

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-02 來源: 人生感悟 點擊:

考研網(wǎng)權(quán)威發(fā)布2016考研英語一作文輔導(dǎo):第二段的具體寫作框架,更多2016考研英語一作文輔導(dǎo)相關(guān)信息請訪問考研網(wǎng)。 本文主要內(nèi)容為第二段寫作。






  (現(xiàn)實中大家熱議XX話題。大家對此有不同的聲音,但我…)In reality, the subject about +N/doing sth has long been a buzz in network community, the public as well as the media. Though a variety of voices can be heard,

  I totally oppose that+句子/ (2005年——people turn a blind eye to their aging parents)

  I cannot agree more with you .

  I can not oppose more against +N/I totally agree that+ 句子/ (2001愛心: love would brighten darkness/ love would cast light to the dark and brighten it. Where love would be, it will light up gloom)

  I highly recommend that we should discourage people from doing sth (97吸煙—— discourage people, especially the youth, from smoking)

  I can not agree more with the point that/ ( people are easily addicted to smoking and we should discourage them from doing that.)


  (圖片反映的現(xiàn)象在快速發(fā)展中國各地區(qū)屢見不鮮,因此,這值得所有人的關(guān)注)In fact, the phenomenon reflected/mirrored by the cartoon typically occurs in many parts/regions of China, which are developing with breakneck speed, therefore, so it merits special attention from all walks of life.

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:2018考研英語一作文輔導(dǎo):第二段的具體寫作框架 2016年考研英語作文 2016考研英語二真題

版權(quán)所有 蒲公英文摘 www.newchangjing.com