

發(fā)布時間:2019-08-25 來源: 人生感悟 點擊:

  摘 要:為了解煙葉生理變化,掌握品種特性,以龍江911、JY-2-03和云87為試驗材料,同等試驗條件下,測定根系發(fā)育情況,葉綠素含量,鮮葉的主要化學成分以及烘烤后煙葉化學成分。結果表明,根鮮干重在移栽后70~80 d積累最快,并且根系活力達到最強。鮮葉總糖含量在移栽后40~50 d時有所下降,50~70 d開始上升,移栽后70 d又開始下降;還原糖含量的變化在整個生育期先升后降;總植物堿含量先上升后下降,移栽后70~80 d對煙堿的積累很關鍵。
  中圖分類號:S572 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1006-060X(2017)06-0077-04
  Chemical Composition and Dry Matter Change of Tobacco Leaves during the Ripening of Flue-Cured Tobacco
  SUN Li-juan1,AN Cheng-rong1,WU Guo-he1,QI Xiao2,SHAN Jia-jie2,GAO Ge-nong2,JIANG Zheng-yi2
 。1. Agricultural Sciences Research Institute of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Longjing 133400, PRC; 2. China National Tobacco Corp Jilin Corporation, Changchun 131000, PRC)
  Abstract:In order to understand the physiological changes of tobacco leaves and master varietal characteristics, took Longjiang 911, JY-2-03 and Yun 87 as test material, under the same test conditions, the root development, chlorophyll content, the main chemical components of fresh leaves and the chemical components of flue-cured tobacco leaves were determined. The results showed that the root dry weight was accumulating fastest after transplanting 70-80 days, and the root vigor was the strongest.The total sugar content of fresh leaves decreased after transplanting 40-50 days, 50-70 days began to rise, and decline after 70 days; the content of reducing sugar increased first and then decreased at the whole growth stage; the total alkaloid content increased first and then decreased, after transplanting 70-80 days is the key to nicotine accumulation.
  Key words:flue-cured tobacco; chemistry; dry matter
  1 材料與方法
  1.1 供試材料
  1.2 試驗方法
  試驗在延邊農科院試驗田進行,前茬作物為大豆,秋翻、春耙、春起壟。株行距0.5 m×1.2 m。每個品種種植面積為60 m2,不設重復。施肥和栽培等技術參照一般生產田技術規(guī)程進行。
  1.3 測定項目
  煙株進入旺長期起至煙葉成熟,每隔10 d測定根、莖、葉鮮干重,根體積和根系活力。同時測定葉綠素含量,并取鮮葉烘干,測定鮮葉的主要化學成分:總糖、還原糖、總植物堿、總氮、蛋白質、氯和鉀含量。各項指標測定方法為:總糖和還原糖,YC/T159—2002煙草及煙草制品水溶性糖測定(連續(xù)流動法);總氮,YC/T33—1996煙草及煙草制品總氮的測定(克達爾法);蛋白質,間接法測定;氯,YC/T162—2011煙草及煙草制品氯的測定(連續(xù)流動法);鉀,YC/T217—2007煙草及煙草制品鉀的測定(連續(xù)流動法);葉綠素,SPAD儀器測定;根系活力,TTC法測定。
  1.4 數據處理
  2 結果與分析
  2.1 干物質積累
  2.1.1 根莖葉鮮重變化 由圖1可知,根系鮮重是逐漸增加的,移栽后70~80 d增加最快,且3個品種根系鮮重在生育前期基本相似,移栽后60 d開始鮮重差距逐漸拉大,JY-2-03鮮重最高接近800 g。莖鮮重在移栽后60~70 d增加較快,JY-2-03莖鮮重大于其他2個品種。葉片鮮重生長速度快,JY-2-03和龍江911在移栽后50~60 d增長最快,云87在移栽后70~80 d鮮重增長最快。

相關熱詞搜索:烤煙 煙葉 過程中 化學成分 規(guī)律

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