、鎘、汞、砷的含量差異,為中藥的臨床安全應(yīng)用提供參考。方法:取黃芪建中湯各藥材制備藥材樣品、單煎液樣品及合煎液樣品;采用原子吸收分光光度法測定各樣品中銅、鉛、鎘、汞及砷的含量;并將測定結(jié)果與2015版《中國藥典》和《藥用植物及制劑進(jìn)出口綠色行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》中銅(<20 mg/kg)、鉛(<5 mg/kg)、鎘(<0.3 mg/kg)、汞(<0.2 mg/kg)及砷(<2 mg/kg)的含量限度進(jìn)行比較,同時比較單煎液與合煎液中5種元素的含量差異。結(jié)果:6味藥材中,桂枝和生姜的鎘含量超標(biāo),分別為0.32、0.74 mg/kg(銅、鉛、汞、砷均符合要求),其余藥材中5種元素的含量均符合要求;6味藥材單煎液及合煎液中銅、鉛、鎘、汞及砷的含量均符合要求;與各味藥材比較,單煎液中銅、鉛、鎘、汞及砷含量更低(P<0.01);與各藥材單煎混合液比較,合煎液中銅、汞的含量更低(P<0.01),鉛、鎘、砷的含量更高(P<0.01)。結(jié)論:黃芪建中湯各藥材合煎會減少銅、汞的溶出,增加鉛、鎘、砷的溶出;推測合煎過程中各藥材之間的相互作用改變了銅、鉛、鎘、汞及砷的溶出。
關(guān)鍵詞 重金屬;黃芪建中湯;單煎;合煎;原子吸收分光光度法
Difference of Copper, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury and Arsenic in the Single Decoction and Combined Decoction of Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction
JIN Zhen,XIA Ting,TAN Xiaomei(School of TCM, Southern Medical University/Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of TCM Preparation/Guangdong Provincial Engineering Laboratory of TCM Preparation Technology, Guangzhou 510515, China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To study the difference of the contents of copper, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic in the single decoction and combined decoction of Huangqi jianzhong decoction (containing Astragali radix, Cinnamomi ramulus, Paeoniae radix alba, prepared Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Zingiberis rhizoma recens, Jujubae fructus), and to provide reference for safe use of TCM in clinic. METHODS: Samples of medicinal materials, single decoction and combined decoction were prepared from different medicinal materials; the contents of copper, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic in various samples were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, which were compared with the limits of copper (<20 mg/kg), lead (<5 mg/kg), cadmium (<0.3 mg/kg), mercury (<0.2 mg/kg) and arsenic (<2 mg/kg) content stated in 2015 edition of Chinese Pharmacopeia and Green Trade Standards of Importing Exporting Medicinal Plants Preparations. The difference of 5 elements contents were compared between single decoction and combined decoction. RESULTS: Among the 6 medicinal materials, the cadmium content of Cinnamomi ramulus and Zingiberis rhizoma recens exceeded the standard, 0.32, 0.74 mg/kg, respectively (copper, lead, mercury and arsenic all met the requirements), and the 5 elements content of other medicinal materials all met the requirements; the contents of copper, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic in the single and combined decoction meet the requirements; compared with the medicinal materials, the contents of copper, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic in the single decoction were lower (P<0.01); compared with mixture of single decoction, the contents of copper and mercury in combined decoction were lower (P<0.01), while the contents of lead, cadmium and arsenic in the decoction were higher (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: For Huangqi jianzhong decoction, combined decoction can reduce the dissolution of copper and mercury, and increase the dissolution of lead, cadmium and arsenic. The possible reason is that the interaction of various components in the co-decoction process changes the solubility of copper, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic.