發(fā)布時間:2020-10-12 來源: 民主生活會 點擊:
因為今天下午晚些時候 So stay with us because later this afternoon, 我們非常幸運能邀請到安娜·斯科特來做訪談 we"re lucky enough to be talking to Anna Scott, 她是好萊塢迄今最大牌的明星 Hollywood"s biggest star by far. 斯科特小姐的最新電影又一次占據(jù)了各大榜單首位 Miss Scott"s latest film is once again topping the charts. ?她或許是我無法忘懷的面容? ?She may be the face I can"t forget? ?是一絲欣喜
或是一絲遺憾? ?A trace of pleasure or regret? ?她是我的寶藏
抑或是我要付出的代價? ?May be my treasure or the price I have to pay? ?她是映射我美夢的明鏡? ?She may be the mirror of my dream? ?倒映在小河上的微笑? ?A smile reflected in a stream? ?她其實并非如外表那般光鮮亮麗? ?She may not be what she may seem inside her shell? ?她在人群中常常開懷大笑? ?She who always seems so happy in a crowd? ?眼神內(nèi)斂
又如此驕傲? ?Whose eyes can be so private and so proud? ?即便落淚
也不會讓人看見? ?No one"s allowed to see them when they cry? ?她是曇花一現(xiàn)的愛情? ?She may be the love that cannot hope to last? 諾 丁 山 ?從過去的陰霾向我走來? ?May come to me from shadows of the past? ?我至死都會銘記? ?That I"ll remember till the day I die? ?她或許是我幸存的原因? ?She may be the reason I survive? ?我尚且茍活的理由? ?The why and wherefore I"m alive? ?歷經(jīng)滄海桑田
她都是我的最愛? ?The one I"ll care for through the rough and ready years? ?我要將她的歡笑與淚水? ?Me, I"ll take her laughter and her tears?
?一一珍藏留念? ?And make them all my souvenirs? ?我要追隨她的腳步? ?For where she goes I"ve got to be? ?因為我人生的意義就是? ?The meaning of my life is she? ?她? ?She? ?她? ?Oh, she? 我當(dāng)然看過她的電影 Of course I"ve seen her films... 我也一直覺得她是個美人 and always thought she was, well, fabulous. 但我與她
相隔了十萬八千里 But, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in... 我住在這里
我最愛的倫敦一角 which is here, Notting Hill, my favorite bit of London. 這里在工作日會舉辦市集 There"s the market on weekdays 兜售各種各樣的水果蔬菜 selling every fruit and vegetable known to man. 這里有一家紋身店
店外有醉酒男子 The tattoo parlor with a guy outside who got drunk... 估計他現(xiàn)在也忘了當(dāng)初為什么要紋"我愛肯" and now can"t remember why he chose "I love Ken." 還有風(fēng)格激進(jìn)的理發(fā)店 The radical hairdressers where 《芝麻街》中的角色 剛理完出來的人看著都像甜餅怪一樣 everyone comes out looking like the Cookie Monster, 不管這是不是他們的本意 whether they want to or not. 然后一下就到了周末 And then, suddenly, it"s the weekend, 天剛亮
就有數(shù)百家小攤販突然冒出來 and from break of day hundreds of stalls appear out of nowhere, 填滿波特貝羅路
一直開到諾丁山門 filling Portobello Road, right up to Notting Hill Gate. 目之所及
And wherever you look
有成千上萬人正在購買♥♥著數(shù)不勝數(shù)的古董 thousands of people are buying millions of antiques, 有些是真品
有些看著就是假貨 some genuine and some... not quite so genuine. 很棒的一點是
我的很多好友 And what"s great is that lots of friends 最后都回到了倫敦的這里 have ended up in this part of London. 比如說這位托尼
從建筑師轉(zhuǎn)行成了廚師 That"s Tony, for example, architect turned chef, 最近用畢生積蓄 who recently invested all the money 投資了一家新餐廳 he ever earned in a new restaurant. 這就是多年來我每天生活的地方 And so, this is where I spend my days and years... 在這個城中的小村莊 in this small village in the middle of the city 一棟有著藍(lán)色大門的房♥子里 in a house with a blue door... 那是我和我妻子一起買♥♥的 that my wife and I bought together 之后她就拋下我和一個男人跑了 before she left me for a man... 那個男的長得和明星哈里森·福特一模一樣 who looked exactly like Harrison Ford. 而如今我在這里 And where I now 和一個房♥客過著詭異的同居生活
他叫... lead a strange half-life with a lodger called... 斯派克 Spike! 你能幫我參謀一下嗎
我有件特別重要的事 You couldn"t help me with an incredible important decision, could you? 那這件事會比 Is this important in comparison to, let"s say, 取消第三世界債務(wù)還要重要嗎 whether they should cancel Third World debt? 是的 That"s right. 我終于要和美麗的簡琳約會了
I am at last going out on a date with the great Janine, 我得確保選出一件合適的 T 恤衫 and I just wanna be sure I"ve picked the right T-shirt. -有哪幾件可供選擇
-你等著 - What are the choices? - Well, wait for it. 我 嗜 血 如 命 這是第一件
很酷吧 First there"s this one. Cool, huh? 好吧
這有點難表現(xiàn)出浪漫的感覺啊 Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really romantic note. 說得對
先別絕望 Point taken. Don"t despair. 如果要浪漫點的話 If it"s romance we"re looking for, 我正好有這么一件 I believe I have just the thing. 往下摸 說實話
