

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-29 來源: 日記大全 點(diǎn)擊:


1查莉成長日記 S01E01Good luck Charlie S01E01

2嗨 Charlie 看看你Hi, Charlie, there you are.

3才九個(gè)月大 多可愛啊Nine months old and look how cute you are.

4再看看我也多可愛And look how cute I am.

5我是你的姐姐TeddyIt's your big sister Teddy here,

6我在拍視頻日記And I'm making this video diary

7來幫你立足于我們這個(gè)To help you survive our...

8特別的家Special family.

9嗨 看來老爸已經(jīng)教了你怎么吃香蕉了

Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas.

10哦 這是媽媽Oh, and there's mom,

11今天早上看起來最可愛了Looking lovelier than ever this morning.

12沒心情拍Not in the mood.

13好了 我覺得你已經(jīng)吃夠香蕉了Okay. I think you've had enough bananas. 14我們改吃點(diǎn)甜豌豆吧So we're switching to sweet peas!

15你會喜歡吃的 快看 媽媽認(rèn)為它們很美味哦

You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy.

16非常聰明 一定要讓媽媽先嘗 懂嗎

Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay?

17哦 那是你的大哥 PJOh, and there's your older brother PJ


Doing today's homework at the last minute as usual.

19這不是今天的家庭作業(yè)It's not today's homework.

20這是昨天的家庭作業(yè)This is yesterday's homework.

21你可能有機(jī)會和你哥哥There's a chance you two will be

22一起念高中哦in high school together.

23哦 那是爸爸在準(zhǔn)備明天的工作Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work. 24他靠殺蟲來賺錢He kills bugs for a living.

25寶貝 拜托 我們已經(jīng)說過這個(gè)了Honey, come on. we've been through this. 26我不是殺蟲I don't kill bugs.

27我是害蟲防治專家I'm a pest control specialist.

28一樣啊Either way...

29現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)見過所有家庭成員啦So now you've met the whole family.

30忘記某人了吧Forgetting somebody?

31Gabe 不是 不是的 我沒有忘記你Gabe! no no no. I didn't forget about you. 32你是壓軸的I was just saving the best for last.

33Charlie 那是你的小哥哥GabeGharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe. 34你想對Charlie說點(diǎn)什么嗎You want to say something to Charlie?

35你毀了我的生活You ruined my life.

36好了 看來Gabe還需要點(diǎn)時(shí)間Okay, so it's taking Gabe a little bit longer 37來適應(yīng)你 因?yàn)槟憔褪莻(gè)驚喜To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise. 38驚喜應(yīng)該是好事啊I thought surprises were supposed to be good.

39卡And... cut.

40大家聽著Okay, gang, listen up.

41我今晚要回醫(yī)院工作I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital

42這是Charlie出生后我第一次上班For the first time since Charlie was born, 43所以我想讓你們?nèi)即诩襍o I want everyone to stay at home

44- 幫你爸爸照顧寶寶 - 等下 不行 媽- and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom. 45我今晚不能待家里I'm not gonna be here tonight.

46我已經(jīng)和人約好去圖書館學(xué)習(xí)了I have a study date at the library.

47你的意思是借學(xué)習(xí)之機(jī)Don't you mean "studly" date...

48和Spencer約會吧With Spencer?

49哦 留著親你的枕頭吧Oh, save it for your pillow.

50我很抱歉 Teddy 但是你得重新安排你的計(jì)劃

I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule.

51但是 爸But, dad--

52- Bob - 嗯 爸爸現(xiàn)在也不管用了- Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now. 53媽媽 別誤會我的意思Mom, don't take this the wrong way,

54但是你們?yōu)槭裁捶堑蒙谒膫(gè)寶寶 呢But why did you guys have to have another baby? 55那個(gè)嘛 因?yàn)槿齻(gè)孩子太好養(yǎng)了Well, because three kids was just too easy. 56膽小鬼才只生三個(gè)Three's for quitters.

57Teddy 你不至于去和And Teddy, you know better than to schedule

58一個(gè)我從來沒見過的男生約會“學(xué)習(xí)”吧a study date with a boy I've never met. 59拜托 作為爸爸,有責(zé)任Come on. as dad, it's my responsibility

60知道我孩子的每個(gè)生活細(xì)節(jié)to know every detail of my kids' lives.

