

發(fā)布時間:2020-10-14 來源: 民主生活會 點擊:


  勤政廉政述職報告 勤政廉政述職報告







 統(tǒng)籌推進,充分發(fā)揮基層黨組織的戰(zhàn)斗堡壘作用和共產(chǎn)黨員的先鋒模范作用,積極參與了盈江地震捐款活動,社區(qū)支部全體黨員共捐款 780 元;為隆重紀念中國共產(chǎn)黨成立 90 周年,豐富黨員活動形式,增進黨員之間的交流,社區(qū)支部組織紅歌合唱隊編排了紅色經(jīng)典歌劇《江姐》選段《紅梅贊》、《革命人永遠是年輕》合唱歌曲參加了龍翔街道黨工委主辦的慶祝建黨成立 90 周年文藝演出。


 社區(qū)黨員發(fā)展工作始終以堅持標準、保證質(zhì)量、改善結(jié)構(gòu)、慎重發(fā)展為原則,規(guī)范發(fā)展程序,把優(yōu)秀的青年人才選到黨組織中來,同時為選拔社區(qū)后備干部做好準備。目前,我社區(qū)現(xiàn)有黨員 19 名,新發(fā)展黨員 1 名,轉(zhuǎn)正黨員 2 名,教育引導并確定為積極分子 1 名。黨員年齡結(jié)構(gòu)較為合理,20-45 歲黨員占 64%,受教育程度為年。


 1、社會治安綜合治理工作:社區(qū)制定和完善了相應的管理制度和工作措施,為綜合治理整體工作的推進構(gòu)筑了有效的運行方式和組織制度保障。今年全年,我社區(qū)調(diào)委會共調(diào)解了民間糾紛 16 起,調(diào)解率為 100%。全年共上報工作簡報 99 期。以確保重大節(jié)慶期間的社會穩(wěn)定為工作重點,維護社區(qū)平安、和諧


 建立工會組織的要求,我們今年 9 月份已圓滿完成街道工會工委給我們下達新建企業(yè)工會的任務。轄區(qū)目前截止共組建非公有制企業(yè) 60 個,其中今年新建工會小組企業(yè)達 19 家;建立團組織 3 家,開展夏令營活動 1 次。

  社區(qū)婦聯(lián)上報文明樓院 5 個,五好文明家庭 3 戶,積極開展了工、青、婦工作百日會戰(zhàn)的任務。3、計劃生育工作:全年計生、 計協(xié)宣傳活動舉行了 16

 次,舉辦計生、計協(xié)培訓講座 8 次,收取計生、計協(xié)經(jīng)費共計 1200 元;向外來務工人員發(fā)放宣傳包 1500 只,一年來社區(qū)未發(fā)現(xiàn)有違法生育現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。4、科普、文體、健教工作:組織文體、科普活動 8 次其中是建黨 90 周年文藝表演、籃球比賽,海鷗節(jié)迎新年健康跑,

 青少年夏令營活動等,共有 110 參加;健康教育工作今年利用黑板報宣傳健康知識 12 期、上街宣傳 8 次、大型專題講座 4 場,發(fā)放各類資料 11400 份。


 一是加強作風建設,我的工作就是上為黨委政府做好服務,下為群眾辦實事。因此,在任何時候,都要做到權(quán)為民用、勤政為民。圍繞勤政廉政,我著重做了以下三個方面工作,一是加大黨務、政務公開力度。二是全面加強黨員干部的責任意識、x 意識和形象教育意識,堅持做到四個一:即說好每一句話,辦好每一件事,接待好每一個群眾,做好每一天工作,使社區(qū)的整體服務水平上升到一個新的高度,




  20xx 年 xx 月 xx 日


 我叫 xx,現(xiàn)為成莊礦綜掘二隊主管技術(shù)員。在這一年來,我依照礦以人為本,安全第一,生命至上的安全治理理念。在上級領(lǐng)導的正確領(lǐng)導下,協(xié)助隊長帶領(lǐng)全隊職工,