這件吧 Yeah, well, there again, 她可能會覺得你不是在找真愛 she might not think you had true love on your mind. 好吧
還有一件 Right. Just one more. 真愛我來啦 True love here I come. 你是這世上 最美的女人 可以
這件正合適 Well, yeah. Yeah, that"s... that"s, um, perfect. 太好了
謝謝 Great. Thanks. -祝我好運吧
-好運 - Wish me luck. - Good luck. 想 挨 操 嗎
這不過是又一個糟糕透頂?shù)男瞧谌?And so it was just another hopeless Wednesday, 我照常步行一千碼左右穿過市集去工作 as I walked the thousand yards through the market to work, 我怎么也不會想到
never suspecting that 今天會徹底改變我的人生 this was the day that was gonna change my life forever. 對了
這就是我工作的地方 This is work, by the way, 我開的一家旅游書店 my little travel bookshop... -早
大人 - Morning, Martin. - Morning, Monsignor. 專賣♥♥旅游書籍的 Which, um, well, sells travel books, 實話說
銷量并不太好 and to be frank with you, doesn"t always sell many of those. 老樣子
大型促銷活動的盈利是 Classic. Profit from major sales push, 虧損 347 英鎊 minus £347. 要不要幫你買♥♥一杯卡布奇諾 Shall I, uh, go and get you a cappuccino? -幫你舒緩下痛苦
-好啊 - You know, ease the pain a bit. - Yeah, yeah. 最好來半杯
我只付得起半杯的錢 Better make it a half. All I can afford. 懂了
"半卡布"馬上就來 Get your logic. Demi-cappu coming right up. 請問有什么需要的嗎 Can I help you at all? 不用了
我就隨便逛逛 No, thanks. I"ll just... look around. 好吧 Fine. 那本其實不怎么樣 That book"s really not great. 先告訴你一聲 Just in case, you know, 免得你覺得看過了就得買♥♥下來
browsing turned to buying. You"d be wasting your money. 不過你要是對土耳其感興趣 But if it"s Turkey you"re interested in, 這本書就很好 um, this one, on the other hand, is very good. 我覺得這本書的作者是真去過土耳其的 I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, 這一點很有幫助 which helps. 里面還說到了關(guān)于烤肉串的趣事 There"s also a very amusing incident with a kebab, 書里還描述了其他很多趣事 um, which is one of many amusing incidents. 謝謝
我會考慮下 Thanks. I"ll think about it. 或者
有... Or, in the bigger hardback variety, there"s... 不好意思
失陪一下 I"m sorry. Can you just give me a second? 你好 Excuse me. -什么事
-有壞消息 - Yes? - Bad news. 什么 What? 我們在店里的這個地方裝了攝像頭 We"ve got a security camera in this bit of the shop. 那又怎樣 So? 于是我就看見你把一本書塞進(jìn)褲子里了 So I saw you put that book down your trousers. -什么書
-你褲子里的那本 - What book? - The one down your trousers. 我褲子里可沒有什么書 I don"t have a book down my trousers. 好吧 Right. 這樣吧
我先打電♥話♥報♥警♥ I tell you what. Um, I"ll call the police, and, um, 怎么說呢 what can I say,
你要是沒有把書塞進(jìn)褲子里的話 if I"m wrong about the whole "Book down the trousers" Scenario, 我真心道歉 I really apologize. 好吧
那如果... Okay. What if... 我褲子里真有一本書怎么辦 I did have a book down my trousers? 理想情況是等我回柜臺之后 Well, ideally, when I went back to the desk, 你就把《卡多根旅游指南之巴厘島》從褲子里拿出來 you"d remove the Cadogan Guide to Bali from your trousers... 要么擦干凈放回原處
要么買♥♥下來 and either wipe it and put it back or buy it. 待會兒見 I"ll see you in a sec. 抱歉 I"m sorry about that. 沒關(guān)系 No, it"s fine. 我本來打算偷一本的
現(xiàn)在改變主意了 I was gonna steal one, but now I"ve changed my mind. 還有作者簽名啊
好吧 Signed by the author, I see. 是的
我攔都攔不住 Yeah, couldn"t stop him. 你要是能找到一本未簽名版的 If you can find an unsigned one, 那可就值錢了 it"s worth an absolute fortune. 打擾一下 Excuse me. -怎么
-你能給我簽個名嗎 - Yes? - Can I have your autograph? 當(dāng)然可以 Sure. 給 Here. -你叫什么
-魯弗斯 - What"s your name? - Rufus. 你寫的是什么
What does it say? 這是我的簽名 That"s my signature. 上面寫的是"親愛的魯弗斯
你該坐牢" And above it, it says, "Dear Rufus, you belong in jail." 不錯 Good one. 你想要我的電♥話♥號♥碼嗎
Do you want my phone number? 很誘人 Tempting. 不過不用了
謝謝 But... no. Thank you. 我買♥♥這本 I will take this one. 好的
那么... Oh, right, right. So, uh... 現(xiàn)在想來
這本書其實也沒那么爛 Well, on second thoughts, um, maybe it"s not that bad after all. 實際上
還算經(jīng)典 Actually, it"s a sort of a classic, really. 沒提到過任何幼稚的烤肉故事 None of those childish kebab stories 畢竟現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)書里都會提到 you find in so many books these days. 不如這樣吧 And, um, I tell you what. 我白送你這本書 I"ll throw in one of those for free. 可以用來生個火 Useful for, uh, lighting fires, 或包個魚之類的 wrapping fish, that sort of thing. -謝謝了
-不客氣 - Thanks. - Pleasure. 你點的卡布奇諾咖啡 Cappuccino, as ordered. 謝謝 Thanks. 你一定不敢相信剛剛誰來店里了 I don"t think you"ll believe who was just in here.
