

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-24 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:

  [摘要] 目的 比較股骨重建帶鎖髓內(nèi)釘與空心螺釘聯(lián)合加壓鋼板兩種方法在股骨干合并同側(cè)股骨頸骨折治療中的效果。方法 回顧分析2011年2月—2016年3月期間在該院接受治療的36例股骨干合并同側(cè)股骨頸骨折的患者;其中18例患者分接受股骨重建帶鎖髓內(nèi)釘治療作觀察組;18例患者接受空心螺釘聯(lián)合加壓鋼板治療作對照組。結(jié)果 研究所選取的36例患者,經(jīng)隨訪均獲得骨性愈合;觀察組股骨頸愈合時間(5.71±0.89)個月,對照組股骨頸愈合時間(5.83±1.21)個月,兩種方法的治療效果及股骨頸愈合時間上差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P>0.05);觀察組的手術(shù)時間為(90.24±20.43)min,對照組手術(shù)時間為(144.87±33.15)min;觀察組術(shù)中失血量為(425.02±75.30)mL,對照組術(shù)中失血量為(912.35±123.52)mL;觀察組股骨干骨折愈合時間為(5.11±1.13)個月,對照組股骨干愈合時間為(7.73±1.01)個月;3項數(shù)據(jù)兩組間比較均差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.05)。結(jié)論 股骨重建帶鎖髓內(nèi)釘與空心螺釘聯(lián)合加壓鋼板兩種方法治療股骨干合并同側(cè)股骨頸骨折均能起到較好的治療效果,但前者的手術(shù)時間、失血量及康復(fù)進程則明顯更好,方法值得在臨床中借鑒。
  [關(guān)鍵詞] 股骨干合并同側(cè)股骨頸骨折;帶鎖髓內(nèi)釘;空心螺釘;加壓鋼板
  [中圖分類號] R4 [文獻標(biāo)識碼] A [文章編號] 1674-0742(2018)01(c)-0049-03
  [Abstract] Objective This paper tries to compare the effect of two methods of femoral reconstruction, interlocking intramedullary nail and cannulated screw combined with compression plate in the treatment of ipsilateral femoral neck fracture of femoral shaft. Methods Retrospective analysis of February 2011 to March 2016 in this hospital of 36 cases of ipsilateral femoral neck fracture patients was conducted; 18 patients were divided into treated femoral reconstruction intramedullary nail, as the observation group; 18patients were treated with cannulated screws combined with compression plate treatment, as the control group. Results 36 cases of selected patients were healed and the healing time of the observation group of the femoral neck (5.71±0.89)months, the control group of femoral neck healing time(5.83±1.21)months, the treatment effect and the femoral neck between the two methods of healing time showed no significant differences(P>0.05); operation time the observation group was (90.24±20.43)min, and that of the control group was(144.87±33.15)min; the volume of intraoperative blood loss group was(425.02±75.30)mL, the control group of blood volume during operation for(912.35±123.52)mL; observation group of femoral shaft fracture healing time was(5.11±1.13)months, the control group of femoral shaft fracture healing time was(7.73±1.01)months; three data between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Femoral reconstruction intramedullary nail and cannulated screws combined with compression plate of two methods in the treatment of femoral shaft can play a better therapeutic effect in the treatment of ipsilateral femoral neck fracture, but the operation time, the blood loss and recovery process are significantly better, which is worth application in clinical practice.
  [Key words] Femoral shaft with ipsilateral femoral neck fracture; Interlocking intramedullary nail; Cannulated screws; Compression plate

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:股骨 股骨頸 螺釘 加壓 空心

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