
Energy。樱澹悖酰颍椋簦鵢Nano Energy

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-27 來源: 人生感悟 點擊:

     ERA OF OIL: International oil prices are skyrocketing, influenced by world political factors, demand and supply. Safeguarding supplies has become the focus of all nations
  With an increasing number of countries becoming industrialized, energy, the so-called blood of modern economies, is becoming increasingly important. Energy security has become an important factor that directly influences world economic stability and international relations. In an article posted on People"s Daily Online, Liu Jianfei, professor at the International Strategic Research Center of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, shares his opinions on energy security.
  In July, the G8 summit and its outreach session held in St. Petersburg, Russia took energy security as a primary subject, which demonstrates its vital position in the international security forum.
  Peace and development are the two major themes in today’s world, as well as the major ruling objective for most governments. However, both objectives are energy-related. The oil crisis in the 1970s left many countries with a lingering fear. The reason why the whole world has been paying close attention to Iran’s nuclear issue is that the problem not only relates to nuclear proliferation and regional security issues, but also, if not handled properly, will strike against the world oil supplies, jeopardize energy security and affect the prosperity and stability of the world economy. Once the global economy becomes turbulent and unstable, the vast majority of the countries in the world would not be able to conduct themselves virtuously.
  Although energy security is treated as a part of non-traditional issues, it will affect the traditional military security and influence international relations. In recent years, many disputes have arisen in the world as a result of energy entanglements. If not tackled properly, these disputes will seriously affect the relations between states, especially between big powers, which will eventually undermine regional stability.
  How to address energy security is a major problem facing the entire world. Some countries treat the energy issue by using traditional realistic thinking and make indiscreet remarks or criticisms about some developing countries’ increasing energy demands. They drum up support for the “energy threat” theory. It seems that they are the only eligible countries to consume energy on earth. It is irrational to ensure one’s own supplies by limiting the demand of other countries. Instead of effectively maintaining international energy security, such an approach will easily trigger conflicts and undermine world peace.
  The international community, especially big powers, needs to discard their outmoded ways of thinking when dealing with international energy security. What they should keep in mind is not how to divide the existing energy market and secure their vested interests, but how to make a bigger cake, how to develop new energy sources and improve energy efficiency, and, how to maintain sustainable energy development.
  Actually, all countries in the world, especially industrialized countries and those who are midway to industrialization, have tremendous common interests and strong potentials for cooperation. Countries should learn from each other about their strong points in technology, policy and management to tap new resources and economize on expense. With the development of science and technology, new energy will continue to emerge from time to time. The rapid updates from the fuel wood era to the coal era, and then to the oil era, have demonstrated that with the development of productive forces, the energy category will be updated, too.
  For the moment, there are many energy options available to humanity. Apart from the most commonly used oil and coal, there are other types of energy, such as nuclear energy, hydropower, wind power, solar energy, natural gas, biogas and bio-energy. Among them only oil reports a prominent gap between supply and demand. If the international community can strengthen communication and cooperation and join hands in the rational use of oil and other energy resources, the international energy security will be guaranteed and potential threats to the world peace and development caused by energy problems can be eliminated.

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