

發(fā)布時間:2020-03-28 來源: 美文摘抄 點擊:

  On the first day of class of freshmenoral English at a university inChangzhou, Jiangsu Province, Iusually let the students ask me anyquestion they want because for many of them,it’s their first time to interact personally with aforeigner. Since they tend to be shy, I hand outslips of paper so they can write out their questionsanonymously. The range of questionsI receive is phenomenal and includes anythingfrom “What’s your favorite team in theNBA?” to “Are you in love?” and of course,“What do you think of China?” The mostcommon question, however, is somethingthat’s important to everyone: food. WheneverI read “What’s your favorite Chinese food?”I always answer without hesitation, “Jiaozi(dumplings)!”

相關(guān)熱詞搜索:Addicted Dumplings Addicted to Dumplings possessions be addicted to的用法

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