

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-15 來源: 民主生活會 點擊:


 第一場布景:家:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her was dead, and her father loved her very much. But, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately . Look, her step and her new s are coming.( After her father"s death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.)


 Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the is!

 后媽;Helen,Jenny, 快看,好漂亮的房子。ㄋ闹芸戳丝矗_始亂,拿起些東西來看)

 Sister (1 1 ): Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. 后媽女兒(1): 是的,還有好多水果,(一個個用手指點),蘋果,香蕉,芒果,荔枝,哇,我都喜歡(吃水果) Sister (2 2 ): Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress.

 后媽女兒(2): (打開衣柜,翻翻看看)媽媽,看,好多漂亮的衣服啊,我喜歡這些裙子 (往身上穿) Cinderella :Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father 灰姑娘:啊,那是我的裙子,這條新裙子是爸爸賣給我的 (跑過去,想把那條裙子拿過來).

 Sister (2 2 ):

 Who are YOU? (把那條裙子藏到一邊,厭惡地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了幾步,回頭看后媽,用手指指了指灰姑娘)

 Stepmother: : She is your. But it doesn"t matter. Now!Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 后媽:她是你的妹妹,但是別管她;夜媚,現(xiàn)在馬上去給我把房間打掃干凈,然后做飯。

 Cinderella: : Why? I"m not your servant. 灰姑娘:(插著腰,皺著眉很生氣的樣子)為什么?我又不是你們的傭人 Stepmother : Yeah.(點頭). But from NOW ON you are our servant.


 Sister (1 1 ): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服)

 Sister (2 2 ):I like her necklace. (搶走她的項鏈戴在脖子上)

 Cinderella :Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊)

 :After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa; she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty.從那以后,灰姑娘就成了他們的傭人,她從早到晚不停的忙碌著。她沒有房間住只能睡沙發(fā),也沒有好的食物吃,沒有漂亮的衣服穿,然后就變得越來越臟了。

 Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends. One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.


 第二場布景:灰姑娘家 (士兵在門外敲門)

 Stepmother: Who is it?

 Soldier: I"m the soldier of the palace. (后媽打開門)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this. Good-bye, madam!


 Stepmother: What is it? Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this.

 后媽:是什么東西?(打開信看——歡呼,向后媽女兒(1)(2)招手) Helen,Jenny,好消息,宮廷里將會有一場大型舞會,Edward 王子將會在眾多女孩子中挑選他的王后。

 Sister (1 1 ): Hooray! I"ll be the queen!


 我將會是那個王后 Sister (2 2 ): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!!


 Stepmother: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately!


 Cinderella: Mum, I want to go to the party, too.

 灰姑娘:(小心地走出來問道)媽媽,我也想去舞會 Sister(1)(2): : You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起來)

 后媽女兒(1)(2): 你? 看看你自己把,又臟又丑。

 Cinderella :Mum,please, can I…


 媽媽,求求你了,我能不能…. Stepmother: : Girls, are you ready? Let"s go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly that you haven’t any excuse to go. And you must do your work FIRST!!! 繼母:女兒們,準備好了嗎?我們走吧。灰姑娘,你又臟又丑的,沒有理由去啊。而且你必須要先做家務啊。晚安!


 Cinderella : Oh, my. I really want to go. What shall I do?

 灰姑娘:(猛然發(fā)現(xiàn))噢,我的朋友們,我真的很想去,我該怎么辦? Cat, Dog, Dove: Don"t be so sad, Cinderella. At least, we are with you. If we canhelp you, we will do our best!

 貓,狗,鴿子: 不要傷心,灰姑娘,至少,我們都陪著你呢。如果有什么我們能幫忙,就一定會盡力的。

 Cinderella :Oh,my friend,. But I haven’t any beautiful dresses now! What can I do? WHO can help me? 灰姑娘:噢,我的朋友們,真的很謝謝你們,但是我現(xiàn)在沒有漂亮的裙子了,我該怎么辦?誰能幫幫我? Fairy: :(突然跳著舞出現(xiàn))

 Poor girl, let ME help you. You need a carriage, you need a coachman, you need some horses, you need a bellboy, and you need a beautiful dress.(hmm...now...the magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. The pumpkin become a carriage, the old horse become a coachman, the dog become a bellboy, and Cinderella become very beautiful, then the Fairy give her a fine crystal shoes)


 你需要一輛馬車,一個車夫,幾匹馬,一位侍者,還要一身漂亮的裙子。(現(xiàn)在,念魔咒,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo, 揮動,用南瓜變成馬車,用老馬變成,用老鼠變成馬,用狗變成侍者,把灰姑娘變得很漂亮,接著又給她一雙美麗的玻璃鞋)

 Cat, Dog and the bellboy: : Wow, how beautiful! 貓,狗,侍者:(睜大眼睛,看著灰姑娘)哇,好漂亮啊!

