
【老外說(shuō)老外】 奇葩說(shuō)第三季

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-02-17 來(lái)源: 人生感悟 點(diǎn)擊:

  編者按:   “雙語(yǔ)視窗”欄目從2006年開(kāi)辦,至今已經(jīng)走過(guò)了兩年的歷程,這些由在華外國(guó)友人撰寫(xiě)的小文章,以他們?cè)谌A所見(jiàn)所聞為切入點(diǎn),生動(dòng)具體地反映出東西方觀念、習(xí)俗的異同,也向我們提出了一個(gè)個(gè)既有趣又值得深思的問(wèn)題。欄目一再連載得益于讀者反饋中的正面回應(yīng)。
  Like most French people living in a foreign country, I feel more French now than ever before. Living in China has given me the distance I needed to look at my compatriots with a more critical eye.
  It has also helped me to realize that Europeans and Americans are very dissimilar. Whereas back in Europe I always used to think about the differences between the French and the Germans, or Italians and Spaniards, I now think more in terms of similarities. A cultural conflict exists between our two continents, one in which France may well be the most vocal adversary of America.
  One point of contention is obviously language: Until relatively recently French was a strong rival of English as an international language, and French-speakers are still resisting the encroachment of English. As the number of my French-speaking acquaintances from Africa, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium and Vietnam attests, French is by no means a negligible competitor of English internationally. And when we do acknowledge the importance of English, we mean British English, not the American variety.
  Another contrast is political. Europe is a mosaic of smaller countries, with various languages and customs, whereas America is one big country without any powerful neighbors to compete with it. Many European countries have had a period of glory, a golden age of power and cultural influence: for France it was the period from 1648 to 1815, for England the 19th century, for Germany the late 19th and early 20th century.Therehave always been declining powers and emerging ones nearby.In this sense America is more like China, a nation of continental scale surrounded by lesser states. (Remember that even Japan has only been considered a powerful country for about a century now.) This may be one reason why China and America seem so afraid of each other, while Europe is still too disunited to be much of a threat to these bigger powers.
  Associated with this difference in scale there are many differences in attitude. For example, get a Frenchman to talk about his job and he’ll tell you funny stories: the last big mistake he made in a meeting with a client or the success of the pretty new secretary in the office-in other words, tales for good friends. In contrast, an American will start “explaining” what his job involves, sounding more like a teacher than a friend.
  French films also often adopt the perspective of the “bad student” at the back of the classroom. Popular yet refined, cinema may be the most representative of the arts. American cinema is full of good cops (Supercop) and good soldiers (Rambo), whereas French films tend to make fun of the police and the military. In Europe we like gentleman burglars, spies, people defying authority: they have a story, a past, depth-everything that conventional “good” people lack.One is always wondering what led them to choose the bad side, or indeed if it truly is the bad side.
  The difference between Europe and America is apparent in economic arrangements as well. Europe is currently portrayed as conservative and ridiculously timid when “globalism” and the “Internet” those two buzzwords of our era, come up. One shouldn’t hesitate an instant, critics of Europe would have us believe, but plunge right into this modern world: and how wonderful it will be to have one economy, one culture, one language everywhere. But then French people ask where this economic model comes from, what culture will prevail, which language we shall use to communicate. I am personally quite scared when I think of what we are becoming, chattering with websurfers in simplified English about one-day problems.
  I believe the Chinese are quite used to this American way of approaching problems, and that it is actually more difficult for Chinese people to understand Europeans than Americans. With America in the ascendant, the Chinese tend to accept American ways of doing things. The Chinese may not like the situation: American rules are not Chinese rules. Still, the Chinese don’t seem to share our fear of global homogenization:they focus on catching up, on learning better English.
  We French are still quietly getting our feet wet in the sea of globalization:The water is chilly, so we take our time before diving in,we don’t want to drown. The Chinese are now swimming very well, but they don’t control the temperature of the water or the height of the waves. They are good students, not the teacher. But Europe’s “bad students” may after all be the people who have the next round of good ideas, it’s already very late for them to determine the character of the web. The French may strike others as good friends but bad business partners. I am sure we can be both.省略)
  責(zé)編:周 瑾

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