61是嗎Oh yeah?

62我上的是哪個(gè)學(xué)校?What school do I go to?

63嗯 以某個(gè)總統(tǒng)命名的Um-- the one named after that president.

64嗨 對了 我得開車送你們?nèi)W(xué)校了

Hey, you know what? I've got to drive you kids to school.

65- 我們走吧 - 等下 我還沒吃早飯呢- Let's go. - Wait, I haven't had breakfast yet. 66- 快點(diǎn) 我們走 - 一天中最重要的一餐

- Come on, let's go. - Most important meal of the day

67- 我從沒吃到過 - 我們走吧- Never got it. - Let's go!

68- 我還得載你去羅斯福小學(xué)呢 - 是林肯小學(xué)

- I've gotta get you to... Roosevelt? - Lincoln.

69記住了Got it.

70 71生活搞得一團(tuán)糟Day's all burnt toast

72就要遲到 爸爸在叫Running late, and dad says

73我左腳的鞋子有沒有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe

74我閉上雙眼 咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite

75跳上車子 放聲大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud

76就在這里 我們的家There it is up on the roof

77我也曾這樣生活 我已經(jīng)順利走過I've been there, I've survived

78所以聽取我的建議So just take my advice

79寶貝 不要放棄 世界有很多瘋狂無奈Hang in there, baby, things are crazy 80可是我知道你會有美好未來But I know your future is bright

81寶貝 不要放棄Hang in there, Baby

82不要懷疑There is no maybe

83一切終會如你所愿Eveything turns out all right

84生活有悲有喜Sure life is up and down

85可是請相信我 堅(jiān)持就有好結(jié)果But trust me, it comes back all around

86你會喜歡將來的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be

87寶貝 不要放棄Hang in there, Baby

89老公 我去上班了Bob honey, I'm leaving for work!

90這是Charlie的生活安排Okay, honey, here's Charlie's schedule.

91這上面寫著什么時(shí)候喂她It tells you when to feed her,

92什么時(shí)候換尿布 什么時(shí)候睡覺When to change her and when to put her down. 93寶貝 盡管放心Sweetheart, would you relax?

94一切盡在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Big daddy's got this all under control. 95好了 不要以為你的燒烤圍裙上寫著全能老爹

Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron

96你就當(dāng)真了Doesn't make it true.

97如果Charlie哭鬧了 她的橡膠鴨子可以讓她安靜下來

Now if charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down.

98它們到處都是 拜托你小心點(diǎn)They're all over the place. Please be careful-- 99- 它們到處都是 - 親愛的- They're all over the place. - Honey...

100你似乎忘記了我已經(jīng)一把屎一把尿You seem to forget I was fully involved 101養(yǎng)育了三個(gè)孩子in the raising of three kids.

102哦 是嗎 我生日是什么時(shí)候Oh, yeah? When's my birthday?

103- 5月12號 - 11月23號- July 12th. - November 23rd.

104記住了Got it.

105祝你好運(yùn) CharlieGood luck, Charlie.

106拜拜Mwah! Bye.


108嗨 爸爸Hey, dad?

109- 什么事 - 我有個(gè)家庭作業(yè)的問題問你- Yeah? - I have a homework question. 110好 說吧Okay, fire away.


Can the average human lick his own armpit?

112- 可以 - 謝了- Yeah. - Thanks.

113那是什么作業(yè) 科學(xué)問題嗎So what was that, like a science question? 114不是Nope.

115我來開門 我來開門I'll get it. I'll get it.

116我來開門 其他人都不許碰I'll get it. Nobody else get it!

117- 你好 - 你好- Hi. - Hi.


119我是Teddy的爸爸I'm Teddy's dad.

120很高興見到你 先生Nice to meet you, sir.

121嗯 Spencer和我要學(xué)習(xí)了Uh, Spencer and I are studying

122- 我們得準(zhǔn)備明天的生物測驗(yàn) - 真的嗎

- for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now?

123是的 沒錯(cuò) 所以請大家離開好嗎Yes. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave? 124你不用Not you.

125- Teddy - 什么事- Teddy. - Yeah?

126我記得你媽說過不許約會學(xué)習(xí)的I thought your mom said no study date. 127是啊 不能在圖書館Yeah, at the library.

128哦 對Oh, right.

