

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-18 來(lái)源: 人生感悟 點(diǎn)擊:



The First Pot of Gold in My Life

胡 敏 文 王汝濤 英譯


The first sum of money in my life is hard to earn. It is merely a little more than ten yuan made out of blood and sweat indeed. But it is such experience that has made me understand a truth to live by.

曾經(jīng)有個(gè)記者問(wèn)我:“你創(chuàng)辦新航道學(xué)校,也算個(gè)企業(yè)家了,你的第一桶金是多少?是怎么挖到的?” 在他看來(lái),我的第一桶金一定是一筆不小的錢(qián)。當(dāng)時(shí)我這樣回答他:“我的第一桶金只有十幾塊錢(qián),是一擔(dān)一擔(dān)地挑土掙的! 他聽(tīng)后搖搖頭。

A reporter once asked me: “Now that you have established New Channel School, you are a real entrepreneur now. What is your first pot of gold? And how did you get it?” In his eyes, perhaps, this pot of gold must be a small fortune. Then I replied: “My first pot of gold is nothing but a bit over ten yuan, which I have made by shouldering one basket of earth after another.” On hearing this, he shook his head, bemused.

我說(shuō)的是真的。那是我生平掙的第一筆錢(qián),數(shù)目不大,對(duì)我的人生而言,卻價(jià)值不菲。盡管以后我也曾一次掙到不少錢(qián),但在心里,我一直把這十幾塊錢(qián)看作我的第一桶金。 What I told him is true. That was the first time I had made some money. Despite a tiny sum, it proved to be invaluable later on and made a difference in my life. Although I have earned a huge sum once or twice ever since, at the bottom of my heart the first earning has always been looked upon as my first pot of gold.

那年我1 2歲.初二上學(xué)期剛上完。寒假中.我向父母提出要打一份工給自己賺學(xué)費(fèi)。父母起初不同意,因?yàn)楫?dāng)時(shí)在鄉(xiāng)下只有體力勞動(dòng)能夠賺一點(diǎn)錢(qián),也就是說(shuō)我只能去做一個(gè)童工。但禁不住我的再三請(qǐng)求,同時(shí)也想讓我受點(diǎn)磨煉,他們終于答應(yīng)讓我試試。

That year, when I was only 12 years old, and the first semester of Junior Grade Two was just over, I asked for my parents’ consent to my request to work during winter vacation in order to earn some money to pay my tuition fees. Initially, they refused because at the time in the village, the only way to make some money was to do manual jobs, which meant that I had to be a child labourer. However, urged by my renewed requests plus their intention to toughen my will in hard conditions, they finally agreed to let me have a try.


The Tuo River near the village was then in the dry season. Its riverbed emerged and there was

a thick layer of earth underneath, which could be used in the brickyard as brick or tile materials. Quite a few villagers would intend to make this hard money out of digging earth when farming was already in slack season. So my parents asked me to carry earth for the brickyard, believing that it would pay me by earth weight I did. That meant the more earth I carried, the more money I would earn, and vice versa, so I could do the job subject to my capacity. It was at the same time that an uncle of mine from another village would also come to do the same job, so mother and father asked me to go along with him.


On the first day, shouldering a spade and a basket, I followed the villagers to the riverbeds. In the winter of Hunan, the outdoor temperature reached as low as zero degree Celsius. On top of that, the air was rather humid, and gusts of chilly wind pierced me to the bone. But, even though trembling with cold, I had to wear a shirt, only to do the job more efficiently. It was as far as more than half a kilometre from the riverbeds to the earth collecting site, where earth would be weighed. Worse still, I had to climb the steep river bank. The job was strenuous, and usually, it was only a robust man who was able to do it. Of the earth diggers snaking along the river, I was the youngest and the shortest, carrying dozens of kilos of earth on my shoulder pole and staggering along without stop for fear that if the pole slipped off my shoulder, it would be beyond my power to carry again. At last, I arrived at the collecting site. But as I was too short even on tiptoe to put the basket of earth on the scale hook, a woman scale assistant put several bricks under my feet so that I could finally reach it.


At the end of a day’s work, my shoulder was already swollen. I would feel a stinging pain whenever the pole touched my shoulder. Back at home in the evening, I was reduced to a sore flesh all over. Next morning, I took great trouble to rise from bed, enduring pain in the arms and sores in the legs. My shoulder seemed to be more painful than the day before. I was r(轉(zhuǎn) 載于:www.newchangjing.com 蒲公 英文摘:人生的第一桶金)eally expecting to have a good rest, but I felt that, if I started to rest, I would certainly not go to carry earth again. And if I could not persevere today, then all my previous efforts would go down the drain. So, after breakfast, I picked up the working tools and headed straight to the riverbed. At the end of the second day, the blood blisters on my hands and the skin on my shoulder were all broken, burning with pain which was hard to describe. That night, while lying in bed, I said to myself: “Can I continue tomorrow?”

第三天早上,和我一起挑土的表叔先打了退堂鼓 “實(shí)在干不動(dòng),太累了!”他的手上也磨出了血泡,肩膀上磨掉了一層皮。送走表叔,父母讓我不要再去挑土了。一個(gè)棒勞力都受不了,何況我是個(gè)孩子。 這時(shí)候我的犟脾氣卻讓我不服輸 “我就不信堅(jiān)持不下來(lái)!

