

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-26 來源: 日記大全 點擊:


吸血鬼日記第五季插曲(The Vampire diaries)



歌手: Vampire Weekend

歌曲: "Unbelievers"

場景: Elena 發(fā)郵件給 Bonnie 告訴她夏天發(fā)生的事.部分歌詞: Got a little soul

The world is a cold, cold place to be

Want a little warmth

But who’s gonna save a little warmth for me?

歌手: Lorde

歌曲: “Royals”

場景: Elena 在給Damon最后一個吻接著去大學

Lyrics: I've never seen a diamond in the flesh

I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies.

And I'm not proud of my address

In the torn up town, no post code envy.


歌曲: “Pumpin Blood”

場景: Rebekah 與 Matt 在派對對質(zhì).

部分歌詞: Hey heart, on the road again

Moving on forward

Stick and stones won't break our bones

We're in the car on the highway

It's a magical feeling that no one's got a home

You're out calling, still young, happiness in all.

歌手: Smallpools

歌曲: “Dreaming”

場景: Elena and Caroline 到達他們大學第一個派對

部分歌詞: I see the place that we belong together.. together.

Like we were something more.

And it felt like maybe we could last forever..forever But you led them to our hideout,

Forced their way inside, now they want us to surrender..us to surrender.

歌手: Cary Brothers

歌曲: “Run Away”

場景: Damon 在車禍之后安撫Jeremy. Tyler 傷透了 Caroline 的心.

部分歌詞: It's another day,

And I suffocate

With no peace of mind

And the forecast tells of a summer storm.



Bass Drum Of Death “Way Out”

Empires “Hello Lover”

Fitz & The Tantrums “Dear Mr. President”

Metric “Breathing Underwater”

J. Roddy Walston & The Business “Hard Times” Sara Bareilles “Satellite Call”


歌曲: "I've Got Friends"歌手: Manchester Orchestra 場景: Damon 和 Stefan 在車上; Damon 把車毀壞.

歌曲: "Back Against the Wall" 歌手: Cage the Elephant 場景: Bonnie 看著 Jeremy 健身.

歌曲: "Longest Night" 歌手: Howie Day

場景: Stefan 和 Elena 在學校樓頂聊天.

歌曲: "Hearts Like Ours" 歌手: The Naked and Famous 場景: Jesse 和 Caroline 學習; 他們接吻

歌曲: "Gravity" 歌手: Sara Bareilles

場景: Elena 和 Stefan在 Wickery橋附近聊天

歌曲: "Without a Word" 歌手: Birdy

場景: Elena, Caroline, Matt, Damon 和 Jeremy為Bonnie辦喪禮


1. Brooke Annibale “You Don’t Know”

2. Barbara Brown “Send Him To Me”

3. Meiko “Bad Things”

4. Cults “Most Wanted”

5. Cary Brothers “Never Tear Us Apart”

6. The Delta Riggs “Stars”

7. OneRepublic “Au Revoir”


Tame Impala “Elephant”

Wild Belle “Shine In The Sun”

The Delta Riggs “Stars”

Queens Of The Stone Age “Keep Your Eyes Peeled” Fitz & The Tantrums “The Walker”

Fitz & The Tantrums “Spark”

Dum Dum Girls “Coming Down”


The Originals Season 1 Episode 7 "Bloodletting 放血" 插曲列表:

The Neighbourhood “Let It Go”

場景: 劇中剛開始, 鏡頭由Marcel家的門口慢慢進入; "格斗之夜"的打斗的背景音樂

King Krule “Easy Easy”

場景: 鏡頭由街道進入到 Marcel管轄下的供吸血鬼玩樂的酒吧 (大約在8:25); Marcel與 Josh 聊天

Yeah Yeah Yeahs “Subway”

場景: Davina 與 Josh 聊天 (大約在34:20)

The Naked & Famous “Grow Old”

場景: Klaus獨自喝酒的時候Rebekah出現(xiàn) (大約在38:11) S05E08

“Lonesome Road” by Junior Kimbrough: 當Rebekah和Kieran神父告解

“Gamblin’man” by Banzai Republic: 當Marcel開始走在法語區(qū)的街上

“Out of the Blue” by Prides: Plays when Klaus 現(xiàn)身和Josh在車房見面

“Bartholomew” by The Silent Comedy: 當Klaus探訪Marcel並發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的本地吸血鬼都聯(lián)手對付他

“Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child” by Dr. Michael White: 當Klaus把所有在戰(zhàn)鬥中死亡的吸血鬼燒死 S05E09

Artist: Deap Vally

Song: "Creeplife"

Scene: Katherine tries to write down her "feelings" in a


The Vampire Diary 第一季 01

Stefan 一個多世紀以來,我都秘密地生活;

Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.藏身暗處,獨自一人。

Until now, I am a 直到現(xiàn)在,我是一個吸血鬼。

And this is my story. 這就是我的故事。 Darren 居然開一小時的車去聽那種垃圾音樂。

You know, it wasn't even a band. 你知道嗎,那根本連樂隊都稱不上。

A guy with a guitar. An hour each way.


