

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 人生感悟 點擊:

  摘要:目的 優(yōu)選從龍牙楤木藥材乙醇提取物中水解得皂苷元齊墩果酸的工藝。方法 采用Plackett-Burman設計聯(lián)用CCD效應面法(方法1)與正交試驗設計(方法2)對龍牙楤木藥材中皂苷元齊墩果酸的水解工藝進行優(yōu)選。方法1以皂苷元齊墩果酸質(zhì)量分數(shù)為因變量,水解時間、鹽酸濃度、料液比為自變量;方法2以皂苷元齊墩果酸質(zhì)量分數(shù)為因變量,以水解時間、水解溫度、鹽酸濃度、料液比為自變量。采用Design expert 8.0.6 Trial軟件進行分析。結果 根據(jù)試驗結果并綜合考慮實際生產(chǎn)情況,方法1確定的最佳工藝為加15~18倍量10%~12%鹽酸回流水解45~70 min,方法2確定的最佳工藝為加15倍量10%鹽酸回流水解60 min。結論 2種方法優(yōu)選的最佳工藝所得齊墩果酸質(zhì)量分數(shù)相差不大,但方法1直觀方便、精密度和重復性高、可預測性好。
  中圖分類號:R284.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1005-5304(2018)01-0059-05
  Technology Optimization of Hydrolyzing Aralia Saponins from Alcohol Extracts of Aralia elata
  YAO Li-qin, TIAN Ming
  Key Laboratory of Chinese Materia Medica, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150040, China
  Abstract: Objective To optimize process of hydrolyzed oleanolic acid from Aralia elata medicinal alcohol extract. Methods Plackett-Burman combined with CCD response surface design method (method 1) and orthogonal experimental design method (method 2) were used to optimize process of hydrolyzed oleanolic acid from Aralia elata medicinal alcohol extract. In method 1, the content of oleanolic acid was the dependent variable, and the hydrolysis time, the hydrochloric acid concentration, and the ratio of material to liquid were set as the independent variables; In method 2, the content of oleanolic acid was the dependent variable, and the hydrolysis time, hydrolysis temperature, the hydrochloric acid concentration, and the ratio of material to liquid were set as the independent variables. Design expert 8.0.6 Trial software was used to analyze the data. Results Considering the actual production situation, method 1 determined the optimum process was to add 15–18 times the amount of 10% to 12% hydrochloric acid, reflux hydrolysis 45–70 min; method 2 determined the optimum process was 15 times the amount of 10% hydrochloric acid, reflux hydrolysis 60 min. Conclusion By comparing method 1 and method 2, the optimum process was selected, and the difference of the content of oleanolic acid is not great. However, the former is more intuitive and convenient, with high precision repeatability, and predictability.
  Keywords: Plackett-Burman design; central composite design response surface methodology; orthogonal design; Aralia elata; oleanolic acid; hydrolysis technology
  龍牙楤木Aralia elata(Miq.)Seem.又稱遼東楤木,是近年來國內(nèi)外研究頻繁的食藥材[1-2],藥用部位主要是根皮、莖皮及葉,有效成分總皂苷可達7.0%以上[3-4],研究表明,其主要含楤木皂苷A、B、C等140余種,其苷元多為齊墩果酸[5],通過水解皂苷可

相關熱詞搜索:水解 優(yōu)選 提取物 乙醇 藥材

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