Who? 名人嗎 Was it someone famous? -不
-不是嗎 - No, no, no. - No? 那得多讓人激動
是吧 Would be exciting, though, wouldn"t it, 真要是名人來了的話 if someone famous came into the shop? 你知道嗎
這事說起來真的很神奇 Do you know... and this is pretty amazing, actually... 但我有次遇到了林戈·斯塔爾[披頭士樂隊]but I once saw Ringo Starr. -在哪遇到的
-肯辛頓大街 - Where was that? - Kensington High Street. 起碼我覺得那是林戈 At least I think it was Ringo. 也可能是《屋頂上的提琴手》里的那個男的 It might have been that man from Fiddler on the Roof. -就是托比
-是托波吧 - You know, Toppy. - Topo!. 沒錯
托波 Yes, that"s right. Topo!. 林戈·斯塔爾實際上... Actually, Ringo Starr doesn"t... 跟托波長得一點都不像 doesn"t look at all like, uh, Topo!. 也是
當(dāng)時離我很遠(yuǎn) Yeah, but he was... he was quite a long way away from me. 所以可能不是他們?nèi)魏我粋 So actually it could"ve been neither of them. 我覺得那也是可能的 Yes, I suppose so, yes. -不算是典型的趣事吧
的確 - It"s not a classic anecdote, is it? - Not a classic, no. No. -再來一杯嗎
不了 - Another one? - Yes. No. 瘋狂一把吧
我要橙汁 Let"s go crazy. I"ll have an orange juice. -好的
-回見 - Okay, thanks. Bye-bye. - See you later.
該死 Shit! -我的天啊
真對不起 - Oh, my God! - Bugger! I"m so sorry. I"m so sorry. -來
-手拿開 - Here. Let me... - Get your hands off! 真的很抱歉
我就住在街尾 I"m really sorry. I live just over the street. 我那里有水
你可以洗干凈 I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up. 不用了
我只想找到我的車 No, thank you. I just need to get my car back. 我那里也有電♥話♥
五分鐘之內(nèi)... I also have a phone. I"m confident that in five minutes... 等你再站到這條街上
肯定能干干凈凈的 we could have you spick-and-span and back on the street again. 不是說你是站街妓♥女♥
不是那個意思 In the non-prostitute sense, obviously. 好吧..."就在街尾"具體是多遠(yuǎn) All right. Well... What do you mean, "Just over the street"? 距離有多少碼 Give it to me in yards. 18 碼[約 16.5 米]
藍(lán)色大門 Uh, 18 yards. That"s my house there with the blue front door. 請進(jìn)
我就...就... Come on in. I"ll just... I"ll just... 好了
請進(jìn)吧 Right. Right. Come in. 恐怕不如平時那么整潔 It"s, um, not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear. 但...浴室在樓上 But, um... The bathroom"s on the top floor. 電♥話♥就...就在那 And the telephone"s just... just up here. 給我吧
我來 Here. Let... Let me, um... 拐過去
直接走...走上樓 Um, round the corner. Straight on... straight on up. 糟糕 Bugger. 要喝一杯茶再走嗎
Would you like a cup of tea before you go? 不用了
No. 咖啡呢 Coffee? 不用了
No. 橙汁呢 Orange juice? 我估計也是不用
還有什么冷飲 Probably not. Um, something else cold. 可樂
水 Coke? Water? 或者惡心的含糖飲料 Some disgusting sugary drink... 假裝富含天然水果成分 pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest? -不用了
-還是你想吃點什么 - No. - Would you like something to eat? 小零食吃著玩 Uh, something to nibble? 蜜餞杏肉 Um, apricots soaked in honey? 沒人知道為什么要這么做 Quite why, no one knows, 因為這讓它們嘗起來不太像是杏了... because it stops them tasting of apricots... 而是像蜂蜜 and makes them taste like honey, 可要是想吃蜂蜜 and if you wanted honey, 直接買♥♥蜂蜜就好了
何必買♥♥杏 you"d just buy honey instead of... apricots. 但不管怎樣
這東西就是存在 Um, but nevertheless, there we go there. 你要是想吃的話
都是你的 They"re yours if you want them. 不了 No. 你對任何事都說不嗎 Do you always say "No" to everything?