 20xx 年 xx 月 xx 日


 根據(jù)縣紀委、縣委組織部《關(guān)于開展黨政領(lǐng)導干部20xx 年述職述廉工作》的通知,為了加強黨風廉政建設,促進干部勤政廉潔建設,現(xiàn)將本人 20xx 年度在履職、勤政廉政等方面的情況述職述廉報告如下,請予以評議:

 20xx 年,本人在局黨委的集體領(lǐng)導下,依靠班子的活力和集體的智慧,在縣委、政府的領(lǐng)導下,在州公安局的業(yè)務指導下,在局黨委的統(tǒng)一部署和安排下,在各科所隊室的配合支持下,在全局民警的幫助下,在政工干部的努力下,以實踐科學發(fā)展觀為指針,組織全局民警開展深入學習實踐科學發(fā)展觀活動,團結(jié)拼搏、開拓進取、扎實工作、轉(zhuǎn)變作風、深入基層,站在一盤棋的高度,狠抓了全局的隊伍管理思想政治工作,牢固樹立抓隊伍是關(guān)鍵的觀念,為增強民警的愛崗敬業(yè)精神,提高民警的業(yè)務水平,努力做到在執(zhí)法中搞好服務、在服務中強化執(zhí)法。實現(xiàn)了全局政治思想工作有起色、有進步,基本完成了政工方面的各項工作任務目標,使學習實踐科學發(fā)展觀活動得到縣委的表彰獎勵,并得到省、州、縣領(lǐng)導的充分肯定,個人被縣委通報表揚。



  抓政治建警。牢固樹立立警為公、執(zhí)法為民思想理念,加強政治思想建設,樹立全心全意為人民服務的宗旨意識。在學習方面:一是認真學習馬列主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論、x 重要思想、學習實踐科學發(fā)展觀相關(guān)讀本,學習黨的路線、方針、政策,黨和國家的政令、政紀,使自己在理論上得到很大的提高,政治上保持清醒。


 條例》、《紀律處分條例》、全國、全省、全州公安工作與思想政治工作中組織、人事等與政工密切相關(guān)的有關(guān)業(yè)務書籍,使自己在業(yè)務上有很大提高,避免在業(yè)務決策時出現(xiàn)失誤;三是注重實踐中學習和提高,為搞好工作,進入業(yè)務角色,工作中十分注重謙虛謹慎,多請示領(lǐng)導,多與州局政治部、縣委組織部、縣人事局聯(lián)系,多向民警們征求意見,邊學邊干,以取他人之長來補自己不足。通過學習理論來指導自己的工作,以提高自己的業(yè)務素質(zhì),使自己在工作中能按時按量完成各項業(yè)務工作。自己在一年的學習中撰寫讀書筆記 2 萬余字、心得體會 2 篇、履職報告 1 篇。

  抓從優(yōu)待警。為構(gòu)建和諧警營,提升民警工作的主觀能動性、調(diào)動民警的工作積極性,我以推進和諧警營建設為主線,落實從優(yōu)待警措施,切實在政治上關(guān)心民警,精神上鼓勵民警,工作上愛護民警,生活上體恤民警,最大限度地增加內(nèi)部的和諧因素,努力營造心齊氣順風正勁足的良好氛圍。積極推出了從優(yōu)待警十條措施,從生活上、工作上、待遇上關(guān)心民警。還組織民警參與感黨恩、唱紅歌文藝晚會,民族體育競技活動、拔河等文體活動;組織民警參加了全州公安機關(guān)第三屆文藝匯演暨首屆警營文化周活動,積極籌備x 年春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會和警營文化建設,形成健康向上氛圍,樹立民警自信,增強集體榮譽感。

