

發(fā)布時間:2018-09-24 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:


The annual party finally came, the students come together with us all with snack colorful dress classroom. I also found a good seat, put snacks on the table, this time, the class teacher Yang said: "! Students are not only food, and we want to share" Then, we will immediately exchange from snacks to ... ... party began in such a cheerful atmosphere! Yay! We play the game! "Today we grab a stool to play this game, but my favorite game to play it!" "Game start!" Oh, but the first game did not turn to me to play, I anxiously await ...... "Liu Yaxuan!" Oh! The third round was finally my turn, I bounce a run play, Alas, I sent a second win! But me and my classmates are very happy to laugh with! ...... 4:30 jingle bell, school bell rang, how time flies so long detained today? ! We want to play well for a while it! We are immersed in the family get-together just very happy too! Party, you can really make me love it! 2006 would have passed, in 2007 I will be more efforts to achieve better results in the new year!

一年一度的聯(lián)歡會終于又來了,同學(xué)們都帶著零食一起來到我們裝扮的五彩繽紛的教室里。   我也找到了一個好座位,就把零食放在桌子上,這時候,班主任楊老師說:“同學(xué)們都不要獨食,要和大家一同分享!”緊接著,我們就馬上交換起零食來……聯(lián)歡會就在這樣歡快的氣氛中開始了!   耶!我們該玩兒游戲了!“今天我們玩兒搶凳子,這個游戲可是我最喜歡玩兒的游戲啦!”“游戲開始!”哦,可惜第一局沒有輪到我上場,我焦急的等待著……   “劉雅玄!”哦!第三輪終于輪到我了,我蹦蹦跳跳著跑上場,可惜呀,就差一秒鐘我就贏了!不過我和我的同學(xué)們都無比開心的嘻笑著!   叮鈴鈴……四點半了,放學(xué)鈴聲響起來了,怎么今天時間過得這么快呀?!我們好想再玩兒一會兒呀!我們還都沉浸在剛才無比快樂的聯(lián)歡大家庭里呢!   聯(lián)歡會,你可真讓我喜愛呀!2006年就要過去了,2007年我會更加努力,在新的一年里取得更好的成績!

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