On the morning of the third day, my uncle, who had brought me along to the riverbeds on the first day, made a retreat, saying “oh, my, I couldn’t go any further. I’m really worn-out.” His hands were also afflicted with blood blisters and a layer of skin scraped off his shoulder. After seeing him off, my parents did not ask me to return to work. A robust man even can’t do this, let alone a child! There and then, my stubborn character did not allow me to concede. Still I did not believe I could not keep at it.


Of the earth diggers snaking along the riverbeds, only a half kept working until the last day, I among them. My hands were already growing callused, and my shoulders numb with loads.


New Year’s Eve was the pay day of the brickyard. In order to get the money, I had my first stamp made in my lifetime. Seeing the two characters “Hu Min” carved on the stamp, I especially felt a sense of accomplishment. When I gave just a little over ten yuan to Mom, I suddenly saw her tears swelling in the eyes. Instantly followed my own tears welling up in my eyes and a smile on my face - at last, I could make some money to help the family!


By convention of my hometown, on New Year’s Eve, one should take a shower and put on clean clothes. When taking off the clothes, I found that there had been a thick layer of clotted blood on my shoulder. The blood clots were already glued to my shirt on the body. Even just pulling it a bit would cause heart-stinging pain in me, to say nothing of taking it off. For fear that Mom might see this, I gave myself a quick rub, and then put on new clothes with the old ones still on.

晚上母親洗衣服.找不見(jiàn)舊襯衫,就問(wèn)我:“你那舊襯衣呢?”我說(shuō):“我放在那里了! “在哪里呀?”母親來(lái)回翻找。我看瞞不過(guò)去,才說(shuō)還穿在身上。母親讓我把舊襯衫脫下來(lái),我脫下了外面的衣服,露出了那件脫不下來(lái)的舊襯衫。當(dāng)母親見(jiàn)到襯衫上的血痂,淚水一下就涌了出來(lái)??

In the evening, when Mom started to do the washing, she could not find my used shirt, so she asked: “Where is your used shirt?”

“I just put it in there.” I replied. “But where?” she insisted, rummaging around in the room.

Knowing that I could no longer cover it up, I had to tell her that the old shirt was still on me. Then she asked me to take it off. When I took off the outfit, the shirt I could not manage to take off caught her eyes. Seeing the clotted blood on the shirt, all of a sudden, she burst into tears….


Such is the story of the little sum of money I made with blood and sweat. And it is just this money-making experience that has made me understand a truth to live by: However hard your undertaking is, as long as you do not give up, you’ll be able to carry it through to the end; once you carry it through to the end, you will make it!


Since then, I have made some achievements in my career, which are surely attributed to this unusual experience. Although I have earned only a bit over ten yuan, who should have said this is not the first pot of gold in my life?

摘自《英語(yǔ)世界》雜志 (2008年12期)





媽媽陪著我去花卉批發(fā)市場(chǎng)進(jìn)玫瑰。我詢(xún)問(wèn)了一下玫瑰的價(jià)格。賣(mài)花的阿姨告訴我:“今年的玫瑰比較貴,3元一枝。每一扎有20枝,一扎80元”聽(tīng)到以后,我覺(jué)得玫瑰花的價(jià)錢(qián)是有點(diǎn)貴,可是我也不能半途而廢,不能退縮。媽媽用我過(guò)年的壓歲錢(qián)240元買(mǎi)了四扎玫瑰。阿姨用玻璃紙幫我把玫瑰花包扎起來(lái)。我這時(shí)覺(jué)得這些玫瑰花就像一個(gè)一個(gè)的玫瑰花仙子,在空中翩翩起舞。媽媽拿來(lái)一個(gè)水桶 ,把這些玫瑰花全部放在了水桶里,媽媽說(shuō),這樣玫瑰花就不會(huì)缺水而死了。

我提著桶,步行來(lái)到了柳巷大街 。街上有很多的大姐姐也在買(mǎi)玫瑰花,我的心不由的緊張起來(lái),走進(jìn)步行街,到處都是川流不息的人群。我提著桶走進(jìn)人群中,一對(duì),兩對(duì),三對(duì),情侶從我身邊走過(guò),我想問(wèn)但又不敢問(wèn)。這時(shí),又有一對(duì)情侶從我身邊走過(guò),我鼓起勇氣舉著一支玫瑰走到那位哥哥面前說(shuō):“哥哥,給這位漂亮的姐姐買(mǎi)一枝玫瑰花吧!”這時(shí),哥哥總會(huì)慷慨解囊,買(mǎi)下那枝玫瑰花?捎械娜苏f(shuō)這玫瑰花太貴了,我要使出“殺手锏”了,我說(shuō):“愛(ài)情怎么能用金錢(qián)來(lái)衡量呢?”哥哥也被我說(shuō)的不好意思了,只好買(mǎi)下它。之后我又順利地賣(mài)了七八枝玫瑰。正當(dāng)我覺(jué)得前途一片光明的時(shí)候,我遇上了“攔路虎”











相關(guān)熱詞搜索:第一桶 人生 人生的第一桶金讀后感 我人生的第一桶金作文

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