不 No. 我該走了 I"d better be going. 謝謝你的幫助 Thanks for your, uh, help. 不客氣 You"re welcome. 有句話我可以說嗎
我很開心 And, uh, may I also say, um, heavenly. 我還是趁機(jī)說了吧 I"ll just take my one chance to say it. 畢竟看完那本糟糕的書 After you"ve read that terrible book, 你肯定不會再去我們書店了 you"re certainly not going to be coming back to the shop. 謝謝你 Thank you. 沒事
樂意之至 Yeah. Well, my pleasure. 話說... So... 見到你很開心 it was nice to meet you. 很不真實
但很開心 Surreal but, um... but nice. 不好意思 Sorry. "不真實但開心"
我在想些什么 "Surreal but nice"? What was I thinking? 你好 Hi. 你好 Hi. -我買♥♥的東西忘帶走了
好吧 - I forgot my other bag. - Oh, right. Right. 謝謝 Thanks. 我得為剛剛那句"不真實但開心"
向你道歉 I"m very sorry about the "Surreal but nice" Comment. 說得太糟糕了
Disaster. 沒關(guān)系 That"s okay. 我覺得那個蜜餞杏肉才是最尷尬的 I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point. 天吶
是我的室友 Oh, my God. My flatmate. 真對不起
他這人簡直不可理喻 I"m sorry. There"s no excuse for him. 你好 Hi. 你好 Hi. 我先去廚房♥找點吃的 I"m just going into the kitchen to get some food. 然后我要跟你講個故事 Then I"m gonna tell you a story 能把你的蛋嚇得萎縮成葡萄干 that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins. 今天的事最好別跟任何人說 Probably best not to tell anyone about this. 好的
誰也不說 Right. Right. No one. 我應(yīng)該會偶爾對自己說說 I mean, I"ll tell myself sometimes. 但別擔(dān)心
我自己也不會信的 But don"t worry. I won"t believe it. -再見
-再見 - Bye. - Bye. 這酸奶壞了吧 There"s something wrong with this yogurt. 那不是酸奶
那是蛋黃醬 It"s not yogurt. It"s mayonnaise. 好吧
怪不得 Oh, right. There we are then. 晚上一起看錄像嗎 On for a videofest tonight? 我有些珍藏 I got some absolute classics. -笑一個
-不 - Smile. - No.
-沒什么值得我笑的 - Smile. - I"ve got nothing to smile about. 好吧 Okay. 大概七秒后 In about seven seconds, 我會向你求婚 I"m going to ask you to marry me. 想象一下 Imagine. 這世上有個男人可以吻她 Somewhere in the world there"s a man who"s allowed to kiss her. 的確
她很... Yes, she is, uh, 很美 fairly fabulous. 旅游書店 -你這里有狄更斯的書嗎
-沒有 - Do you have any books by Dickens? - No. 不好意思
我們是旅游書店 No, I"m afraid we"re a travel bookshop. 我們只賣♥♥旅游類書籍 We only sell travel books. 好吧
那你們有約翰·格里森姆的驚悚小說嗎 Oh, right. How about the new John Grisham thriller? 沒有
對吧 Well, no, "cause that"s, uh... that"s a novel too, isn"t it? 也對 Oh, right. 那你們有《小熊維尼》嗎 Have you got Winnie the Pooh? 馬丁
你來招呼這位客人 Martin, your customer. 有什么可以幫到你的嗎 Uh, can I help you? 就隨口問一下 Just, um, incidentally, 為什么
你要穿成這樣 uh, why... are you wearing that? 混搭風(fēng)
并且我沒其他干凈衣服了 Combination of factors really. Uh, no clean clothes.