  同時組織全局在職民警 312 人、工人 11 人、離退

 休人員 67 人體檢;針對今年甲型 h1n1 流感疫情,為民警和部分協(xié)勤注射流感疫苗;還開展了民警生日慰問活動,在每名民警生日時送上生日蛋糕和生日禮物以及局黨委的慰問信;與縣人民醫(yī)院協(xié)商,開通了民警醫(yī)療救護綠色通道;在春節(jié)前夕向全局民警、離退休民警、消防官兵 500 余人送去了局黨委的《慰問信》;組建了家政服務隊,開通了警營 110,并向民警家屬發(fā)了《致全局民警家屬的一封信》300 余份。


  抓教育培訓。開展了輪訓輪值,戰(zhàn)訓合一,著力提高民警素質(zhì)。一是實行機關(guān)、派出所民警分批進行集中訓練,參加城區(qū)治安巡邏,提高民警的實戰(zhàn)能力,一年來已開展了6 期輪訓輪值,為強化隊伍建設年活動,組織全局民警考試;二是加強信息化培訓,向科技要警力、戰(zhàn)斗力,組織民警提高網(wǎng)上辦公能力,組織民警開展了信息化考試;三是組織開展處突實戰(zhàn)演練,提高應急處置能力。


 警工作能力,建立親民公安隊伍。同時,建立政工紀委執(zhí)法監(jiān)督制度,及時發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,及時整改;二是以學習實踐科學發(fā)展觀活動及大走訪活動為契機,組織全局民警為白沙鄉(xiāng)捐款 34100 元幫扶困難群眾和修建公路,同時組織民警為木引瞿少海家捐款;三是制定了《甕安縣公安局關(guān)于民警幫扶留守兒童、孤寡老人、特別困難戶的通知》,要求每名中層以上干部負責幫扶 3 戶,每名民警負責幫扶 1 戶。通過這些為民辦實事好事的舉措,切實拉近了警民和諧關(guān)系。



  三是扎實抓好隊伍政治思想工作,本著交心、談心的思想進一步了解民警想什么、盼什么、怨什么、需什么的原則,進行了交心、談心,從多方面找干警談心 46 人次;為掌握隊伍思想狀況,寫出了 1 份有價值的思想動態(tài)分析報告;

 為落實從優(yōu)待警,對 22 名生病的民警組織了看望;對 14 名民警家中有婚喪嫁娶的進行了慰問;對 67 名有政策兌現(xiàn)民警個人的福利,按政策進行了兌現(xiàn);對 55 名科所隊長以上干部選送到省、州參加培訓;對 234 名民警符合條件的晉級、晉銜,按規(guī)定進行了上報辦理;對 26 名試用期滿的副科級干部和 17 名連續(xù)在派出所工作 15 年以上的同志上報縣委組織部要求進行考察;對 6 名科所隊長因工作需要辦理了任免手續(xù);對 28 名民警的工作崗位進行了調(diào)整;對內(nèi)設機構(gòu)中層干部副科級缺位 24 個職位、派出所 25 個職位按程序上報要求組織部考察選定人員。

  四是掛靠政工監(jiān)督室兼任辦公室工作的有科學實踐發(fā)展觀、大走訪等一系列活動均抓出了成效,省、州公安機關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)了我局的經(jīng)驗作法,得到州、縣、局領(lǐng)導對工作的肯定。五是抓好公安宣傳工作,為弘揚正氣,宣傳典型,制定了《公安宣傳工作意見》和《公安宣傳獎勵辦法》,動員組織全局民警積極寫稿,許多好的經(jīng)驗做法被多家媒體宣傳報道。自己帶頭撰寫公安工作方面的稿件,全局在各級媒體共刊發(fā)稿件 125 篇,州級以上媒體刊稿 52 篇,縣級媒體刊稿 73 篇。其中高考期間組織全局警車義務接送考生新聞在貴州電視臺新聞聯(lián)播中得到播出。還編制印發(fā)了《安全防范知識讀本》1 萬冊,發(fā)放《致全縣人民群眾的公開信》、《致學生家長的一封信》4 萬余封。

