

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-11 來(lái)源: 人生感悟 點(diǎn)擊:

  這是一個(gè)令人震驚的記憶。   若干年前的一個(gè)秋季的下午,本來(lái)天空并沒(méi)有多少云,但是大約到了四點(diǎn)多一點(diǎn)的時(shí)候,從孔廟上空的東南方向,也就是人們現(xiàn)在所知道的九龍山方向,開始有一坨又一坨厚厚的云層秘密聚集。許多人看見(jiàn),開始云層雖然密厚,但卻是白色的,且近似凝滯,靜靜地定在九龍山頂就不動(dòng)了,讓人這么無(wú)端地觀賞著。這樣的情景大約過(guò)了一個(gè)多小時(shí),九龍山方向的云層就開始慢慢變灰,灰得沉重,灰得近似烏云。整個(gè)九龍山一帶就在烏云密布的壓迫下失去了顏色。天,黑得低矮,低矮得伸手就可以夠得著。然后緊接著就有了風(fēng)從南邊過(guò)來(lái),推動(dòng)著烏云由南向北涌去,就到了孔廟的上空。這時(shí)的天空已經(jīng)非常嚴(yán)肅,孔廟里也已經(jīng)寂靜,云卻涌得很急,風(fēng)也很急,有一道又一道的巨大閃電在孔廟上空劃過(guò),大地的一切都在閃電的照耀下暴露無(wú)遺,劈啪劈啪的雨點(diǎn)從零碎很快就變成一片,并且越來(lái)越大。
  On an autumn afternoon many years ago, at first there were few clouds in the sky. However, at about four o’clock, over the Jiulong Mountain to the southeast of the Confucian Temple, thick cloud layers started to mass together from various directions. Many people found that the white cloud layer seemed to pause over the Jiulong Mountain. About half an hour later, the cloud layer gradually became grey. Under the dense dark clouds, the entire Jiulong Mountain lost it original colors. The sky became so low that as if it could be touched by hand. Suddenly winds, blowing from south, pushed the dark clouds rushing to the north, and then reached the sky over the Confucian Temple. By that time, the sky had become very somber and it was silent in the Confucian Temple. Suddenly, continuous flashes of lightning shot across the sky. Then heavy rain fell to the ground.
  The heavy rain produced floods on the land of the Confucian Temple. The powerful wind blew everything in the temple. The ancient pine tree could not escape from the striking destruction.
  The next day, people were surprised to find that the ancient pine tree had been killed by a thunderbolt. Some people imagined the scene when the tree was destroyed by the thunderbolt: First, a flash of lightning crossed the sky. Then a giant fire ball burned over the crown of the tree. Then the fire ball, like melting glass, flew downward from the crown and burned the trunk…
  Nowadays, the dead pine tree still remains at the place where it was killed by the thunderbolt and is still well maintained by the workers responsible for protecting the Confucian Temple.
  The Master said, “To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To Remain unsourced even though one’s merits are unrecognized by others, is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?”
  The Master said, “‘Clever talk and a pretentious manner’ are seldom found in the Good.”

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:孔廟 霹靂 孔廟之霹靂樹 孔廟里面最老的樹 孔廟的樹有什么樹

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