 Cat: : You"re the most I"ve EVER seen.

 Dog: : Yes! You will be the most in the party!

 Dove: : Yes! You will be the most beautiful lady in this party! And Prince Edward will love you at once! (歡快地飛來飛去)

 鴿子:是的,你將是舞會上最漂亮的女孩,Edward 王子馬上就會愛上你的。

 Fairy: : Now, Cinderella, go to the party and dance with the. But remember you must come bafore 12 o"clock. REMEMBER, 12 o’ clock!

 on the stroke of twelve, all things will be broken and everything will be as it was before. 仙女:灰姑娘,現(xiàn)在你就可以去舞會和王子跳舞了。但是,記住你必須在 12 點之前回來。一定要謹記,12 點整!當時鐘敲響 12 點,這所有的一切都會變回原樣。

 Cinderella : Thank you, kind fairy. (沖出門外)



 Fairy : (對灰姑娘喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time!


 Cinderella: : I won"t forget. (跳上馬車)Good bye, kind fairy and my s!!


 我不會忘記的。再見,好心的仙女和我親愛的朋友們 第三場布景:皇宮中

 Solider (1 1 ): : Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the -dancing ball.

 This night, our worshipful Prince Edward(這時,王子走了出來,向所有來賓鞠躬)will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front, please! (女孩子們走上前)

 大臣:晚上好,先生們女士們,歡迎來到王子舞會,今天晚上,我們尊敬的 Edward 王子將會挑選最美麗最善良的女孩做他的王后,F(xiàn)在,女孩們,請到前面來吧。

 Solider(2) :

 Highness,how are they? Which one do you like? 大臣(2):(將頭轉(zhuǎn)向王子)殿下,你覺得他們怎么樣呢?你喜歡哪一個? Prince : Mmm…I don’t think they are… (Cinderella suddenly comes in) 王子:(皺起眉頭)


 Soliders : Wow! How beautiful THAT girl is!



 旁白:She"s like a fairy. She"s like an Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a ss. How pretty Cinderella is! 他想個仙女,像天使,如此的可愛。像一位公主一樣,多么美麗的灰姑娘。

 Prince: : Pretty lady, may I be honored to dance with you?

 王子:(走上前,鞠躬) 美麗的女士,我能請你跳支舞嗎? Cinderella: : I"d love to.(握住王子的手,開始跳舞)

 (Music and dance)

 旁白:Beautiful Cinderella and handsome Prince Edward are dancing. They fall in love.

 (12 點的鐘聲猛然敲響了,敲了 6 下)

 Cinderella: : Oh, it"s time to go back. I must go now. I am sorry that I cannot dance with you any more, Sir!



 Prince: : Wait, miss, please wait! (追上去)



 Cinderella :(She run in a hurry, and lost one of her shoes)Good bye, sir! 灰姑娘:(她急忙跑出去,丟下了一只鞋子) 再見,先生

 Prince: : (拿起鞋)Pretty lady! Why are you leaving? I must find you!! Soldiers!!




 Soliders: : Yes!!

 Prince: : Take this shoe to every house and let all the young girls have a try tomorrow morning. You must find for me. FAST!


 Soliders: : Yes, highness!


 Cinderella: :(失去了魔法的幫助,變回了原樣)Oh…He was gentle, he was handsome, oh! I cannot forget him… I love him! But I hadn’t found Prince Edward and danced with him yet…

 灰姑娘:噢,他既溫柔又帥。啊,我忘不了他,我喜歡他。但是我都還沒找到 Edward 王子呢,還沒跟他跳舞呢 Dove: : Cinderella, don’t you know? The man who danced with you was PRINCE EDWARD!!