 六是抓老干部的工作,我把離退休老干部工作與政工的其他工作同安排、同部署、同落實,經(jīng)?赐繂栯x退休老同志,積極為老干部們排憂解難。七是抓好工會、婦委會、共青團工作。我按照業(yè)務部門要求做到工作有計劃、有總結(jié),積極開展各項活動。八是抓好黨建工作。與 18 個支部經(jīng)常聯(lián)系,深入了解,扎實抓好新黨員的培養(yǎng)和發(fā)展工作,一年來發(fā)展新黨員 11 名,考察轉(zhuǎn)正 5 人,確定入黨積極分子 15 名。同時在草塘開展相約警備室活動和各項黨建工作。
















  20xx 年 xx 月 xx 日


 xx 年,在市委、市政府的正確領(lǐng)導下,本人認真踐行 x 重要思想,堅持立黨為公,執(zhí)政為民的根本宗旨,把發(fā)展作為黨委工作的第一要務,抓隊伍建設,建高效政府,保社會穩(wěn)定,促經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)全鎮(zhèn)廣大干群奮力拼搏,開拓創(chuàng)新,較好地完成了市委、市政府下達我鎮(zhèn)的各項目標任務。













  xx 年,魯莊同其它地方一樣,經(jīng)歷了非典、雨災的磨難,但在各級領(lǐng)導的關(guān)心和支持下,在廣大干群的共同努




 20xx 年 xx 月 xx 日

  construction opportunities, inheritance and innovation, to build the cloud temple of Buddhist culture, West queen culture two name card, full integration into the national provinces and cities, scenic spots construction and Silk Road Economic Belt construction, all efforts to build China Fobao shrine, the international Center for research on international and National West Queen Mother Buddha relic The base of cultural studies, the * * silk road has become the key point of economic sectors. The development of fusion, to fully developed culture tourism resources, improve the cultural content of tourism, the static

 static cultural resources and cultural elements dispersed fully activated, concentrated has a connotation, characteristic the Cultural Park, and create a bright spot, selling the traveling scenic area, and continuously improve the regional competitiveness and the impact of the cultural tourism industry * * force, efforts will create a cultural tourism has the advantage, can support across the development of county economy and the first important supporting industry.To fully grasp the project to go, strong support, efforts to improve the economic strength of the county. The project is a powerful engine to accelerate the development of county economy. The whole county to continuously strengthen the awareness of the project, in accordance with the requirements of 33411 overall project, find the breakthrough, hold on contact, continue to strengthen for the introduction, and construction of large projects to pull huge investment, pushing and promoting the great development. To closely guide planning planning projects, reflecting the strategic. Keen on the docking state, and the Silk Road economic zone construction, new urbanization, and

 aspects of Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation area construction planning, careful argument reserve Preparation of a number of the policy oriented, able to fight to win, come to reality, support the development of the strategic project * * years, demonstration projects more than 500 reserves, to introduce more investment to win to win the initiative. To break through the conventional introduction project, embodies the initiative. On the levels of responsibility, the county building grasping the project, grasping investment, a good atmosphere for the people of the whole county leaders and departments of all the main Township, is mainly responsible for the scratch as in the past, as an important responsibility to promote the development of exhibition, grasping investment, thinking carefully plan to break the normal procedure, the project, led the fight for the project, the full introduction of the project, especially not on ecological paper Ming County, the construction of major projects to stick, tracking, until convergence, to ensure that the annual air plant, for funding for the project exceeded 800 million yuan. To focus on the

 integration of the implementation of the project, reflect the real effectiveness of full financial capital