如果你不洗衣服 There never will be, you know, 永遠(yuǎn)都不會有洗干凈的衣服 unless you actually clean your clothes. 沒錯
惡性循環(huán) Right. Vicious circle. 我就是隨便翻翻你的東西 And I was, like, rooting around in your things... 然后找到了這件
覺得還挺不錯的 and I found this, and I thought "Cool." 有點
太空風(fēng)格 Kinda... spacey. 護(hù)目鏡感覺有點問題 There"s something wrong with the goggles, though. 不是的
因為那是帶度數(shù)的 No, they were, um, prescription. -有意思
-那樣我才能看清水里所有的魚 - Groovy. - So I could see all the fishes properly. 你應(yīng)該多玩玩這些 You should do more of this stuff. -今天有留言嗎
-我記下來了兩條 - So, look, any messages today? - Yeah, I wrote a couple down. 所以就是兩條
對嗎 So there were two. There were two messages? Right? 你想讓我把所有留言都記下來嗎 You want me to write down all your messages? 好吧
那誰的留言你沒有記下來 Okay, who are the ones that you didn"t write down from? 完全記不起來了 No. Gone completely. 不
有一條是你媽媽打來的 Oh, no. There was one from your mum. 她說別忘了吃午飯
并且她的腿又疼了 She said don"t forget lunch, and her leg"s hurting again. -沒有其他人的了
-絕對沒有了 - No one else? - Absolutely no one else. 不過如果真的要說 Though if we"re going for this 把所有留言都記下來的話 obsessive writing down all the message thing, 幾天前有個叫安娜的美國姑娘曾來過電♥話♥
some American girl called Anna called a few days ago. -她說了什么
-特別奇怪 - What did she say? - Well, it was genuinely bizarre. 她說
我是安娜 She said, "Hi. It"s Anna." 然后她說
打電♥話♥到麗思酒店找我 Then she said, "Call me at The Ritz"... 然后報上一個完全不同的名字 and then gave herself a completely different name. -什么名字
-我不記得了 - Which was? - Absolutely no idea. 記住一個名字就夠難了 Remembering one name"s hard enough. 不
她是那樣說的 No, l... I know that. She... She said that. 我知道她用的是化名 I know she"s using another name. 問題是
她是給我室友留言的 The problem is she left the message with my flatmate... 那真是大錯特錯 which was a very serious mistake. 我不知道怎么形容
想像一下 Um, I don"t know. Imagine, if you will, 你見過的最蠢的人 the stupidest person you"ve ever met. 你在想象嗎
Are you doing that?
我想象到了 Yes, sir, I have him in my mind. 把你腦海中那個人的愚蠢翻上一倍 And now double it. And that is the, um... what can I say... 就是和我住在一起的飯桶 the git that I am living with. 他想不起來 And he can"t remember... -試試弗林斯通
你說什么 - Try Flintstone. - I"m sorry, what? 她說的化名好像是弗林斯通 I think she said her name was Flintstone. 我...我想問問 I don"t... I don"t suppose,
你那邊有叫弗林斯通的客人嗎 um, Flintstone rings any bells, does it? -我這就幫你轉(zhuǎn)接
-我的天吶 - Oh, I"ll put you right through, sir. - Oh, my God. 你好 Hello. Hi. -你好
-喂 - Hi there. - Hello? 你好 Hi. -不好意思
-什么事 - Sorry. It"s William... Thacker. - Yes? 我們
我在書店工作 Um, we... I work in a bookshop. 你可真會耍酷 You played it pretty cool there, 等了三天才打給我 waiting for three days to call. 不是的
我保證 Oh, no, I promise you 我這輩子從來不? I"ve never played anything cool in my entire life. 我室友
回頭我會捅死他的 My flatmate, who"ll I"ll stab to death later, 沒有告訴我你的留言 never gave me the message. 我不知道
也許 I don"t know. Perhaps, um, 一會兒我可以過去喝杯茶什么的 I could drop round for tea later or something. 我現(xiàn)在很忙 Things are pretty busy here. -我大概 4 點有空
非常好 - I might be free around 4:00. - Right. Right. Great. -拜拜
拜拜 - Bye. - Yea... Bye. 太棒了 Classic. 太棒了 Classic. -你要到哪層
- Which floor? - Three, please. 你確定是這里 Are you sure this is... 是的
我確定 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure. 我是凱倫
你好 I"m Karen. Hi. 抱歉
進(jìn)度要比預(yù)期稍微晚一點 I"m sorry. Things are running a little bit late. 螺旋 拿著這個
到這邊來 Here"s the, thing. Do you wanna come this way? 從這邊走 Through here. 你覺得電影如何 So what did you think of the film? 精彩極了
我覺得它就像是 Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was, uh, 《第三類接觸》與《戀戀山城》的結(jié)合體 Close Encounters meets Jean de Florette. 我同意 I agree. 不好意思
我不記得你是哪家雜♥志♥社的 I"m sorry. I didn"t get down what magazines you"re from. -《暫停》周刊
-很好 - Time Out. - Great. 你是哪家雜♥志♥的 And you"re from? 馬與獵犬 《馬與獵犬》 Horse & Hound. 名字是威廉·瑟克 The name"s William Thacker. I think, 事實上
她可能在等我 actually, she might be expecting me. 好的
我會去核實一下 Oh, okay. Take a seat and I"ll go check. 我看到你給她帶了花 I see you"ve, uh... I see you"ve brought her some flowers. 不是的 No.