129那么你和她說了在家里學(xué)嗎Okay, so then you've talked to her about this? 130我當(dāng)然說了Of course I did.

131我的意思是 我 我非常確定我說過了I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did. 132只不過我每天和不同的人It's just I talk to so many different people 133說不同的事about so many different things.

134你們家怎么有個(gè)這么巨大的蟲子?Why is there a giant bug in your house? 135朋友 那個(gè)That, my friend,

136叫做沙螽is the jerusalem cricket,

137外行通常管它叫馬鈴薯瓢蟲Better known to the layman as the potato bug. 138- 我是個(gè)害蟲專家 - 又來了- I'm an exterminator. - Here we go.

139嗨 你看過我在本地有線電視臺做的廣告嗎Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable-- 140“Bob趕走了所有害蟲”"Bob's bugs be gone"?

141是嗎 我們怎么才能趕走BobYeah, how do we make Bob be gone?

142好吧 你們要做家庭作業(yè)Okay. you've got homework to do.

143我要去換尿布了I've got a diaper to change.

144她的 不是我的Hers-- not mine.

145我還沒老到那地步呢I ain't that old!

146我還是上樓去吧I'm gonna be upstairs.

147- Gabe 出去 - 好吧- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine.

148不過有個(gè)帥哥什么時(shí)候來啊But when's that hot guy getting here?


150- 小孩子 - 嗯- Kids. - Yeah.

151哦 慘了 我把書忘在學(xué)校了Oh man, I left my book at school.

152沒關(guān)系 我們看一本就行Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine.

153- 可以嗎 - 完美- Is that okay? - Perfect.


155因?yàn)檫@都只是為了學(xué)習(xí)Cause I'm all about the learnin'.

156- 我去拿鉛筆 - 哦 我有

- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one.

157我想我把鉛筆忘在學(xué)校了I think I left my pencils at school.

158我也是Me too.

159女士們 先生們Ladies and gentlemen!

160有請PJ和感應(yīng)樂隊(duì)PJ and the Vibe!

161哇 看來你就住在那個(gè)怪小子PJ的隔壁啊

Wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid.

162嗯 他不在隔壁Hmm. Yeah, he's not next door.

163他在樓下He's downstairs...

164而且他是我哥And he's my brother.

165哦 哦 抱歉Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry.

166我也是Yeah, me too.

167等下 等下 等下 停 停Wait wait wait! stop stop! 168Emmett 開頭你應(yīng)該用強(qiáng)拍的

Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat. 169哥們 我是打擊樂器Dude, I'm percussion,

170讓我“打擊”Let me "percush"!

171拜托了 兩位For crying out loud, guys!

172你好嘛What's up?

173你們能小聲點(diǎn)嗎 我們正在學(xué)習(xí)

Can you please turn it down? We're trying to study. 174不能 妹妹 在搖滾樂里只有一種境界

No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll. 175那就是響亮And that is loud!


Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister. 17拜托Excuse me,


But the band is called PJ and the vibe.

179“感應(yīng)”就沒發(fā)言權(quán)嗎So what, the Vibe doesn't get a say? 180我 我就是感應(yīng)I-- I'm the vibe.

181是啊 了解了Yeah, I got that.

182所以你和我產(chǎn)生心靈(來自:www.newchangjing.com 蒲公英文 摘:查莉成長日記電影)感應(yīng)了哈

Oh, so you got my vibe, huh?

183我還是回去吧I'm gonna be over here.

184- 關(guān)小聲點(diǎn) - 你不能阻擋我對藝術(shù)的追求

- Turn it down now. - You will not censor my art.

185我不會安靜的I will not be silent!



If I have come down here again,


this gets plugged into somewhere else


190對了 她和誰一起學(xué)習(xí)呢

Yo, who's she up there studying with anyway?


Is there a second fine lady in the house?


Some guy she's totally into.


I can't believe she's cheating on me.

194她沒有對你不忠 她都不知道有你這個(gè)人

She's not cheating on you. She barely knows you exist.



Well, at least Charlie's getting some sleep.

Why did Mrs. Dabney have to get that stupid dog, anyway?

Why couldn't she get something that made less noise...

Like a fish?

Fish don't make any noise.

I wish you were a fish.

Can we all agree that thing is a pest?

Because as an exterminator, it is my job

To take care of pests.