Darren’ wife: He wasn't that bad.他沒你說的那么糟。 Darren: He sounded like James Blunt. 聽著還挺像James Blunt。 Darren’ wife: What's wrong with that?不是很好么? Darren: We already have a James Blunt. 我們已經(jīng)有一個James Blunt.

One's all we need. 我們只需要一個。

Darren’ wife: So why did you come? 那你為什么還要來? Darren: Because I love you.因為我愛你。 Darren


’ wife: Nicely done.

聰明的回答。 這霧是怎么回事?

Darren: It'll clear in a second. 很快就會散去的。 Darren’ wife: Watch out!小心! Darren: Are you ok? 你沒事吧? Darren’ wife 我們撞到人了! 我的天吶! Darren: Call for help. 打電話叫救護車。

Darren’ wife: Come on, come on! 快接電話!快接! Darren: Please be alive! Oh, my god. 千萬別出人命!哦,老天吶! Darren’ wife Darren?這里沒有信號! Darren! Darren? Stefan: I shouldn't have come home.我不該回來的。我知道風險很大,但我別無選擇。 I have to know her. 我必須認識她。 Elena: Dear diary, today will be different.親愛的日記: 今天會是不同的一天。 It has to be.一定要。

I will smile, and it will be believable. 我會發(fā)自內(nèi)心地微笑,那會讓他們相信。 My smile was "I’m fine, thank you.""我很好 謝謝"。 yes, I feel much better. 是的,我已經(jīng)好多了。我不再是痛失雙親的可憐的小女孩兒了。

I will start fresh, be someone new.我要重新開始,做全新的自己。 It's the only way I’ll只有這樣我才能夠渡過難關。 Jenna 吐司怎么樣,我會做吐司。 Elena: It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna. Jenna阿姨,有咖啡就行。 Jeremy: Is there coffee? Jenna: Your first day of school and I’m

你們開學第一天,我還完全沒有準備。 有咖啡嗎?

Lunch money? 要午飯錢嗎?

我不用。 Elena: I'm good.

Jenna: Anything else? A number two pencil? 還有別的嗎? 2B鉛筆?

What am I missing? 我還忘了什么? Elena 你今天不是有一個很重要的報告嗎? Jenna我要和論文導師見面...

Now. Crap!約在現(xiàn)在??糟糕! Elena: Then go. We'll be fine. You ok? 快去吧,我們沒事的。你還好吧? Jeremy: Don't start. 打! Bonnie: So gram’s telling me I’m 祖母說我是個女巫。Which isn't all that, I know,crazy. 還不止呢!很離譜,多吧? But she's going on and on about it, and I’m like, put this woman in a home already! 可她一直說啊說的,我都想把她送去敬老院了。 But then I started thinking, I and I predicted Heath Ledger. 但是我開始想, Obama當選,Heath Ledger英年早逝我都料到了。 And I still think Florida will islands.而且我始終認為佛羅里達會分裂,變成一個個旅游小島。 Elena! Back in the car.Elena! 還在聽我說嗎。 Elena: I did it again, didn't I? I’m sorry, Bonnie. 我又走神了是嗎? 對不起,Bonnie。

You were telling me that... 你剛剛跟我說... Bonnie: That I’m psychic now.我現(xiàn)在能通靈了。 Elena: Right.Ok, then predict something. About me.對,那就預言一下吧!預測下我。 Bonnie: I see... What was that? Oh, my god! 我想想??那是什么東西? 我的天吶!

Elena, are you ok? Elena,你沒事吧?

Elena: It's ok. I'm fine.沒事,我很好。 Bonnie: It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.





我預言你將紅透一整年!(<美俚> 很厲害;了不起)。

And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are . 我預言所有悲傷和不幸都已過去,你今后會無比幸福快樂! 現(xiàn)在是優(yōu)質(zhì)男市場人才凋零的時期。 快看Kelly beach She looks a hot-- can I still say "tranny mess"?


Elena: No, that’s over.

Bonnie: Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. It's a busy year. 不,已經(jīng)過時了!