這是給我奶奶買♥♥的 These are for my, um, grandmother. 她恰好在這條路上的醫(yī)院里住院 She"s in a hospital just down the road. 我想著能一石二鳥呢 Thought I"d kill two birds with one stone, you know. 是啊
不錯 Sure, right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. 哪家醫(yī)院 Which hospital"s that? 你介意我不說嗎 Do you mind me not saying? 她得了一種令人痛苦的病 It"s a rather distressing disease. -醫(yī)院名會暴露病名的
-好的 - Name of the hospital kind of gives it away. - Absolutely. Sure. -謝謝
-是的 - Cheers. - Ooh, yes. 瑟克先生
請你到這邊來 Right, Mr. Thacker. Will you come this way. 好的 Right. 你有五分鐘的時間 You"ve got five minutes. 你好 Hello. 我?guī)Я嘶?/p>
但是顯然 I brought these, but clearly... 沒事的
這花很好看 No, they"re great. They"re great. 我很抱歉沒有回電 Ah, listen, I"m sorry about not ringing back. 同時用了真名和化名這種事 The whole "two-names concept"... 對于我室友豌豆大小的腦子來說太復(fù)雜了 was totally too much for my flatmate"s pea-sized intellect. 沒事
這就是一種愚蠢的保密措施 No, it"s a stupid privacy thing. 我總是選用卡♥通♥人物的名字 I always pick a... cartoon character. 上次我用的是斑比夫人
Last time I was Mrs. Bambi. -一切還順利嗎
謝謝 - Everything all right? - Yes, thank you. 你是《馬與獵犬》雜♥志♥的 And you"re from, Horse & Hound. -是的
-很好 - Yeah. - Good. 是這樣嗎
好吧 Is that so? Well. 所以 So, uh... 那我就開始提問了
可以嗎 I"ll just... fire away then, shall I? 好吧 Right. 電影非常棒 The film"s great, and, um, 我只是想知道 I just was wondering whether... 你是否想過在電影里 you ever thought of having, um, 加入更多的馬 more, horses in it. 我們本來想要這么做的 Well, we would have liked to, 但是故事發(fā)生在太空中
顯然這很難實現(xiàn) but it was, um, difficult, obviously, being set in space. 太空中
顯然很難實現(xiàn) Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult. 真抱歉
我到了外面 I"m so sorry. I arrived outside. 他們?nèi)o我這個
我就不... They thrust this thing into my hand, I didn"t... 不
我以為活動這時候已經(jīng)結(jié)束了 No, it"s my fault. I thought this would all be over by now. 我只是想要為接吻的事道歉 I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing. 我真的不知道自己當(dāng)時是怎么了 I seriously don"t know what came over me. 我想要確保那沒有對你造成困擾 And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. 我好得很 Absolutely fine. 斯科特小姐也很愿意談?wù)?Do remember that Miss Scott is also 她的下一部電影 keen to talk about her next project... 電影將于今年夏天拍攝 which is, um, shooting later in the summer. 好的
非常好 Ah, yes, excellent. Excellent. 那部電影里會有馬嗎 Any horses in that one? 或者有獵犬也很好 Or hounds for that matter. 我們的讀者對這兩種生物都很感興趣 Our readers are equally intrigued by both species. 故事發(fā)生在潛水艇里 It takes place on a submarine. 那真不幸 Well, bad luck. 不過 But, um, 如果電影里會有馬出現(xiàn) if there were horses in it, 你會親自騎馬嗎 would you be riding them... 還是會用替身騎馬演員 or would you be getting, a... a stunt-horse-double-man-thing? 我就是個白♥癡♥
對不起 l-I"m a complete moron. I apologize. I... 這太奇怪了
這種事一般只出現(xiàn)在夢里 This is very weird. It"s the sort of thing that happens in dreams, 不會出現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)實生活中的 not in real life. 這是美夢里才有的事情 I mean, good dreams. It"s a... 事實上
就像一場夢一樣 It"s a dream, in fact, to see you again. 那接下來夢里會發(fā)生什么
What happens next in the dream? 我想
在夢里 I suppose in the, dream... 夢境之中
我... dream scenario... I just, uh, 我改變了我的性情 change my personality... 因為在夢里是可以改變性情的 because you can do that in dreams and, um, 然后走過去
親吻那個女孩 walk over and, kiss the girl. 但是 But, uh... 時間到了
你得到想要的回答了嗎 Time"s up, I"m afraid. Did you get what you wanted? -差不多了
-那就再問最后一個問題 - Nearly, nearly. - Well, maybe just one last question. -沒問題
好的 - Sure. - Right, right. 你今晚忙嗎 Are you... busy tonight? -是的
-好的 - Yes. - Right. Right. 進(jìn)來吧
Come in.
很高興認(rèn)識你 It was nice to meet you. 是的
我也是 Yes, and you. 很不真實
但很開心 Surreal... but nice. 謝謝
你是《馬與獵犬》雜♥志♥最喜愛的女演員 Thank you. You are Horse & Hounds" favorite actress. 你和黑駿馬 You and Black Beauty... 不相上下 tied. 她怎么樣 How was she? 美極了 Fabulous.
