

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-20 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:


Thoughts for a new year 新年沉思

Most of us look away when we pass strangers. It is the

expectional person who stops to help the woman當我們與陌生人擦肩而過時,多數maneuvering her kids and groceries up the staircase. We 人往往把目光移開。要是有人停下來rarely give up in line or on the subway or bus. Locked 幫婦女哄她的小孩和幫她把食品搬上into our automobiles, we prefer gridlock to giving way. 樓梯,反而會被人看成另類。無論是





These daily encounters, when they are angry or alien, 這些日常接觸,要是氣沖沖的或是diminish our lives. When they are pleasant, we feel 使人反感的,那便會減少我們生活的buoyed. Yet when we sit at home and make resolutions, 樂趣,要是它們令人愉快,那便會使we think about what we can accomplish in private 我們精神振奮。然而,當我們坐在家spaces:home, work. Too many have given up the belief 里做出各種決定的時候,我們考慮的that they control the shared, the public world. 僅是在個人天地--家庭和工作里可以




As individuals we can change the contour of a day, the作為眾人的一員,我們可以改變一mood of a moment, the way people feel. The demolition 天的面貌,一時的情緒,以及人們對and reconstruction of public life is the result of personal 某件事的感覺。公共生活的毀壞和重decisions made every day:the decision to give up a seat 建是人們每日所做的種種個人決定的on the bus;the decision to be patient or pleasant against 綜合結果。這些決定包括:公共汽車all odds;the decision to let that jerk take a left-h(huán)and 上讓座,面對逆境而能容忍或具有樂turn from a right-h(huán)and lane without rolling down the 觀精神;讓那個笨蛋從右車道往左拐window and calling him a jerk. 而不搖下車窗罵他蠢貨。 It's the resolution to be a civil, social creature. This may 這是做一個文明的、社會的人的決定。be a peak period for the battle against the spread of a 今天也許是人們?yōu)闇p少腰圍和降低膽waistline and creeping cholesterol. But it is also within 固醇而斗爭的高峰期。然而,反對城our will power to fight the spread of urban rudeness and 市野蠻行為和人際敵對態(tài)度的蔓延,creeping hostility. Civility doesn't stop nuclear holocaust 也是我們只要愿做就能做到的事。有and doesn't put a roof over the head of the homeless. But 禮貌不能制止核戰(zhàn)爭,也不能為無家it makes a difference in the shape of a community, as 可歸者提供棲身之所,但它的確能改surely as lifting weights can make a difference in the 變一個社會群體的面貌,猶如舉重定shape of a human torso. 能改變一個人的體形一樣。(摘自The

World of English )












I wouldn't be the person I am today if I never traveled。


Growing up, my mom was a teacher, so I've been instilled with agreat love for school. I recognize its importance and value, andeven now in college I try to take something away from everyclass I have to take, regardless of how boring I may find it. Withthat being said, I know I wouldn't be the person I am today if Inever traveled. Traveling has given me tons of great lessons,but there are ten that I know I'll never forget。


1. How to appreciate and learn from another culture


Learning about other cultures in school is one thing, but actually experiencing a culture iscompletely different. Whether you're visiting art museums, looking at grand architecturallandmarks, or even just stopping for a coffee break in a happening caf(來自:www.newchangjing.com 蒲公英文 摘:地鐵美文)é, traveling exposes you topeople and lifestyles that are completely different than anything you've probably encounteredback at home。


2. Patience


I have never taken a vacation where something doesn't go wrong. I've lost my luggage, gottenhopelessly confused with directions, and was even in an airport when a bomb went off. In general,life doesn't always go according to plan, even when you're on vacation. Learning how to deal withthe curveballs traveling throws your way teaches you how to be a more patient person in yourevery day life。


3. The importance of unplugging from social media


I think I can speak for most people in my generation when I say social media takes up a lot of mytime. So for me, when I travel I love the fact that I'm often cut off from any Internet. After comingback home, I always realize that a life behind a screen can never compare to a life being lived fully。


4. How to live in the moment


In college, we often spend most of our time worrying about the future. What classes should I takenext semester, will I get a job after graduation. Travelling, however, makes us all stop and justenjoy the moment. The difference between experiencing every second of your life instead ofdwelling on things out of your control is palpable and it's a lesson that's one of the most importantto take back home。


5. We are not so different


Regardless of culture, skin color, geographical location, or language, everyone in the world strivesfor the same things. We all want to be safe, we all want to be successful, we all want to live livesthat we can look back on and be proud of. Once you travel, you realize that the entire globe is allstriving towards the same goal: happiness。


6. The world isn't as scary as you've been lead to believe


If you watch the news as much as I do, it's hard to not start thinking that the entire world is ascary, dangerous place. Granted, it's important when travelling to keep your wits about you andtake special precautions, but in general, the average country is just as safe as the one you live innow. Danger is always out there, but you have just as likely of a chance of having something badhappen to you in the perceived safety of your home as you do abroad, so why let your fear inhibityou?


7. You're a lot more capable than you ever thought you could be


People always say that travel is a transformative experience, and I think that all stems from realizingthat you are capable of far more than you ever could have imagined. As an introvertedbookworm, it seems nearly impossible that I've done some of the things I've done. Whether I wasmaking friends with complete strangers, or even efficiently planning a vacation, when I look backon my travels, I feel a sense of pride akin to finishing a marathon. Travel truly changes you, but inthe absolute best way imaginable。


8. There's no place like home


Travelling abroad is a deeply rewarding experience, and I don't think I've ever disliked a place I'vebeen to. Traveling to other places reminds me that the USA is absolutely awesome. When you livehere, it gets easy to overlook some of the amenities you've grown up with, but once you spend afew weeks any place outside of the United States, it's hard not to realize just how fortunate youare to be an American。


9. Day to day problems aren't really "problems"


It's easy to get caught up in your own little world, where small things like a bad haircut or spillingcoffee on your favorite shirt are life-shattering, but once you travel you realize that your problemsreally aren't that much of a problem. Seeing how the rest of the world lives first-hand incomparison to you makes you realize that you are beyond lucky to live the life you lead。



10. Stay humble


Our whole lives we've been told just how important and one-of-a-kind we are. Once you travel yourealize that's kind of bogus. The world is a giant place, and we each just make up a tiny part of it.You, as complex as your life may be, are just background noise to the person sitting next to youon the subway. This sounds depressing, but it really serves as a great reminder to stay humble andnot sweat the small stuff。


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