

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-24 來源: 人生感悟 點擊:

  摘要:目的 探討中醫(yī)5種治療模式指導下的惡性淋巴瘤中醫(yī)治療。方法 收集2013年2月—2017年4月遼寧中醫(yī)藥大學附屬醫(yī)院腫瘤科就診的惡性淋巴瘤患者的中西醫(yī)治療資料,采用Microsoft Excel及SPSS19.0軟件對數據進行統(tǒng)計整理分析總結。 結果 防護及加載治療階段主要應用健脾化痰組中藥湯劑口服并配合扶正為主的中藥注射液治療;鞏固及維持治療階段較多應用柴胡龍骨牡蠣湯配合中成藥物口服治療;單純中醫(yī)治療階段應用健脾化痰組及滋陰益氣組中藥湯劑配合中藥注射液治療。 結論 惡性淋巴瘤的中醫(yī)5種治療模式包含各西醫(yī)治療階段,可指導同期的中醫(yī)診療方案。
  中圖分類號:R733.4 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1007-2349(2018)02-0011-04
  Discussion on Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Malignant Lymphoma
  from Five Modes of TCM Treatment
  JU Chun1, YIN Dong-feng2, XING Xiang-rong2
 。1. Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang 110000, China;
  2.Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang 110000, China)
  【Abstract】Objective: To study the TCM treatment of malignant lymphoma under the guidance of five kinds of TCM treatment modes. Methods: The data of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment for the malignant lymphoma patients who came to see doctors in Department of Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from February 2013 to April 2017, were collected and analyzed by Microsoft Excel and SPSS19.0 software. Results: In the stage of protection and loading, the patients were treated with Jianpi Huatan decoction combined with Fuzheng injection. In the stage of consolidation and maintenance, the patients were treated with Bupleurum oyster decoction combined with oral TCM patent medicine. In the stage of simple TCM treatment, the patients were treated with spleen-tonifying phlegm-reducing decoction and yin-eiching and qi-boosting decoction together with TCM injection treatment. Conclusion: The five modes of Chinese medicine treatment for malignant lymphoma include various stages of western medicine treatment, which can guide TCM diagnosis and treatment programs in the same period.
  【Key words】malignant lymphoma, five modes of TCM treatment, treatment analysis, appearance-sprite theory
  1 資料與方法
  1.1 數據來源 2013年2月—2017年4月遼寧中醫(yī)藥大學附屬醫(yī)院腫瘤科就診患者(包括病房和殷東風教授門診)的以惡性淋巴瘤為第一診斷的患者。
  1.2 納入標準 經病理學或細胞學明確診斷為惡性淋巴瘤(包括霍奇金淋巴瘤和非霍奇金淋巴瘤);四診資料完善;選取包括重復就診患者。
  1.3 排除標準 ①就診資料不完全,中醫(yī)四診不明確。②門診收入院患者不重復納入。③合并其他惡性腫瘤。④死亡、出院患者。
  1.4 研究方法
  1.4.1 分組標準 根據中醫(yī)5種治療模式指導將患者分為5種中醫(yī)診療階段[2]:圍手術期、放化療、靶向治療期間的患者處于中醫(yī)防護治療階段;有合并癥、高齡、不能耐受標準計量化療及體質狀態(tài)好的部分放療期患者處于中醫(yī)加載治療階段;術后、放化療后無需輔助治療或已完成輔助治療的患者處于中醫(yī)鞏固治療階段;放化療后疾病穩(wěn)定的帶瘤患者處于中醫(yī)維持治療階段;不適合或不接受手術、放療、化療、分子靶向治療的患者處于單純中醫(yī)治療階段。

相關熱詞搜索:探析 中醫(yī)治療 中醫(yī) 模式 治療

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