 灰姑娘,你還不知道嗎? 和你跳舞的那個人就是 Edward 王子。ㄘ埡妥兓卦瓨拥墓伏c頭附和)

 Cinderella: :REALLY?? My goodness!! Oops, I am sorry…I haven’t done the housework! Mum, Helen and Jenny will back soon! They will be angry! See you soon, buddies!


 真的嗎? 我的天。。ㄎ孀∽彀,不敢相信的樣子)

 啊,不好意思,我還沒做家務呢。Helen 和 Jenny 馬上就回來了,他們會生氣的,待會見(哼著小曲跳走了)


 Solider: :Good morning, madam.

 Stepmother: : Good morning. What’s the matter, sir?

 后媽:早上好,有什么事嗎? Soliders s: : Are there any young girls in this house, madam? The pretty lady lost her shoe in the palace. The prince wanted to find her and marry her. 士兵:這家有年輕的女孩嗎?有以為美麗的女孩把她的鞋子丟在宮廷了。王子想找到這位女孩并且和他結(jié)婚 Stepmother: :(笑著說)Of course, sir, wait a minute! 后媽:當然有啊,你等一下(往身后招招手,讓女兒(1)過來)

 Sister (1 1 ): : Let me try. The shoe is mine. 后媽女兒:(急急忙忙跑上前)讓我試試,這鞋子是我的(說著把腳伸進鞋子)

 Solider: : No, It"s not yours. It"s too small for you.(把鞋子拿開)


 Sister(2): (跳著大喊)It"s mine. I AM the queen. Let me try it. 后媽女兒(2):是我的,我才是王后,讓我試試(說著把腳伸進鞋子)


 (2): No, it"s not yours; it"s too big for you.

 士兵 (2):不,也不是你的,這鞋子對你來說太大了(再次把鞋子拿開)

 Stepmother: : Hey, sir, maybe it"s mine. Let me have a try.


 Solder: :(馬上把鞋子拿走)Oh, please, it couldn"t be YOURS. Are there any other girls in this house?

 士兵:噢,別這樣,不可能是你的。這里還有其他女孩子嗎? Cinderella: : Good morning, gentlemen, may I try it?




 : :You? That’s impossible!

 后媽:你? 那是不可能的。ù蠛爸,做出“快滾”的手勢)

 Sister (1 1 )

 : Look at yourself, PLEASE!


 Sister (2 2 ): : So dirty and so ugly! Please not to waste the solders’ time! (諷刺)


 Soliders: : Oh, ladies, let her try! Prince Edward said that all the young girls should have a try. Here, young girl, try it on, please!


 哦,夫人,讓她試一下吧。Edward 王子說了所有年輕的女孩都要試一下。來吧,請你試穿一下(送上鞋)

 Cinderella: : Thank you! (輕輕把腳伸進去)(試鞋,正好合適)

 Stepmother and sisters:It couldn’t be Cinderella! It couldn’t be!! Maybe there’s something wrong, sir!




 Soliders: : Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well! Pretty queen CINDERELLA!!

 士兵們:太棒了!就是你的,你穿起來剛剛好美麗的 Cinderella 王后!



 Soliders : Highness! We have found the.



 我們已經(jīng)找到那個美麗的女孩了 Prince: : Really? That"s wonderful! I"ll come at once.


 真的嗎? 太棒了,我馬上就來了。

 Fairy: : My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the last time. 仙女:我的孩子,幸福時刻馬上就來臨了,讓我最后一次幫你吧 (頃刻間將灰姑娘變美麗)

 Prince : Oh, my princess, I love you, go with me and be, OK? 王子:

 噢,我親愛的公主, 我愛你,跟我走,做我的王后好嗎? Cinderella: :

 Nodding and embrace Prince(什么也沒說,點點頭,擁抱王子,兩人跑回宮中)

 Cat,Dog,Dove : Happy forever, Cinderella! We wish you HAPPY FOREVER!!



 Stepmother and sisters : How did it happen? It is not true!! (昏倒)



 旁白:The story finished. Cinderella found her. She and Prince Edward got married! Thank you and let us wish Cinderella and Edward happy forever. 故事結(jié)束了。灰姑娘找到了他的幸福。她和王子結(jié)婚了。讓我們祝;夜媚锖屯踝佑肋h幸福!

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:灰姑娘 劇本 童話

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