發(fā)布時間:2019-08-23 來源: 日記大全 點擊:
摘 要:為揭示與湖南典型濃香型烤煙風格特色密切相關的生態(tài)因子,以湖南桂陽縣、江華縣和隆回縣氣象資料和土壤樣本為基礎數(shù)據(jù),運用逐步多元回歸分析方法,構建湖南濃香型烤煙生態(tài)評價模型并分析各生態(tài)因子的貢獻率。結果表明,與彰顯湖南典型濃香型烤煙風格特色密切相關的生態(tài)因子是伸根期日照時數(shù)和空氣相對濕度、旺長期降水量、成熟期均溫以及土壤堿解氮和速效鉀含量;對湖南濃香型烤煙香氣特征貢獻較大的生態(tài)因子是伸根期日照時數(shù)、旺長期均溫及成熟期空氣相對濕度,并且旺長期均溫對濃香型煙葉香氣量的影響大于香氣質;對以香型彰顯度、焦甜香、焦香、香氣質、香氣量等感官評吸指標為因變量建立的湖南濃香型烤煙生態(tài)評價模型進行驗證的結果表明,5個生態(tài)評價模型可以較為準確地預判湖南不同產區(qū)煙葉的風格特征與典型濃香型煙葉是否存在差距。
中圖分類號:S572 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1006-060X(2015)12-0066-06
Study on Ecological Evaluation Model of Flavored Type Flue-cured Tobacco in Hunan and the Contribution Ratio of Ecological Factors
YANG Hong-wu,CHEN Yi,YANG Hong-qi,SUN Shu-bin,YANG Jun-xing
。↘ey Laboratory of Tobacco Science and Health, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, PRC)
Abstract:In order to reveal the ecological factors which were closely related to the style features of strong flavor type flue-cured tobacco in Hunan, we chose the weather data and soil sample from Guiyang, Jianghua and Longhui county, and used the stepwise multiple regression analysis method, and then built a ecological evaluation model of flavored type flue-cured tobacco and analyzed the contribution ratio of every ecological factor. The results showed that: The closely related ecological factors were sunshine hours of root stretching stage, relative air humidity of maturing stage, prosperously growing stage precipitation, average temperature of maturing stage, soil alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen and soil available potassium; the larger contribution rate ecological factors were sunshine hours of root stretching stage, average temperature of maturing stage and relative air humidity of maturing stage, and the influence of average temperature of maturing stage to quality of aroma was larger than volume of aroma; the ecological evaluation model which built on flavor degree of display, burnt sweetness aroma, burnt aroma, quality of aroma and volume of aroma was tested and the results showed that all the 5 ecological evaluation models could accurate forecast the style feature difference between the strong flavor type flue-cured tobacco and others in Hunan tobacco-growing area.
Key words: strong flavor type flu-cured tobacco; ecological; evaluation model; contribution ratio