好極了 Excellent. 等等
她拿走了你準(zhǔn)備獻(xiàn)給你奶奶的花 Wait a minute. She took your grandmother"s flowers. 是的
沒錯 Yeah, yeah. That"s right. -賤♥人♥
-瑟克先生 - Bitch. - Oh, Mr. Thacker. 瑟克先生
請跟我來 Mr. Thacker, if you"d like to come with me, 我們也可以讓你采訪一下其他人 we can rush you through the others. 其他人 The others? 瑟克先生來自《馬與獵犬》雜♥志♥社 Mr. Thacker is from Horse & Hound. -你好嗎
謝謝 - How"s it going? - Very well, thank you. 請坐 Have a seat. 你喜歡這部電影嗎 Well, did you enjoy the film? 喜歡
非常喜歡 Yes, enormously. -好了
-好的 - Well, fire away. - Right. 你享受拍這部電影嗎 Did you enjoy making the film? -是的
-好的 - Yes, I did. - Good. 具體喜歡哪個部分呢 Any bit in particular? 你告訴我
你最喜歡哪個部分 You tell me what bit you enjoyed the most, 我再告訴你
我是否享受拍那一段 and I"ll tell you if I enjoyed making that bit. 我... I... 非常喜歡
在太空那一段 liked the bit in space... very much. 你跟你所扮演的角色是同一類人嗎
Did you identify with the character you"re playing? 不是
No. 不是 No. 為什么不是 Why not? 因為他扮演的是一個吃人肉的變♥態(tài)♥機(jī)器人 Because he"s playing a psychopathic flesh-eating robot. 好極了 Classic. 這是你拍的第一部電影嗎 So, uh, is this your first film? 不是
這是第 22 部 No. It"s my 22nd. 好吧
在這 22 部中你最喜歡哪部呢 Of course it is. Any favorites among the 22? 跟萊昂納多合作的那部 Working with Leonardo. 萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧
美國演員 -達(dá)·芬奇嗎
-迪卡普里奧 - Da Vinci? - DiCaprio. 當(dāng)然 Of course. 他是你最喜歡的意大利導(dǎo)演嗎 And is... is he your favorite Italian director? -瑟克先生
-不要啊 - Mr. Thacker. - Oh, no. -你有時間嗎
-沒有 - Have you got a minute? - No. 是這樣... Yeah, so the, um... 我今晚本來的安排
現(xiàn)在取消了 the... the thing I was doing tonight, I"m not doing anymore. 我告訴他們
我今晚要 I told them I had to spend the evening... 跟英國最優(yōu)秀的馬術(shù)記者見面 with Britain"s premier equestrian journalist. 太好了 Well, great. 太棒了
Fantastic. That"s, uh... 糟了 Shittity brickitty. 今天是我妹妹生日
糟了 It"s my sister"s birthday. Shit. 我們本來要一起吃晚飯的 We"re meant to be having dinner. -好吧
我一定能推掉的 - Okay, that"s fine. - No. I"m sure I can get out of it. 不是
我可以當(dāng)你的女伴 No, I mean, if it"s fine with you, I"ll be your date. 你...你當(dāng)我的女伴... You... You"ll be my date... 陪我參加我妹妹的生日派對嗎 to my little sister"s birthday party? -如果可以的話
-當(dāng)然可以了 - If it"s all right. - Well, yeah, I"m sure it"s all right. 我朋友麥克斯負(fù)責(zé)做菜 My friend Max is cooking, 他是公認(rèn)的 and he is generally acknowledged 全世界最差的廚師 to be the worst cook in the world. 不過
你可以把食物 But, um, you know, you could hide the food 藏在你的包里 in your handbag or something. 好吧
Okay. 好吧 Okay. 他要帶女孩來嗎
He"s bringing a girl? 看來奇跡真會發(fā)生 Miracles do happen. -那個女孩有名字嗎
他不說 - Does the girl have a name? - Don"t know. Wouldn"t say. 天吶
這里面怎么了 Oh, Christ! What is going on in there? 天吶 Oh, God!