 42 pounds , there will be a restricted project funding package use, overall planning, focused on the people most concerned about, the most urgent problem of peoples livelihood and most looking forward to the economic and social development, the most significant issue, real change and pepper as a hit , and realize the project benefit maximization. Be strict with strict standards of project management, reflect the specification conscientiously implement the project to fan. Corporate responsibility system, the bidding system, the project management system as the main content of the project management system, strict approval procedures, strengthen the supervision and management of funds, to ensure that the project project specification operation, financial management.Two to persevere grasping industry, promote and promote income, further promoting the construction of new countryside. The three rural work is always the priority among priorities party work. The next to the development of modern agriculture, promote

 agricultural income of farmers as reinforce the three rural work, speed up the construction of New Countryside primary task. Efforts in emerging industries, and promote income, distribution facilities, strong foundation, focus on reform, build system, and make agriculture strong, rich farmers, rural beauty . To focus on expanding the capacity of the quality and efficiency of brand effect, promote industry development in depth market means. To continue to expand the production scale of the industry vigorously Promote the suitable area full coverage strategy, 550 thousand acres of orchard planting year, new greenhouse 2000, and shed 1000, and more than 20 breeding areas; to cultivate the main body of the market, accelerate the development of education leading enterprises, cooperative economic organization, family farms and other new market players, focus on Building Office, a group of competitive products, a complete industrial chain of agricultural leading enterprises in the name of the dragon, guide a farmer to increase income in market competition; to speed up the cultivation of industrial clusters, to support the

 red fruit Longyuan trading company, Zhengda feed, Furun poultry industry, animal husbandry industry ruentex Enterprises, expand the business. Die, to extend the industrial chain, promoting fruit, vegetables, livestock and other characteristics and advantages of industrial cluster development. To focus on the integration of multi element, to push group concept to promote the new rural construction. Focus on the construction of beautiful countryside, the planning group, the construction of ecological function, support, community service, democratic management, new farmers into the direction of reference are jade Kang Jia Wang Cun, twenty shop experience, fully integrated into the industry, ecological, cultural, tourism and other ideas, build a high standard grip * * high cliff, jade under 5 by AO Center Demonstration Village in Zhengjiagou Rui Feng; ditch, double key point, * * sanshilipu village, Wang The village relocation and Taiping Village, Wanyan Redcliffe Bay eswva project focusing on the village, the village integrated circuit Road, financial awards complement, reconstruction and other projects, and actively improve the basic

 conditions, big strong regulation of village environment, promoting new rural construction level. To focus on breaking the bottleneck to promote the solution bottle, comprehensive rural reform. To create the provinces rural comprehensive reform demonstration county as the goal, in efforts to improve the rural homestead system, advancing into the land circulation, the innovation of financial system in rural areas, deepen the reform of forest right system and other aspects of bold exploration and innovation, new technology, effectively solve the land, capital, talent the bottleneck of system Approximately, to stimulate the development of rural vitality.Three to take measures and grasping investment, to build the park, all the extension of the total industrial economy. The industrial economy is to boost county economy, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure into a breakthrough. The whole county to develop agricultural and sideline products processing, textile and building materials, energy sources such as the development of enterprise clusters, accelerate the construction of the construction industry the whole

 national economy. Venture investment. To encourage the people catch entrepreneurial success, leading to set up enterprises, Lingban park; constantly optimize the development environment, expanding multi investment attraction, let go of the development of non-public economy, and strive to force investment funds exceeded 44 billion yuan. To gather the elements Garden District . innovation park management mechanism, improve park infrastructure, accelerate the construction of Rui Rui River Customs Line Engineering; the enterprises in the park, in the project for land use approval number, support to expand financing, give full play to the park gathering effect.. to foster leading strong support. Focusing on playing to create * * Textile City objective to improve the grasp planning, to promote the two phase of the production line construction, into the natural fiber cotton industry, to ensure the completion of the main factory building and ancillary works before the end of the year, began the installation of equipment;; encourage Zhengda feed, poultry industry chain extension extension Furun, built office breeding base, the establishment of enterprise + base + farmer