Elena: He hates me. Bonnie: That's not hate. 他恨我。 那不是恨!

That's "you dumped me, but I’m too cool to show it. But secretly I’m listening to air supply's greatest hits.”

他是在說"你甩了我,但我不屑于表現(xiàn)出來",但實際上我是悄悄在聽空氣補給樂團的熱門歌曲。 Caroline: Elena. Oh, my god. How are you? Elena,我的天吶,你還好嗎?

Oh, it's so good to see you.

How is she? Is she good?能見到你真好. 她怎么樣? 她還好嗎? Elena: Caroline, I’m right here. Caroline,我就站在這里。

And I’m fine. Thank you. 我很好,謝謝!

真的嗎? Caroline: Really?

Elena: Yes. Much better. 是的,好多了。 Caroline: Oh, you poor thing. 噢,小可憐。 Elena: Ok, Caroline. 好了,Caroline。 Caroline: Ok, see you guys later? 那好,待會兒見! Elena: Ok! Bye. 好!再見!

No comment. I'm not gonna say anything.無語,我什么也不想說。 Jeremy: Don't take more than two in a six-hour window. 六小時內(nèi)最多吃兩片。 Tyler: Hey, Vicki. I knew I’d find you here with the 嘿,Vicki!我就知道你跟這個癮君子在一起。

Vicki: Hey! 嘿! Tyler: Pete Wentz called.Pete Wentz打給我了。他想要回他的指甲油。 Jeremy: Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?

Pete Wentz嗎? 你活在什么年代呀? Carson Daly的粉絲?

Vicki: Oh, Tyler, be nice. Be nice. Tyler,別沖動!別沖動!

That's Elena's little brother. 他是Elena的弟弟!

我知道他是誰。 Tyler: I know who he is.

I'll still kick his ass. 但我還是要給他點顏色瞧瞧。 Bonnie: Hold up. Who's this? 等等,這是誰? Elena: All I see is back.我只看到個背影。

很帥的背影。 Bonnie: It's a hot back.





we knew when we started the [fourth] season that we wanted silas to be like the original original - almost like the devil, in a way, producer caroline dries told tvline。“在開始制作第四季的時候,我們就希望把塞拉斯塑造成最原始的始祖,就像惡魔一樣的存在,”制片人卡羅琳告訴tv line網(wǎng)站。

[in season five], were going to explore this phenomenon of the doppelganger and how and why they exist in our mythology and what they actually mean for stefan andelena (nina dobrev) and everyone else.“在第五季中,我們將會探索二重身這種現(xiàn)象存在的神秘起因,以及stefan和elena的二重身身份對他們和其他人來說意味著什么!眃ries also praised wesley for his portrayal of both stefan and silas, adding: he is such an awesome actor, that we were like... how can we see more levels with him?dries對wesley扮演的二重身stefan和silas的表演給了很高評價,她說:“他是跟很棒的演員,感覺就像是??我們還能怎樣更多地發(fā)覺他?”

the fifth season of the vampire diaries will premiere on the cw on thursday,october 10, while new spinoff show the originals will launch on tuesday, october


資料來源:教育優(yōu)選 /retype/zoom/36fc082afd0a79563c1e72d4?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=630&rawh=42&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=32&md5sum=98fc00f56c6c7de8f81ca6dee25e8993&sign=012863bb54&zoom=&png=0-&jpg=0-" target="_blank">點此查看篇二:《吸血鬼日記》第五季全方位4大劇透


delena: despite the old tv adage that happy couples does not make for good drama, plec said damon (ian somerhalder) and elena (nina dobrev) will

actually find some happiness this season. it is mystic falls, and you cant be that happy for that long, he said.


tvd, the college years: elena and caroline (candice accola) will be heading off to college this year. so what are those characters most excited about? parties, accola said. caroline is really excited to go to college... shes pretty determined to get tyler [michael trevino] to college so they can finally be together since klaus [joseph morgan] is gone... they could be making some new friends in college. there are men in college. some of them might be attractive.


the spin-off: even though klaus has left for the spin-off the originals, plec

says theres every chance caroline could make her way to the new show to catch up with him.


the new big bad: though silas will be wreaking havoc in mystic falls, plec cautions that he may not be the only villain this season. the big bad rarely launches the season. the big bad sometimes gets effed with by a bigger bad, plec said.


the vampire diaries returns thursday, oct. 10 at 8/7c on the cw.


相關熱詞搜索:吸血鬼 日記 吸血鬼日記第六季下載 吸血鬼日記第六季劇情

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