可能有食物危機(jī)了 Come on in. Vague food crisis. 來啦
對不起 Hiya! Sorry. 珍珠雞比想象中的更麻煩 The guinea-fowl is proving more complicated than expected. -他在做珍珠雞嗎
-別提了 - He"s cooking guinea-fowl? - Don"t even ask. -你好
-你好 - Hi. - Hi. 我的天吶
你長得真像... Good Lord, you"re the spitting image of... 貝拉
這位是安娜 Bella, this is Anna. -好吧
危機(jī)解除了 - Right. - Okay, crisis over. 麥克斯
這位是安娜 Max, this is Anna. 你好
安娜... Hello, Anna... 斯科特 Scott. 喝點酒吧 Have some wine. 謝謝 Thank you. 我去開吧 I"ll get it. 紅葡萄酒還是白葡萄酒 Red or white? -生日快樂
-謝謝 - Oh, yes, happy birthday. - Thank you. 你哥哥帶了個年輕女孩過來 Look, your brother"s brought this young girl. 你們好啊 Hi, guys. 我的媽呀 Oh, holy fuck! 哈妮
這是安娜 Hon, this is Anna. 安娜
Anna, this is Honey. She"s my baby sister. 你好 Hi. 天吶
這就是生命中的那種關(guān)鍵時刻 Oh, God. This is one of those key moments in life... 你也許可以真正地發(fā)光 when it"s possible you can be really genuinely cool... 而我... and I... 我百分之百會搞砸 I"m going to fail just a hundred percent. 我...我宇宙超級無敵喜歡你 I... I absolutely, totally and utterly adore you. 我覺得... And I just think... 你是世界上最美麗的女人 you are the most beautiful woman in the world. 更重要的是
我真心相信 And, more importantly, I genuinely believe, 我一段時間以來都相信 and I"ve believed for some time now, 我們能成為最好的朋友 that we could be best friends. 你覺得怎么樣 So what do you think? 我很榮幸 Lucky me. 好了
生日快樂 Well, happy birthday. 你送我禮物了
Oh, you gave me a present. 我們已經(jīng)是最好的朋友了 We"re best friends already then. 嫁給威爾
那我們就成姑嫂了 Marry Will. He"s a really nice guy. Then we can be sisters. 好吧
我會考慮的 Well, I"ll think about it. 應(yīng)該是伯尼 That"ll be Bernie. 抱歉我遲到了 Sorry I"m late.
恐怕工作又是一團(tuán)糟 Bollocksed up at work again, I fear. 幾百萬英鎊蒸發(fā)了
真行 Millions down the drain. Well done. 伯尼
這是安娜 Bernie, this is Anna. 你好
很高興認(rèn)識你 Hello, Anna. Delighted to meet you. -我也是
祝你生日快樂 - And you. - Honey bunny, Happy birthday to you -你好
-你好 - Hi, Bella. - Hi. 這...這是一頂帽子 It... it... it"s a hat. 你也不是一定要戴的 You don"t have to wear it or anything. 你好
Hi, Will. 你好 Hi. 怎么了 What? 喝酒嗎
伯尼 Wine, Bernie? 你還沒跟她睡過吧 You haven"t slept with her, have you? 這個問題太低俗了 That is a cheap question, 我的回答當(dāng)然是無可奉告 and the answer is, of course, no comment. -無可奉告就代表承認(rèn)了
-不是的 - No comment means "yes." - No, it doesn"t. -你自♥慰♥過嗎
-絕對無可奉告 - Do you ever masturbate? - Definitely no comment. 你看
You see, it means "yes." 我的天吶 Oh, my God! 跟我說說
你是做什么的 So, tell me, um, Anna, what do you do? -我是個演員
- I"m an actress. - Oh, splendid. 你是做什么的 What do you do? 我其實是做股票交易的 I"m actually in the stock market myself, 所以不是相似的領(lǐng)域 so, not really similar fields. 不過
我有些業(yè)余愛好也跟這個相關(guān) Though, um... um, I have done the odd bit of amateur stuff. 作家 P. G. 伍德豪斯
幽默劇什么的 P. G. Wodehouse. Farce, all that, you know. "小心
牧師先生" "Careful there, Vicar." 不過我一直覺得演戲是個艱辛的工作 Always imagined it"s a pretty tough job, though, acting. -薪水真是不像話
-有這個可能 - The wages are a scandal, aren"t they? - They can be. 我見過一些大學(xué)時的朋友
人很聰明 I see friends from university... clever chaps, 在這一行比你更久 been in the business longer than you. 他們一年就靠七八千英鎊勉強(qiáng)度日 They"re scraping by on seven, eight thousand a year. 沒有生活可言 You know, it"s no life. -你是演什么的
-主要是電影 - What sort of acting do you do? - Films, mainly. 太棒了
演電影的收入怎么樣 Oh, splendid. Oh, well done. How"s the pay in movies? 你演的上一部電影
你能掙多少錢 I mean, last film you did, what did you get paid? 1500 萬美元 Fifteen million dollars. 好吧 Right. 那真是相當(dāng)不錯了 So that"s, well, fairly good. 好了
我們準(zhǔn)備好了 Right, I think we"re ready. 好的 Okay.
你能不能告訴我那個在哪... Bella, can you tell me where I can find... 抱歉
在走廊盡頭的右邊 Oh, sorry. It"s down the corridor on the right. 我?guī)闳?I"ll show you. 快
我們快速聊幾句 Quickly, quickly. Talk very, very quickly. 你怎么會跟安娜·斯科特在一起 What are you doing here with Anna Scott? -安娜·斯科特嗎
閉嘴 - Anna Scott? - Yes. Shut up! 什么
那個電影明星嗎 What, the film star? -天吶
-怎么了 - Oh, God! - What? -天吶
-你跟她說什么了 - Oh, God. Oh, goddy God. - What did you say to her? 難以置信
我真的跟她一起進(jìn)了廁所 I don"t believe it. I actually walked into the loo with her. 她開始解牛仔褲的扣子了