 households business model Type of enterprise, realize mutual win-win. To develop resources increase stamina strength. To increase the pace of hair oil, development of coal resources, accelerate Gansu Gansu energy conversion and utilization of coal construction project area, * *, crude oil production exceeded 200 thousand tons, a strong industrial way relying on resources.Four to break through overall grasp, boosting up, accelerating urbanization. The city urbanization is the economic development of the important supporting, a significant symbol of social progress. The whole county to seize the central provinces, promote the urbanization opportunity, the county, the small town center, as the center of the village as an important node, accelerate the construction of urban and rural integration pattern. Scientific planning to actively integrate into the cloth layout. * * rich culture, ecological resources, historical elements and characteristics of the times, fully completed the fourth round of the overall planning and control features of the county planning, completed the urban village, shantytowns planning and

 related construction details of The key point of regulation, careful revision of small towns and the center of the village planning, the formation of organic integration of urban and rural planning system. To accelerate the construction. To grasp the good city comprehensive development, city landscape change * * transformation, the old city street renovation project to start building little heavy, Jinghe River Bridge, the county to expand city scale, expand the city space; multi; broaden the financing channels, speed up urban construction, such as * * *, jade center, radiation driven urban and rural integrated development. To implement fine management. The city planning law enforcement and comprehensive law enforcement together, around the municipal facilities maintenance, health cleaning, market regulation and other key governance, sustainable development Management to enhance the activities of the year of the city tube, the establishment of scientific management mechanism, the implementation of sophisticated management, and effectively solve the dirty and messy problem, improve the level of city management, consolidate solid health

 county to create results.Fifth, to grasp unremittingly innovation, exploration, ways, efforts to build cultural tourism brand. The cultural tourism is the greatest potential for future economic and social development will be * *, is the biggest advantage. The whole county to seize the great opportunities of Silk Road Economic Zone and the Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation area construction in accordance with with the Dunhuang West, East * * * of the objectives and requirements, the depth of excavation digging the regional culture resources, carefully build the brand of cultural tourism, as the adjustment of economic structure, change the mode of development into the new power. To elaborate planning. A focus to build a Chinese baby * * Buddha shrine, the queen mother of the West cultural birthplace. Gansu. Leisure and health resort, ecological livable city of cultural tourism city and the integration of urban and rural economic transformation demonstration county, complete the county cultural tourism development planning and the overall planning of high quality Dayun temple, fine crafted Wu Huanxian Martyrs Memorial Hall

 read detailed planning, leading the cultural tourism development. To accelerate the construction of major scenic spots. In accordance with the provinces and cities as the construction of scenic spots and one by one with more than four points space layout, to the cloud temple as the core, to the palace, Tianjiagou and South cave temple as nodes, and constantly improve the scenic spots, and strive to build the system, * * has become the core block of Pingliang --** scenic spot to actively docking. Market Hire experts. Scholars take the lead, set up special bodies, and carry out academic research, editing and publishing journal publications, promoting * * excellent culture; through the Internet, television and other modern media media and all kinds of festivals, to strengthen publicity and promotion, the introduction of a number of strategic investors, and intensify the construction of cultural tourism development, create new economic growth made to focus on training. To cultivate large industry. The formation of cultural tourism * * investment company, will focus on non heritage scenic spots and real estate assets under the overall return, unified planning, market

 operation, more diversified financing package, development; travel around the elements and health care, tourism travel real estate development as the starting point, construction investment Building office major cultural tourism projects; accelerate into the New Zealand silver regional tourism circle, fine lines, multi active lap, expand the market, improve the tourism comprehensive income.Six to the best to catch peoples livelihood, build a harmonious, all-round push and promote social development. To guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people is a long-term strategic task, but also to build a harmonious society important content. The whole county should adhere to Chi Huimin benefiting the people oriented, and efforts to protect and improve peoples livelihood, promote equal and quality public the process of service. To co-ordinate the development of social undertakings. Speeding up the city and rural social security system, constantly improve the social insurance coverage; insist to give priority to the development of education, improve school conditions do, balanced allocation of education resources, strengthen teaching management,

 to improve the quality of education in order to enhance the capacity of urban and rural areas; The health level of rural residents as the focus, continue to improve the basic...

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