When you say "take care of,"

I know you actually mean kill.

Which I'm totally fine with, by the way.

I'll just go over to Mrs. Dabney's and demand

She keep the dog in at night.

Or we could just try being friendly.

Friendly? With Mrs. Dabney?

What is this, crazy idea day?

Okay, look, I am serious.

How about I invite her over tonight

for a cup of coffee and I bake a pie?

I thought you wanted this to go well.

Okay, we'll have Mrs. Dabney over,

but I want everybody on their best behavior,

especially you, mister.

I don't think I have a best behavior.

Yeah, well, you'd better find one before tonight.

In her defense, Mrs. Dabney wasn't always like this.

She actually used to be kind of nice.

When was that?

Let's see, how old are you?












我聲明 你用這個(gè)詞我完全沒意見

我要過去找Dabney太太 提出要求




這是啥日子哦 奇思妙想節(jié)嗎

聽著 我說真的


到我們家喝咖啡 然后我來烤一個(gè)派吧


好吧 我們就去邀請Dabney太太


特別是你 小先生



為她說句公道話 Dabney太太并不是一直這樣的



讓我想想 你幾歲了

原文來自 必克英語 http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-12402.html



人員介紹: Gabe蓋比(弟弟)趙凱

Amy 艾米(媽媽)趙彬

Teddy泰迪(姐姐) 王玉星

Bob 鮑伯(爸爸)蘇凱旋


Gabe: Hey


Gabe: Shouldn’t someone go tell Charile to shut up?


Father:You know what? You give it a shot.We've been trying all night long.


Mother:And by “we”,he means me.


Father:Come on. I got up that one time.


Mother:And when you flushed,you woke her up.


Teddy:But why is she so fussy?


Mother:We can’tfind her blankie.And we have looked everywhere.


Gabe: Oh , that’s ridiculous. She shouldn’t need something to help sleep.


Mother:What about your stuffed monkey?


Gabe: Coco’s diffrerent.


Teddy:Guys,what a horrible way to spend your anniversary.We should really get out of the house. (爸媽,這樣過你們的周年慶也太磕饞了。你們要準(zhǔn)備出門了。)

Gabe: Ow , what are you doing ?


Gabe: Oh . Mom and dad , on your anniversary.I’m talking you to lunch and a movie . My treat. Oh ,dad ,bring your wallet .


Father:You don't know what”My treat”Means,do you?


Mother:OK,we’d love to go to a movie,kids,but not when Charlie’s so upset.


Teddy:I will find Charlie’s blankie and take care of her.Now you two go out and enjoy some alone time on your anniversary.With Gabe.


Gabe: And I know the perject movie to see .... “Star Exploders II : Ticking Asteroids ” in 3D.(我還知道該看什么最贊的影片呢,《星球大爆炸第二部:行星命運(yùn)倒數(shù)》3D效果哦) Father:Hey,you know what? The critics hated that.That means it's gotta be good.


Gabe: Oh, yeah !


Mother:Or we could see “The Willow Wepps Tomorrow”.


Gabe: What’s that about ?


Mother:It’s a haunting tale of a young girl who liveson a farm,plants a willow tree.And grows up With dreams of becoming a ballerina.And then on the day of the big audition.Shw twist her.Ankle,goes back to the farm.Gets married and has a bady.And do you know what she names it?Willow.


Gabe: I feel like we just saw it .


Father:And hated it.


Mother:Oh,come on,guys.It’s my anniversary too.


Father:No no no,you're absolutely right.Look,we don't have to figure this out now.We'll decide when we get to the theater.

(好好好,你說的很對。我們現(xiàn)在先別決定吧。等到了電影院再想要看什么。) Mother:Okay.(行了吧)

Gabe,Father: “ Star Exploders ”(一定要看《星球大爆炸》)

Teddy:Charlie,I’m looking for your blankie.Please stop crying.Oh,look,it’s your favourite show.”The circles. ”They’re the colorful singing shapes.That teach you about shapes.


Teddy:I am a red circle,yes,I am.I am big and round and red.Hey!Man,that is annoying.Oh,what’s this I found?Is this your blankie?I’ll take that as a no.Let’s take you on a walk.That’ll make you feel better.Yay!


相關(guān)熱詞搜索:成長日記 電影 查莉 查莉成長日記3 查莉成長日記2

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